Over a Dozen Language Service Providers Made the 2024 Inc. 5000 List


2024-08-15 09:40 slator


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The 2024 Inc. 5000 List of US fastest-growing companies is out, and Slator identified 14 language services providers (LSPs) ranked in this latest issue. This is a remarkable fact, considering the industry faced a slowdown in 2023. According to data collected and analyzed by Slator for the 2024 Language Industry Market Report, the global language services and technology industry contracted by 3.07% in 2023 to an addressable market size of USD 27.03bn. The 2024 Inc. 5000 rankings are based on the percentage revenue growth of private US companies from 2020 to 2023. To be eligible, companies must have been founded and generating revenue as of March 31, 2020, with a minimum of USD 100,000 that year, and a minimum of USD 2m in 2023. Nine of the LSPs listed in 2024 ranked previously, with Piedmont Global Language Solutions (PGLS) (#245) topping the list. In fact, four out of the 2024 top-five ranked LSPs are repeats from the previous edition. Virginia-based PGLS, founded by Somali-American entrepreneur Mohamed Hussein, is reported to have grown 1667% over three years. PGLS is also among the Inc. 500 fastest-growing companies overall in 2024 and the only LSP to do so. Regularly ranked Propio Language Services (#603) took second place with 751% growth over three years. The ranking is a significant climb for the translation and interpreting services provider, compared to its position last year (#1034 in 2023 with 574% growth). Coming in third place this year is Boostlingo (#839). The interpreting-focused company made the list for the third time, and it is once again in the top five with 592% growth. For the second consecutive year, Florida-based Bilingual Global (#1427) made the list, taking the fourth spot among the top five ranked LSPs. The startup described itself this year as a “Nearshore outsourcing company specializing in multilingual customer support services.” Ranking for the first time and in fifth place among LSPs is veteran LSP acutrans (#2357). The translation and interpreting company has been in business since 1976 and has grown 220% over the past three years. Founded in 1998, Translation Station (#2676) is a generalist LSP based in Georgia. The company ranked on the 2024 Inc. 5000 for the first time, experiencing 190% growth. Lilt (#2996), classified as an AI company and ranking on the list for the first time with 167% growth, is approaching a decade in business. In its description for the list, the language technology firm offers “multimodal content translation and generation, applying AI to traditional translation services.” The two companies that complete the five newly ranked LSPs reported growth of 146% and 102% respectively: Argo Translation (#3328), a translation and interpreting provider founded in 1995, and Ad Astra (#4267), which describes its business as communication solutions and language service, and has been in business since 2010. The four additional LSPs identified in the 2024 list are repeat honorees: Fed Writers (#2682), Alconost. (#3739), The Spanish Group (#3961), CQ Fluency (#4022), and Eriksen Translations (#4497). Contact us if you think we missed a company that should be listed. For more financial insights from Slator, check out the Language Industry Investor Map and the latest installment of the Slator Language Industry Buyer Tracker.
2024年Inc.5000美国增长最快公司名单已经出炉,Slator确定了最新一期中排名的14家语言服务提供商(LSP)。 考虑到该行业在2023年面临放缓,这是一个值得注意的事实。根据Slator为《2024年语言行业市场报告》收集和分析的数据,2023年全球语言服务和技术行业萎缩3.07%,潜在市场规模为270.3亿美元。 2024 Inc.5000排名基于2020年至2023年私营美国公司的收入增长百分比。要获得资格,公司必须在2020年3月31日成立并产生收入,当年至少为10万美元,2023年至少为200万美元。 2024年上市的LSP中有9家排名靠前,其中Piedmont Global Language Solutions(PGLS)(#245)位居榜首。事实上,2024年排名前五的LSP中有四个是上一版的重复。 总部位于弗吉尼亚州的PGLS由索马里裔美国企业家Mohamed Hussein创立,据报道,该公司在三年内增长了1667%。PGLS也是2024年Inc.500家增长最快的公司之一,也是唯一一家这样做的LSP。 定期排名的Propio语言服务公司(#603)以三年内751%的增长位居第二。与去年的排名(2023年排名第1034位,增长574%)相比,这家笔译和口译服务提供商的排名显着攀升。 今年排名第三的是Boostlingo(#839)。这家专注于口译的公司第三次上榜,并以592%的增长再次跻身前五。 总部位于佛罗里达州的双语全球公司(#1427)连续第二年上榜,在排名前五的LSP中排名第四。这家初创公司今年将自己描述为“一家专门从事多语言客户支持服务的近岸外包公司”。 老牌LSP acutrans(#2357)首次在LSP中排名第五。这家笔译和口译公司自1976年开始营业,在过去三年中增长了220%。 翻译站(#2676)成立于1998年,是一家总部位于佐治亚州的通才LSP。该公司首次跻身2024年Inc.5000强,增长190%。 Lilt(#2996)被归类为人工智能公司,以167%的增长首次上榜,业务已接近十年。在对该名单的描述中,这家语言技术公司提供“多模态内容翻译和生成,将人工智能应用于传统翻译服务”。 完成五个新排名的LSP的两家公司分别报告了146%和102%的增长:Argo Translation(#3328),一家成立于1995年的翻译和口译提供商,以及Ad Astra(#4267),该公司将其业务描述为通信解决方案和语言服务,自2010年开始运营。 2024年名单中确定的另外四个LSP是重复获奖者:美联储作家(#2682)、Alconost。(#3739)、西班牙语组(#3961)、CQ流利度(#4022)和埃里克森翻译(#4497)。 如果您认为我们错过了一家应该上市的公司,请联系我们。有关Slator的更多财务见解,请查看语言行业投资者地图和最新一期的Slator语言行业买家跟踪。

