Lingpad X Front Integration: The Key To Breaking Language Barriers One...

Lingpad X前端集成:打破语言障碍的关键.

2024-04-04 07:41 multilingual


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Lingpad, a leading AI-powered localization tool, is thrilled to announce its latest integration with Front, a top-tier customer operations platform. This marks Lingpad’s fifth successful integration, following its thriving collaborations with Zendesk, Freshdesk, Gorgias, and Intercom. This innovative partnership empowers businesses using Front to translate messaging conversations, seamlessly ensuring exceptional multilingual customer support. Front has revolutionized customer communication by offering a centralized hub for email, chat, SMS, and social media interactions. Its intuitive interface and powerful features streamline support teams’ workflows and foster stronger customer relationships. Most customer operation platforms focus on providing a seamless omni-channel experience and automating agent workflows. Multilingual customer support is pivotal in this globalizing landscape where multinational people reside in all parts of the world or when a brand has a strong global presence. So, brands serving a global audience had to rely on multilingual customer support reps to address language barriers. Until, there emerged a better way, a quicker way to handle multi-language support tickets. Lingpad bridges the communication gap with its cutting-edge AI technology. The integration with Front allows support agents to instantly translate incoming and outgoing messages across a staggering 120+ languages. This empowers them to: Resolve Issues Faster: Respond to customer inquiries in their native language, leading to quicker resolutions and improved customer satisfaction. Boost Agent Productivity: Eliminate the need for manual translations, freeing up valuable time for agents to focus on complex queries that require human expertise. Reduce Costs: Cut reliance on expensive and time-consuming human translation services with Lingpad’s cost-effective and quick AI-powered solution. Deliver Consistent Brand Voice: Maintain brand consistency across all languages with Lingpad’s exceptional features such as Glossary, Tone selection, and Translation Memories (TMs). These features allow you to deliver high-quality, nuanced translations that sound like your brand, regardless of the language. Increase CSAT scores: By ensuring that your translations are accurate and tailored to your brand, you can increase customer satisfaction and build trust with your customers. Additionally, providing high-quality translations can ensure that customers can understand your message and make better decisions. Learn how to improve CSAT scores. The Front and Lingpad integration goes beyond basic translation. It offers a layer of flexibility that caters to specific business needs: AI-powered, Human-Quality Translations: Lingpad’s AI language models are trained on human translations and constantly learn and adapt, ensuring translations that are not only accurate but also capture the natural flow of conversation. Seamless Integration: Integrating your Front inbox with Lingpad requires no complex setup—just a few clicks, and you’re done! Even your customer support team with no technical experience can seamlessly integrate and get your Lingpad account running in no time. Customization Options: Tailor the translation experience by setting preferred languages for bilingual/multilingual support agents and leveraging Lingpad’s tone selection to maintain brand tone in AI-powered translations. Lingpad’s integration with Front is set to revolutionize multilingual conversations. It detects the language of the incoming customer message and translates the message into the agents’ preferred language. Agents can then send the response in their preferred default language, and Lingpad will send a translated response to the customer in the customer’s language. This integration is a significant step towards providing efficient multilingual customer support. According to an Intercom survey, 70% of customers stay loyal to companies offering customer support in their native tongue. Lingpad’s integration with Front aims to enhance this loyalty by providing personalized support in the customer’s preferred language. Check out the customer service industry benchmarks and standards that brands should emulate here. “We are excited to partner with Front to empower businesses to deliver exceptional customer service regardless of language barriers,” says Ronak Thakkar, CEO of Lingpad. “This integration is a testament to our commitment to breaking down communication silos and fostering a more connected global customer experience.” With Lingpad by their side, Front users can now confidently expand their global reach, build stronger customer relationships, and unlock the true potential of multilingual communication. This collaboration is set to improve customer service significantly, making it more personalized and efficient. Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting integration! For more information, please visit Lingpad and Front.
领先的人工智能本地化工具Lingpad很高兴地宣布其与顶级客户运营平台Front的最新集成。这标志着Lingpad继与Zendesk、Freshdesk、Gorgias和Intercom的蓬勃合作之后的第五次成功整合。这种创新的合作伙伴关系使企业能够使用Front翻译消息对话,无缝地确保卓越的多语言客户支持。 Front通过为电子邮件、聊天、短信和社交媒体交互提供集中式中心,彻底改变了客户通信。其直观的界面和强大的功能简化了支持团队的工作流程,并促进了更强大的客户关系。 大多数客户运营平台专注于提供无缝的全渠道体验和自动化代理工作流程。多语言客户支持在这个全球化的环境中至关重要,跨国人士居住在世界各地,或者当一个品牌拥有强大的全球影响力时。因此,服务于全球受众的品牌不得不依赖多语言客户支持代表来解决语言障碍。直到出现了一种更好的方法,一种更快的方法来处理多语言支持票。 Lingpad以其尖端的人工智能技术弥合了沟通差距。与Front的集成允许支持代理即时翻译传入和传出的消息,跨越120多种语言。这使他们能够: 更快地解决问题:以客户的母语回应客户的询问,从而更快地解决问题并提高客户满意度。 提高座席工作效率:消除了人工翻译的需求,为代理腾出宝贵的时间,专注于需要人工专业知识的复杂查询。 降低成本:使用Lingpad经济高效且快速的人工智能解决方案,减少对昂贵且耗时的人工翻译服务的依赖。 提供一致的品牌声音:使用Lingpad的特殊功能,如词汇表、音调选择和翻译记忆库(TM),在所有语言中保持品牌一致性。这些功能使您能够提供高质量、细致入微的翻译,无论使用何种语言,都能让您的品牌听起来像您的品牌。 提高CSAT分数:通过确保您的翻译准确并根据您的品牌量身定制,您可以提高客户满意度并与客户建立信任。此外,提供高质量的翻译可以确保客户能够理解您的信息并做出更好的决策。了解如何提高CSAT分数。 Front和Lingpad的集成超越了基本的翻译。它提供了一层灵活性,以满足特定的业务需求: 人工智能驱动的人性化翻译:Lingpad的人工智能语言模型经过人工翻译训练,并不断学习和适应,确保翻译不仅准确,而且能够捕捉自然的对话流程。 无缝集成:将您的Front收件箱与Lingpad集成无需复杂的设置-只需点击几下,即可完成!即使您的客户支持团队没有技术经验,也可以无缝集成并立即运行您的Lingpad帐户。 定制选项:通过为双语/多语言支持代理设置首选语言,并利用Lingpad的语气选择来保持人工智能翻译的品牌语气,从而定制翻译体验。 Lingpad与Front的集成将彻底改变多语言对话。它检测传入的客户消息的语言,并将消息翻译为代理的首选语言。然后,客服人员可以用他们首选的默认语言发送回复,Lingpad将以客户的语言向客户发送翻译后的回复。 这种集成是向提供高效的多语言客户支持迈出的重要一步。根据Intercom的一项调查,70%的客户对以母语提供客户支持的公司保持忠诚。Lingpad与Front的集成旨在通过以客户首选语言提供个性化支持来提高客户忠诚度。 在这里查看品牌应该效仿的客户服务行业基准和标准。 Lingpad首席执行官Ronak Thakkar表示:“我们很高兴能与Front合作,让企业能够克服语言障碍,提供卓越的客户服务。“这种整合证明了我们致力于打破沟通孤岛并促进更加互联的全球客户体验的承诺。 有了Lingpad,Front用户现在可以自信地扩大其全球影响力,建立更强大的客户关系,并释放多语言沟通的真正潜力。 这种合作将显著改善客户服务,使其更加个性化和高效。敬请关注有关此令人兴奋的集成的更多更新! 如需了解更多信息,请访问Lingpad和Front。

