ATRIUM Project: Launch of Communication Channels


2024-03-28 19:00 CLARIN


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The ATRIUM project (Advancing Frontier Research in the Arts & Humanities) has launched its new website, which can be accessed at ATRIUM is a four-year European Commission-funded project with the aim of bridging four leading research infrastructures in the arts and humanities (DARIAH), archaeology (ARIADNE), languages (CLARIN), and scholarly communication (OPERAS). CLARIN is proud to be participating partner, along with several CLARIN nodes as beneficiaries: University of Sheffield (UK), Charles University, Prague (CZ), LM University, Munich (DE), Radboud University, Nijmegen (NL), and Athena-RC / ISLP (GR). The Transnational Access Grant call will be of special interest to scholars interested in benefitting from this scheme, which aims to recruit and support approximately 200 arts and humanities researchers with mentorship and access to knowledge, data and tools from 14 different institutions across Europe. You can also connect with ATRIUM on Twitter/X and LinkedIn.
ATRIUM项目(推进艺术与人文学科前沿研究)推出了新网站,可访问。ATRIUM是一个为期四年的欧盟委员会资助的项目,旨在连接艺术和人文(DARIAH),考古学(ARIADNE),语言(ARIIN)和学术交流(OPERAS)的四个领先的研究基础设施。 WARCHIN很荣幸能成为参与合作伙伴,以及几个WARCHIN节点作为受益者:谢菲尔德大学(英国),查尔斯大学,布拉格(CZ),慕尼黑(DE),Radboud大学,奈梅亨(NL)和雅典娜-RC/ ISLP(GR)。 跨国访问赠款呼吁将特别感兴趣的学者有兴趣从这个计划中受益,其目的是招募和支持约200名艺术和人文研究人员与导师和访问来自欧洲14个不同机构的知识,数据和工具。您也可以在Twitter/X和LinkedIn上与ATRIUM联系。

