Automating SEO With AI Webinar Recap


2024-10-02 14:29 lionbridge


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Global SEO is instrumental to succeeding in today’s competitive climate. But maybe you’ve been skittish about the prospect of doing it because of its costs and complexity. While these factors may have been valid deterrents to implementing global SEO in the past, generative AI has ushered in newfound accessibility and affordability to global SEO initiatives. Lionbridge has fully embraced generative AI throughout the SEO content lifecycle. As part of its AI undertaking, it has developed custom, proprietary automated SEO solutions based on the collaborative work of three teams. What’s Lionbridge’s objective? To produce high-quality content across multiple languages, automate where it makes sense, and ensure that human oversight validates AI output. During the second session of our SEO Bytes webinar series, Automating SEO With AI, Lionbridge experts Brendan Walsh, Phil Kennedy, and Jesse Hollett delved into how Lionbridge utilizes AI advancements to enhance enterprises’ SEO initiatives. Intrigued? Watch it on demand, or continue reading the blog for a brief synopsis. To view recordings of other Lionbridge webinars, visit the Lionbridge webinars page for a library of offerings, including a recording of the first session in our series, Global SEO: Ask Me Anything. In What Ways Can AI Successfully Automate SEO? Lionbridge successfully deploys AI throughout the SEO content lifecycle via our proprietary technological solutions. Seed Keywords — Our customers typically provide seed keywords, the essential phrase that forms the foundation of keyword research for SEO. However, we can use our AI tool to select seed keywords when that’s not the case. Keyword Research Quality Assurance (QA) — Our AI tool automatically checks keyword research quality. Metadata Creation — Our AI tool automates the creation of metadata, which is then reviewed manually by an expert. Metadata QA — Our AI tool performs automated checks. Transcreation — Our innovative solution transcreates content at scale. Content Creation — Our innovative solution simultaneously creates content in multiple languages. Final QA — Our technology enables automated post-optimization checks. Where Does AI Fall Short in SEO Automation? While AI enables SEO automation throughout the content lifecycle, some tasks still require manual intervention. The following functions fall into this category. When AI is tasked with keyword research, it provides output not based on underlying data. At the time of publication, we note that the Gemini AI model gives incorrect search volumes to keywords, for example. Automation may be possible in the future, and we are considering an approach using Semrush API and AI. But for now, a manual approach reliably ensures you get the appropriate keywords. AI does not perform keyword injection well. (Keyword injection involves inserting keywords into the original or translated non-English text to boost SEO.) AI, such as ChatGPT, is too creative to complete this task effectively and will frequently rewrite the content or exclude paragraphs. A seemingly straightforward task, Lionbridge experts were surprised by these results. How Does Lionbridge’s Technology Promote Automated SEO? The Lionbridge SEO App interface allows for the testing and editing of prompts and has proven effective for metadata creation and seed keyword extraction. While it is not currently good at keyword injection, Lionbridge experts anticipate it will improve in the future. Lionbridge’s SEO Quality Assurance (QA) App helps automate SEO during the keyword research, metadata QA, and final QA steps. Here’s how the SEO QA App helps the SEO team process larger volumes of content more efficiently than was previously possible: Checks for the presence of keywords in the metadata. Checks whether the primary and secondary keywords are unique per URL. Verifies that the number of keywords provided by SEO vendors is sufficient. Checks whether the keywords are in the correct language. Verifies the meaning of the keywords by comparing them against their back translations. Checks whether non-zero search volumes have been provided for each keyword. The Lionbridge Content Remix App generates personalized content in real-time and at scale across increased formats and channels. It shines during the transcreation and content creation steps. Phil Kennedy, Lionbridge's Director of Managed Services Operations for Europe, says the Content Remix app addresses a shift in enterprises’ needs for increased content volume, increased communication speed, relevance, and usable content delivered at the right time. Moreover, it overcomes the longstanding problem of content creation services having a high human touch and its associated downsides of increased time and cost due to the manual level of engagement and work. The app enables: Fast content creation in one or many languages. The ability of copywriters to create, transcreate, and optimize content at scale through templates and an easy-to-use interface. Hyper-personalization via tone-of-voice and brand management. The creation of high-performing content, assured by the integration of human-in-the-loop involvement. What Levels of SEO Content Optimization Services Does Lionbridge Offer? Lionbridge offers three levels of SEO automation as part of its Global SEO Services : Standard Content Optimization, Advanced Content Optimization, and Premium Content Optimization. Standard Content Optimization is the least costly of the options. Here’s how it works: Step 1: The in-market SEO resource performs keyword research manually using Semrush, while AI is crucial in providing quality assurance of the outputs. Step 2: The customer reviews the research, and then Lionbridge’s SEO app generates the metadata based on the keyword research and source content. (The use of AI for metadata creation provides significant cost savings.) Step 3: The in-market SEO resource reviews the keywords and AI-generated metadata, using this material to optimize the on-page text. Step 4: AI provides the final validation of the metadata and on-page outputs. Advanced Content Optimization builds on the Standard offering: The SEO resource also does manual research into questions (not just keyword research). The Lionbridge Content Remix App further automates the process through the simultaneous transcreation of the original content into multiple languages before the in-market SEO resource reviews the output of this process. Premium Content Optimization further builds upon the Advanced Optimization service level with an additional value-add of using the Lionbridge Content Remix App to create original content in multiple languages simultaneously. The desired content goals will dictate which service level is most suitable. For instance, not every piece of content requires transcreation, making Standard Content Optimization the right choice. High-value content will benefit from transcreation to make it more appropriate and resonate with target audiences more deeply. The Advanced Content Optimization offering may be the best option in these cases. All three offerings leverage AI to provide a level of automation that saves costs, making global SEO accessible and affordable. Why Turn To Lionbridge for SEO Solutions Powered by AI? AI is in Lionbridge’s DNA. The technology has long been part of the language landscape, and our development team has an extensive history of developing AI products for transcreation and content creation. Moreover, every employee is armed with an AI goal and may use our internal AI sandbox, an enterprise-secure Azure environment with access to Open AI’s generative AI models. Lionbridge has developed a culture that rewards curiosity, encourages ideation and testing, and leverages AI to make work easier internally and for our customers. Get in touch Ready to implement global SEO more affordably than you thought was possible? Get in touch, and we’ll show you how AI-powered solutions can transform SEO and your ability to reach multilingual audiences. Fill out our contact form to start a conversation with us. We’re eager to understand your needs and share how our innovative capabilities can empower you to break barriers and expand your global reach. Ready to explore the possibilities? We can’t wait to help. To find out how we process your personal information, consult our Privacy Policy.
全球SEO是在当今竞争激烈的环境中取得成功的工具。但也许你一直对这样做的前景感到不安,因为它的成本和复杂性。 虽然这些因素在过去可能是实施全球SEO的有效障碍,但生成式人工智能为全球SEO计划带来了新的可访问性和可负担性。Lionbridge在整个SEO内容生命周期中全面采用生成式AI。作为其人工智能事业的一部分,它基于三个团队的协作开发了定制的专有自动化SEO解决方案。 Lionbridge的目标是什么?跨多种语言生成高质量的内容,在有意义的地方实现自动化,并确保人工监督验证AI输出。在我们的SEO Bytes网络研讨会系列的第二场会议“使用人工智能自动化SEO”中,Lionbridge专家Brendan Walsh、Phil Kennedy和Jesse Hollett深入探讨了Lionbridge如何利用人工智能进步来增强企业的SEO计划。 感兴趣?按需观看,或继续阅读博客的简短摘要。 要查看其他Lionbridge网络研讨会的录音,请访问Lionbridge网络研讨会页面以获取产品库,其中包括我们系列第一次会议的录音“Global SEO:Ask Me Anything”。 AI如何成功实现SEO自动化? 通过我们的专有技术解决方案,Lionbridge在整个SEO内容生命周期中成功部署了人工智能。 种子关键词-我们的客户通常提供种子关键词,这是SEO关键词研究的基础。然而,我们可以使用我们的AI工具来选择种子关键字时,情况并非如此。 关键词研究质量保证(QA)-我们的AI工具自动检查关键词研究质量。 元数据创建-我们的AI工具自动创建元数据,然后由专家手动审查。 元数据QA -我们的AI工具执行自动检查。 翻译-我们的创新解决方案可大规模翻译内容。 内容创建-我们的创新解决方案同时创建多种语言的内容。 最终QA -我们的技术可实现自动优化后检查。 AI在SEO自动化中的不足之处在哪里? 虽然人工智能在整个内容生命周期中实现了SEO自动化,但有些任务仍然需要人工干预。以下函数属于这一类。 当人工智能负责关键字研究时,它提供的输出不是基于底层数据。例如,在出版时,我们注意到Gemini AI模型对关键字给出了不正确的搜索量。未来可能会实现自动化,我们正在考虑使用Semrush API和AI的方法。但现在,手动方法可以可靠地确保您获得适当的关键字。 AI并没有很好地执行关键字注入。(关键词注入涉及将关键词插入原始或翻译的非英语文本中以提高SEO。)人工智能,如ChatGPT,太有创造力,无法有效地完成这项任务,并且会经常重写内容或排除段落。这看似简单的任务,让Lionbridge的专家们对这些结果感到惊讶。 Lionbridge的技术如何促进自动化SEO? Lionbridge SEO应用程序界面允许测试和编辑提示,并且已被证明对于元数据创建和种子关键字提取是有效的。虽然它目前在关键字注入方面并不擅长,但Lionbridge专家预计它在未来会有所改进。 Lionbridge的SEO质量保证(QA)应用程序可帮助在关键字研究、元数据QA和最终QA步骤中实现SEO自动化。 以下是SEO QA App如何帮助SEO团队比以前更有效地处理大量内容: 检查元数据中是否存在关键字。 检查每个URL的主关键字和次关键字是否唯一。 验证SEO供应商提供的关键字数量是否足够。 检查关键字是否使用正确的语言。 通过将关键字与其反向翻译进行比较来验证关键字的含义。 检查是否为每个关键字提供了非零搜索量。 Lionbridge Content Remix应用程序可实时、大规模地生成个性化内容,并支持更多格式和渠道。它在transcreation和内容创建步骤中闪耀。 Lionbridge欧洲托管服务运营总监Phil Kennedy表示,Content Remix应用程序满足了企业对增加内容量、提高通信速度、相关性以及在正确的时间交付可用内容的需求。此外,它克服了具有高人情味的内容创建服务的长期问题及其由于参与和工作的手动水平而增加的时间和成本的相关联的缺点。 该应用程序支持: 以一种或多种语言快速创建内容。 文案人员通过模板和易于使用的界面大规模创建、翻译和优化内容的能力。 通过语音语调和品牌管理实现超个性化。 高性能内容的创建,通过人在环参与的集成得到保证。 Lionbridge提供哪些级别的SEO内容优化服务? 作为其全球SEO服务的一部分,Lionbridge提供三个级别的SEO自动化:标准内容优化、高级内容优化和高级内容优化。 标准内容优化是成本最低的选项。它的工作原理如下: 第一步:市场内的SEO资源使用Semrush手动执行关键字研究,而AI在提供输出的质量保证方面至关重要。 第2步:客户审阅研究,然后Lionbridge的SEO应用程序根据关键字研究和源内容生成元数据。(The使用人工智能创建元数据可显著节省成本。 第3步:市场内SEO资源审查关键字和AI生成的元数据,使用这些材料来优化页面文本。 第4步:AI提供元数据和页面输出的最终验证。 高级内容优化基于标准产品: 搜索引擎优化资源还对问题进行手动研究(不仅仅是关键字研究)。 在市场搜索引擎优化资源审查此过程的输出之前,通过将原始内容同时翻译成多种语言,Lionbridge Content Remix应用程序进一步实现了此过程的自动化。 Premium Content Optimization在Advanced Optimization服务级别的基础上进一步构建,并增加了使用Lionbridge Content Remix应用程序同时创建多种语言的原创内容的附加价值。 所需的内容目标将决定哪个服务级别最合适。例如,并非所有内容都需要翻译,因此标准内容优化是正确的选择。高价值的内容将受益于创译,使其更合适,并与目标受众产生更深的共鸣。高级内容优化产品可能是这些情况下的最佳选择。 这三种产品都利用人工智能来提供一定程度的自动化,从而节省成本,使全球SEO变得可访问和负担得起。 为什么选择Lionbridge的AI SEO解决方案? AI已融入到Lionbridge的DNA中。 该技术长期以来一直是语言领域的一部分,我们的开发团队在开发用于翻译和内容创建的AI产品方面有着广泛的历史。 此外,每个员工都有一个AI目标,可以使用我们的内部AI沙箱,这是一个企业安全的Azure环境,可以访问Open AI的生成AI模型。 莱博智已经形成了一种奖励好奇心、鼓励构思和测试的文化,并利用人工智能使内部工作和客户工作更轻松。 取得联系 准备好实施全球SEO比你想象的更实惠吗?联系我们,我们将向您展示人工智能解决方案如何改变SEO以及您接触多语言受众的能力。 填写我们的联系表格,开始与我们交谈。 我们渴望了解您的需求,并分享我们的创新能力如何帮助您打破障碍,扩大全球影响力。准备好探索可能性了吗?我们迫不及待地想帮忙。 要了解我们如何处理您的个人信息,请参阅我们的隐私政策。

