Daiwa Securities Group and DeepL: the role of AI translation in digital transformation


2024-05-10 20:52 DeepL


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Headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, Daiwa Securities Group Inc. is one of the world’s largest securities brokerages. Offering a multitude of services, from ​​online trading to asset management, Daiwa Securities Group boasts both corporate and institutional clients around the globe. Recently, we sat down with Kazuki Hiroshima, to learn more about how Daiwa Securities is accelerating digitalization and leveraging DeepL’s AI translation to expand internationally. Within Daiwa Securities Group Inc., I belong to the Digital Promotion Department, which was established in October of 2023. Created with a strong desire to accelerate digitalization, this department is under the direct supervision of the CEO. Daiwa Securitie’s main areas of business are investment and financial services, with security at its core. Lately, we’ve been expanding our business not only in Japan but also in the Americas, Europe, Asia, and Oceania. As for my own career, after having worked as a project manager at a foreign-owned IT company, I joined Daiwa Securities in 2016. During my previous career, I worked on projects with overseas stakeholders implementing and integrating systems in various countries, such as Europe, the U.S., and Asian countries. Because of this background, bringing Japan to the level of efficiency of such countries has become my mission and main area of research. Thanks in part to my overseas experience, when I joined Daiwa Securities, I was involved in global regulatory projects. I’ve also been involved in the field of risk management, as well as corporate systems, such as human resources and finance. Most recently, I’ve been involved in a wide range of advanced technologies and business reforms in digital transformation. Since October 2023, I have been a member of the Digital Promotion Department. A few months have passed, and while some things feel the same as they did at the beginning, there are other aspects that feel different now. I had assumed that the Digital Transformation initiative was mainly about IT technology. But as I started this new role, I began to feel that the initiative was more of a push-back against existing culture and history. Most IT technology originates in Silicon Valley and other cutting-edge places around the world. So, what we as Japanese companies need to do is to take the technology that has been created or is being created and apply it to our own operations. In doing so, we need to consider which parts of our business we deliver impact for, how we deliver impact, and how we make decisions. This is where I feel we often face the barriers of the unique Japanese culture, for better or worse. One of the characteristics of Japanese companies, in terms of employment, is a culture of collective hiring of new graduates and generalist training. There’s also a high degree of difficulty in adjusting the payroll. Thus, IT functions are often outsourced rather than done in-house. There’s still a mindset of buying IT functions rather than creating them ourselves. I also sense that Japanese companies have a distinct way of thinking about quality. This is largely due to the fact that Japan's postwar recovery was centered on the manufacturing industry. Japanese manufacturing has thrived thanks to a culture that places an overwhelming emphasis on the "Q" (quality) and "C" (cost) of QCD (Quality, Cost, Delivery). However, it doesn’t place much importance on speed of delivery. That makes sense in manufacturing, since many things are related to safety. On the other hand, in software, the "D", or speed of delivery, is important. I think it’s necessary to increase the number of people who understand the importance of speed. Many employees feel that the world is moving toward digital technology and that it’s appropriate to move in this direction. This department has been set up with the support of the CEO and the management team. Nevertheless, we are a regulated industry, and we’re not in a position to change anything for our own interests. We need to think about how we can use digital technology to be competitive within the scope of existing regulations and are constantly working to improve this issue. Currently, we’re also making moves to focus on specific areas, for example, translation and speech-to-text. This is something we’re thinking about every day—looking at both the big picture and specific activities. Few IT and business companies can talk about technology without talking about generative AI. When I was in Silicon Valley last year, every IT company talked about generative AI—even if we didn't ask for it. I felt this was definitely the center of the technology trend. In terms of how to use it, while we currently have generative AI as a core technology, the scope of its use is still limited with its current functionality. We’re working on how to utilize the functionality of generative AI as it continues to develop by linking it with our internal and external data as it grows. We cannot say that all of them use it, but we have created an environment where they can use it. The reality is that some people use it frequently and others do not—depending on the nature of their work. About 10% of our employees use it at least once a day. As an example, when planning a project, you can ask ChatGPT questions such as, "I want to take this kind of initiative, but what is the approach we should use?” I also asked, “what aspects should we consider to streamline our digital transformation work?” It gave me about five answers, including organizational structure and technology. I was impressed. Also, since we are a financial institution, programming is done onsite. We use it for coding, and it works well. When we do data analysis, we give ChatGPT instructions like, "I want to cleanse the data, so write the code.” Since our company is expanding internationally, we have a lot of communication with our overseas offices. Even within Japan, for example, there are wealthy Chinese customers, and the company has sales staff who deal with them. To communicate, we have to overcome language barriers. There have been translation tools available to translate words and sentences, but with DeepL, I can translate whole document files. I find great value in that, as it’s led to a considerable increase in my own productivity. There are two main reasons. The first (and most overwhelming) reason is the ability to translate on a file-by-file basis. The other is the glossary feature. In terms of being able to do both of those things, DeepL was the best choice we could find. We also compare tool accuracy. It’s a qualitative point, but we often hear within the company: "DeepL is highly accurate and easy to use." DeepL has directly contributed to improved productivity. For example, when we need to publish Investor Relations (IR) materials in both English and Japanese at the end of our business year, the effort to publish the English version has been reduced. As a result, ‌speed has also increased. After releasing IR materials, we need to post the Q&A sessions we had with investors and analysts on our website. We use DeepL to create Japanese and English versions simultaneously, which has helped speed up this workflow. Before using DeepL, there were cases where we had to outsource the work to a contractor. The introduction of DeepL has enabled us to produce the work in-house, which, I heard, has reduced our workload, including costs. The ability to translate files is by far the best and the translations are highly accurate. Also, the ability to set up glossaries is very practical. The future outlook is also very good, as DeepL is planning to expand into the audio domain. If your company needs language support for its own global expansion, you can chat with our Sales team for more information on DeepL's AI translation solution. We’re thrilled to share some exciting new improvements to DeepL’s document translation features: edit mode for web, Excel for desktop apps, and file translation on mobile apps. Each of these updates enhances the document translation experience and provides our users with more control and flexibility. To learn more about our document translation improvements and the additional value they provide, read on. Edit mode is a straightforward addition to the document translation experience. For the most part, the process remains unchanged. However, with edit mode, you now have the option to edit your translation before downloading it. To use edit mode, follow these simple steps: From here, a new window will open—displaying your file’s original text on the left side and the translation on the right. To edit your translation, simply apply any changes directly to the text field on the right side. After you’ve finished editing your translation, click Done at the bottom of the window to download your edited file translation. If you’d rather download your translated document without edits, you can do that, too. Simply click on the arrow next to the Done button and a menu will appear with two options: To download without any of the changes you made, choose “Download without edits.” That’s a great question! When using edit mode, you can also use the following features: To experience the full flexibility of edit mode, be sure to test out these handy features and further customize your translated files. Edit mode is available for DeepL Pro subscribers (Starter, Advanced, and Ultimate) with files that contain less than 50,000 characters. Additionally, edit mode currently supports .docx, .pptx, .pdf, .html, .txt, and .XLIFF files. We’re working hard to improve and expand edit mode’s capabilities, and we’ll provide updates when anything changes. For a more detailed look on how you can edit translations, check out our Help Center article: “Edit mode for document translation”. With edit mode, our document translation experience has reached new heights. Not only does it allow you and your team greater control over your translated documents, but it also helps save time and resources on translations. Instead of having to download files and then make changes to the translated text elsewhere, you can edit your translated files directly in our web interface—making DeepL a one-stop shop for high-quality document translation. Offering increased customization and flexibility, edit mode makes it easier than ever to translate documents with accuracy and speed while respecting your company's distinct, individual needs. Excel joined the DeepL document translation lineup last November and has since become a user favorite. Now, DeepL Pro Advanced and Ultimate subscribers can translate Excel files within our Mac and Windows desktop apps. With this update, Advanced and Ultimate subscribers can work with a wider range of content types—all without ever leaving the DeepL desktop app. For a deeper look, check out our Help Center article: “Translating Excel files”. With file translation now available on our iOS and Android apps, all DeepL users can easily scan text and translate it into their desired target language. Currently, ‌supported file formats include HTML, PDF, and TXT files. This update allows all mobile app users to translate files on the go, enhancing the mobile app experience. If you’re keen to boost your team’s productivity and enhance your DeepL experience, give our latest document translation improvements a try today. And if you’re a Free user who’s interested in edit mode or translating Excel docs on our desktop apps, consider leveling up to a DeepL Pro subscription.* *Edit mode is currently available for all DeepL Pro subscribers (Starter, Advanced, and Ultimate). Excel support on desktop apps is only available for Advanced and Ultimate subscribers. Words matter. This is the belief on which DeepL is built and the reason we’re launching Write Pro. Language is the lifeblood that runs through your business. Done well, it can inspire investors, help teams align, and cut through the noise. Done poorly, it costs businesses precious time and resources. Office workers spend an estimated 20% of their time at work typing. How can companies make sure that time is well-spent? How much of your work day do you spend on written communication? And what kind of impact do your words have on your business? Whether you’re composing emails, messages, or reports, every word takes time. Language may be your business’ most valuable currency. We’ve all experienced the struggle of searching for the perfect word or the hesitation before hitting “send” on an important email. In moments like these, your team needs more than a spell-check. They need a fast, efficient way of finding the right expression that can help them craft the perfect tone. And that’s exactly what DeepL Write Pro is here to help you do. Powered by generative Language AI, Write Pro is a one-stop shop for developing better ideas, crafting better content, and improving business communication. Integrated wherever you work—from Gmail to Microsoft Word—Write Pro’s real-time corrections, suggested alternatives, and writing style and tone options will help your team take their writing and creativity to the next level. As of today, DeepL Write is officially available for purchase in all the countries where DeepL Pro is available. Our AI writing companion can inspire your teams to think—and communicate—differently. Keep reading to explore Write Pro’s exciting features and benefits. Heard all you need to hear? Jump in and give DeepL Write Pro a try now. DeepL Write Pro is an AI assistant that helps businesses improve communication, increase productivity, and save costs. Powered by advanced neural networks, this is AI fit for business: providing the accuracy known to hundreds of millions of DeepL users and always adhering to the highest privacy and security standards. Write Pro is already available in English and German, with more languages on the horizon. Currently, Write Pro is available via our web browser, desktop and mobile apps, browser extensions, and many integrations, including: With Write Pro, your company can cut down on editing time, improve writing quality, and increase overall productivity. It’s time to make language your team’s competitive advantage. Thanks to various generative AI-powered word and sentence alternatives, Write Pro helps your teams adjust their writing so they can say exactly what they mean—and avoid frustrating and costly misunderstandings. With real-time corrections for grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors, Write Pro makes your team’s writing clearer and more precise. This, in turn, ensures consistency and polish across your organization’s internal and external content. Your team can also fine-tune their writing by choosing from our writing styles, which currently include: And tones: By tailoring your written communication to any situation, your business benefits from more impactful writing. DeepL Write Pro helps your teams communicate with greater clarity, which leads to better collaboration. DeepL Write Pro’s automatic improvements save teams time and resources. Unlimited real-time corrections and suggested alternatives save hours of manual proofreading and editing, boosting your teams’ productivity and allowing them to focus on more strategic tasks. And with Write Pro’s integration with major applications, including Gmail, Microsoft Word, and the Google Suite, it’s easier than ever for your teams to improve their writing wherever they work. Let’s face it: your teams may already be using generative AI in their work. But by using non-compliant providers, they can expose the business to data breaches. One non-compliant event can cost your business an average of 5.37 million Euros (5.87 million USD) and the cost to your reputation can stretch much further. Just like DeepL’s Translator subscriptions, DeepL Write Pro protects your company’s data with strict privacy and security standards. Write Pro includes: Data protection and privacy are vital for security-conscious companies. DeepL’s dedication to world-class security is one of the key reasons for businesses to choose DeepL Write Pro. DeepL Write Pro empowers business professionals everywhere to think differently and write with full confidence. From everyday interactions to high-stakes work scenarios, DeepL Write Pro elevates your writing—boosting the quality and efficiency of your business communications globally. Ready to communicate with impact, clarity, and confidence? Try DeepL Write Pro today. In the evolving landscape of technology and communication, individuals like Yukiko Yamakura are at the forefront of facilitating connections across cultural and linguistic divides. As a Strategic Sales Development Representative (SSDR) on DeepL’s Revenue team in Japan, Yukiko joined DeepL in April 2023—and her journey is a testament to the transformative power of language and empathy. In this conversation, Yukiko shares insights into her role, the supportive culture at DeepL, and her personal achievements that highlight her contribution to the company's mission. Yes, absolutely. I'm Yukiko, part of the Revenue team in Japan. I stepped into the role of SSDR in April 2023, coming from a background as an Account Executive at HubSpot. The SSDR position at DeepL is pivotal, as it involves identifying strategic sales opportunities and serving as the initial touchpoint for target companies. It's a role that places me right at the intersection of marketing and sales, allowing me to contribute to DeepL's mission in a collaborative environment. I was born and raised in Tokyo, in a multi-cultural family with a Japanese-Brazilian father and a half-Korean mother. Growing up in such a diverse environment, I developed a passion for experiencing different cultures. This led me to study abroad and travel extensively during my college years. Overcoming language barriers has been challenging, but the joy of mutual understanding is immeasurable. These experiences have deeply influenced my belief in the power of language to foster empathy and understanding—regardless of cultural differences. That was also the moment I fell in love with DeepL! I really admire that DeepL's culture is transparent, humble, and empathetic—placing a high value on both the team and the individual. I especially enjoy the sense of unity among my team and other SDRs, regardless of geographic location. Getting together with colleagues at company events, even if only a few times a year, keeps me motivated and makes me feel like we are all part of the same team. At the same time, I feel valued as a contributor, which ultimately creates the bond between me and my team. At DeepL, we understand and embrace that everyone is unique, with diverse circumstances and backgrounds—bringing their own perspectives, thoughts, feelings, strengths, and weaknesses to the table. We value this diversity and recognize the importance of fostering an inclusive environment that celebrates individuality. That diversity is what makes us strong. It's why we can support each other, come up with fresh ideas, and ultimately thrive together. The differences among us aren't just important—they're critical to our collective success. That's why it's so important to embrace our diverse backgrounds and experiences. At DeepL, the option for remote work and flexible schedules means we can choose to work in whatever setting suits us best each day, without being constrained by location or strict office hours. However, this flexibility comes with the understanding that we coordinate with our entire team across locations and time zones to ensure smooth, efficient collaboration. What's more, DeepL encourages us to explore any role we're passionate about, no matter our age or gender. I especially appreciate how supportive management is, offering Quarterly Business Reviews (QBRs) and other resources tailored to my personal growth and development. This supportive environment motivates me to strive for excellence in my career. Oh yes, absolutely! One of my proudest moments was receiving the Culture Award at the 2023 Company Event in Dresden and being named Top SSDR at the winter SKO in Berlin. These moments were not just a recognition of my efforts but highlighted the collaborative spirit between the Marketing team and Account Executive members. It underscored the importance of teamwork in achieving success. For me, DeepL is definitely a great place to work! Joining DeepL has been a truly enriching journey for me, especially because I deeply connect with the mission the company stands for and have a genuine passion for languages and exploring diverse cultures. It's a place where being a self-starter is highly valued and we find joy in taking the initiative to make things better—even when faced with challenges. Experiencing the thrill of creating something from scratch has been incredibly rewarding. What stands out most, though, is the team spirit—everyone here is cooperative, humble, empathetic, and simply wonderful. It's not just a workplace; it's a community where you're supported and encouraged to grow. Yukiko's story is a powerful reminder of the role empathy and cultural understanding play in today's global landscape. Through her dedication and the supportive work environment at DeepL, she exemplifies how technology can be a force for good—connecting people across the globe and uniting them under a larger purpose. Yukiko's journey illustrates that overcoming barriers, whether linguistic or cultural, begins with empathy and a shared commitment to understanding. And if you’re looking for a new opportunity at a company that values diversity, empathy, and growth, check out our open job positions. Globalization, market expansion, multinational growth—no matter what you call it, it’s something no retailer can escape. To stay competitive in today’s high-pressure retail industry, companies need to expand into new markets efficiently. And that requires localization at scale. Why? To truly connect with potential customers, retailers have to speak their language. From websites to customer service chats to social media, there’s so much communication between retailers and customers—and each touch point matters. According to DeepL’s own research, 75% of marketers agree that localized content significantly boosts customer engagement. And it pays off—96% reported a positive ROI (return on investment) from localization efforts.* Clearly, localization can boost companies’ globalization efforts, but how do you find the right localization solution for your business—one that balances accuracy, efficiency, and costs? This is where an AI-powered translation tool can help. In this blog post, we’ll discuss what to consider when choosing an AI translation tool to support your retail company’s localization efforts. We’ll also share some lessons learned from our own research and explore how DeepL has helped international retailers with their bottom line. To see how DeepL can support your retail company’s localization efforts, check out our DeepL for retail page. Based on our own industry research, we identified some important evaluation criteria for retailers to consider when selecting a machine translation service. Consider the following questions when making your choice: This isn’t an exhaustive list, but it’s a great place to start when exploring and evaluating available machine translation solutions. Selecting the right machine translation tool for your business will involve many people. However, there are a few roles that should always be involved: Different teams use AI translation for different reasons. But, ultimately, AI translation tools help retailers reach global customers with localized content. Let’s explore a few use cases from DeepL’s own research. Team: Marketing Products: DeepL Translator and DeepL Write Many companies use DeepL to localize their promotional materials and assets for global marketing campaigns, allowing them to better connect with their target audiences. DeepL’s document translation feature is especially useful here. Team: IT Product: DeepL API Many businesses use DeepL API to integrate our AI translation directly into their websites and customer support platforms—helping increase efficiency and scale localization efforts. Teams: E-commerce, IT Product: DeepL API and DeepL Translator Many use DeepL API and DeepL Translator to translate product names, descriptions, and pricing for their websites, allowing them to speak to customers in their own language. Team: Customer Service, IT Product: DeepL API and DeepL Translator Using both the API and DeepL Translator, retailers can enhance communication in all customer interactions, from phone calls to ticketing systems to emails. When choosing a machine translation vendor, retailers should be looking for tools that provide a positive ROI and make their localization efforts more efficient. Recently, DeepL commissioned a Total Economic Impact™ study from Forrester Consulting, which analyzed global enterprises as a composite organization to measure the impact of DeepL’s technology. This 2024 study found that DeepL delivered a 345% ROI and €2.8 million in efficiency savings. Additionally, DeepL reduced internal translation time by 90% and translation workloads by 50%. In short, DeepL supported prompt, easy translation that inspired such confidence, the interviewed businesses spent less time reviewing their results. Based on these findings, it’s clear that DeepL enhanced decision-making processes and served as a strategic investment. Selecting the right machine translation tool for your business isn’t easy. From ease of use to dependability to accuracy—there are plenty of boxes you need to tick before making your choice. DeepL’s AI translation tool supports accurate, reliable localization at scale. To learn more about how DeepL Pro can help your business streamline global localization, check out our DeepL for retail page. ________________________________________________________________________ *With Regina Corso Consulting, DeepL surveyed marketers in the United States, France, Germany, and Japan—specifically targeting those responsible for translation and localization. At the heart of DeepL's success lies a secret ingredient that goes beyond cutting-edge technology and breakthrough innovation: the power of its people. Today, we’d like to introduce you to Mara, Mehdi, Lynn, Christopher, and Ryo—five remarkable individuals whose stories are not just narratives of personal achievement, but vibrant illustrations of DeepL's core values in action. Together, they embody a culture where empathy flows, strategic thinking leads, actions speak louder than words, humility is the foundation, and teamwork drives—transforming DeepL’s ethos into the lifeblood of daily interactions. Dive into their journey and discover the human heartbeat of DeepL, where values are not mere words but the very pillars of our collective story. Mara is the kind of person who lights up a room, not just with her presence, but with her genuine care for those around her. In her Sales Enablement role, she doesn't just focus on numbers—she focuses on people. "Whenever I hear concerns or sense a certain vibe, I try to be present and actively listen," she says, underscoring her commitment to creating a supportive environment. Her approach is strongly influenced by leaders who embody gratitude and openness. "Be open about your struggles—you might be surprised how much that resonates with others!" Mara advises, a reminder of the power of vulnerability in forging deeper connections. When asked how she plans to continue fostering a culture where everyone at DeepL feels cared for, Mara says, "We all do our best when we're challenged in a respectful and kind way. Paying attention to what's on our teammates' minds not only makes us work better together, but also helps our company grow in a healthy way.” Mehdi has the rare ability to see both the forest and the trees. As he guides new customers through DeepL's offerings, he's always thinking about how to scale quality and vision for the long term. "I make progress in phases and include opportunities for colleagues to share their feedback. This is an essential part of the process and allows you to achieve initial impact faster and then adapt the project through various iterations to unlock even more value," he explains, illustrating his methodical approach to expanding capabilities. His curiosity and forward-thinking nature are contagious, inspiring those around him to constantly seek improvement and innovation. "Every little bit helps! The path to scale, quality, and future-proofing isn't just about big changes or brand-new processes. It's often the little things that add up to make a big difference for our teams and our customers," says Mehdi, underscoring his belief in the incremental benefits of small, consistent actions. Lynn's story is one of clarity and purpose. She has transformed Customer Success Operations with decisive action and a deep sense of ownership. Reflecting on a significant change she implemented, Lynn shares, "When I joined, the CSMs were fielding requests for customer introductions through various Slack channels, DMs, casually during a call, and we weren't able to track these conversations. I decided to streamline them into a request form that would be reviewed weekly by the Customer Success leadership team and then prioritized and routed to the CSMs for customer outreach. With that one decision, we were able to reduce the noise for the CSMs," demonstrating her ability to cut through complexity to find effective solutions. Her guiding principle? "How much positive impact can a decision have vs. how much risk/cost will there be in making it," a balance that underpins her thoughtful yet decisive leadership style. Christopher's approach to teamwork resembles a perfectly orchestrated symphony, where every element contributes to a unified and pleasing outcome. He’s generous in sharing knowledge and recognizes the team's joint efforts as the cornerstone of their success. "Being part of a team that values collaboration is rewarding, and it's a true case of what you contribute, you receive in return," he says, capturing the spirit of reciprocal support and open teamwork. When asked about the source of his collaborative ethos and any advice he can offer for fostering effective teamwork, Christopher emphasizes, “The principle of psychological safety plays a pivotal role in team dynamics—ensuring that every team member feels confident to express their thoughts without fear of judgment is crucial. I attribute our ability to cultivate such an environment to our team leader, Lewis Fowler!” Ryo's narrative weaves together all of DeepL's values, creating a rich tapestry that showcases the interconnectedness of these principles. "For me, DeepL's values extend beyond the workplace and are applicable to everyday life. The principles of caring for others, seeing the big picture, making quick decisions, valuing teamwork, and humility guide my daily choices and important decisions. They also influence how I build and strengthen relationships, not only within the team, but also outside of work” he shares. “Building trust is critical because it affects both work outcomes and the overall atmosphere at work. These values provide reliable support when facing new challenges or unfamiliar situations," he observes, emphasizing the universality of these guiding principles. When asked what advice or insights he would share with team members on how to incorporate these values into their daily lives, Ryo suggests, "While all values are important, I personally prioritize proactive collaboration. DeepL's diversity enriches creativity and innovation through the exchange of new knowledge and perspectives. “I believe that continuous learning is essential for skill enhancement and career growth, with intellectual curiosity serving as a powerful motivator. I also think learning and understanding more at work fosters personal growth and collectively improves our expertise.” These narratives showcase the essence of DeepL, proving that the heart of any organization is its people—those who live out its fundamental values every day. Through their stories, Mara, Mehdi, Lynn, Christopher, and Ryo demonstrate the critical role that our values—such as thoughtful planning, impactful decision-making, humility, and open collaboration—play in the workplace. These are the true drivers of meaningful change. Interested in seeing how we put our values into action? Follow us on LinkedIn to dive deeper into the lives of our team. Through their personal experiences, you'll get a glimpse of how empathy, strategic foresight, decisive actions, humility, and collaboration aren't just concepts but active practices that inform our work culture daily. Language AI leader DeepL recognized by Forbes as a top innovator in the field as it revolutionizes communication for 100,000 businesses globally Global leader in Language AI, DeepL, has been named to the Forbes AI 50 list for 2024. This year’s list shines particular light on the companies powering higher productivity for both enterprises and consumers. Companies across the globe are rapidly adopting the latest AI technology to supercharge their operations and to scale their growth. DeepL’s recognition further cements its place in the AI landscape as a trusted and indispensable partner for over 100,000 global businesses to communicate across borders. The annual Forbes AI 50 list is a benchmark of the current state of AI. The unprecedented growth of AI is transforming productivity at scale while substantially reducing costs for enterprises. DeepL's suite of Language AI products accomplishes precisely this: businesses can communicate accurately across languages and borders—reducing the barriers to market entry that once stood in their way. For established global enterprises, accurate AI translation allows them to solidify their market hold, grow their customer base, and further secure brand recognition and loyalty. Coming on the heels of its 2023 Forbes Cloud 100 list inclusion, DeepL continues to push the boundaries of AI technology. The inclusion of DeepL in this year's AI 50 list reinforces its fundamental growth trajectory as well as the innovative path it has forged as a pioneer in the AI space. DeepL trains its AI models on high-quality data, while incorporating human editors that further curate the quality of its products—which are powered by DeepL Mercury, the world’s 34th fastest supercomputer. The company’s unique approach combines the expertise of world-class researchers and engineers with that of leading linguists to achieve top-notch translation accuracy that outclasses the major tech giants. DeepL is empowering companies to establish a global footprint—quickly becoming the AI of choice for global businesses across verticals. Its enterprise-level security further differentiates it from the competition, as the company owns its own tech stack and operates within a rigorous security framework, making it a trusted partner for businesses to protect their data. To find out more about how DeepL can revolutionize your team’s communication, visit www.deepl.com. From post-pandemic shifts to economic pressures to the rise of AI, retailers are dealing with countless challenges. To not just survive but thrive in today’s retail environment, companies need to be faster and more competitive than ever before. They need to go global. So, how does a company speed up global expansion and enhance customer experience in one go? They localize their content. According to a recent study from Weglot, “nearly 73% of customers prefer to purchase a product or service from a site that offers information in their own language.” Another 40% stated that they wouldn’t buy products from websites in other languages. What’s more, according to FTI Consulting’s survey, U.S. online retail sales were projected to reach $1.14 trillion in 2023—a 10% increase from 2022. Without a doubt, the retail industry is growing—and localization is the key to success. In fact, our own localization research found that 96% of respondents reported a positive ROI from localization efforts. 65% reported an ROI of 3X or greater. But, like any worthwhile business strategy, localization takes time. That’s where DeepL’s AI translation comes in. With DeepL, retailers can localize content at scale and speak to customers in their own language—for a faster, more streamlined localization process. This allows retailers to prioritize high-impact, high-growth regions. To further explore why DeepL is the best choice for retailers with ambitious international expansion plans, keep reading or visit our DeepL for retail page. Entering a new market is a heavy lift for localization teams. From product descriptions to customer reviews to marketing materials, there’s so much content retailers need to localize. Add in the fact that this content is often dynamic and changing, and it’s understandable why some localization teams struggle to keep up. What’s more, localization can be a tricky process. It’s not just about translating text from one language to another, but adapting to different markets’ cultural and linguistic differences to really resonate with your target audience. Basically, translation is a part of the more complex localization process—and that’s where DeepL makes a big difference. Using DeepL’s AI translations as a jumping-off point for localization allows retailers to increase efficiency, save time, enhance quality, and improve alignment. In fact, according to a recent study DeepL commissioned from Forrester Consulting, DeepL decreased translation time by 90%. This led to a 345% ROI and €2.79 million in efficiency savings over three years.* The same study found that DeepL reduced translation workloads by 50% and resulted in process cost reductions of €227,430. This study clearly highlighted DeepL as a strategic investment for the interviewed organizations. What could your teams do with all that extra time? When taking your retail company global, it’s vital to prioritize: Let's take a look at how DeepL stacks up. With DeepL’s glossary, you can easily keep your brand- and product-specific terms consistent across languages. For international retailers, it’s important to standardize brand names, technical jargon, and product documentation. That way, when you expand to new markets and languages, you know everyone is on the same page. Our glossaries also help retailers reduce costs and save time on manual editing. And with shared glossaries, it’s even easier to ensure consistency for teams and companies across international markets. Accuracy is everything when localizing content. High-quality translations are critical for earning customer trust, complying with regulatory requirements, and improving multilingual communication. According to blind tests, DeepL is over 3x more accurate than its closest competitors. This is in large part due to DeepL’s cutting-edge neural networks and Language AI models, which allow for more nuanced, natural-sounding translations. A successful market expansion strategy requires localization to keep pace, and DeepL allows retailers to translate content at scale. Instead of translating everything from scratch, retailers can use DeepL’s AI translations to get a head start. This, in turn, allows retail organizations to speed up time-to-market—accelerating global growth and keeping up with the competitive industry landscape. Many retailers are already using DeepL to enter new markets and expand globally. Among them are big-time retail companies like Alza and Kazar. Dubbed the “Czech Amazon”, Alza is an e-commerce company with markets all over Europe. After expanding to the U.K. and Central Europe, Alza needed high-quality translations that wouldn’t overburden its localization team. Enter DeepL. With DeepL API, Alza was able to translate large volumes of user reviews. This gave ‌customers quality assurance while shopping online and significantly increased its conversion rate. According to Jakub Kalina, Alza’s Head of Localization, DeepL has helped the retailer increase output volume, saying: Kazar, a Polish online fashion brand, had a goal to expand to new European markets, such as Greece, the U.K., and Bulgaria. Here, Kazar recognized the need for a robust translation API that could quickly localize its product feed. After testing multiple translation options, Kazar determined that DeepL had the highest quality. According to Radomir Kiepas, Kazar’s B2B Development Partner and Marketplace Project Leader, DeepL API allowed the retailer to launch in new marketplaces and increase European order volume. When asked what he’d say to other companies considering machine translation, Kiepas stated: Accelerating market expansion while providing a consistently high-quality customer experience isn’t easy. But using transformative AI translation tools like DeepL to streamline localization helps retailers navigate global markets with greater ease. To learn more about how DeepL Pro can help your company reach new customers and scale more efficiently, check out our DeepL for retail page. *Data from a commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of DeepL in 2024. Are you getting ready for a DeepL interview or simply curious about our interview process? Either way, you're in good hands. I'm Nathan, and I'll be your guide through this journey. As one of DeepL's Talent Acquisition Specialists, I'm dedicated to finding the best talent for our Account Executive roles across EMEA. With over 8 ½ years of experience in the fast-paced world of B2B SaaS sales, I’ve supported a number of organizations at different stages of their business journeys, navigating complex hiring challenges and processes. Join me as I walk you through the different stages of our interview process, sharing insights and insider tips I've gathered over the years. At DeepL, our interview process is designed to ensure that both the candidate and the company are a perfect fit for each other. Let's break down the process into four distinct stages: The initial stage of our interview process is the recruiter screen, which serves as an opportunity for us to evaluate if you’d be an initial good fit for DeepL. However, it’s equally important that DeepL is the right fit for you. Every stage of our recruitment process is reciprocal. During this stage, as a recruiter, I look to understand a candidate's motivations for considering DeepL. I consider whether you’re actively looking, what your expectations and ambitions are—just as we have criteria for what we’re looking for, you should, too. I also ask some general “housekeeping” HR questions to get a broader understanding of your background, experience, successes, and responsibilities. All of this ties together to see if there’s an initial cultural fit. For me, it’s quite simple. Are you a kind, approachable, easy-to-talk-to person? Someone I feel comfortable putting in front of the wider DeepL team? Finally, it’s just as important that you come prepared with insightful, meaningful questions for me—which I’m always happy to answer. So, we see an initial mutual fit—great! Next up is a one-on-one meeting with your potential manager. This is a great opportunity to see if you can work with and report to this person. It’s also a chance to see if your manager thinks you’ll be a good fit within their team. The goal of this stage is to delve beneath the surface of some areas covered in the first interview. For example: The third round often requires the most candidate preparation. This stage typically consists of a 60-minute interview split into two sections. In the first half, you'll present and conduct a role play, usually with the hiring manager, followed by feedback. In the second half, another member of management will ask self-reflective questions based on our company values. Our final interview is an opportunity to meet with a future peer within the team. This provides a chance to understand what it means to be an Account Executive at DeepL. Similar to previous stages, our goal is to ensure you feel comfortable and happy with the people you meet—as they’ll play an integral role in your day-to-day work. It’s also important that our current employees feel excited for you to join us. By structuring our interview process in these stages, we aim to thoroughly evaluate candidates while providing a transparent and engaging experience. The duration of an interview process can often depend on multiple factors, but we are a fast-moving company. On average, the process takes two weeks from start to finish. Now that you have a clear understanding of the interview stages, let's discuss some tips to help you navigate the process effectively. Successfully navigating the interview process requires more than just technical expertise; it's about showcasing your character and commitment. Here are some practical tips to help you excel: In conclusion, our recruitment process is reciprocal. It's not just about you being the best fit for DeepL, but also about us being the best fit for your next career move. Each interview stage gives you an opportunity to meet different members of our Revenue/Sales organization, allowing you to understand expectations. It also helps us align what you expect of us with what we expect of you. As you prepare for your journey with DeepL, remember to do your research, come well-prepared for each interview, and ask insightful questions that demonstrate your enthusiasm for joining us on our incredible mission to break down language barriers. If you're ready to take the next step in your career journey, we invite you to explore our current job openings on our careers page. We look forward to welcoming exceptional talent to our team at DeepL! Ever wondered how AI translation impacts global business growth? Or what kind of cost savings and ROI an AI translation tool like DeepL has produced? Thanks to “The Total Economic Impact™ of DeepL”, a commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting in 2024 on behalf of DeepL, we have plenty of insights to share. The TEI methodology assesses investment value with four components—cost, benefits, flexibility, and risk—and illustrates the ROI of a technology's product and services. For over 20 years, it has been considered the gold standard for evaluating business impact. For DeepL’s study, Forrester interviewed four organizations with experience using DeepL from the energy, financial services (Big 4), legal services, and pharmaceutical industries to create a single composite organization. The study explains how reduced translation time impacted efficiency savings for internal and external business communications, while our blog post will explore some highlights from the study itself. Ready to jump straight to DeepL’s TEI study? Download the full TEI study. According to DeepL’s TEI study, one of its key benefits was the 90% decrease in internal document translation time. This translated to significant time and cost savings for the interviewed organizations—which, in turn, helped them navigate global markets with greater ease and efficiency. In fact, the interviewed organizations reported efficiency savings of €2.79 million over a period of three years. This figure shows the true value of DeepL as a strategic investment, having helped transform multilingual communication. Forrester Consulting also found that DeepL had an ROI of 345% and reduced translation workloads by 50%. This provided the interviewed composite organization with significant cost savings while maintaining high-quality, trustworthy translations. Over three years, this amounted to €227,430 in workflow and process cost reduction. With DeepL's Language AI, the interviewed composite organization could streamline their translation processes, ‌which allowed them to allocate resources more efficiently. Just consider this quote from one of our interviewed organizations’ employees, a Software Applications Manager at an energy company: DeepL’s goal has always been to empower translators to do their best work. In our TEI study, Forrester Consulting discovered that DeepL reduced the document flow to translation service teams by 50%. This, in turn, allowed the interviewed organization’s in-house staff to manage translations more efficiently. According to a Product Manager in legal services, “DeepL really adds value in terms of reducing the number of translations that we have to do with other companies.” This shift also helped translation professionals ‌focus on more complex, nuanced aspects of language and cultural interpretation—letting their expertise truly shine. Based on these results, it’s clear that DeepL enhanced decision-making processes by providing: To learn more about what made DeepL a strategic investment for global businesses, read the entire TEI study today.
大和证券集团总部位于日本东京,是全球最大的证券经纪公司之一。大和证券集团提供从在线交易到资产管理的多种服务,拥有遍布全球的企业和机构客户。 最近,我们采访了友川广岛,了解更多关于大和证券如何加速数字化和利用DeepL的人工智能翻译进行国际扩张的信息。 在大和证券集团公司,我属于数字推广部门,该部门成立于2023年10月。该部门是出于加速数字化的强烈愿望而创建的,由首席执行官直接监督。 大和证券的主要业务领域是投资和金融服务,其核心是安全。最近,我们不仅在日本,而且在美洲、欧洲、亚洲和大洋洲拓展业务。 至于我自己的职业生涯,在一家外资IT公司担任项目经理后,我于2016年加入了大和证券。在我之前的职业生涯中,我与海外利益相关方合作,在欧洲、美国和亚洲国家等多个国家实施和集成系统。由于这种背景,使日本达到这些国家的效率水平成为我的使命和主要研究领域。 部分由于我的海外经历,当我加入大和证券时,我参与了全球监管项目。我还参与了风险管理领域,以及企业系统,如人力资源和财务。 最近,我参与了数字化转型中的一系列先进技术和业务改革。从2023年10月开始,我一直是数字推广部的一员。 几个月过去了,虽然有些事情感觉和开始时一样,但现在有其他方面感觉不一样了。我原以为数字化转型计划主要是关于IT技术的。但当我开始这个新角色时,我开始觉得这个倡议更多的是对现有文化和历史的抵制。 大多数IT技术源自硅谷和世界其他前沿地区。因此,作为日本公司,我们需要做的是将已经创造或正在创造的技术应用到我们自己的运营中。 在这样做的时候,我们需要考虑我们对业务的哪些部分产生影响,我们如何产生影响,以及我们如何做出决策。这就是我觉得我们经常面临独特的日本文化障碍的地方,不管是好是坏。 在就业方面,日本公司的特点之一是集体雇佣新毕业生和通才培训的文化。调整工资也有很高的难度。因此,信息技术职能往往外包,而不是在内部完成。 仍然有一种购买IT功能而不是自己创造的心态。我还感觉到日本公司对质量有独特的思考方式。这在很大程度上是因为日本战后的复苏以制造业为中心。 日本制造业的繁荣得益于一种极其强调QCD(质量、成本、交付)的“Q”(质量)和“C”(成本)的文化。然而,它并不太重视交货速度。 这在制造业中是有意义的,因为许多事情都与安全有关。另一方面,在软件中,“D”或交付速度很重要。我认为有必要增加理解速度重要性的人数。 许多员工认为世界正在向数字技术发展,朝着这个方向发展是合适的。该部门是在首席执行官和管理团队的支持下成立的。 然而,我们是一个受监管的行业,我们不能为了自己的利益改变任何事情。我们需要思考如何利用数字技术在现有法规的范围内保持竞争力,并不断努力改善这一问题。 目前,我们也在采取措施专注于特定领域,例如翻译和语音转文本。这是我们每天都在思考的事情——既要着眼于大局,也要着眼于具体活动。 很少有IT和商业公司可以谈论技术而不谈论生成式人工智能。去年我在硅谷的时候,每个IT公司都在谈论生成式人工智能——即使我们没有要求。我觉得这绝对是技术趋势的中心。 在如何使用它方面,虽然我们目前将生成式人工智能作为核心技术,但它的使用范围仍然受到其当前功能的限制。我们正在研究如何利用生成式人工智能的功能,随着它的发展,通过将它与我们的内部和外部数据联系起来。 我们不能说所有人都使用它,但我们创造了一个他们可以使用它的环境。现实情况是,有些人经常使用它,有些人不经常使用——这取决于他们工作的性质。我们大约10%的员工每天至少使用一次。 举个例子,在规划一个项目时,你可以问ChatGPT这样的问题,“我想采取这种主动,但我们应该使用什么方法?”我还问:“我们应该考虑哪些方面来简化我们的数字化转型工作?”它给了我大约五个答案,包括组织结构和技术。我印象深刻。 此外,由于我们是一家金融机构,编程是在现场完成的。我们用它来编码,它工作得很好。当我们进行数据分析时,我们会给ChatGPT一些指示,比如“我想清理数据,所以写代码。” 由于我们公司正在向国际扩张,我们与海外办事处有很多沟通。例如,即使在日本国内,也有富有的中国客户,该公司有销售人员与他们打交道。为了交流,我们必须克服语言障碍。 已经有翻译工具可以翻译单词和句子,但是有了DeepL,我可以翻译整个文档文件。我发现这很有价值,因为它大大提高了我自己的生产力。 主要有两个原因。第一个(也是最重要的)原因是能够逐个文件地翻译。另一个是词汇表特性。就能够做到这两件事而言,DeepL是我们能找到的最佳选择。 我们还比较工具精度。这是一个定性的观点,但我们经常在公司内部听到:“DeepL非常准确且易于使用。” DeepL直接促进了生产率的提高。例如,当我们需要在营业年度结束时以英文和日文发布投资者关系(IR)材料时,发布英文版本的工作量就减少了。因此,速度也提高了。 发布IR材料后,我们需要在我们的网站上发布我们与投资者和分析师的问答环节。我们使用DeepL同时创建日语和英语版本,这有助于加快这个工作流程。 在使用DeepL之前,有些情况下我们不得不将工作外包给承包商。DeepL的引入使我们能够在内部制作作品,我听说这减少了我们的工作量,包括成本。 翻译文件的能力是迄今为止最好的,翻译非常准确。此外,建立词汇表的能力非常实用。未来的前景也非常好,因为DeepL正计划扩展到音频领域。 如果您的公司需要语言支持来进行自身的全球扩张,您可以与我们的销售团队聊天,了解有关DeepL人工智能翻译解决方案的更多信息。 我们很高兴分享DeepL文档翻译功能的一些令人兴奋的新改进:web的编辑模式,桌面应用程序的Excel,以及移动应用程序上的文件翻译。 这些更新都增强了文档翻译体验,并为我们的用户提供了更多的控制和灵活性。 要了解有关我们的文档翻译改进及其提供的附加价值的更多信息,请继续阅读。 编辑模式是对文档翻译体验的直接补充。在很大程度上,这一过程保持不变。但是,在编辑模式下,您现在可以选择在下载之前编辑您的翻译。 要使用编辑模式,请遵循以下简单步骤: 从这里,一个新的窗口将会打开——在左侧显示文件的原始文本,在右侧显示翻译。要编辑您的翻译,只需将任何更改直接应用到右侧的文本字段。 编辑完翻译后,点按窗口底部的“完成”以下载编辑后的文件翻译。 如果你想下载未经编辑的翻译文档,你也可以这样做。只需单击“完成”按钮旁边的箭头,就会出现一个菜单,其中包含两个选项: 若要下载而不做任何更改,请选择“下载而不编辑”。 这是一个很好的问题!使用编辑模式时,还可以使用以下功能: 要体验编辑模式的全部灵活性,请务必测试这些方便的功能,并进一步定制您的翻译文件。 编辑模式适用于文件包含少于50,000个字符的DeepL Pro订阅者(初级、高级和终极版)。 此外,编辑模式目前支持。docx,。pptx,。pdf,。html,。txt,还有。XLIFF文件。我们正在努力改进和扩展编辑模式的功能,当有任何变化时,我们会提供更新。 要更详细地了解如何编辑翻译,请查看我们的帮助中心文章:“文档翻译的编辑模式”。 通过编辑模式,我们的文档翻译体验达到了新的高度。它不仅允许您和您的团队更好地控制翻译的文档,还有助于节省翻译的时间和资源。 您可以直接在我们的web界面中编辑您的翻译文件,而不必下载文件,然后在其他地方对翻译的文本进行更改,这使DeepL成为高质量文档翻译的一站式商店。 编辑模式提供了更高的定制性和灵活性,使准确快速地翻译文档比以往任何时候都更容易,同时尊重贵公司独特的个人需求。 Excel去年11月加入了DeepL文档翻译阵容,此后成为用户的最爱。 现在,DeepL Pro Advanced和Ultimate订户可以在我们的Mac和Windows桌面应用程序中翻译Excel文件。通过此次更新,高级和终极用户可以使用更广泛的内容类型,而无需离开DeepL桌面应用程序。 要深入了解,请查看我们的帮助中心文章:“翻译Excel文件”。 随着文件翻译现在可以在我们的iOS和Android应用程序上使用,所有DeepL用户都可以轻松地扫描文本并将其翻译成他们想要的目标语言。目前,支持的文件格式包括HTML、PDF和TXT文件。 此更新允许所有移动应用程序用户在旅途中翻译文件,增强了移动应用程序体验。 如果您渴望提高团队的工作效率并增强您的DeepL体验,请立即尝试我们最新的文档翻译改进。 如果你是一个对编辑模式或在我们的桌面应用程序上翻译Excel文档感兴趣的免费用户,可以考虑升级到DeepL Pro订阅。* *编辑模式目前适用于所有DeepL Pro订户(入门版、高级版和终极版)。桌面应用程序上的Excel支持仅适用于高级和终极用户。 言语很重要。这是DeepL建立的信念,也是我们推出Write Pro的原因。语言是贯穿你生意的命脉。做得好的话,它可以激励投资者,帮助团队结盟,并消除噪音。如果做得不好,它会耗费企业宝贵的时间和资源。据估计,办公室工作人员花20%的时间在打字上。公司如何确保时间得到充分利用? 你每天花多少时间在书面交流上?而你的话对你的生意有什么样的影响?无论你是在撰写电子邮件、信息还是报告,每一个字都需要时间。语言可能是你的企业最有价值的货币。 我们都经历过寻找完美词汇的挣扎,或者在重要邮件中点击“发送”前的犹豫。在这样的时刻,你的团队需要的不仅仅是拼写检查。他们需要一种快速、有效的方法来找到合适的表达方式,帮助他们打造完美的语气。 而这正是DeepL Write Pro在这里帮助你做的。 Write Pro由生成语言人工智能提供支持,是开发更好的想法、制作更好的内容和改善商业沟通的一站式商店。无论您在哪里工作,从Gmail到Microsoft Word,Write Pro的实时更正、建议的替代方案以及写作风格和语气选项都将帮助您的团队将写作和创造力提升到一个新的水平。 截至今天,DeepL Write在DeepL Pro上市的所有国家正式发售。我们的人工智能写作伴侣可以激发你的团队以不同的方式思考和交流。请继续阅读,探索Write Pro激动人心的功能和优势。 听到了你想听到的?现在就开始尝试DeepL Write Pro吧。 DeepL Write Pro是一款人工智能助手,可以帮助企业改善沟通,提高生产力,节省成本。由先进的神经网络驱动,这是适合商业的人工智能:提供数亿DeepL用户已知的准确性,并始终坚持最高的隐私和安全标准。 Write Pro已经推出了英语和德语版本,更多语言版本即将推出。目前,Write Pro可通过我们的网络浏览器、桌面和移动应用程序、浏览器扩展和许多集成获得,包括: 使用Write Pro,您的公司可以减少编辑时间,提高写作质量,并提高整体生产力。是时候让语言成为你团队的竞争优势了。 由于各种生成式人工智能驱动的单词和句子替代方案,Write Pro可以帮助您的团队调整他们的写作,以便他们可以准确地说出他们的意思,并避免令人沮丧和代价高昂的误解。 通过实时纠正语法、标点和拼写错误,Write Pro使您的团队的写作更加清晰和精确。这反过来又确保了组织内部和外部内容的一致性和完善性。 您的团队也可以通过选择我们的写作风格来微调他们的写作,目前包括: 和音调: 通过根据任何情况定制你的书面交流,你的企业将从更有影响力的写作中受益。DeepL Write Pro帮助您的团队更清晰地交流,从而实现更好的协作。 DeepL Write Pro的自动改进节省了团队的时间和资源。 无限制的实时修改和建议的替代方案节省了手动校对和编辑的时间,提高了团队的工作效率,使他们能够专注于更具战略性的任务。 通过Write Pro与主要应用程序的集成,包括Gmail、Microsoft Word和Google Suite,您的团队无论在哪里工作,都比以往任何时候都更容易提高写作水平。 让我们面对现实吧:你的团队可能已经在他们的工作中使用了生成式人工智能。但是,通过使用不合规的提供商,他们可能会使企业面临数据泄露。一次不合规事件平均会给您的企业造成537万欧元(587万美元)的损失,对您声誉的影响还会更大。就像DeepL的翻译订阅一样,DeepL Write Pro以严格的隐私和安全标准保护您公司的数据。 写专业版包括: 数据保护和隐私对于注重安全的公司至关重要。DeepL对世界级安全性的专注是企业选择DeepL Write Pro的关键原因之一。 DeepL Write Pro让世界各地的商务人士能够以不同的方式思考,充满信心地写作。 从日常互动到高风险的工作场景,DeepL Write Pro提升了您的写作水平,提高了您在全球范围内商务沟通的质量和效率。 准备好以有影响力、清晰和自信的方式进行交流了吗?立即尝试DeepL Write Pro。 在不断发展的技术和通信领域,像Yukiko Yamakura这样的个人处于促进跨越文化和语言鸿沟的联系的最前沿。作为DeepL日本收入团队的战略销售发展代表(SSDR),Yukiko于2023年4月加入DeepL她的旅程证明了语言和同理心的变革力量。 在这段对话中,Yukiko分享了对她的角色、DeepL的支持文化以及她个人成就的见解,这些成就突出了她对公司使命的贡献。 是的,绝对的。我是Yukiko,日本收入团队的一员。2023年4月,我开始担任SSDR的角色,之前我是HubSpot的一名客户经理。 SSDR在DeepL的职位至关重要,因为它涉及识别战略销售机会,并作为目标公司的初始接触点。这个角色将我置于营销和销售的交汇点,让我能够在协作的环境中为DeepL的使命做出贡献。 我出生并成长在东京的一个多元文化家庭,父亲是日裔巴西人,母亲是半个韩国人。在如此多元化的环境中长大,我对体验不同的文化产生了热情。 这使我在大学期间出国留学并广泛旅行。克服语言障碍一直具有挑战性,但相互理解的喜悦是不可估量的。 这些经历深深影响了我对语言培养共鸣和理解的力量的信念——不管文化差异如何。那也是我爱上DeepL的那一刻! 我真的很钦佩DeepL的文化透明、谦逊、善解人意——高度重视团队和个人。我特别喜欢我的团队和其他SDR之间的团结感,不管地理位置如何。 在公司活动中与同事聚在一起,即使一年只有几次,也能让我保持动力,让我觉得我们都是同一个团队的一部分。同时,作为一名贡献者,我感到自己受到重视,这最终在我和我的团队之间建立了纽带。 在DeepL,我们理解并接受每个人都是独一无二的,有着不同的环境和背景——带来他们自己的观点、想法、感受、优势和劣势。我们重视这种多样性,并认识到营造一个崇尚个性的包容性环境的重要性。 这种多样性让我们变得强大。这就是为什么我们可以互相支持,提出新的想法,并最终共同繁荣。我们之间的差异不仅重要,而且对我们的集体成功至关重要。这就是为什么拥抱我们不同的背景和经历如此重要。 在DeepL,远程工作和灵活的时间表意味着我们可以选择每天在任何最适合我们的环境中工作,而不受地点或严格办公时间的限制。然而,这种灵活性来自于这样一种理解,即我们与整个团队跨地点和时区进行协调,以确保顺利、高效的协作。 更重要的是,DeepL鼓励我们探索任何我们热爱的角色,无论我们的年龄或性别如何。我特别欣赏管理层的支持,提供季度业务回顾(qbr)和其他适合我个人成长和发展的资源。这种支持性的环境激励我在职业生涯中追求卓越。 哦,是的,绝对的!我最自豪的时刻之一是在德累斯顿的2023年公司活动中获得文化奖,并在柏林的冬季SKO被评为最佳SSDR。 这些时刻不仅是对我努力的认可,也凸显了营销团队和客户经理成员之间的协作精神。它强调了团队合作在取得成功中的重要性。 对我来说,DeepL绝对是一个工作的好地方!加入DeepL对我来说是一次真正丰富的旅程,特别是因为我与公司所代表的使命有着深刻的联系,并对语言和探索不同的文化有着真正的热情。 在这个地方,积极主动受到高度重视,我们从主动让事情变得更好中找到快乐——即使面临挑战。体验从零开始创造东西的兴奋感是令人难以置信的回报。 然而,最突出的是团队精神——这里的每个人都合作、谦逊、善解人意,而且非常棒。它不仅仅是一个工作场所;这是一个支持和鼓励你成长的社区。 雪子的故事有力地提醒了我们同理心和文化理解在当今全球格局中的作用。通过她的奉献精神和DeepL的支持性工作环境,她展示了技术如何成为一种向善的力量——将全球各地的人们联系在一起,并将他们团结在一个更大的目标下。 雪子的旅程表明,克服障碍,无论是语言上的还是文化上的,都始于同理心和对理解的共同承诺。 如果你正在一家重视多元化、同理心和成长的公司寻找新的机会,请查看我们的空缺职位。 全球化、市场扩张、跨国增长——不管你怎么称呼它,这是任何零售商都无法逃避的。为了在当今高压零售行业保持竞争力,公司需要有效地拓展新市场。这需要大规模的本地化。 为什么?为了真正与潜在客户建立联系,零售商必须说他们的语言。从网站到客户服务聊天,再到社交媒体,零售商和客户之间有如此多的沟通,每个接触点都很重要。 根据DeepL自己的研究,75%的营销人员认为本地化内容显著提高了客户参与度。这是有回报的——96%的人报告说本地化工作带来了积极的ROI(投资回报)。* 显然,本地化可以促进公司的全球化努力,但是您如何为您的企业找到合适的本地化解决方案——一个平衡准确性、效率和成本的解决方案呢?这就是人工智能翻译工具可以提供帮助的地方。 在这篇博文中,我们将讨论在选择人工智能翻译工具来支持您的零售公司的本地化工作时需要考虑什么。我们还将分享从我们自己的研究中获得的一些经验,并探索DeepL如何帮助国际零售商提高利润。 要了解DeepL如何支持您的零售公司的本地化工作,请查看我们的DeepL for retail页面。 基于我们自己的行业研究,我们确定了一些重要的评估标准,供零售商在选择机器翻译服务时考虑。 在做出选择时,请考虑以下问题: 这不是一个详尽的列表,但在探索和评估可用的机器翻译解决方案时,这是一个很好的起点。 为您的企业选择合适的机器翻译工具将涉及许多人。但是,有几个角色应该始终参与其中: 不同的团队使用AI翻译的原因不同。但是,最终,人工智能翻译工具帮助零售商通过本地化内容接触全球客户。 让我们从DeepL自己的研究中探索几个用例。 团队:营销 产品:DeepL翻译和DeepL写 许多公司使用DeepL为全球营销活动本地化他们的宣传材料和资产,使他们能够更好地与目标受众联系。DeepL的文档翻译功能在这里特别有用。 团队:IT 产品:DeepL API 许多企业使用DeepL API将我们的人工智能翻译直接集成到他们的网站和客户支持平台中,这有助于提高效率和扩大本地化工作。 团队:电子商务、信息技术 产品:DeepL API和DeepL翻译器 许多人使用DeepL API和DeepL Translator为他们的网站翻译产品名称、描述和定价,允许他们用自己的语言与客户交谈。 团队:客户服务、IT 产品:DeepL API和DeepL翻译器 使用API和DeepL Translator,零售商可以增强所有客户互动中的沟通,从电话到票务系统再到电子邮件。 在选择机器翻译供应商时,零售商应该寻找能够提供积极投资回报并使其本地化工作更加高效的工具。 最近,DeepL委托Forrester Consulting进行了一项总体经济影响™研究,该研究将全球企业作为一个复合组织进行分析,以衡量DeepL技术的影响。 这项2024年的研究发现,DeepL实现了345%的投资回报率,€节省了280万英镑的效率。此外,DeepL将内部翻译时间减少了90%,翻译工作量减少了50%。简而言之,DeepL支持快速、简单的翻译,这激发了人们的信心,受访企业花在审查结果上的时间更少了。 基于这些发现,很明显DeepL增强了决策过程,并作为一项战略投资。 为您的企业选择合适的机器翻译工具并不容易。从易用性到可靠性再到准确性——在做出选择之前,你需要勾选很多选项。 DeepL的人工智能翻译工具支持准确、可靠的大规模本地化。要了解有关DeepL Pro如何帮助您的企业简化全球本地化的更多信息,请查看我们的DeepL for retail页面。 _ *与Regina Corso Consulting合作,DeepL调查了美国、法国、德国和日本的营销人员,特别针对负责翻译和本地化的人员。 DeepL成功的核心是一个超越尖端技术和突破性创新的秘密因素:员工的力量。今天,我们想向您介绍Mara、Mehdi、Lynn、Christopher和Ryo——五位杰出的人物,他们的故事不仅是个人成就的叙述,也是DeepL核心价值观在行动中的生动例证。 他们共同体现了一种文化,在这种文化中,同理心流动,战略思维领先,行动胜于雄辩,谦逊是基础,团队合作驱动——将DeepL的精神气质转化为日常互动的生命线。深入他们的旅程,发现DeepL的人类心跳,在这里,价值观不仅仅是文字,而是我们集体故事的支柱。 玛拉是那种照亮房间的人,不仅仅是因为她的存在,还因为她对周围人真诚的关心。在她的销售支持角色中,她不仅仅关注数字,她还关注人。 “每当我听到担忧或感觉到某种氛围时,我都会努力在场并积极倾听,”她说,强调了她致力于创造一个支持性的环境。她的方法受到体现感恩和开放的领导者的强烈影响。“开诚布公地说出你的挣扎——你可能会惊讶地发现这能引起别人的共鸣!”玛拉建议说,这提醒人们脆弱在打造更深层次联系中的力量。 当被问及她打算如何继续培养一种让DeepL的每个人都感到被关心的文化时,Mara说:“当我们受到挑战时,我们都会以尊重和友好的方式尽最大努力。关注队友的想法不仅能让我们更好地合作,还能帮助我们公司健康发展。” 迈赫迪拥有既能看到森林又能看到树木的罕见能力。当他通过DeepL的产品指导新客户时,他总是在思考如何长期扩展质量和愿景。 “我分阶段取得进展,并为同事提供分享反馈的机会。这是过程中必不可少的一部分,可以让你更快地实现最初的影响,然后通过各种迭代来调整项目,以释放更多的价值,”他解释道,并举例说明了他扩展能力的方法。 他的好奇心和前瞻性思维具有感染力,激励着周围的人不断寻求改进和创新。迈赫迪说:“每一点点都有帮助!实现规模、质量和面向未来的道路不仅仅是大的变化或全新的流程。往往是小事情累积起来,为我们的团队和客户带来巨大的变化。”他强调了自己对小而一致的行动带来增量效益的信念。 林恩的故事清晰而有目的。她以果断的行动和深刻的主人翁意识改变了客户成功运营。 Lynn回顾了她实施的一项重大变革,她说:“当我加入时,CSM在一次通话中通过各种空闲渠道DMs处理客户介绍请求,我们无法跟踪这些对话。我决定将它们简化为一个申请表,由客户成功领导团队每周审查一次,然后进行优先排序并发送到CSM进行客户拓展。有了这个决定,我们就能够降低CSM的噪音,”展示了她通过复杂性找到有效解决方案的能力。 她的指导原则?“一个决定能产生多大的积极影响,而做出这个决定会有多大的风险/成本,”这种平衡支撑着她深思熟虑而又果断的领导风格。 克里斯托弗的团队合作方式就像一首完美的管弦乐,每一个元素都有助于一个统一和令人满意的结果。他乐于分享知识,并认为团队的共同努力是他们成功的基石。 “成为一个重视协作的团队的一员是值得的,这是一个真实的例子,你的贡献会得到回报,”他说,抓住了互惠支持和开放团队合作的精神。 当被问及他的协作精神的来源以及他可以为培养有效的团队合作提供的任何建议时,Christopher强调说:“心理安全原则在团队动力中起着关键作用——确保每个团队成员都有信心表达自己的想法而不用担心被评判是至关重要的。我把我们营造这样一个环境的能力归功于我们的团队领导刘易斯·福勒!” Ryo的叙述将DeepL的所有价值观编织在一起,创造了一幅丰富的织锦,展示了这些原则的相互联系。 “对我来说,DeepL的价值观超越了工作场所,适用于日常生活。关心他人、放眼全局、快速决策、重视团队合作和谦逊的原则指导着我的日常选择和重要决策。它们还影响着我如何建立和加强人际关系,不仅是在团队内部,也包括工作之外,”他分享道。 “建立信任至关重要,因为它既影响工作成果,也影响工作的整体氛围。当面临新的挑战或陌生的情况时,这些价值观提供了可靠的支持,”他评论道,并强调了这些指导原则的普遍性。 当被问及如何将这些价值观融入日常生活时,他会与团队成员分享什么建议或见解时,Ryo建议,“虽然所有价值观都很重要,但我个人优先考虑主动协作。DeepL的多样性通过交流新知识和观点丰富了创造力和创新。 “我相信不断学习对技能提升和职业发展至关重要,求知欲是强大的动力。我还认为,在工作中学习和理解更多有助于个人成长,并共同提高我们的专业知识。” 这些叙述展示了DeepL的精髓,证明了任何组织的核心都是其员工——那些每天实践其基本价值观的人。通过他们的故事,Mara、Mehdi、Lynn、Christopher和Ryo展示了我们的价值观——如深思熟虑的规划、有效的决策、谦逊和开放的协作——在工作场所发挥的关键作用。这些是有意义变革的真正驱动力。 有兴趣了解我们如何将价值观付诸行动吗?在LinkedIn上关注我们,深入了解我们团队的生活。通过他们的个人经历,你会看到同理心、战略远见、果断行动、谦逊和协作不仅仅是概念,而是每天影响我们工作文化的积极实践。 语言人工智能领导者DeepL被福布斯评为该领域的顶级创新者,因为它为全球10万家企业带来了革命性的通信 语言人工智能的全球领导者DeepL被提名为2024年福布斯人工智能50强。今年的榜单特别关注那些为企业和消费者提供更高生产率动力的公司。全球各地的公司都在迅速采用最新的人工智能技术来增强运营和扩大增长。DeepL的认可进一步巩固了其在人工智能领域的地位,成为超过100,000家全球企业跨境沟通的值得信赖和不可或缺的合作伙伴。 年度福布斯人工智能50强榜单是人工智能现状的基准。人工智能前所未有的增长正在大规模改变生产力,同时大幅降低企业成本。DeepL的语言人工智能产品套件正是实现了这一点:企业可以跨越语言和边界进行准确的沟通——减少了曾经阻碍他们进入市场的壁垒。对于成熟的全球企业来说,准确的人工智能翻译使他们能够巩固市场优势,扩大客户群,并进一步确保品牌认知度和忠诚度。 继2023年福布斯云100强榜单之后,DeepL继续推动人工智能技术的发展。DeepL被列入今年的人工智能50强名单,加强了其基本的增长轨迹,以及它作为人工智能领域先驱所打造的创新道路。DeepL根据高质量的数据训练其人工智能模型,同时纳入人类编辑,进一步管理其产品的质量——这些产品由世界上第34快的超级计算机DeepL Mercury提供支持。该公司的独特方法将世界一流的研究人员和工程师的专业知识与领先的语言学家的专业知识相结合,以实现一流的翻译准确性,远远超过主要的科技巨头。 DeepL正在帮助公司建立全球足迹——迅速成为全球垂直行业企业的首选人工智能。其企业级安全性进一步使其在竞争中脱颖而出,因为该公司拥有自己的技术堆栈,并在严格的安全框架内运营,使其成为企业保护数据的值得信赖的合作伙伴。 要了解更多关于DeepL如何革新你的团队沟通的信息,请访问www.deepl.com。 从大流行后的转变到经济压力,再到人工智能的兴起,零售商正在应对无数的挑战。为了在当今的零售环境中生存和发展,公司需要比以往任何时候都更快、更有竞争力。他们需要走向全球。 那么,一个公司如何一气呵成地加快全球扩张,提升客户体验呢?他们本地化他们的内容。 根据Weglot最近的一项研究,“近73%的客户更喜欢从以他们自己的语言提供信息的网站购买产品或服务。”另有40%的人表示,他们不会从其他语言的网站上购买产品。此外,根据FTI Consulting的调查,美国在线零售额预计将在2023年达到1.14万亿美元,比2022年增长10%。 毫无疑问,零售业正在成长——本地化是成功的关键。事实上,我们自己的本地化研究发现,96%的受访者报告了本地化工作的积极投资回报。65%的人报告投资回报率为3倍或更高。 但是,像任何有价值的商业策略一样,本地化需要时间。这就是DeepL的AI翻译的用武之地。借助DeepL,零售商可以大规模本地化内容,并用客户自己的语言与客户交流,从而实现更快、更简化的本地化流程。这使得零售商能够优先考虑高影响力、高增长的地区。 要进一步了解为什么DeepL是具有雄心勃勃的国际扩张计划的零售商的最佳选择,请继续阅读或访问我们的DeepL for retail页面。 进入一个新的市场对本地化团队来说是一项艰巨的任务。从产品描述到顾客评论再到营销材料,零售商需要本地化的内容太多了。此外,这些内容通常是动态和不断变化的,这也可以理解为什么一些本地化团队很难跟上。 此外,本地化可能是一个棘手的过程。这不仅仅是将文本从一种语言翻译成另一种语言,而是适应不同市场的文化和语言差异,以真正与你的目标受众产生共鸣。基本上,翻译是更复杂的本地化过程的一部分——这也是DeepL发挥重要作用的地方。 使用DeepL的人工智能翻译作为本地化的起点,零售商可以提高效率、节省时间、提高质量和改善一致性。事实上,根据Forrester Consulting委托DeepL最近的一项研究,DeepL将翻译时间减少了90%。这导致了345%的投资回报率,并在三年内节省了279万欧元的效率。* 同一项研究发现,DeepL减少了50%的翻译工作量,并使€的流程成本降低了227,430英镑。这项研究清楚地强调了DeepL是受访组织的一项战略投资。你的团队可以用这些额外的时间做什么? 当你的零售公司走向全球时,重要的是要优先考虑: 让我们来看看DeepL是如何堆叠的。 使用DeepL的词汇表,您可以轻松地保持特定于品牌和产品的术语在不同语言之间的一致性。对于国际零售商来说,标准化品牌名称、技术术语和产品文档非常重要。这样,当你扩展到新的市场和语言时,你知道每个人都在同一页上。 我们的词汇表还可以帮助零售商降低成本,节省手动编辑的时间。有了共享的词汇表,就更容易确保国际市场上团队和公司的一致性。 本地化内容时,准确性就是一切。高质量的翻译对于赢得客户信任、遵守法规要求和改善多语言沟通至关重要。 根据盲测,DeepL比其最接近的竞争对手精确3倍以上。这在很大程度上要归功于DeepL的尖端神经网络和语言人工智能模型,它们允许更细致入微、听起来更自然的翻译。 成功的市场扩张战略需要本地化才能跟上步伐,DeepL允许零售商大规模翻译内容。零售商可以使用DeepL的人工智能翻译来领先一步,而不是从头开始翻译一切。 这反过来又使零售组织能够加快上市时间,从而加速全球增长并跟上竞争激烈的行业格局。 许多零售商已经在使用DeepL进入新市场并进行全球扩张。其中有像Alza和Kazar这样的一流零售公司。 被称为“捷克亚马逊”的Alza是一家电子商务公司,市场遍布欧洲。在扩展到英国和中欧后,Alza需要高质量的翻译,而不会使其本地化团队负担过重。输入DeepL。 借助DeepL API,Alza能够翻译大量用户评论。这为客户在网上购物时提供了质量保证,并显著提高了其转化率。 据Alza的本地化主管Jakub Kalina称,DeepL帮助零售商增加了产量,他说: 波兰在线时尚品牌Kazar的目标是向新的欧洲市场扩张,如希腊、英国和保加利亚。在这里,Kazar认识到需要一个健壮的翻译API来快速本地化其产品提要。 在测试了多个翻译选项后,Kazar确定DeepL具有最高的质量。根据Kazar的B2B开发合作伙伴和市场项目负责人Radomir Kiepas的说法,DeepL API使零售商能够在新的市场推出产品,并增加欧洲订单量。 当被问及他会对其他考虑机器翻译的公司说些什么时,Kiepas说: 在提供持续高质量客户体验的同时加速市场扩张并不容易。但使用DeepL等变革性人工智能翻译工具来简化本地化有助于零售商更轻松地驾驭全球市场。 要了解有关DeepL Pro如何帮助您的公司获得新客户并更有效地扩展的更多信息,请查看我们的DeepL for retail页面。 *数据来自Forrester Consulting代表DeepL于2024年进行的委托研究。 你是在为DeepL面试做准备,还是只是对我们的面试过程感到好奇?不管怎样,你都会得到很好的照顾。我是内森,我将是你这段旅程的向导。 作为DeepL的人才获取专家之一,我致力于为我们在EMEA的客户经理职位寻找最佳人才。凭借在快节奏的B2B SaaS销售领域超过8年的经验,我为许多处于业务旅程不同阶段的组织提供了支持,应对了复杂的招聘挑战和流程。和我一起带你经历我们面试过程的不同阶段,分享我多年来收集的见解和内幕消息。 在DeepL,我们的面试流程旨在确保候选人和公司都是完美的一对。让我们把这个过程分成四个不同的阶段: 我们面试过程的第一阶段是招聘人员筛选,这是我们评估你是否适合DeepL的机会。然而,同样重要的是,DeepL适合您。我们招聘过程的每个阶段都是互惠的。 在这个阶段,作为一名招聘人员,我希望了解候选人考虑DeepL的动机。我会考虑你是否在积极寻找,你的期望和抱负是什么——正如我们对我们寻找的东西有标准一样,你也应该这样做。我还会问一些一般性的“内务管理”人力资源问题,以更广泛地了解你的背景、经历、成功和职责。 所有这些联系在一起,看看是否有一个最初的文化契合。对我来说,这很简单。你是一个善良、平易近人、容易交谈的人吗?一个我觉得放在更广泛的DeepL团队面前很舒服的人?最后,同样重要的是,你要为我准备好有见地、有意义的问题——我总是很乐意回答。 因此,我们看到了最初的相互配合——太好了!接下来是与你潜在的经理进行一对一的会面。这是一个很好的机会,看看你是否能和这个人一起工作并向他汇报。这也是一个机会,看看你的经理是否认为你很适合他们的团队。 这一阶段的目标是深入第一次面试中涉及的一些领域的表面之下。例如: 第三轮通常需要最多的候选人准备。这一阶段通常包括60分钟的面试,分为两个部分。 在前半部分,你将进行角色扮演,通常是和招聘经理一起,然后是反馈。在后半部分,另一名管理层成员将根据我们公司的价值观提出自我反思的问题。 我们最后的面试是一个与团队中未来的同行见面的机会。这提供了一个机会来理解在DeepL做一名客户经理意味着什么。 与前面的阶段类似,我们的目标是确保你和你遇到的人在一起感到舒适和快乐,因为他们将在你的日常工作中发挥不可或缺的作用。同样重要的是,我们目前的员工对您的加入感到兴奋。 通过在这些阶段构建我们的面试流程,我们旨在彻底评估候选人,同时提供透明和吸引人的体验。面试过程的持续时间通常取决于多种因素,但我们是一家快速发展的公司。这个过程从开始到结束平均需要两周时间。 现在你已经对面试阶段有了清晰的了解,让我们来讨论一些帮助你有效驾驭面试过程的技巧。 成功驾驭面试过程需要的不仅仅是技术专长;这是关于展示你的性格和承诺。这里有一些实用的技巧可以帮助你脱颖而出: 总之,我们的招聘过程是互惠的。这不仅仅是因为你最适合DeepL,也是因为我们最适合你的下一步职业发展。每个面试阶段都让您有机会结识我们收入/销售组织的不同成员,让您了解期望。这也有助于我们将您对我们的期望与我们对您的期望结合起来。 当你准备你的DeepL之旅时,记得做你的研究,为每次面试做好充分准备,并提出有见地的问题,展示你对加入我们打破语言障碍的不可思议的使命的热情。 如果你准备好迈出职业生涯的下一步,我们邀请你在我们的职业页面上探索我们当前的职位空缺。 我们期待着在DeepL欢迎杰出的人才加入我们的团队! 想知道人工智能翻译如何影响全球业务增长吗?或者像DeepL这样的AI翻译工具产生了什么样的成本节约和投资回报率? 感谢Forrester Consulting在2024年代表DeepL进行的委托研究“DeepL的总体经济影响™”,我们有很多见解可以分享。TEI方法用四个组成部分评估投资价值——成本、收益、灵活性和风险——并说明一项技术的产品和服务的投资回报率。20多年来,它一直被认为是评估业务影响的黄金标准。 对于DeepL的研究,Forrester采访了来自能源、金融服务(四大)、法律服务和制药行业的四家有使用DeepL经验的组织,以创建一个单一的复合组织。 该研究解释了翻译时间的减少如何影响内部和外部业务沟通的效率节约,而我们的博客文章将探讨该研究本身的一些亮点。准备好直接跳到DeepL的TEI研究了吗?下载完整的TEI研究。 根据DeepL的TEI研究,其主要优势之一是内部文档翻译时间减少了90%。这为受访组织节省了大量时间和成本,进而帮助他们更轻松、更高效地驾驭全球市场。 事实上,接受采访的组织报告说,在三年时间里,效率节约了279万€。该图显示了DeepL作为战略投资的真正价值,它帮助转变了多语言交流。 Forrester Consulting还发现DeepL的投资回报率为345%,翻译工作量减少了50%。这为受访的综合组织节省了大量成本,同时保持了高质量、值得信赖的翻译。 在三年多的时间里,这相当于€在工作流程和流程成本方面减少了227,430英镑。借助DeepL的语言人工智能,受访的复合组织可以简化他们的翻译流程,从而使他们能够更有效地分配资源。 请看我们采访过的一位公司员工,一位能源公司的软件应用经理所说的话: DeepL的目标一直是让翻译人员能够做到最好。在我们的TEI研究中,Forrester Consulting发现DeepL将流向翻译服务团队的文档减少了50%。这反过来又使受访组织的内部工作人员能够更有效地管理翻译工作。 据法律服务部门的一位产品经理说,“DeepL确实在减少我们与其他公司的翻译数量方面增加了价值。” 这种转变也有助于翻译专业人员专注于语言和文化解释中更复杂、更微妙的方面,让他们的专业知识真正发挥作用。 基于这些结果,很明显DeepL通过提供以下功能增强了决策过程: 要了解是什么让DeepL成为全球企业的战略投资,请立即阅读整个TEI研究。

