The Future of Interpretation: Insights From a Lionbridge Over-the-Phone Interpretation Expert


2024-09-25 17:00 lionbridge


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Connect With your Customers in Any Language, On Demand In a global world, interpretation services ensure you can connect with your customers anywhere, regardless of their preferred language. Which interpretation service should you choose? It depends on the number of customers you want to reach and the type of conversation you’re seeking. You may opt for Over-the-Phone Interpretation (OPI) to communicate with a non-English-speaking customer who calls a support line. Or, you may choose Remote Simultaneous Interpretation (RSI) to provide instantaneous interpretation in multiple languages for a virtual event, meeting, show, or hybrid conference with both onsite and remote attendees. What does the future of interpretation look like? We asked Lionbridge’s Susan Gryder, VP of Over-the-Phone Interpretation, to weigh in. Q: Firstly, what is interpretation? A: Interpretation is a verbal mode of translation conducted by interpreters. They may deliver interpretation in a consecutive or simultaneous manner. Q: What’s the difference between consecutive and simultaneous interpretation? A: During consecutive interpretation, the speaker pauses every two or three sentences to allow the interpreter to interpret and communicate what the speaker has just said. The interpreter typically works bidirectionally, meaning interpretation happens in both directions between the target language and the source language. Consecutive interpretation is often performed in person for a one-to-one conversation or small group discussion. It can also be conducted remotely via telephone in what’s called Over-the-Phone Interpretation (OPI) or via video in what’s called Video Remote Interpretation (VRI). A: Simultaneous interpretation allows a speaker to speak continuously without pausing for the interpreter. A simultaneous interpreter has specialized training and interprets a few words, a phrase, or a sentence after the speaker has said it. These two modes can be delivered in a variety of ways. Consecutive interpretation is delivered in person face to face, in a conversation, or in a small group, as well as over the phone via Over-the-Phone Interpretation or Video Remote Interpretation video. Simultaneous interpretation is typically used during a large or formal meeting with a speaker and a large group of people listening. When multiple languages are spoken during the same session — often the case — listeners can select to hear the interpretation in the language they choose using equipment or online software that separates the languages and allows for this delivery. Simultaneous interpretation may be delivered in person or remotely. Simultaneous interpretation for virtual events gained popularity when the COVID-19 pandemic prohibited travel. It remains a desirable option due to the staying power of wholly remote or hybrid events. Q: Which situations are best suited to Over-the-Phone Interpretation? A: Over-the-Phone Interpretation is a great option when you need interpretation services immediately, as this method can connect you with an interpreter within seconds. It is helpful in various situations — especially if you need interpretation for many different languages — including interpretation needed at call centers, help desks, hotlines, hospitals, and other medical, retail, academic, and hospitality settings. Over-the-Phone Interpretation is appropriate when you are trying to interact with a person who is more comfortable speaking a language different from your source language. Importantly, the success of Over-the-Phone Interpretation depends on the quality of the system you use and its telephony support. The technology must provide adequate support and enable interpreters to do their job well to satisfy users. Q: What are the benefits and key considerations for Remote Simultaneous Interpretation? A: Remote Simultaneous Interpretation (RSI) allows companies to conduct remote simultaneous multilingual interpretation by utilizing the technology that separates language channels. This technology also supports hybrid in-person and remote meetings, which have become prevalent post-pandemic. The key requirement for interpreters remains consistent regardless of the format: They must hear clearly and, ideally, see the speakers. Good, clear audio is crucial to ensure speakers do not speak at the same time or speak over each other. The visual component is also essential. Interpreters need visual access to the speaker to deliver smooth and accurate interpretations because they work so fast. Business and governmental agencies increasingly recognize the advantages of virtual technologies like RSI in facilitating communication to a broad, multilingual audience. Q: How does real-time captioning work, and which situations best suit it? A: Real-time captioning assists people in understanding video content when they either do not speak the language in which the content was created or are hard of hearing. Captioning providers and Remote Simultaneous Interpretation providers often operate as separate businesses. However, we expect a merging of these services, especially as companies increasingly set up events for rebroadcast. Having captions available for viewers who access the video later is crucial. With new technologies and approaches, it’s essential to have an in-depth discussion with your language provider about who your audience is and the ultimate goal of your event to select the correct type of interpretation or captioning to meet your needs. Q: What role do you anticipate AI will play in the future of interpretation? A: In the past, people would call and ask if we had devices like the universal translators from Star Trek. While we used to laugh at the idea, we’re moving in that direction. AI will play an increasingly important role in interpretation, but we must recognize its limitations. AI can produce language too slowly — and even a few seconds of lag time can make back-and-forth conversations frustrating. Speech recognition, an essential part of AI, is imperfect and can falter with subpar audio or accented speech, leading to distorted or incomprehensible translations. Additionally, AI has a long way to go before producing sufficient quality in many languages, particularly those needed in community or medical interpreting settings. Most importantly, a human element is mandatory for excellent consecutive or simultaneous interpretation, which enhances the experience for both the speaker and the listener. Nonetheless, as AI technologies develop, they will become part of an ever-expanding toolkit for multilingual meetings and interactions. These advancements mean you will have a broader range of options, allowing you to choose the best solution for your specific needs more accurately. Q: How will the interpreter's role change as technology advances? A: This is an ideal time to underscore how essential a human in the loop is during interpretation and translation.  However, we expect the role of interpreters and translators to evolve. They will be experts who skillfully leverage new technologies to deliver customized and accurate language experiences. Combining human expertise with advanced tools will ensure that languages' nuances and cultural context are faithfully conveyed. Q: What other trends and challenges are you seeing in the interpretation industry? A: A significant trend, which also poses a challenge, is the increasing demand for interpretation across a wider variety of languages. In the past, interpretation services primarily focused on a core set of languages, while others were hit or miss. Today, customers expect the same expertise and high-quality delivery, regardless of the language. This situation challenges Language Service Providers (LSPs) and interpreters, especially those working with less common languages. These interpreters need thorough training because of the high expectations. Additionally, in the past, companies considered interpretation solutions separate from other language solutions. As companies invest in digital transformation, they’ll treat interpretation as part of an omnichannel customer experience strategy that is part of a unified approach that includes text-based chat, chatbots, knowledge bases, email, messaging, and voice. To effectively contribute to these strategies, interpreters must align with the company’s brand, priorities, and terminology to ensure consistent communications across all channels. Q: How else do you foresee companies integrating interpretation into their communication strategy A: We anticipate the demand for Over-the-Phone Interpretation to continue rising, especially within traditional industries and government sectors that focus on essential language services. Organizations undergoing digital transformation will find it necessary to incorporate interpretation within a broader omnichannel strategy. Voice interpretation — used alongside other communication channels — will help companies create a unified and holistic approach to language delivery. This integration will provide a seamless and efficient experience across different platforms, significantly improving the overall effectiveness of communication in our digital world. Q: How does Lionbridge meet customers’ interpretation needs? A: The story of Lionbridge is one of consistent adaptation to meet our customers’ unique language requirements at every stage of their journey. Whether a customer needs Over-the-Phone Interpretation, a combination of Over-the-Phone Interpretation and real-time text translation, or Remote Simultaneous Interpretation for large-scale meetings, we can provide comprehensive support. We are committed to evolving alongside technological advancements to ensure cutting-edge services for a high-quality language experience tailored to each customer’s specific needs, regardless of the delivery method. The Bottom Line With over 35 years of experience, Lionbridge offers top-notch interpretation services — including Over-the-Phone Interpretation — in more than 380 languages. Contact us today to incorporate interpretation solutions into your organization’s communication strategy and watch your business soar. Note: This blog updates a post that originally appeared in 2021. To unsubscribe and find out how we process your personal information, consult our Privacy Policy.
按需以任何语言与客户联系 在全球化的世界中,口译服务确保您可以在任何地方与客户联系,无论他们喜欢哪种语言。你应该选择哪种口译服务?这取决于你想要接触的客户数量和你寻求的对话类型。 您可以选择电话口译(OPI)与拨打支持热线的非英语客户沟通。或者,您可以选择远程同声传译(RSI),为有现场和远程与会者的虚拟活动、会议、演出或混合会议提供多种语言的即时传译。 口译的未来是什么样子的?我们请Lionbridge的电话口译副总裁Susan Gryder发表意见。 问:首先,什么是口译? 答:口译是由口译员进行的一种口头翻译方式。他们可以以连续或同时的方式提供口译。 问:交替传译和同声传译有什么区别? 答:交替传译时,发言者每隔两三句话就停顿一下,以便口译员对发言者刚才所说的话进行解释和交流。口译员通常是双向工作的,这意味着口译在目标语言和源语言之间双向进行。 对于一对一的对话或小组讨论,交替传译通常是亲自进行的。它也可以通过电话远程进行,称为电话口译(OPI),或通过视频远程口译(VRI)。 答:同声传译允许发言者连续发言,而无需为口译员停顿。同声传译员受过专门训练,在说话者说完后对几个单词、一个短语或一个句子进行翻译。 这两种模式可以以多种方式交付。交替传译可以面对面、在谈话中或在小组中进行,也可以通过电话传译或视频远程传译视频进行。 同声传译通常用于有演讲者和一大群人聆听的大型或正式会议。当在同一会话中使用多种语言时(通常是这种情况),听众可以选择使用分离语言并允许这种传递的设备或在线软件来聆听他们选择的语言的口译。 同声传译可以亲自或远程提供。当新冠肺炎疫情禁止旅行时,虚拟活动的同声传译开始流行。由于完全远程或混合事件的持久力,它仍然是一个理想的选择。 问:哪些情况最适合电话口译? 答:当您立即需要口译服务时,电话口译是一个很好的选择,因为这种方法可以在几秒钟内为您联系到口译员。它在各种情况下都很有帮助,尤其是如果您需要多种不同语言的口译,包括呼叫中心、服务台、热线、医院和其他医疗、零售、学术和酒店环境中需要的口译。当你试图与一个更喜欢说不同于你的源语言的人互动时,电话口译是合适的。 重要的是,电话口译的成功取决于您使用的系统及其电话支持的质量。技术必须提供足够的支持,使口译员能够很好地完成工作,以满足用户。 问:远程同声传译的好处和主要考虑因素是什么? 答:远程同声传译(RSI)允许公司利用分离语言通道的技术进行远程多语言同声传译。这项技术还支持混合面对面和远程会议,这在大流行后已经变得普遍。 无论格式如何,对口译员的关键要求都是一致的:他们必须听得清楚,最好能看到发言者。良好、清晰的音频对于确保扬声器不会同时讲话或相互重叠至关重要。视觉部分也是必不可少的。口译员需要直观地接近演讲者,以提供流畅和准确的口译,因为他们的工作速度非常快。 企业和政府机构越来越认识到RSI等虚拟技术在促进与广泛的多语言受众沟通方面的优势。 问:实时字幕是如何工作的,哪些情况最适合它? 答:当人们不会说创建内容所用的语言或重听时,实时字幕可以帮助他们理解视频内容。 字幕提供商和远程同声传译提供商通常作为独立的业务运营。然而,我们预计这些服务将会合并,尤其是随着公司越来越多地设立转播活动。为稍后访问视频的观众提供字幕至关重要。 有了新的技术和方法,有必要与您的语言提供商深入讨论您的受众是谁以及您的活动的最终目标,以选择正确的口译或字幕类型来满足您的需求。 问:你预计人工智能在未来的口译中会扮演什么角色? 答:过去,人们会打电话问我们是否有像《星际迷航》中的通用翻译器那样的设备。虽然我们过去常常嘲笑这个想法,但我们正在朝着那个方向前进。AI将在口译中发挥越来越重要的作用,但我们必须认识到它的局限性。 人工智能产生语言的速度太慢——即使是几秒钟的滞后时间也会让来回对话令人沮丧。语音识别是人工智能的重要组成部分,但它并不完美,可能会因音频质量不佳或有口音的语音而动摇,导致翻译失真或难以理解。此外,人工智能在许多语言中产生足够的质量之前还有很长的路要走,特别是那些在社区或医学口译环境中需要的语言。 最重要的是,对于出色的交替或同声传译来说,人的因素是必不可少的,这增强了说话者和听者的体验。 尽管如此,随着人工智能技术的发展,它们将成为不断扩大的多语言会议和互动工具包的一部分。这些进步意味着您将有更广泛的选择,使您能够更准确地选择满足您特定需求的最佳解决方案。 问:随着技术的进步,口译员的角色将如何变化? 答:这是一个理想的时机来强调人在口译和笔译过程中的重要性。然而,我们预计口译员和笔译员的角色会发生变化。他们将成为熟练利用新技术提供定制和准确的语言体验的专家。将人类的专业知识与先进的工具相结合将确保语言的细微差别和文化背景得到忠实的传达。 问:你在口译行业看到了哪些其他趋势和挑战? 答:一个重要的趋势,也是一个挑战,是对更广泛的语言的口译需求不断增加。 过去,口译服务主要集中在一套核心语言上,而其他语言则时好时坏。如今,无论语言如何,客户都期望相同的专业知识和高质量的交付。这种情况给语言服务提供商(LSP)和口译员带来了挑战,尤其是那些使用不太常见的语言的人。由于期望很高,这些口译员需要彻底的培训。 此外,过去,公司将口译解决方案与其他语言解决方案分开考虑。随着公司投资数字化转型,他们会将口译视为全渠道客户体验战略的一部分,该战略是统一方法的一部分,包括基于文本的聊天、聊天机器人、知识库、电子邮件、消息和语音。为了有效地为这些战略做出贡献,口译员必须与公司的品牌、优先事项和术语保持一致,以确保所有渠道的沟通一致。 问:除此之外,你如何预见公司将口译整合到他们的沟通策略中 答:我们预计对电话口译的需求将继续上升,尤其是在专注于基本语言服务的传统行业和政府部门。 正在经历数字化转型的组织会发现有必要将口译纳入更广泛的全渠道战略。语音翻译——与其他沟通渠道一起使用——将帮助公司创建一个统一和全面的语言交付方法。这种集成将提供跨不同平台的无缝高效体验,显著提高我们数字世界中通信的整体效率。 问:Lionbridge如何满足客户的口译需求? 答:Lionbridge的故事是一个不断适应的故事,以满足客户在旅程的每个阶段独特的语言需求。无论是客户需要电话口译、电话口译与实时文字翻译相结合,还是大型会议的远程同声传译,我们都能提供全面的支持。 我们致力于随着技术进步而发展,以确保为每个客户的特定需求量身定制高质量的语言体验的尖端服务,无论交付方式如何。 底线 凭借超过35年的经验,Lionbridge提供380多种语言的一流口译服务,包括电话口译。立即联系我们,将口译解决方案纳入您组织的沟通战略,见证您的业务腾飞。 注意:本博客更新了一篇最初出现在2021年的帖子。 要取消订阅并了解我们如何处理您的个人信息,请查阅我们的隐私政策。

