Notion Gantt Chart: Key Features, Pros and Cons


2024-03-28 19:00 project manager


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Notion is work management software that helps teams from across industries such as product development, engineering or marketing to facilitate team communication, manage tasks and create simple project timelines. While Notion has project management features, is there a Notion Gantt chart? We’ll get to that in a moment. Gantt charts are essential project planning and scheduling tools that can manage and track resources and costs. Does Notion Have a Gantt Chart? The short answer is no, Notion doesn’t have a Gantt chart. However, you can use Notion’s task list and project timeline to create a Gantt chart. Additionally, Notion has other basic project management features such as project calendars, kanban boards and sprint boards to help you manage your team’s workload. But even building a Notion Gantt chart isn’t ideal. A Notion Gantt chart doesn’t have the robust features that project managers, teams and stakeholders expect from their Gantt charts. After doing all the work to create a Notion Gantt chart only to find out how limited it is will be frustrating. If you need a Gantt chart software for managing projects that has all the powerful features you need from a Gantt chart, use ProjectManager instead. ProjectManager’s Gantt charts have planning, scheduling and tracking features that Notion’s Gantt chart doesn’t, including the ability to link all four types of task dependencies. Users can also filter for the critical path and set a baseline to track project variance in real time. On top of that, it offers you other project management tools like timesheets, workload management charts, real-time project dashboards and much more. Get started with ProjectManager today for free. What Can a Notion Gantt Chart Be Used For? Even though Notion Gantt charts have some drawbacks that make them a limited tool for project management, they can still be used for many purposes, like these examples. Making a product roadmap that shows the various stages of product development Creating a basic project timeline to estimate the total duration of your projects Assigning work to your team members and monitoring their performance Planning, scheduling and tracking short-term projects Let’s review the key features of a Notion Gantt chart to better understand its capabilities and limitations when it comes to managing projects. Notion Gantt Chart Key Features A Notion Gantt chart allows you to create a project schedule, assign tasks to your team members and track their progress, which makes it useful for implementing action plans for your organization. Here’s a quick overview of its key features. Task dependencies: Notion Gantt charts can only identify finish-to-start task dependencies. Identifying task dependencies is important when creating an accurate and realistic project schedule. However, Notion can’t link start-to-finish, start-to-start or finish-to-finish, which can cause issues when executing projects. Percentage of completion: Notion Gantt charts show the percentage of completion for each task in the visual project timeline. Task prioritization: You can use a Notion Gantt chart to set a priority level for all project tasks. Notion Gantt Chart Example Let’s now take a look at a Notion Gantt chart example. This particular example is a roadmap template that shows the activities across product areas over the upcoming months. To start, let’s look at Notion’s project timeline tool. As you can see in the image below, it shows project task names, their due dates, duration, percentage of completion and arrows to indicate task dependencies. By clicking these project timeline bars, you can see additional information for each task, such as their priority level, status, and subtasks. Now, let’s review the other half of a Notion Gantt chart. By default, Notion’s task lists show your task names, status, assignee, due date and priority, but you can add other columns. Cons of a Notion Gantt Chart A Notion Gantt chart can be used for making basic project schedules but lacks the advanced project management features needed for managing all areas of a project. Here are some of them. Resource management: A Notion Gantt chart has no resource management features, which is one of the main disadvantages. While tasks can be assigned to team members, a Notion Gantt chart doesn’t allow for the allocation of any other type of resources to project tasks or track resource utilization as the project is executed. Cost tracking: Similarly, Notion Gantt charts don’t have any cost management capabilities. This means it only tracks the percentage of completion of tasks but won’t be able to track the costs of resources such as people, materials and equipment. Database-dependent Gantt chart: The process of making a Gantt chart in Notion requires the creation of a dataset, which is then automatically turned into a Gantt chart by the tool. While it may facilitate the process, it generates a Gantt chart with limited functionality, which makes Notion feel more like a data visualization tool rather than a project management software. Critical path method (CPM): A Notion Gantt chart doesn’t have critical path analysis features which are very important for project scheduling. The critical path of a project is the longest sequence of tasks that need to be delivered on time, or else project completion will be delayed. Having a Gantt chart with CPM features will help you better understand what tasks need to be prioritized to complete your projects on time. The Best Notion Gantt Chart Alternative As explained, Notion has project timelines and task lists that can be used to emulate the experience of using a Gantt chart. For example, these tools allow you to assign tasks to your team members or create basic project schedules, but shouldn’t be used for planning or managing the execution of projects due to their lack of advanced project management features such as cost, resource or risk tracking. ProjectManager offers a best-in-class Gantt chart that allows users to set a baseline, find the critical path and oversee resources in one place. Use it to track all four types of dependencies, set priorities and tag team members to collaborate in real time. No matter where you’re working, it’s easy to share files and documents to keep your project moving. Try it free for 30 days. Let’s look into some other reasons why you should use ProjectManager for your Gantt charts instead. Manage Resources and Monitor Project Costs ProjectManager’s Gantt chart view allows you to allocate project resources for all your project tasks, estimate their costs and then compare your project cost estimates with the actual resource utilization and costs of your project. Besides this built-in resource management feature, ProjectManager’s Gantt chart automatically syncs with real-time dashboards, timesheets and workload management charts so you can accurately track project costs and monitor how project resources are spent. Multiple Project Management Views Gantt charts are just one of the project management views that ProjectManager offers. You can also manage your projects using kanban boards, project calendars and task lists to schedule projects and manage your team’s workload. These tools can help you view your projects from different perspectives and allow your teams to work with different project management methodologies and styles such as waterfall or agile. How to Edit a Notion Gantt Chart With ProjectManager If you’re using Notion, but want a Gantt chart that manages all aspects of a project, then download the data from Notion’s project timelines and task lists as CSV files and import them into ProjectManager. Now you can use all of ProjectManager’s advanced project management features. Simply start a free trial of ProjectManager and follow these steps. 1. Use the Import Button on the Gantt Chart Once you’ve downloaded the CSV files for your Notion Gantt chart, log into ProjectManager and go to the Gantt chart view. Then click on the import button, as shown in the image below. 2. Select the CSV File You Want to Import As soon as you click the import button, a pop-up will appear. Now click “Select File” and import your CSV file. 3. Choose the CSV File Import Options You may import the information from your CSV files into ProjectManager to create a new project or add tasks to an existing project. 4. Select the Data to Populate the Gantt Chart Select what data to import from the CSV files and display on your Gantt chart. Fortunately, you can visualize all the information from your Notion timelines and task lists using ProjectManager’s Gantt chart and track many other aspects of your project such as resource utilization, costs and the critical path activities of your project. 5. Your Notion Gantt Chart Is Ready to Be Edited in ProjectManager If you see a new window that says “Success,” that means you’ve successfully imported the Notion Gantt chart CSV file you can continue to edit your Gantt chart in ProjectManager. Pros of a Notion Gantt Chart While a Notion Gantt chart has many limitations for managing projects, there are some benefits to using the software’s timeline feature. View projects easily Identify the degree of completion See the status of the work Find out who owns the work Link finish-to-start dependencies However, as we noted, the limitations of the Notion Gantt chart far outweigh the benefits. Notion’s Gantt chart isn’t a true Gantt chart and has minimal capabilities that most project managers won’t find sufficient. If you’re looking for a best-in-class Gantt chart that has all the in-depth features you need to plan and manage your project, try ProjectManager. Related Gantt Chart Content We’ve created dozens of blogs, templates and guides to help you make Gantt charts for planning, scheduling and tracking your projects. Here are some Gantt chart-related pages that you might find useful. Best Gantt chart Software: Free & Paid Alternatives Gantt Chart Template for Excel Gantt Chart vs. Kanban Board: Pros, Cons, Similarities & Differences Gantt Chart vs. PERT Chart vs. Network Diagram: What Are the Differences? ProjectManager is online project and portfolio management software that connects teams in the office, out in the field and anywhere in between. They can share files, comment at the task level and stay up to date with email and in-app notifications. Join teams at Avis, Nestle and Siemens who are using our tool to deliver successful projects. Get started with ProjectManager today for free.
Notion是一款工作管理软件,可帮助来自产品开发、工程或营销等行业的团队促进团队沟通、管理任务并创建简单的项目时间表。 虽然概念具有项目管理功能,但是否有概念流程图?我们等会儿再谈这个。工程图是必不可少的项目规划和调度工具,可以管理和跟踪资源和成本。 概念是否有图表? 简短的回答是不,概念没有一个图表。但是,您可以使用Notion的任务列表和项目时间轴来创建任务表。此外,Notion还有其他基本的项目管理功能,如项目日历、看板和冲刺板,可以帮助您管理团队的工作量。 但即使是构建一个概念图也不是理想的。一个概念图没有项目经理、团队和利益相关者期望从他们的概念图中得到的强大功能。在做了所有的工作来创建一个概念图之后,只会发现它是多么的有限,这将是令人沮丧的。 如果您需要一个具有所有强大功能的工程图软件来管理项目,请使用ProjectManager。ProjectManager的任务图具有规划、调度和跟踪功能,而Notion的任务图则没有,包括能够链接所有四种类型的任务依赖关系。用户还可以筛选关键路径并设置基线以实时跟踪项目差异。最重要的是,它为您提供其他项目管理工具,如时间表,工作量管理图表,实时项目仪表板等等。立即免费开始使用ProjectManager。 概念图可以用于什么? 尽管概念图有一些缺点,使它们成为项目管理的有限工具,但它们仍然可以用于许多目的,例如这些示例。 制定产品路线图,展示产品开发的各个阶段 创建基本项目时间轴以估计项目的总工期 向您的团队成员汇报工作并监控他们的表现 规划、安排和跟踪短期项目 让我们回顾一下概念图的主要功能,以便更好地了解它在管理项目时的功能和局限性。 概念图主要特点 概念图允许您创建项目进度表,为团队成员分配任务并跟踪他们的进度,这对于实施组织的行动计划非常有用。下面是其主要功能的快速概述。 任务相关性:概念图只能识别完成到开始的任务相关性。在创建准确和现实的项目进度时,确定任务相关性非常重要。但是,Notion无法链接开始到结束、开始到开始或完成到完成,这可能会在执行项目时导致问题。 完成百分比:概念图显示可视化项目时间轴中每个任务的完成百分比。 任务优先级:您可以使用概念图为所有项目任务设置优先级。 概念图示例 现在让我们看一个概念图的例子。这个特殊的例子是一个路线图模板,显示了未来几个月跨产品领域的活动。首先,让我们看看Notion的项目时间轴工具。正如您在下图中所看到的,它显示了项目任务名称、到期日、持续时间、完成百分比和指示任务相关性的箭头。 通过单击这些项目时间轴栏,您可以查看每个任务的其他信息,例如其优先级、状态和子任务。现在,让我们回顾一下概念图的另一半。默认情况下,Notion的任务列表显示您的任务名称、状态、受理人、到期日和优先级,但您可以添加其他列。 概念图的缺点 概念图可用于制定基本的项目进度表,但缺乏管理项目所有领域所需的高级项目管理功能。以下是其中的一些。 资源管理:概念图没有资源管理功能,这是它的主要缺点之一。虽然可以将任务分配给团队成员,但概念图不允许将任何其他类型的资源分配给项目任务,也不允许在项目执行时跟踪资源利用率。 成本跟踪:类似地,概念图没有任何成本管理功能。这意味着它只能跟踪任务完成的百分比,但无法跟踪人员,材料和设备等资源的成本。 依赖于数据库的图表:在Notion中制作电子海图的过程需要创建一个数据集,然后该工具自动将其转换为电子海图。虽然它可以促进这个过程,但它生成的是一个功能有限的图表,这使得Notion感觉更像是一个数据可视化工具,而不是一个项目管理软件。 关键路径法(CPM):概念图没有关键路径分析功能,而关键路径分析功能对项目进度安排非常重要。项目的关键路径是需要按时交付的最长任务序列,否则项目完成将被延迟。拥有一个具有CPM功能的图表将帮助您更好地了解需要优先处理哪些任务以按时完成项目。 最佳概念图表替代方案 如前所述,Notion有项目时间表和任务列表,可以用来模拟使用图表的体验。例如,这些工具允许您将任务分配给团队成员或创建基本的项目计划,但不应用于计划或管理项目的执行,因为它们缺乏成本,资源或风险跟踪等高级项目管理功能。 ProjectManager提供了一流的流程图,允许用户在一个地方设置基线,找到关键路径并监督资源。使用它来跟踪所有四种类型的依赖关系,设置优先级并标记团队成员以实时协作。无论您在哪里工作,都可以轻松共享文件和文档,让您的项目不断前进。免费试用30天。 让我们来看看为什么你应该使用ProjectManager作为你的图表的其他原因。 管理资源和监控项目成本 ProjectManager的图表视图允许您为所有项目任务分配项目资源,估计其成本,然后将项目成本估计与项目的实际资源利用率和成本进行比较。除了这个内置的资源管理功能外,ProjectManager的工作量图表还可以自动与实时仪表板、时间表和工作量管理图表同步,因此您可以准确跟踪项目成本并监控项目资源的使用情况。 多个项目管理视图 图表只是ProjectManager提供的项目管理视图之一。您还可以使用看板、项目日历和任务列表来管理项目,以安排项目和管理团队的工作量。这些工具可以帮助您从不同的角度查看项目,并允许您的团队使用不同的项目管理方法和风格,如瀑布或敏捷。 如何使用ProjectManager编辑概念图 如果您使用的是Notion,但想要一个管理项目所有方面的图表,则可以从Notion的项目时间表和任务列表中下载CSV文件形式的数据,并将其导入ProjectManager。 现在您可以使用ProjectManager的所有高级项目管理功能。只需开始免费试用ProjectManager并按照以下步骤操作即可。 1.使用图表上的导入按钮 一旦您下载了用于您的Notion图表的CSV文件,登录到ProjectManager并转到图表视图。然后点击导入按钮,如下图所示。 2.选择要导入的CSV文件 一旦你点击导入按钮,就会出现一个弹出窗口。现在点击“选择文件”并导入CSV文件。 3.选择CSV文件导入选项 您可以将CSV文件中的信息导入到ProjectManager中,以创建新项目或向现有项目添加任务。 4.选择数据以填充图表 选择要从CSV文件中导入并显示在您的电子海图上的数据。幸运的是,您可以使用ProjectManager的图表可视化您的概念时间表和任务列表中的所有信息,并跟踪项目的许多其他方面,例如项目的资源利用率,成本和关键路径活动。 5.您的概念图已准备好在ProjectManager中编辑 如果您看到一个显示“成功”的新窗口,这意味着您已成功导入了概念图CSV文件,您可以继续在ProjectManager中编辑您的概念图。 概念图的优点 虽然概念图在管理项目方面有很多限制,但使用软件的时间轴功能还是有一些好处的。 轻松查看项目 确定完成程度 查看工作状态 找出谁拥有这件作品 链接完成到开始依赖项 然而,正如我们所指出的,概念图表的局限性远远超过了好处。Notion的流程图并不是真正的流程图,它具有大多数项目经理认为不够的最小功能。如果您正在寻找一个最好的图表,它具有计划和管理项目所需的所有深入功能,请尝试ProjectManager。 相关产品目录 我们已经创建了数十个博客、模板和指南,帮助您制作用于计划、安排和跟踪项目的图表。以下是一些与电子表格相关的页面,您可能会发现它们很有用。 最佳图表软件:免费和付费替代品 Excel图表模板 看板图与看板板:优点,缺点,相似性和差异 PERT图与网络图:有什么区别? ProjectManager是一款在线项目和投资组合管理软件,可连接办公室、现场和任何地方的团队。他们可以共享文件,在任务级别发表评论,并通过电子邮件和应用内通知保持最新状态。加入安飞士、雀巢和西门子的团队,他们正在使用我们的工具交付成功的项目。立即免费开始使用ProjectManager。

