Free Google Sheets To-Do List Template: Create Plans Online

免费Google Sheets待办事项列表模板:在线创建计划

2024-09-03 19:00 project manager


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To-do lists are a universal tool for managing work, popular among both managers and employees thanks to their simplicity, the transparency they provide and their effectiveness when it comes to tracking the progress of a project. They can be customized to fit the preferences of each team, from simple checklists that log the completion of tasks, to detailed to-do lists that are used to track various aspects of tasks such as this Google Sheets to-do list template. Why Use This Google Sheets To-Do List Template? This free Google Sheets to-do list template helps team leaders such as project managers or business managers assign tasks to their team members and track their percentage of completion, priority level, estimated cost and notes. One of the main advantages of using this Google Sheets to-do list template is that it can easily be shared with project stakeholders by simply copying and pasting a link to it, which makes it more convenient than sharing files by email. It also has share settings that allow team leaders to determine who can access the file and who has editing permissions, which is helpful when sharing with external stakeholders such as clients. More importantly, this Google Sheets template allows teams to collaborate online in real time, which is useful for larger teams and fast-paced projects. While using a template can be a feasible solution, it isn’t as powerful as project management software. ProjectManager is award-winning software that can help keep track of tasks with features like kanban boards, Gantt charts, task lists, calendars and more. Project managers can create a to-do list on the kanban board, add a priority level and task details and track its progress through various phases. From there, switch to another project view like the Gantt chart to keep an eye on costs and relevant due dates and determine the project’s overall duration. Get started with ProjectManager for free today. Free Google Sheets To-Do List Template The best way to determine if this Google Sheets to-do list template is a good fit for your team is to try it and compare it against other similar alternatives such as Excel templates or project management software. To do so, click the image below to access this template for free, then make a copy so you can edit it. Simply fill out the fields to track your team’s work, except for the percentage of completion and progress columns, which have drop-down menus so users can select an option as they make progress on tasks. Using a Google Sheets To-Do List Template: Pros & Cons Now that we’ve explained the contents and overall functionality of this to-do list for Google Sheets, let’s take a closer look at the main advantages and disadvantages of using it to manage tasks. Pros of Making a To-Do List in Google Sheets As stated above, sharing and collaboration are some of the main reasons why teams choose Google Sheets project management templates. But there are other benefits. Here are some of them. Free alternative to task management software Google Sheets is becoming the standard for remote teams over other spreadsheet software like Excel Easier to understand than Excel Cloud-based to-do lists that don’t require downloading or saving files Cons of Making a To-Do List in Google Sheets While Google Sheet templates are helpful, they’re not the best task management tool a team can use. For example, project management software offers much more advanced task management features, such as Gantt charts, kanban boards, dashboards and more. Lack of features compared to task management software Limited project tracking functionality, not robust enough for tracking project progress, cost and resource utilization Updating and adjusting the Google Sheet to-do list to reflect progress is a labor-intensive process that requires more manual editing than task management software ProjectManager’s Task Management Tools Are Better Than a Google Sheets To-Do List Template Let’s explore the task management features that make ProjectManager a better choice for managing tasks than Google Sheets. Use Multiple Task Management Tools As stated above, ProjectManager has multiple task management views including task lists, Gantt charts, kanban boards and project calendars which allow team leaders to assign tasks to their team members, make timelines for their completion, estimate costs and track progress. Each of these tools offers a different perspective for managing work. Gantt charts are ideal for making visual project schedules, identifying their critical path, linking dependent tasks together and estimating the overall duration of projects. Kanban boards, on the other hand, are perfect for managing the various stages of a workflow or process. They’re ideal for teams with recurring tasks that they execute regularly. Once task details such as priority level, recurrence, tags and assignee are added, use the custom columns in the kanban board to drag and drop task cards to track progress. Another advantage of using ProjectManager’s task management tools over a Google Sheets to-do list is they allow project managers to track many details about tasks including: Task description and category tags Due dates Priority level Percentage of completion Estimated vs. actual costs Estimated vs. actual duration Assignees Task recurrence frequency Subtasks Comments & file attachments Custom fields for tracking quantitative and qualitative aspects of project tasks Manage Time, Resources and Track Costs ProjectManager’s task management tools sync with real-time data dashboards, timesheets, workload management charts, and reports, which are ideal for tracking timelines and the utilization of resources and their related costs. Still want to know how to use this Google Sheets to-do list template? We’ve covered how to utilize this template so you can use it the most effectively. How to Use This Google Sheets To-Do List Template The first step when you open this template is to make a copy by clicking “File” at the top left corner navigation bar and then selecting “Make a copy” from the dropdown menu. This allows you to edit your copy of the template, which opens as a view-only Google Sheets file by default. Once you’ve done so, follow these steps to begin managing tasks with this Google Sheets to-do list template. 1. List Tasks and Assign Them to the Team Once you download the to-do list, begin writing the tasks that will be executed, as well as a name to identify them and indicate who will be responsible for their execution. If needed, more information can be added in the “Notes” column, or even an additional column may be added. 2. Estimate Task Duration and Define Due Dates Once project tasks are identified, the next step is to estimate their duration as this allows you to set due dates for their completion. This information can then be used to make a project schedule. 3. Monitor Costs and Track Budgets Any organization needs to track the costs of executing project tasks. These costs can be calculated by measuring the work hours that employees will spend on them, the raw materials that will be required and the equipment that will be utilized. Estimate those costs and compare them against the actual cost of tasks to keep track of budgets. 4. Track Project Progress Team members can use the percentage of completion and progress columns to show the progress they’ve made on their assigned tasks. This keeps managers updated on their progress and keeps teams on the same page. More Project Management Templates for Google Sheets Many tools can be used to plan, schedule and track tasks, workflows and projects besides to-do lists. That’s why we’ve created dozens of project management templates for Google Sheets. Google Sheets Calendar Template This free Google Sheets template allows teams to plan and schedule tasks using a calendar interface, ideal for keeping track of the projects an organization executes in a year. Google Sheets Budget Template Estimate the costs of resources and track them throughout the execution phase of projects with this Google Sheets budget template. Google Sheets Gantt Chart Template Make visual timelines online with this Gantt chart template for Google Sheets by simply making a task list and entering due dates. Related Content Task management is one of the most critical responsibilities of a project manager. Explore our blogs, guides and templates to master this project management area. 17 Must-Have Project Management Templates for Google 10 Best To-Do List Apps and Software To-Do List Template for Excel (Free Download) The Ultimate Guide to Task Lists If you’re looking for a to-do list tool that can go the distance, try ProjectManager. Our software is fully loaded with all the task management features listed above and more to help you plan, track and report on your project. Stay on track and work more productively. Get started with ProjectManager for free.
待办事项列表是管理工作的通用工具,由于其简单性、透明度和跟踪项目进度的有效性,在经理和员工中都很受欢迎。 它们可以根据每个团队的偏好进行定制,从记录任务完成情况的简单清单,到用于跟踪任务各个方面的详细待办事项列表,如Google Sheets待办事项列表模板。 为什么要使用这个Google Sheets待办事项列表模板? 这个免费的Google Sheets待办事项列表模板可以帮助项目经理或业务经理等团队领导向他们的团队成员分配任务,并跟踪他们的完成百分比、优先级、估计成本和注释。 使用这个Google Sheets待办事项列表模板的一个主要优势是,只需复制并粘贴一个链接,就可以轻松地与项目涉众共享它,这比通过电子邮件共享文件更方便。它还具有共享设置,允许团队领导确定谁可以访问文件以及谁拥有编辑权限,这在与客户等外部利益相关者共享时很有帮助。更重要的是,这个Google Sheets模板允许团队实时在线协作,这对于较大的团队和快节奏的项目很有用。 虽然使用模板可能是一个可行的解决方案,但它不如项目管理软件强大。ProjectManager是一款屡获殊荣的软件,可以通过看板、甘特图、任务列表、日历等功能帮助跟踪任务。项目经理可以在看板上创建待办事项列表,添加优先级和任务详细信息,并跟踪各个阶段的进度。从那里,切换到另一个项目视图,如甘特图,以关注成本和相关的到期日,并确定项目的总持续时间。立即免费开始使用ProjectManager。 免费Google Sheets待办事项列表模板 确定这个Google Sheets待办事项列表模板是否适合您的团队的最佳方法是尝试它,并将其与其他类似的替代方案(如Excel模板或项目管理软件)进行比较。为此,请单击下面的图片免费访问此模板,然后复制一份以便您可以编辑它。 只需填写字段即可跟踪团队的工作,但完成百分比和进度列除外,它们有下拉菜单,因此用户可以在任务进展时选择一个选项。 使用Google Sheets待办事项列表模板:优点和缺点 既然我们已经解释了Google Sheets待办事项列表的内容和整体功能,让我们仔细看看使用它来管理任务的主要优点和缺点。 在Google Sheets中制作待办事项列表的优点 如上所述,共享和协作是团队选择Google Sheets项目管理模板的一些主要原因。但还有其他好处。以下是其中的一些。 任务管理软件的免费替代方案 与Excel等其他电子表格软件相比,Google Sheets正在成为远程团队的标准 比Excel更容易理解 不需要下载或保存文件的基于云的待办事项列表 在Google Sheets中制作待办事项列表的缺点 虽然Google工作表模板很有帮助,但它们并不是团队可以使用的最好的任务管理工具。例如,项目管理软件提供了更高级的任务管理功能,如甘特图、看板、仪表板等。 与任务管理软件相比缺乏功能 项目跟踪功能有限,不够健壮,无法跟踪项目进度、成本和资源利用率 更新和调整Google Sheet待办事项列表以反映进度是一个劳动密集型过程,需要比任务管理软件更多的手动编辑 ProjectManager的任务管理工具比Google Sheets待办事项列表模板更好 让我们探索一下任务管理功能,这些功能使ProjectManager成为比Google Sheets更好的管理任务的选择。 使用多个任务管理工具 如上所述,ProjectManager有多个任务管理视图,包括任务列表、甘特图、看板和项目日历,允许团队领导向其团队成员分配任务、制定完成时间表、估算成本和跟踪进度。这些工具中的每一个都为管理工作提供了不同的视角。 甘特图非常适合制作可视化项目时间表、确定其关键路径、将相关任务链接在一起以及估计项目的总持续时间。 另一方面,看板非常适合管理工作流或过程的各个阶段。它们非常适合定期执行重复性任务的团队。添加优先级、重复、标签和受托人等任务详细信息后,使用看板中的自定义列拖放任务卡来跟踪进度。 与Google Sheets待办事项列表相比,使用ProjectManager的任务管理工具的另一个优势是,它们允许项目经理跟踪有关任务的许多详细信息,包括: 任务描述和类别标签 到期日期 优先级 完成百分比 估计成本与实际成本 预计持续时间与实际持续时间 受让人 任务重复频率 子任务 注释和文件附件 用于跟踪项目任务的定量和定性方面的自定义字段 管理时间、资源和跟踪成本 ProjectManager的任务管理工具与实时数据仪表板、时间表、工作负载管理图表和报告同步,非常适合跟踪时间表和资源利用率及其相关成本。 还想知道如何使用这个Google Sheets待办事项列表模板吗?我们已经介绍了如何利用这个模板,以便您可以最有效地使用它。 如何使用此Google Sheets待办事项列表模板 打开此模板的第一步是通过单击左上角导航栏中的“文件”,然后从下拉菜单中选择“制作副本”来制作副本。这允许您编辑模板的副本,默认情况下,该副本作为仅供查看的Google Sheets文件打开。完成后,按照以下步骤开始使用Google Sheets待办事项列表模板管理任务。 1.列出任务并分配给团队 一旦你下载了待办事项列表,开始写下将要执行的任务,以及一个名称来识别它们,并指出谁将负责它们的执行。如果需要,可以在“备注”栏中添加更多信息,甚至可以增加一栏。 2.估计任务持续时间并定义截止日期 一旦确定了项目任务,下一步就是估计它们的持续时间,因为这允许您设置完成它们的截止日期。然后,这些信息可用于制定项目时间表。 3.监控成本和跟踪预算 任何组织都需要跟踪执行项目任务的成本。这些成本可以通过衡量员工将花费在这些成本上的工作时间、所需的原材料和将使用的设备来计算。估算这些成本,并将其与任务的实际成本进行比较,以跟踪预算。 4.跟踪项目进度 团队成员可以使用“完成百分比”和“进度”列来显示他们在指定任务上取得的进度。这可以让经理了解他们的最新进展,并让团队保持一致。 Google Sheets的更多项目管理模板 除了待办事项列表之外,还可以使用许多工具来计划、安排和跟踪任务、工作流和项目。这就是为什么我们为Google Sheets创建了几十个项目管理模板。 Google Sheets日历模板 这个免费的Google Sheets模板允许团队使用日历界面计划和安排任务,非常适合跟踪组织在一年中执行的项目。 Google Sheets预算模板 使用此Google Sheets预算模板,估算资源成本并在项目的整个执行阶段跟踪它们。 Google Sheets甘特图 使用Google Sheets的甘特图模板,只需制作任务列表并输入截止日期,即可在线制作可视化时间表。 相关内容 任务管理是项目经理最重要的职责之一。探索我们的博客、指南和模板,掌握这个项目管理领域。 谷歌的17个必备项目管理模板 10个最佳待办事项列表应用程序和软件 Excel的待办事项列表模板(免费下载) 任务列表终极指南 如果您正在寻找一个可以长期使用的待办事项列表工具,请尝试ProjectManager。我们的软件完全加载了上面列出的所有任务管理功能以及更多功能,以帮助您计划、跟踪和报告您的项目。保持正轨,工作效率更高。免费开始使用ProjectManager。

