Version Control in Project Management Software


2024-09-17 19:00 project manager


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Projects are constantly changing. Whether you’re a developer, general contractor, manufacturer, professional services provider or IT director, keeping track of those changes is essential to managing project assets. Version control in project management is the process that manages and tracks those changes. What is version control in project management? We’ll answer that question and how project management software like ProjectManager uses version control to store and manage project changes. The benefits are clear, but we’ll list them to show the importance of version control in project management. What Is Version Control in Project Management Software? Version control in project management is a tool to track changes made to project management software. It does this by saving every version of the project plan, allowing users to revert to an older or original version of the project if necessary. Also called source control, it permits not only the tracking and saving of software code but also allows users to manage those versions. This gives project managers and their teams the ability to work faster and better. Every modification to the code or project is saved in the software database. That means if there’s a mistake, the user can go back and turn back the clock to view and, if needed, revert to that version before the mistake was made. How to Use ProjectManager’s Version Control Features ProjectManager has a version control feature that tracks every change made to a project and allows project managers to revert to an older version whenever they want. This is especially useful with project management as there are always risks that team members will make a mistake. Now, if they do, ProjectManager will revert that project to a point before the issue. To try out the version control feature, take a free 30-day trial of ProjectManager. You can import existing projects from Excel, CSV and Microsoft Project files or start one from scratch. There are also many different templates to get started quicker. Once a project has been created, follow these steps. 1. Get Access to Version Control The version control feature in ProjectManager is only available to the creator or manager of the project. The feature is enabled automatically for every project. If you already have a ProjectManager account, keep in mind that version control is only available on Business and Enterprise editions. 2. Click Project Name To use the feature, click on the project name, which can be found on the top left of any of the multiple project views. 3. Choose Project Versions A popup window will show up on the screen. Choose project versions. This will show a window with a bulleted list of dates and times. These represent when the project was altered in some way. The window shows every task creation and deletion, links, schedules, assignments, priorities and more. Depending on the subscription, users will see the latest 90 days of changes or all the changes made since the project’s initiation. If there are many changes made by the same person in quick succession they will be grouped, making it easier to browse through those changes. By hovering over the date and time of the version change, users can see why the item was changed. 4. Choose What to Do With the Selected Version Once a version has been selected, there are three options for a user. They are as follows. Restore: Restores the project to this version Create a New Project: The new project will start from this point in time Export: Export this version of the project to the user’s computer It’s that easy. Version history tracks changes to tasks within a project. Most task fields revert to the chosen point in time. This includes even those tasks that were deleted in that period. There are, however, a few exceptions. These items are not altered: files attached to tasks, comments on tasks, timesheet entries and high-level project settings, such as the project name, description or client. The version control feature in ProjectManager is different from a project history, task history or audit log, which focuses on discovering when certain changes have been made and who made them. That’s a great search tool, but version control restores the project to a specific point in time. It’s a different feature. Version control is also different from the undo or redo button on the Gantt chart, which can go back and revert a change that was just made. But it only goes back one step at a time and if the user leaves the Gantt chart, the undo history is lost. Undo is Benefits of Version Control in Project Management Software There are many benefits to having version control in project management. It’s a powerful feature that gives project managers control over their projects, especially when mistakes are made that can take the project off track. Here are some more of the benefits of version control for project management. Helps avoid the risk of losing work or overwriting important information Reverts to the prior version if the client requests a revision and then changes their mind Can be used to ensure stakeholders and teams are informed on the latest version of the project plan Helps project managers and decision makers track any changes made to the project schedule or budget and revert to a previous version if needed Facilitates the process of reviewing, evaluating and approving project change order requests Comparing project versions helps assess the impact of risks and changes in the schedule, budget and progress ProjectManager Offers Robust Project Management Tools Version control is only one of the many features that ProjectManager has to offer for project managers and their teams. Our award-winning project and portfolio management software is flexible enough to work in a traditional waterfall methodology or agile environment, whether managing one project, a program or a portfolio of projects. There are multiple project views, from Gantt charts, roadmaps and kanban boards to task lists, sheet and calendar views. Resource management keeps teams productive and projects are tracked in real time, but there are automated workflows with task approvals and risk management features to identify and mitigate issues. Plan, Schedule and Track Projects With Online Gantt Charts Gantt charts are essential project management tools and most project management software has one. Just like the competition, ours can organize tasks, schedule resources and costs and track that work in real time. Where we leave the competition behind is in being able to link all four types of task dependencies to avoid costly delays, filter for the critical path to identify essential tasks and set a baseline to track the planned effort against the actual effort in real time to help projects keep on schedule and stay within their budgets. Allocate Resources and Monitor Utilization With Real-Time Data Having real-time data does more than track the project schedule, it can help control resources. When onboarding a team, project managers can set their availability, including PTO, vacations and global holidays for distributed teams. This streamlines assigning tasks. Project managers can get an overview of their resource utilization by visiting the team page of the color-coded workload chart, which shows the entire team allocation for one project or multiple projects. From here, project managers can see who’s overallocated or underutilized and balance the team’s workload to keep everyone working at capacity, which increases productivity. Monitor Project Progress, Performance and Costs and Make Reports in Minutes With the project baseline set, all the software features collect live data and give managers multiple ways to track progress, performance and costs. The Gantt chart shows progress by how shaded the taskbar is. For a high-level overview of the project, toggle over to the real-time project or portfolio dashboard and easy-to-read graphs and charts display key performance indicators (KPIs) such as time, cost and workload. For more details, use customizable reports that can be generated with a keystroke. Get reports on status, portfolio status, timesheets, variance, workload and more. ProjectManager is online project and portfolio management software that connects teams whether they’re in the office, out in the field or anywhere in the world. They can share files, comment at the task level and stay up to date with email and in-app notifications. Join teams at Avis, Nestle and Siemens who are using our software to deliver successful projects. Get started with ProjectManager today for free.
项目在不断变化。无论您是开发人员、总承包商、制造商、专业服务提供商还是IT总监,跟踪这些变化对于管理项目资产至关重要。项目管理中的版本控制是管理和跟踪这些更改的过程。 项目管理中的版本控制是什么?我们将回答这个问题,以及ProjectManager等项目管理软件如何使用版本控制来存储和管理项目更改。好处是显而易见的,但是我们将列出它们来展示版本控制在项目管理中的重要性。 什么是项目管理软件中的版本控制? 项目管理中的版本控制是一种跟踪对项目管理软件所做更改的工具。它通过保存项目计划的每个版本来实现这一点,允许用户在必要时恢复到项目的旧版本或原始版本。 也称为源代码控制,它不仅允许跟踪和保存软件代码,还允许用户管理这些版本。这使得项目经理和他们的团队能够更快更好地工作。 对代码或项目的每个修改都保存在软件数据库中。这意味着,如果出现错误,用户可以返回并返回时钟进行查看,如果需要,可以恢复到错误发生前的版本。 如何使用ProjectManager的版本控制功能 ProjectManager有一个版本控制功能,可以跟踪对项目所做的每一次更改,并允许项目经理随时恢复到旧版本。这对于项目管理尤其有用,因为团队成员总是有犯错误的风险。现在,如果他们这样做了,ProjectManager会将该项目恢复到问题出现之前的某个点。 要试用版本控制功能,请免费试用ProjectManager 30天。您可以从Excel、CSV和Microsoft Project文件导入现有项目,也可以从头开始。还有许多不同的模板可以更快地开始。 创建项目后,请遵循以下步骤。 1.访问版本控制 ProjectManager中的版本控制功能仅对项目的创建者或管理者可用。每个项目都会自动启用该功能。如果您已经有一个ProjectManager帐户,请记住版本控制仅在商业版和企业版上可用。 2.单击项目名称 要使用该功能,请单击项目名称,该名称位于多个项目视图中任一视图的左上角。 3.选择项目版本 屏幕上会出现一个弹出窗口。选择项目版本。这将显示一个窗口,其中包含日期和时间的项目符号列表。这些表示项目何时以某种方式被更改。 该窗口显示每个任务的创建和删除、链接、时间表、分配、优先级等。根据订阅的不同,用户将看到最近90天的更改或自项目启动以来所做的所有更改。 如果同一个人连续进行了许多更改,它们将被分组,从而更容易浏览这些更改。通过将鼠标悬停在版本更改的日期和时间上,用户可以看到项目更改的原因。 4.选择如何处理所选版本 一旦选择了版本,用户就有三个选项。它们如下。 还原:将项目还原到此版本 创建新项目:新项目将从此时间点开始 导出:将此版本的项目导出到用户的计算机 就这么简单。版本历史记录跟踪项目中任务的更改。大多数任务字段会恢复到所选的时间点。这甚至包括在此期间删除的任务。然而,也有一些例外。这些项目不会被更改:附加到任务的文件、对任务的注释、时间表条目和高级项目设置,如项目名称、描述或客户端。 ProjectManager中的版本控制功能不同于项目历史记录、任务历史记录或审计日志,后者侧重于发现何时进行了某些更改以及由谁进行了更改。这是一个很棒的搜索工具,但是版本控制会将项目恢复到特定的时间点。这是一个不同的功能。 版本控制也不同于甘特图上的撤消或重做按钮,后者可以返回并恢复刚刚进行的更改。但是它一次只返回一步,如果用户离开甘特图,撤消历史就会丢失。撤消是 项目管理软件中版本控制的好处 在项目管理中进行版本控制有很多好处。这是一个强大的特性,让项目经理可以控制他们的项目,尤其是当犯了可能使项目偏离轨道的错误时。以下是版本控制对项目管理的更多好处。 有助于避免丢失工作或覆盖重要信息的风险 如果客户请求修订然后改变主意,则恢复到以前的版本 可用于确保利益相关者和团队了解最新版本的项目计划 帮助项目经理和决策者跟踪对项目进度或预算所做的任何更改,并在需要时恢复到以前的版本 促进审查、评估和批准项目变更单请求的过程 比较项目版本有助于评估风险和变更对进度、预算和进度的影响 ProjectManager提供强大的项目管理工具 版本控制只是ProjectManager为项目经理及其团队提供的众多功能之一。我们屡获殊荣的项目和项目组合管理软件足够灵活,可以在传统的瀑布方法或敏捷环境中工作,无论是管理一个项目、一个计划还是一个项目组合。有多个项目视图,从甘特图、路线图和看板到任务列表、工作表和日历视图。资源管理使团队保持高效工作,并实时跟踪项目,但也有具有任务审批和风险管理功能的自动化工作流来识别和缓解问题。 使用在线甘特图计划、安排和跟踪项目 甘特图是必不可少的项目管理工具,大多数项目管理软件都有。就像竞争对手一样,我们的可以组织任务,安排资源和成本,并实时跟踪工作。我们在竞争中落后的地方在于能够链接所有四种类型的任务依赖关系以避免代价高昂的延迟,过滤关键路径以确定基本任务,并设置基线以实时跟踪计划工作与实际工作,以帮助项目按计划进行并保持在预算范围内。 利用实时数据分配资源并监控利用率 拥有实时数据不仅仅是跟踪项目进度,它还可以帮助控制资源。当加入团队时,项目经理可以设置他们的可用性,包括分布式团队的PTO、假期和全球假期。这简化了任务的分配。项目经理可以通过访问颜色编码的工作量图表的团队页面来获得其资源利用率的概览,该图表显示了一个项目或多个项目的整个团队分配。从这里,项目经理可以看到谁被过度分配或利用不足,并平衡团队的工作量,以保持每个人都满负荷工作,从而提高生产率。 监控项目进度、绩效和成本,并在几分钟内做出报告 设置项目基线后,所有软件功能都可以收集实时数据,并为经理提供多种方法来跟踪进度、绩效和成本。甘特图通过任务栏的阴影显示进度。要获得项目的高级概述,请切换到实时项目或投资组合仪表板,易于阅读的图形和图表会显示关键绩效指标(KPI),如时间、成本和工作量。有关更多详细信息,请使用可通过击键生成的可定制报告。获取有关状态、投资组合状态、时间表、差异、工作量等的报告。 ProjectManager是一款在线项目和项目组合管理软件,可将团队联系起来,无论他们是在办公室、在现场还是在世界任何地方。他们可以共享文件,在任务级别发表评论,并通过电子邮件和应用内通知保持最新状态。加入Avis、Nestle和Siemens的团队,他们使用我们的软件交付成功的项目。立即免费开始使用ProjectManager。

