AI Trust: Video Highlights From Our Webinar

AI Trust:网上研讨会视频集锦

2024-03-19 09:34 lionbridge


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Can you trust generative AI (GenAI) output for localization? Can you trust your language partner to use GenAI / Large Language Models responsibly? Expert panelists from Amazon Web Services (AWS), Cisco, and Lionbridge answered these questions and more during our webinar, Embracing AI: A New Era of Trust. Watch the following short video clips to understand better this new era of AI trust, including its challenges and solutions. For a comprehensive discussion on the topic, watch the entire AI Trust webinar on demand or read our AI Trust webinar recap blog. What’s Changed About Trust Because of AI Advancements? Panelists examined why modern AI behaves more like a human than a machine during the decision-making process and how Lionbridge’s TRUST framework, which encompasses Transparency, Reliability, Usefulness, Safety, and Timeliness, can be used to think about AI trust. How Does AWS Gauge Reliability and Usefulness in AI-Generated Content? Amazon Web Service's (AWS) Scott Schwalbach detailed how his team uses a confident scoring system to assess the accuracy of the AI output. Assessing GenAI output and comparing it to previously generated Machine Translation (MT) output has enabled AWS to build a road map specifying when and not to use GenAI. How Does Cisco Obtain Confidence in AI-Generated Content? Cisco’s Jane Faraola shared details about a pilot Cisco did with Lionbridge and how it helped them evaluate ways to use AI technology to achieve cost, speed, and quality benefits. What’s a Practical Application Demonstrating the Value of AI in Localization? Cisco’s Jane Faraola presented a real-world example of how AI can enhance localization processes. A Cisco project undertaken with Lionbridge used AI to evaluate legacy strings. How Can Companies Start Implementing GenAI Within Localization? In our final video clip, our customer panelists each provided one piece of advice to put you on the right path as you embark upon your AI journey. Get in touch As AI evolves rapidly, stay connected with Lionbridge to keep pace with these technological advancements. Reach out to learn more about how Lionbridge can help you gain AI Trust for your localization projects.
你能信任生成式AI(GenAI)输出进行本地化吗?你能信任你的语言伙伴负责任地使用GenAI/Large语言模型吗?来自亚马逊网络服务(AWS)、思科和Lionbridge的专家小组成员在我们的网络研讨会“拥抱人工智能:信任的新时代”中回答了这些问题以及更多问题。 观看以下视频短片,更好地了解人工智能信任的新时代,包括其挑战和解决方案。 关于该主题的全面讨论,请点播观看整个人工智能信任网络研讨会或阅读我们的人工智能信任网络研讨会摘要博客。 人工智能的进步让信任发生了什么变化? 小组成员研究了为什么现代人工智能在决策过程中表现得更像人而不是机器,以及Lionbridge的信任框架(包括透明度、可靠性、有用性、安全性和及时性)如何用于思考人工智能信任。 AWS如何衡量人工智能生成内容的可靠性和有用性? 亚马逊网络服务(AWS)的斯科特·施瓦尔巴赫(Scott Schwalbach)详细介绍了他的团队如何使用自信的评分系统来评估人工智能输出的准确性。评估GenAI输出并将其与以前生成的机器翻译(MT)输出进行比较,使AWS能够建立一个路线图,指定何时使用和不使用GenAI。 思科如何获得对人工智能生成内容的信心? 思科的Jane Faraola分享了思科与Lionbridge进行试点的细节,以及它如何帮助他们评估使用人工智能技术实现成本、速度和质量优势的方法。 有什么实际应用证明了AI在本地化中的价值? 思科的Jane Faraola展示了一个人工智能如何增强本地化过程的真实例子。思科与Lionbridge合作的一个项目使用人工智能来评估遗留字符串。 公司如何开始在本地化中实现GenAI? 在我们最后的视频剪辑中,我们的客户小组成员每人提供了一条建议,让你在踏上人工智能之旅时走上正确的道路。 取得联系 随着人工智能的快速发展,请与Lionbridge保持联系,以跟上这些技术进步的步伐。深入了解Lionbridge如何帮助您的本地化项目获得人工智能信任。

