Celebrating International Translation Day in the Age of AI


2024-09-23 09:36 lionbridge


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International Translation Day, established by the International Federation of Translators (IFIT) in 1953, is celebrated every September 30th. This holiday recognizes the vital social contributions and work of language professionals worldwide. The language services field includes professional translators, interpreters, localization specialists, proofreaders, narrative designers, voiceover actors, and other language services experts. As a language services company, our global community’s professional translation services and interpretation services are critical. We value our community partners every day and in every project, whether or not we use generative AI translation. These are just a few reasons we’re honoring translators, interpreters, and other language professionals on International Translation Day. Reason #1: Human Translation Brings Nuance and Industry-specific Knowledge Supporting our customers means celebrating our language specialists’ expertise. AI tools are being trained and learning more every day. However, they can’t possess the qualities of a human professional translator, interpreter, subject matter expert (SME), etc. Humans bring vital assets to the projects they work on at every stage: Industry expertise Life experience Creativity Cultural familiarity Deep linguistic experience These professionals are an irreplaceable element of many solutions — solutions that may also include AI tools. Additionally, some verticals, such as law or life sciences, frequently require a human translator in the process. This requirement is due to the technical, regulated nature of those industries. Human language experts help to train a Large Language Model (LLM), curating the visual, audio, and text data required to perform accurate translations. A human reviewer or editor assists early in the process, checking a preliminary sample and offering corrections to help the LLM perform the rest of the translation at a higher level. A human reviewer scrutinizes at the end, offering a detailed inspection and editing of translated material. A human translator is required for documents a lawyer will submit to court. AI may be used initially, but the human SME is necessary to meet court standards. A video game script translator uses AI to help rephrase a translation in fewer, more, or differently distributed characters, enabling actors to deliver the translated script line within required time constraints. Reason #2: The Human Touch Contributes Diversity AI tools are being trained every day, but they may never be able to encompass the spectrum of human diversity in: Gender Sexual orientation Language Location Life experience Culture Religion Ability/disability Age More A language professional ensures a project is completed with a sensitivity that AI alone can’t provide. To ensure content is never harmful, biased, or hateful, it’s vital to continue celebrating the role of the human translator, interpreter, reviewer, and other language experts. Reason #3: Human Translators Are Our Most Valuable Asset AI is an exciting tool, but it’s merely that: a tool. We use AI to amplify one translator’s work, or perhaps coordinate projects with a sizeable group of interpreters, etc. Our most valued asset is our network of people: translators, interpreters, desktop publishers, multimedia partners, reviewers, game testers, and other language experts. They could be crucial in any step of the process: Conducting AI training Reviewing an AI translation Checking a translation sample Building a library of Translation Memories (TMs) More Our AI training services, powered by Aurora AI Studio™, provide a diverse global community and proven technology. We use the platform to help customers access a diverse, worldwide network of translators. With Aurora AI Studio, one project could be tested or translated by hundreds of people worldwide within days. Our AI tool is a vehicle to help our trusted human language specialists complete a project within specified deadlines. Another example is when one of our linguists uses AI to assist them in quickly translating multiple or voluminous amounts of content. Here again, the AI system is a dynamic, exciting tool. Nevertheless, it’s the human who completes the work. Get In Touch Lionbridge recognizes and thanks our network of translators, interpreters, multimedia partners, desktop publishers, and other language specialists on International Translation Day—and every other day of the year. We focus on custom-tailoring the best solution for every project. This process frequently involves the irreplaceable touch of a human at some level, whether in combination with AI tools or not. Interested in joining our network of language specialists? Check our careers page.
国际翻译日由国际翻译家联合会(IFIT)于1953年设立,每年9月30日庆祝。这个节日是为了表彰全世界语言专业人士的重要社会贡献和工作。语言服务领域包括专业笔译员、口译员、本地化专家、校对、叙事设计师、画外音演员和其他语言服务专家。作为一家语言服务公司,我们全球社区的专业翻译服务和口译服务至关重要。我们每天和每个项目都重视我们的社区合作伙伴,无论我们是否使用生成式人工智能翻译。这些只是我们在国际翻译日表彰笔译员、口译员和其他语言专业人士的几个原因。 原因1:人工翻译带来细微差别和特定行业的知识 支持我们的客户意味着庆祝我们语言专家的专业知识。人工智能工具每天都在被训练和学习。然而,他们不可能具备人类专业笔译员、口译员、主题专家(SME)等素质。人类在每个阶段都为他们所从事的项目带来了重要的资产: 行业专业知识 人生经历 创意 文化熟悉度 深厚的语言经验 这些专业人员是许多解决方案中不可替代的元素——这些解决方案可能还包括人工智能工具。此外,一些垂直行业,如法律或生命科学,在此过程中经常需要人工翻译。这一要求是由于这些行业的技术和监管性质。 人类语言专家帮助训练大型语言模型(LLM),管理执行准确翻译所需的视觉、音频和文本数据。 人工审稿人或编辑在过程的早期提供协助,检查初步样本并提供更正,以帮助LLM在更高水平上执行其余的翻译。 人工审稿人在最后进行仔细检查,对翻译材料进行详细的检查和编辑。 律师向法庭提交的文件需要一名人工翻译。最初可能会使用人工智能,但人类SME是满足法院标准所必需的。 视频游戏脚本翻译器使用人工智能来帮助用更少、更多或不同分布的角色重新措辞翻译,使演员能够在所需的时间限制内交付翻译后的脚本行。 原因2:人情味有助于多样性 人工智能工具每天都在接受训练,但它们可能永远无法涵盖以下方面的人类多样性: 性别 性取向 语言 位置 人生经历 文化 宗教 能力/残疾 年龄 更多 语言专业人员确保项目以人工智能无法提供的灵敏度完成。为了确保内容永远不会是有害的、有偏见的或有仇恨的,继续赞美人类笔译员、口译员、审稿人和其他语言专家的角色是至关重要的。 理由3:人工翻译是我们最宝贵的资产 人工智能是一个令人兴奋的工具,但它仅仅是:一个工具。我们使用人工智能来放大一名翻译的工作,或者与一大群口译员协调项目,等等。我们最有价值的资产是我们的人际网络:笔译员、口译员、桌面出版商、多媒体合作伙伴、评论员、游戏测试员和其他语言专家。它们在流程的任何步骤中都可能至关重要: 进行人工智能培训 审查人工智能翻译 检查翻译样本 建立翻译记忆库(TMs) 更多 我们的人工智能培训服务由™Aurora AI Studio提供支持,提供多元化的全球社区和成熟的技术。我们使用该平台帮助客户访问多元化的全球翻译网络。有了Aurora AI Studio,一个项目可以在几天内被全球数百人测试或翻译。我们的人工智能工具是帮助我们值得信赖的人类语言专家在指定期限内完成项目的工具。 另一个例子是,当我们的一位语言学家使用人工智能来帮助他们快速翻译多个或大量的内容时。同样,人工智能系统是一个动态的、令人兴奋的工具。然而,完成这项工作的是人类。 取得联系 Lionbridge在国际翻译日(以及一年中的每隔一天)对我们的笔译员、口译员、多媒体合作伙伴、桌面出版商和其他语言专家网络表示认可和感谢。我们专注于为每个项目定制最佳解决方案。这个过程在某种程度上经常涉及人类不可替代的触摸,无论是否与人工智能工具结合。 有兴趣加入我们的语言专家网络吗?查看我们的职业页面。

