What Should You Include in Your Preconstruction Meeting Agenda?


2024-03-20 19:00 project manager


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Construction projects are structured with schedules, budgets and resource allocation. Many people work on them, from general contractors overseeing subcontractors to architects and, of course, the project owner. A preconstruction meeting ensures that all those parts are working together on a common goal. Get the most out of a preconstruction meeting by knowing who must attend and the items to cover in your preconstruction agenda. To help you once you break ground on your construction project, we’ll throw in some free construction project management templates on estimating, scheduling and budgeting. What Is a Preconstruction Meeting? In a preconstruction meeting, project exceptions are defined, roles are clarified and risk mitigation strategies are discussed. It’s also when the project schedule and budget are reviewed with the parties involved in the coming construction project. Construction projects, as noted, are made of many distinct teams of contractors and subcontractors who are responsible for a specific piece of the larger whole. They have unique skills, but all those jobs must come together to create an integral structure or whatever is being erected. Therefore, the preconstruction meeting is the first step toward creating a collaborative environment among all the separate workers who will be tasked with various aspects of the project. All parties must have a shared understanding of the project’s goals and objectives and communication between these people must be clear and well-defined. Project management software acts as the glue that holds the project together by managing tasks and balancing the team’s workload. ProjectManager is award-winning construction project management software that connects teams whether they’re in the office, on the job site or anywhere in between. When onboarding teams, general contractors can set their availability, from PTO to vacation and global holidays, which makes assigning tasks easier. Our color-coded workload chart shows everyone’s allocation and general contractors can balance the team’s workload right from that chart to keep them working at capacity and staying productive. Get started with ProjectManager today for free. Who Should Attend a Preconstruction Meeting? Everyone involved in the construction planning should attend the preconstruction meeting. It ensures everyone working on the project, regardless of their part, will have a clear idea of what’s expected and when it’s expected to be completed. The project owner, developer, contractor, architect and engineer of record are some of the project stakeholders who will be involved in the preconstruction meeting. But there’s also a presence from the municipality in which the construction is being done. These people include city staff, such as the plan review engineer, planner, building inspector, public works personnel and traffic engineer. In addition, the general contractor and all the subcontractors hired will attend the preconstruction meeting. Benefits of Preconstruction Meetings The advantage of having a preconstruction meeting is that it allows the general contractor to ensure everyone working on the project is on the same page, with a clear understanding of what must be done during the construction phase to deliver the project successfully. The preconstruction meeting identifies obstacles that might prevent that so the team can be on the lookout for them and know what to do if they show up. The preconstruction meeting can also reveal holes in the construction plan. It will become evident if the project has been poorly scoped or has unclear specifications and quality requirements. It’s best to know these things before the project begins so they can be addressed without disrupting the project schedule and its budget. It also provides an opportunity for the stakeholders to ask questions and provide feedback. When the project is being executed, there may be questions, but having the majority of those questions answered before breaking ground saves time and allows the project to run smoothly. The preconstruction meeting is one more step that can be taken to ensure the successful completion of the project. What to Include In a Preconstruction Meeting Agenda There’s no exact outline for a preconstruction meeting agenda. However, some basic topics will likely be part of any preconstruction meeting. The following is a typical preconstruction meeting agenda and an explanation of each item. Introductions The preconstruction meeting begins with introductions. There will be many people present, most of whom haven’t met one another, such as subcontractors just brought on to do specific jobs. Introductions will include sharing phone numbers, addresses and other contact information for everyone from the general contractor, project foreman, engineer and project manager to the project inspectors, owner and their representatives. Roles and Responsibilities As part of the introduction, you can include the roles and responsibilities. Everyone should understand their part in the larger project. They and everyone else need to know what they’re responsible for in the project and the chain of command if they have any questions that need to be answered. Scope of Work The scope of work lists all the obligations of the project and work activities that the contractors, subcontractors and suppliers will be responsible for. The more detail, the better to ensure everyone knows what’s in and out of scope. Therefore, you can address milestones, reporting frequency, deliverables and what the end product should be. It can be helpful to have visuals to accompany this preconstruction meeting agenda item. Material Specifications Discuss the different construction materials that will be delivered to the site, such as abrasives, coatings, thinners, caulks, etc. Materials are often delivered to the job site with a certification of compliance with the contract documents. Whoever accepts the materials will should review documents such as the material takeoff or bill of materials as there can be serious consequences if the contractor accepts and installs incorrect materials. Construction Schedule The start and completion dates need to be communicated during the preconstruction meeting. The scheduling plans for the project will also be shared with the project team and any potential issues, such as road restrictions, weather or site conditions and time constraints, will be discussed. The general contractor will speak to the estimated duration of the project, whether work will continue on weekends and holidays and the status of a notice to proceed documents, if required. Construction Budget Confirm the construction budget and cost estimations so that all parties are clear on the allotted costs for materials, labor, overhead, etc. Communicating this will help to keep the project on budget and avoid costly mistakes. Construction Site Identify the safety hazards associated with the construction site to provide a safe working environment for the project team. Introduce the safety professional, if the site requires one. Note the frequency of safety meetings with the safety professional and their level of authority. Also, discuss the site conditions, access routes into the site, any erosion and sediment control issues, the boundaries of the site, site cleanup when closing out the project, etc. Payment Schedule The terms and conditions of payment as defined by the contract will be discussed and a schedule of values should be utilized to track the payments made to contractors. The specific project components and payment options are also reviewed. Discuss the level of completion that’s required for payment and whether partial payments will be allowed and, if so, under what conditions. Construction Documents & Drawings Review the construction documents and drawings that are most critical to be understood by the project team. There will be too many to go over them all, so you must be selective. But those that are chosen must be thoroughly reviewed with major items discussed by all involved. Free Construction Project Management Templates One way to ensure that the project is ready to start is by preparing for it with construction project management templates. We have over 100 free project management templates for Excel and Word that cover every aspect of the project across multiple industries. Here are just a few free templates you can download to help plan your construction project. Construction Estimate Template The more accurate your estimate, the more secure your profit margin. Our free construction estimate template for Excel breaks down your project into phases, which all include a description of the work, who will do it, the labor and material costs, etc., so you can forecast costs better. Construction Schedule Template Use our free construction schedule template to organize and track everything from your deliverables to deadlines. You’ll also get resource management tools, be able to link dependencies, set milestones and filter for the critical path. Plus, track costs related to executing your activities. Construction Budget Template There are a lot of costs to track when compiling your construction budget. Our free construction budget template for Excel helps you identify them to create an accurate forecast of your project costs. Track labor, materials and other costs to create a budget and then track your actual expenses to help you stay on budget. How ProjectManager Helps Manage Construction Projects Templates can help you prepare for a project, but they’re limited in scope. These are static documents that require manual updates and aren’t collaborative. Why create schedules and budgets in templates and then upgrade to project management software when you can do it all in one tool? ProjectManager is award-winning construction project management software that allows you to schedule with robust Gantt charts and then track your resources and costs in real time to help you stay on budget and deliver on time. Create Construction Schedules With Gantt Charts Schedule your construction projects to meet tight deadlines, organize tasks and manage resources all in one place. Our powerful Gantt charts can be shared with teams and stakeholders, updated by dragging and dropping new start or end dates that automatically adjust related work and you can even filter for the critical path to identify essential tasks. All four types of dependencies can be linked to help avoid costly delays. Once you’ve scheduled work, set a baseline to capture the plan and be able to compare it to your actual progress and spending in real time to stay on track and within budget. Track Resources and Costs The ability to track resources and costs helps you avoid falling behind schedule or overspending and eating into your profit margin. Our real-time dashboard automatically collects live data and displays it on easy-to-read graphs and charts that show time, costs, workload and much more. It’s like an instant status report whenever you want one. Unlike lightweight alternatives, there’s no lengthy and confusing setup required with our dashboards. You can track labor costs with our secure timesheets and see how far along everyone is on their tasks. Related Construction Content There’s more to construction than the preconstruction meeting. If you’re interested in reading more about construction project management, we have a ton of articles you can view for free. Here are some construction-related pieces of content. What Is Preconstruction? Activities, Checklist & More The 5 Construction Phases (Templates Included) 10 Key Construction Job Titles: Overview & Salary ProjectManager is online construction project management software that connects teams in the office, on the job site and anywhere else they might be. Contractors and their crews can share files, comment at the task level and stay updated with email and in-app notifications. Get started with ProjectManager today for free.
建设项目由时间表、预算和资源分配组成。许多人都参与其中,从监督分包商的总承包商到建筑师,当然还有项目业主。施工前会议确保所有这些部分为一个共同的目标而共同努力。 通过了解谁必须参加以及施工前议程中要涵盖的项目,充分利用施工前会议。一旦你的建筑项目破土动工,为了帮助你,我们将提供一些免费的建筑项目管理模板,包括估算、进度和预算。 什么是施工前会议? 在施工前会议中,定义了项目例外情况,阐明了角色,并讨论了风险缓解策略。这也是与参与即将到来的建设项目的各方一起审查项目进度和预算的时候。 如上所述,建筑项目由许多不同的承包商和分包商团队组成,他们负责更大整体的特定部分。他们有独特的技能,但所有这些工作必须结合在一起,以创建一个完整的结构或任何正在建立的东西。 因此,施工前会议是在负责项目各个方面的所有独立工人之间创造协作环境的第一步。所有各方必须对项目的目标和目的有一个共同的理解,这些人之间的沟通必须清晰明确。 项目管理软件通过管理任务和平衡团队的工作量,充当将项目结合在一起的粘合剂。ProjectManager是一款屡获殊荣的建筑项目管理软件,无论团队是在办公室、工作现场还是在两者之间的任何地方,它都可以将团队联系起来。当团队入职时,总承包商可以设置他们的可用性,从PTO到假期和全球假期,这使得分配任务更容易。我们的彩色编码工作量图表显示了每个人的分配情况,总承包商可以从该图表中平衡团队的工作量,以保持他们满负荷工作并保持高效工作。立即免费开始使用ProjectManager。 谁应该参加施工前会议? 参与施工规划的每个人都应该参加施工前会议。它确保了参与项目的每个人,不管他们是哪个角色,都清楚地知道预期的是什么,以及预计什么时候完成。 项目业主、开发商、承包商、建筑师和记录在案的工程师是将参与施工前会议的一些项目利益相关方。但是也有来自正在进行建设的市政当局的存在。 这些人包括城市工作人员,如规划审查工程师、规划师、建筑检查员、公共工程人员和交通工程师。此外,总承包商和所有被雇用的分包商将出席施工前会议。 施工前会议的好处 召开施工前会议的好处是,它允许总承包商确保参与项目的每个人都在同一页上,清楚地了解在施工阶段必须做什么才能成功交付项目。施工前会议确定了可能阻止这一点的障碍,因此团队可以留意它们,并知道如果它们出现该怎么办。 施工前会议也可以揭示施工计划中的漏洞。如果项目范围不明确或规范和质量要求不明确,这将变得很明显。最好在项目开始前了解这些事情,这样就可以在不中断项目进度和预算的情况下解决这些问题。 它还为利益相关者提供了提问和反馈的机会。当项目正在执行时,可能会有问题,但是在破土动工之前回答大多数问题可以节省时间并使项目顺利进行。施工前会议是确保项目顺利完成的又一个步骤。 施工前会议议程应包括哪些内容 施工前会议议程没有确切的大纲。然而,一些基本主题可能会成为任何施工前会议的一部分。以下是典型的施工前会议议程和对每个项目的解释。 介绍 施工前会议以介绍开始。会有很多人在场,他们中的大多数人都没有见过面,比如只是被请来做特定工作的分包商。介绍将包括分享每个人的电话号码、地址和其他联系信息,从总承包商、项目工头、工程师和项目经理到项目检查员、业主及其代表。 角色及职责 作为介绍的一部分,您可以包括角色和职责。每个人都应该了解自己在更大项目中的角色。如果他们有任何需要回答的问题,他们和其他人都需要知道他们在项目和指挥链中负责什么。 工作范围 工作范围列出了承包商、分包商和供应商将负责的项目和工作活动的所有义务。细节越多,就越能确保每个人都知道范围内和范围外的内容。因此,您可以解决里程碑、报告频率、可交付成果以及最终产品应该是什么。施工前会议议程项目附带视觉效果会有所帮助。 材料规格 讨论将运送到现场的不同建筑材料,如磨料、涂料、稀释剂、填缝剂等。材料通常被运送到工作现场,并附有符合合同文件的证明。任何接受材料的人都应该审查文件,如材料起飞或材料清单,因为如果承包商接受和安装不正确的材料,可能会有严重的后果。 施工进度表 开工和竣工日期需要在施工前会议上沟通。项目的进度计划也将与项目团队分享,并将讨论任何潜在的问题,如道路限制、天气或现场条件以及时间限制。如果需要,总承包商将说明项目的预计持续时间、工作是否将在周末和节假日继续以及开工通知文件的状态。 建设预算 确认施工预算和成本估算,以便各方清楚材料、劳动力、管理费用等的分配成本。传达这一点将有助于保持项目在预算之内,并避免代价高昂的错误。 建筑工地 识别与施工现场相关的安全隐患,为项目团队提供安全的工作环境。如果现场需要,介绍安全专家。注意与安全专家召开安全会议的频率及其权威级别。此外,讨论现场条件、进入现场的路线、任何侵蚀和沉积物控制问题、现场边界、项目结束时的现场清理等。 付款时间表 将讨论合同规定的付款条款和条件,并利用价值表跟踪向承包商支付的款项。还审查了具体的项目组成部分和付款方式。讨论付款所需的完成程度,是否允许部分付款,如果允许,在什么条件下。 施工文件和图纸 审查对项目团队理解最重要的施工文件和图纸。会有太多的内容,无法一一列举,所以你必须有所选择。但是,那些被选中的必须经过彻底的审查,所有相关人员都要讨论主要项目。 免费建设项目管理模板 确保项目准备好开始的一种方法是使用建筑项目管理模板进行准备。我们有100多个免费的Excel和Word项目管理模板,涵盖了多个行业项目的各个方面。这里有几个免费的模板,你可以下载来帮助规划你的建设项目。 施工估算模板 你的估计越准确,你的利润率就越有保障。我们免费的Excel施工估算模板将您的项目分解为多个阶段,其中都包括工作描述、谁来做、劳动力和材料成本等。,以便您可以更好地预测成本。 施工进度模板 使用我们免费的施工进度模板来组织和跟踪从交付成果到截止日期的一切。您还将获得资源管理工具,能够链接依赖关系,设置里程碑和过滤关键路径。此外,跟踪与执行活动相关的成本。 施工预算模板 在编制建筑预算时,有很多成本需要跟踪。我们免费的Excel施工预算模板可帮助您识别它们,从而准确预测您的项目成本。跟踪劳动力、材料和其他成本以创建预算,然后跟踪您的实际费用以帮助您保持在预算之内。 ProjectManager如何帮助管理施工项目 模板可以帮助您为项目做准备,但它们的范围有限。这些是静态文档,需要手动更新,并且不是协作性的。当您可以在一个工具中完成所有工作时,为什么要在模板中创建时间表和预算,然后升级到项目管理软件?ProjectManager是一款屡获殊荣的建筑项目管理软件,允许您使用强大的甘特图进行计划,然后实时跟踪您的资源和成本,以帮助您保持在预算范围内并按时交付。 使用甘特图创建施工进度表 在一个地方安排您的建设项目以满足紧迫的期限、组织任务和管理资源。我们强大的甘特图可以与团队和利益相关者共享,通过拖放新的开始或结束日期进行更新,自动调整相关工作,您甚至可以过滤关键路径以确定基本任务。所有四种类型的依赖关系都可以链接起来,以帮助避免代价高昂的延迟。一旦你安排了工作,设定一个基线来捕捉计划,并能够将其与你的实际进展和支出进行实时比较,以保持在预算范围内。 跟踪资源和成本 跟踪资源和成本的能力有助于您避免落后于计划或超支并侵蚀您的利润率。我们的实时仪表板自动收集实时数据,并将其显示在易于阅读的图形和图表上,显示时间、成本、工作量等。它就像一个即时状态报告,只要你想要。与轻量级替代产品不同,我们的仪表板不需要冗长和混乱的设置。您可以使用我们的安全时间表跟踪劳动力成本,并查看每个人的任务进展情况。 相关施工内容 施工不仅仅是施工前会议。如果你有兴趣阅读更多关于建筑项目管理的内容,我们有大量的文章可以免费查看。以下是一些与建筑相关的内容。 什么是施工前?活动、清单等 5个施工阶段(包括模板) 10个关键建筑职称:概览与薪酬 ProjectManager是一款在线建筑项目管理软件,它将办公室、工作现场和其他任何地方的团队联系在一起。承包商及其工作人员可以共享文件,在任务级别进行评论,并通过电子邮件和应用内通知保持更新。立即免费开始使用ProjectManager。

