Microsoft Project for the Web: Pros, Cons and Best Alternatives

Microsoft Project for the Web:优点、缺点和最佳替代方案

2024-09-24 19:00 project manager


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Microsoft has multiple project management tools and deciding which is the right one can be hard. They’re all similar, expensive and complicated to use. Microsoft Project for the web bills itself as the more collaborative version of Microsoft’s project management software. But is Project for the web all it claims to be? Let’s put MS Project for the web to the test. We’ll see what Project for the web’s key features are and how they benefit project managers and their teams. We’ll also honestly evaluate Microsoft Project for the web and list its disadvantages. Of course, pricing is going to be part of that calculation. Then we’ll explore some Project for the web alternatives and see if they are a better overall solution. What Is Microsoft Project for the Web? Microsoft Project for the web is cloud-based project management software that’s part of the Microsoft 365 suite of products. This is Microsoft’s attempt to provide a simpler, easier-to-use alternative to its Project Professional and Project Server software products. It’s aimed at casual users and smaller teams, emphasizing collaboration. That’s both a plus and a minus for users. Limited advanced features will keep professional project managers responsible for larger, more complex projects away. They could always add one of the more feature-rich MS products to get the tools they need, but then there’s the added expense, not to mention Microsoft is known for its complexity. An all-in-one solution that serves projects big and small, regardless of the methodology employed, is ProjectManager. This award-winning project and portfolio management software has an intuitive interface and is online, delivering real-time data and a collaborative platform, with the features project teams need. Robust Gantt charts link all four types of task dependencies, filter for the critical path and set a baseline to track project variance in real time. Resource management tools set team availability and balance workload. Automated workflow and task approvals streamline processes and ensure quality control. Portfolio management features align projects with strategic goals. Managers get a high-level overview of the project with real-time project and portfolio dashboards and can get further details with customizable reports, which can be shared with stakeholders to keep them updated. Get started with ProjectManager today for free. MS Project for the Web Benefits & Features Before making a decision, let’s get the full picture. Project for the web was created to address many shortcomings of MS Project and its other project management software and it has succeeded in many ways. Here are the key features and benefits of using Microsoft Project for the web. User-Friendly Interface Unlike many other MS project management tools, this one is straightforward in design and accessible for both novice and experienced users alike. There’s less of a learning curve than one experiences with more complex project management software options. Integrates With Microsoft 365 For Microsoft users, this is a big deal. The seamless integration with Microsoft Teams, SharePoint and OneDrive helps with collaboration, whereas other Microsoft project management tools are often slighted for their lack of collaboration. Cloud-Based Software Project for the web may exist simply because Microsoft wanted to create an online project management software. This allows users to access the software anywhere and at any time, which serves distributed teams and allows for automatic updates rather than having to manually install the software. Project Planning, Scheduling and Task Management There’s a grid view, which is a simple task list that allows users to create tasks, set due dates and assign them to team members. A timeline and Gantt charts visualize tasks and project timelines to help track progress and keep deadlines. Resource Management Features to manage and allocate resources to tasks help balance workloads. Managers can view resource capacity and see how much capacity is available for loading as well as gain insights into workforce supply and demand. Project Tracking and Reporting Users can track task progress through completion and overall project progress, with visual indicators and status updates. The basic report generates status reports, task progress and other metrics. Cons of Microsoft Project for the Web That’s a lot of features, though they’re not as powerful as found in Microsoft Project for the web alternatives or other Microsoft project management tools. While the benefits of MS Project for the web are wide, they’re not deep. Here’s a list of where the software falls short. Limited features reduce the power or resource management, scheduling and cost management Customization limits reduce workflows and project structures Integration constraints and complications with non-Microsoft applications Not effective for large or complex projects, portfolio management or large teams Reporting and analytics are limited and lack depth and customization Requires a Microsoft 365 subscription, which can add unnecessary cost No offline mode limits users who work offline or have unreliable internet connectivity Performance varies depending on the browser used and the complexity of the project Lacks built-in time-tracking features and requires third-party tools, adding expense Standard security features aren’t sufficient for those seeking enterprise-level compliance No portfolio view or portfolio dashboard No native risk management features Limited budgeting There’s a mobile application, but it’s not as comprehensive as the cloud-based tool Lacks robust change management features for tracking and controlling change to project scope, schedule and resources MS Project for the Web Pricing Microsoft project management software is often criticized for its expense. Project for the web is more competitive in terms of its subscriptions. If cost is the bottom line then this might be a deciding factor. Here are the available subscription plans, users get more features as the subscription plans grow in expense. Planner Plan 1: $10 per user/month Planer and Project Plan 3: $30 per user/month Planner and Project Plan 5: $55 per user/month Best Microsoft Project for the Web Alternatives Considering issues such as cost, complexity and features, users wouldn’t be criticized for looking at Microsoft Project for the web alternatives. Luckily, there are many. Microsoft has a few, but for our money, the best choice is beyond the Microsoft ecosystem. Let’s look at a couple, one from Microsoft and another that’s a competitor. 1. ProjectManager ProjectManager is award-winning project and portfolio management software that beats Project for the web at its own game. Microsoft developed this project management software to address the lack of collaboration in Microsoft Project and other tools, but MS Project for the web still falls short compared to ProjectManager. That’s because this online tool can share files, comment at the task level and keep teams updated with email and in-app notifications. That’s only the beginning. Project for the web has analytics, but only basic built-in reporting. For more dynamic reporting users have to integrate with Power BI, which costs money. ProjectManager has real-time dashboards for one project or many projects, which require no lengthy or complicated setup. They capture live data and display information on time, cost, workload and more in easy-to-read graphs and charts. Customizable reports go deeper into the data and can be shared to keep stakeholders informed. Secure timesheets streamline payroll, but also provide a window into labor costs and track how far teams are in completing their tasks. Microsoft Project for the web claims to have task management features, but they’re limited to Gantt charts and those don’t even have the depth of functionality that can be found with ProjectManager’s Gantt charts. But there are multiple project views, such as kanban boards to visualize workflow, powerful task lists, calendars and more. That means teams don’t have to force themselves to fit into features not designed to help them execute their tasks. They can work with the tools they want. This is especially useful for cross-functional teams and fosters their collaboration. ProjectManager is a great Microsoft Project for the web alternative. It’s more user-friendly, has flexible views, integrated collaboration features and costs less. Even where Project for the web is strong, such as its Gantt charts and collaborative features, it still pales in comparison to the excellent MS Project for the web alternative. 2. Microsoft Project for the Web Viewer Microsoft is unaware of the faults in its products. That’s why our other Project for the web alternative is a Microsoft product. Microsoft Project for the Web Viewer offers simplified access for users, especially stakeholders who are not part of the project team and need to use the software’s features. These users can get read-only access to view progress and details without making edits, which reduces the risk of accidental changes. This tool is cheaper and easier to use, with a less complex interface. How to Import MS Project Files Into ProjectManager For those who want to kick the tires, so to speak, and see how ProjectManager is superior project management software to Project for the web, here’s how to take a Microsoft file and import it into ProjectManager, where users can experience the more robust features and collaborative tools. First, start a free 30-day trial. 1. Import MPP File Once in the software, choose the Gantt chart view. On the top right of the screen is a small box with an arrow pointing down into it. Click this to import a file. 2. Select MPP File This will launch a window asking to find the file to import. Find the Microsoft files, which have an MPP file extension, and click on it. 3. Make Import Options At this point, the software will ask if the file should be added to an existing project or if it should be opened as a new file. If an existing project, the user will be asked to replace the existing data or keep it. 4. Import Everything or Just a Task List Now, choose how the file will be imported. For example, all the data in the file can be imported or just the task list. 5. Finish Up & See Microsoft Project for web File Online Once that is done, a window exclaiming, Success will appear. This means the user has successfully imported the file and can now collaborate with their team, even if they’re Apple users, and then export the file back into Microsoft Project for the web with all those changes saved. More Microsoft Project for the Web Alternatives Microsoft is well aware that they have difficult project management software, which is why they have various iterations. Each of these has its pros and cons. We’ve already reviewed one, below are a few others that can be used as Project for the web alternatives. 1. Microsoft Project Server Microsoft Project Server is an on-premises project management software solution that must be installed and managed on an organization’s servers. This requires a larger upfront cost and maintenance but provides robust project management capabilities suited for large enterprises with complex projects or managing portfolios. 2. Microsoft Project Online Microsoft Project Online is cloud-based software, like Project for the web, but with more enterprise-level features for managing complex projects and portfolios. There are enterprise resource management features, detailed reporting and custom workflows. Unlike MS Project for the web, it has governance features, security and compliance options as well. 3. Microsoft Project Professional Microsoft Project Professional is another desktop application, which must be locally installed on one’s PC. Again, this product is designed for complex project management, with detailed Gantt charts and resource management to handle complicated scheduling, though more expensive than using Project for the web. However, it is the choice for seasoned professionals managing large projects. Microsoft Project for the Web FAQs Before making a decision, there are a few questions that haven’t been answered. These might help one make a more informed decision about whether to use MS Project for the web or a Project for the web alternative. Is Microsoft Project for the Web Free? No. There is a monthly or annual commitment, which varies depending on which subscription tier one pays for. Is Microsoft Project for the Web the Same as Microsoft Project Online? No. While both are Microsoft Project products and can be used together, Microsoft Project Online is built on the Microsoft SharePoint platform and is more traditional in its architecture Is Microsoft Project for the Web Included in Microsoft 365? No. It’s not included in the standard Microsoft 365 but is part of specific Microsoft 365 plans and licenses such as Plan 1, 3 or 5. Related Microsoft Content For those still hungry for more information on Microsoft Project for the web and related project management software, below are links to recent pieces that have been published that explore the various options available. Microsoft Project vs. ProjectManager Microsoft Project for Mac: How to Run MS Project Files on Mac Best Microsoft Project Alternatives: Free & Paid Options What Is Microsoft Lists? Uses, Features and Pricing Microsoft Lists vs. Planner: In-Depth Software Comparison Microsoft Project Gantt Chart: A How-to Guide Microsoft Planner vs. Project: In-Depth Software Comparison Best Microsoft Planner Alternatives of 2024 (Free & Paid) ProjectManager is online project and portfolio management software that connects teams whether they’re in the office, out in the field or anywhere in the world. They can share files, comment at the task level and stay up to date with email and in-app notifications. Join teams at Avis, Nestle and Siemens who are using our software to deliver successful projects. Get started with ProjectManager today for free.
微软有多种项目管理工具,很难决定哪一种是正确的。它们都很相似,价格昂贵,使用复杂。Microsoft Project for the Web将自己标榜为微软项目管理软件的更具协作性的版本。但是,Project for Web真的是它所宣称的那样吗? 让我们来测试一下MS Project for the Web。我们将了解Project for the web的主要功能是什么,以及它们如何使项目经理及其团队受益。我们还将诚实地评估Microsoft Project for Web并列出其缺点。当然,定价将是计算的一部分。然后,我们将探索一些Project for the web替代方案,看看它们是否是更好的整体解决方案。 什么是Microsoft Project for Web? Microsoft Project for the Web是基于云的项目管理软件,是Microsoft 365产品套件的一部分。这是微软试图提供一个更简单,更易于使用的替代其项目专业和项目服务器软件产品。它针对的是临时用户和小型团队,强调协作。 这对用户来说既是有利的,也是不利的。有限的高级功能将使专业项目经理负责更大,更复杂的项目。他们总是可以添加一个功能更丰富的MS产品,以获得他们需要的工具,但随之而来的是额外的费用,更不用说微软是众所周知的复杂性。 无论采用何种方法,ProjectManager都是一个为大大小小的项目提供服务的一体化解决方案。这款屡获殊荣的项目和投资组合管理软件具有直观的界面,并且是在线的,提供实时数据和协作平台,具有项目团队所需的功能。强大的任务相关性图表将所有四种类型的任务相关性联系起来,过滤关键路径,并设置基线以实时跟踪项目差异。资源管理工具设置团队可用性并平衡工作负载。自动化的工作流和任务审批简化了流程并确保了质量控制。项目组合管理功能使项目与战略目标保持一致。经理通过实时项目和项目组合仪表板获得项目的高级概述,并可以通过可定制的报告获得更多细节,这些报告可以与利益相关者共享以保持更新。立即免费开始使用ProjectManager。 MS Project for the Web的优点和功能 在做决定之前,让我们先了解一下全局。Project for Web是为了解决MS Project及其其他项目管理软件的许多缺点而创建的,它在许多方面都取得了成功。以下是使用Microsoft Project for Web的主要功能和好处。 用户友好的界面 与许多其他MS项目管理工具不同,这一工具设计简单,新手和有经验的用户都可以使用。与使用更复杂的项目管理软件选项相比,学习曲线更少。 与Microsoft 365集成 对于微软用户来说,这是一件大事。与Microsoft Teams,SharePoint和OneDrive的无缝集成有助于协作,而其他Microsoft项目管理工具通常因缺乏协作而受到轻视。 基于云的软件 Project for Web的存在可能仅仅是因为Microsoft想要创建一个在线项目管理软件。这允许用户随时随地访问软件,为分布式团队提供服务,并允许自动更新,而不必手动安装软件。 项目规划、进度安排和任务管理 有一个网格视图,这是一个简单的任务列表,允许用户创建任务,设置截止日期并将其分配给团队成员。时间轴和甘特图将任务和项目时间表可视化,以帮助跟踪进度并遵守最后期限。 资源管理 管理和分配任务资源的功能有助于平衡工作负载。管理人员可以查看资源容量,了解有多少容量可用于加载,并深入了解劳动力供求情况。 项目跟踪和报告 用户可以通过可视化指示器和状态更新来跟踪任务完成进度和整体项目进度。基本报告生成状态报告、任务进度和其他指标。 Microsoft Project for the Web的缺点 这是一个很多的功能,虽然他们没有那么强大,发现在微软项目的Web替代品或其他微软项目管理工具。虽然MS Project为Web带来的好处很广泛,但并不深入。这里列出了该软件的不足之处。 有限的功能降低了电源或资源管理、调度和成本管理 自定义限制减少了工作流和项目结构 与非Microsoft应用程序的集成限制和复杂性 对大型或复杂项目、项目组合管理或大型团队无效 报告和分析有限,缺乏深度和定制 需要Microsoft 365订阅,这可能会增加不必要的成本 无脱机模式限制脱机工作或具有不可靠的Internet连接的用户 性能取决于所使用的浏览器和项目的复杂性 缺乏内置的时间跟踪功能,需要第三方工具,增加了费用 标准安全功能不足以满足企业级合规性的需求 没有投资组合视图或投资组合仪表板 无原生风险管理功能 预算有限 有一个移动应用程序,但它不像基于云的工具那样全面 缺乏强大的变更管理功能,无法跟踪和控制项目范围、进度和资源的变更 MS Project for Web定价 微软的项目管理软件经常因其费用而受到批评。Project for Web在订阅方面更具竞争力。如果成本是底线,那么这可能是一个决定性因素。以下是可用的订阅计划,随着订阅计划费用的增加,用户可以获得更多功能。 Planner计划1:$10/用户/月 计划和项目计划3:30美元/用户/月 规划师和项目计划5:每个用户每月55美元 最佳Microsoft Project Web替代品 考虑到成本、复杂性和功能等问题,用户不会因为在Microsoft Project中寻找Web替代方案而受到批评。幸运的是,有很多。微软有一些,但对于我们的钱,最好的选择是超越微软的生态系统。让我们来看看一对夫妇,一个来自微软,另一个是竞争对手。 1.项目经理 ProjectManager是屡获殊荣的项目和投资组合管理软件,在自己的游戏中击败了Web项目。微软开发了这个项目管理软件,以解决Microsoft Project和其他工具缺乏协作的问题,但与ProjectManager相比,MS Project for Web仍然存在不足。这是因为这个在线工具可以共享文件,在任务级别发表评论,并通过电子邮件和应用内通知保持团队更新。 这只是开始Project for the Web有分析功能,但只有基本的内置报告功能。要获得更动态的报告,用户必须与Power BI集成,这需要花钱。ProjectManager为一个或多个项目提供实时仪表板,无需冗长或复杂的设置。它们捕获实时数据,并以易于阅读的图形和图表显示有关时间、成本、工作量等的信息。可自定义的报告可以更深入地了解数据,并可以共享以使利益相关者了解情况。安全的时间表简化了工资单,但也提供了一个了解劳动力成本的窗口,并跟踪团队完成任务的进度。 Microsoft Project for the Web声称具有任务管理功能,但它们仅限于图表,甚至没有ProjectManager的图表所能提供的功能深度。但也有多个项目视图,如看板,以可视化工作流程,强大的任务列表,日历等。这意味着团队不必强迫自己适应那些不是为了帮助他们执行任务而设计的功能。他们可以使用他们想要的工具。这对跨职能团队特别有用,并促进他们的协作。 ProjectManager是一个伟大的Microsoft Project for Web替代品。它更加用户友好,具有灵活的视图,集成了协作功能,成本更低。即使Project for Web很强大,例如它的图表和协作功能,与优秀的MS Project for Web替代品相比,它仍然相形见绌。 2. Microsoft Project Web查看器 微软不知道其产品的缺陷。这就是为什么我们的另一个Web替代项目是微软的产品。Microsoft Project for the Web Viewer为用户提供了简化的访问,特别是不属于项目团队但需要使用软件功能的利益相关者。这些用户可以获得只读访问权限,无需进行编辑即可查看进度和详细信息,从而降低了意外更改的风险。这个工具更便宜,更容易使用,界面不太复杂。 如何将MS Project文件导入ProjectManager 对于那些想要踢轮胎的人,可以说,看看ProjectManager是如何优于Project for Web的项目管理软件,这里是如何将Microsoft文件导入ProjectManager,用户可以体验更强大的功能和协作工具。首先,开始30天的免费试用。 1.导入MPP文件 进入软件后,选择“图表”视图。在屏幕的右上方有一个小框,其中有一个向下的箭头。单击此框可导入文件。 2.选择MPP文件 这将启动一个窗口,要求查找要导入的文件。找到Microsoft文件,其中有一个MPP文件扩展名,然后单击它。 3.创建导入选项 此时,软件将询问是否应将文件添加到现有项目中,或者是否应将其作为新文件打开。如果是现有项目,则会要求用户替换现有数据或保留它。 4.导入所有内容或仅导入任务列表 现在,选择如何导入文件。例如,可以导入文件中的所有数据或仅导入任务列表。 5.完成并在线查看Microsoft Project的Web文件 一旦完成,一个窗口惊呼,成功将出现。这意味着用户已成功导入文件,现在可以与他们的团队协作,即使他们是Apple用户,然后将文件导出回Microsoft Project for the Web,并保存所有更改。 更多Microsoft Project for the Web替代方案 微软很清楚他们有困难的项目管理软件,这就是为什么他们有各种迭代。每一种都有其优点和缺点。我们已经回顾了一个,下面是一些其他的可以作为Web替代品的项目。 1. Microsoft Project Server Microsoft Project Server是一个内部项目管理软件解决方案,必须在组织的服务器上安装和管理。这需要更大的前期成本和维护,但提供了强大的项目管理功能,适用于具有复杂项目或管理投资组合的大型企业。 2. Microsoft Project Online Microsoft Project Online是基于云的软件,就像Project for Web一样,但具有更多用于管理复杂项目和投资组合的企业级功能。有企业资源管理功能,详细的报告和自定义工作流程。与MS Project for Web不同,它还具有治理功能,安全性和合规性选项。 3. Microsoft Project Professional Microsoft Project Professional是另一个桌面应用程序,必须本地安装在PC上。同样,这个产品是为复杂的项目管理而设计的,它有详细的流程图和资源管理来处理复杂的日程安排,尽管比使用Project for web要贵。然而,它是管理大型项目的经验丰富的专业人士的选择。 Microsoft Project for Web常见问题解答 在做出决定之前,有几个问题还没有得到回答。这些可能有助于人们做出更明智的决定,是否使用MS Project for Web或Project for Web替代品。 Microsoft Project for Web是免费的吗? 不可以。有每月或每年的承诺,这取决于用户支付的订阅级别。 Microsoft Project for Web与Microsoft Project Online相同吗? 不可以。虽然两者都是Microsoft Project产品,可以一起使用,但Microsoft Project Online构建在Microsoft SharePoint平台上,其体系结构更为传统 Microsoft Project for Web包含在Microsoft 365中吗? 不可以。它不包含在标准Microsoft 365中,而是特定Microsoft 365计划和许可证(如计划1、3或5)的一部分。 Microsoft相关内容 对于那些仍然渴望了解Microsoft Project for Web和相关项目管理软件的更多信息的人,下面是最近发布的探索各种可用选项的文章的链接。 Microsoft Project与ProjectManager Microsoft Project for Mac:如何在Mac上运行MS Project文件 最佳Microsoft Project替代品:免费和付费选项 什么是Microsoft Lists?用途、功能和价格 Microsoft Lists vs. Planner:深入的软件比较 Microsoft Project图表:操作指南 Microsoft Planner vs. Project:深入的软件比较 2024年最佳Microsoft Planner替代品(免费和付费) ProjectManager是一款在线项目和投资组合管理软件,无论团队在办公室、现场还是世界任何地方,它都可以将他们联系起来。他们可以共享文件、在任务级别发表评论并随时了解电子邮件和应用内通知的最新情况。加入安飞士、雀巢和西门子的团队,他们正在使用我们的软件交付成功的项目。立即免费开始使用ProjectManager。

