Embracing AI: A New Era of Trust Webinar Recap


2024-03-18 10:07 lionbridge


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Artificial Intelligence has existed since the 19th century, but the latest iteration — generative AI (GenAI) / Large Language Models (LLMs) — has changed AI output drastically. For the first time, machines are making decisions like humans. Instead of the machine producing predictable results, as has been the case until now, the technology’s output is indeterminate, leading to a new era of trust. During our webinar, Embracing AI: A New Era of Trust, Lionbridge’s moderator, Will Rowlands-Rees, led a lively panel discussion focused on AI trust issues during localization with Scott Schwalbach of Amazon Web Services (AWS), Jane Faraola of Cisco, and Vincent Henderson of Lionbridge. If you missed it, you can watch the session on demand. This webinar was the fifth in a series on generative AI and language services. To view the recordings of other webinars, visit the Lionbridge webinars page. Short on time? Read our recap blog for the essence of the discussion. What Exactly Is the New Era of AI Trust? The new era of AI trust entails the AI engine’s ability to produce valuable outputs and much more. It encompasses who’s using AI, how they’re using it, what the AI system does, and how you can convey this information to your company’s stakeholders. Companies can think about AI trust holistically through the following key aspects: Partner — Which vendors are you choosing to partner with? Can they be trusted to manage AI responsibly? Process — What processes are being followed for localization? Are these processes reliable and working toward your goals? Systems — What technology choices are being made to support localization? Is that technology safe, or is it using your data to train itself? Management — How can you assure internal stakeholders that their content is processed and managed appropriately while tempering their expectations? Where Should You Start? Panelists unanimously agreed that now is the time to embrace AI. It has undergone an enormous change, and one must lean all in to realize the transformative speed and cost-saving benefits the latest AI can achieve. This technology can enable enterprises to reach more people in more personalized ways through additional language variants and ultimately increase profits. However, it is essential to exercise caution. So, where do you start? For Cisco’s Jane Faraola, the first step is to be curious. “The sky’s the limit, and I think people’s creativity is really going to drive what we do with AI going forward,” she said. AWS’s Scott Schwalbach advises companies to be deliberate about using GenAI solutions. “[It involves] understanding where it is you want to be and then working backward from there on a process to get there,” he said. Importantly, panelists underscored that people will always be involved, working to bring AI processes into their systems. How Can You Thoroughly Address AI Trust? We’re introducing a memorable way to think about trust with our TRUST framework, an acronym centered around five key measures: Transparency Reliability Usefulness Safety Timeliness Together, these factors comprehensively address trust within the scope of localization. Transparency involves knowing how GenAI/LLM models are used during localization. It goes a long way toward assuring internal stakeholders that their content is being processed and managed appropriately. Ask: Is your language partner being transparent with you about its use of AI tools? Intervening at the beginning of the process achieves reliable output. Determine what you want the machine to do, prompt the engine well, and conduct test pilots. Iterate, test, and confirm satisfactory results before proceeding to the next step. Use GPT-4 for an ongoing dip-sampling assessment of output segments for added confidence. Our tests found GPT-4 assessments to be more accurate than human evaluation. Watch the video to learn how Lionbridge helped Cisco run a pilot project on its content to help it make strategic decisions. It’s necessary to be deliberate about identifying purposeful projects for GenAI. These projects must be useful and propel your company forward so that you can capitalize on the technology’s time-saving and cost-enhancing benefits. Protect your intellectual property by ensuring that LLMs are not absorbing and using your content for training or other purposes you do not condone. Also, be mindful of the geopolitical domain of your LLM’s data center and its potential biases, especially when using specific machines for regulatory compliance or government-sanctioned models. GenAI/LLM technology can expedite your localization process, but rushing its implementation may lead a company to overlook key success factors. The need to tune the LLM, build a Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG), and test it may consume time and resources, impacting how long it will take to see a return on your investment. GenAI in Action: Why It’s Worth the Effort To Get Trust and Processes Right AWS, responsible for creating courseware, uses GenAI to personalize content further and drive better engagement. For instance, AWS now builds eLearning courses in the native language instead of always starting in English. It also customizes the tone of its courses to match its audience, such as by prompting the AI engine to make the subject matter more humorous or technical material less dry. “Does it matter that every i is dotted and t is crossed? Not so much,” says Scott Schwalbach. “Our measure is, ‘Does the student open the course? Does the student take the course? Does the student finish the course? And does that student go to the next course? And even more importantly, does the student evangelize for us and tell others these are the courses they should be taking?” An added benefit beyond improved engagement is significant time savings. By incorporating GenAI and using new processes, AWS aims to reduce the time it takes to build a course from 90 days to two weeks. Trusting Your Language Partner: What Should You Look For? Choosing the right language partner is critical to achieving your goals via AI initiatives. First, be clear on what you are trying to achieve. Once you have identified your goal, ask the following questions during the RFP process to determine the strengths and weaknesses of your potential partner: What technology choices is your prospective partner making? Are you being asked to purchase complex technology, such as a Translation Management System (TMS), that you don’t need? Will the vendor protect your intellectual property, or will your data be used for training? Is the language provider data-driven and able to provide objective, actionable data to drive decision-making around when to use Gen/AI and when to pass? Can the vendor provide data to inform which languages you should address today and in the future? Is the vendor transparent about their processes and putting your needs first? The above considerations will enable you to create a thorough evaluation with the right criteria. Equally important is your ability to identify the appropriate team members within your organization who can assess the qualifications of the partners you are working with or are considering working with. View our TRUST framework cheat sheet for additional guidance on AI Trust. Get in touch Lionbridge is leading the industry in AI implementations, serving nearly 500 customers with tailored GenAI solutions and many more engagements in the works, even during the early stages of these latest technological advancements. Ready to embark on your GenAI journey with a trustworthy partner? Reach out to us today.
人工智能自19世纪就存在了,但最新的迭代——生成式人工智能(GenAI)/大型语言模型(LLMs)——彻底改变了人工智能的输出。机器第一次像人类一样做决定。到目前为止,机器不会产生可预测的结果,技术的输出是不确定的,这导致了一个信任的新时代。 在我们的网络研讨会“拥抱人工智能:信任的新时代”期间,Lionbridge的主持人Will Rowlands-Rees与亚马逊网络服务(AWS)的Scott Schwalbach、思科的Jane Faraola和Lionbridge的Vincent Henderson就本地化期间的人工智能信任问题进行了热烈的小组讨论。 如果你错过了,你可以点播观看会议。本次网络研讨会是生成式人工智能和语言服务系列的第五场。要查看其他网络研讨会的录像,请访问Lionbridge网络研讨会页面。 时间紧迫?阅读我们的回顾博客,了解讨论的本质。 AI信任的新时代到底是什么? 人工智能信任的新时代需要人工智能引擎产生有价值的输出和更多的能力。它包括谁在使用人工智能,他们如何使用它,人工智能系统做什么,以及你如何将这些信息传达给你公司的利益相关者。公司可以通过以下关键方面整体考虑人工智能信任: 合作伙伴–您选择与哪些供应商合作?可以信任他们负责任地管理AI吗? 流程–本地化遵循哪些流程?这些过程是否可靠并朝着你的目标努力? 系统——选择什么技术来支持本地化?那项技术是安全的,还是在用你的数据来训练自己? 管理——您如何向内部利益相关者保证他们的内容得到了适当的处理和管理,同时降低了他们的期望? 你应该从哪里开始? 小组成员一致认为,现在是拥抱人工智能的时候了。它经历了巨大的变化,人们必须全力以赴,以实现最新人工智能可以实现的变革速度和成本节约优势。这项技术可以使企业通过额外的语言变体以更个性化的方式接触到更多的人,最终增加利润。然而,必须小心谨慎。那么,你从哪里开始呢? 对于思科的Jane Faraola来说,第一步是保持好奇心。“天空是无限的,我认为人们的创造力真的会推动我们在人工智能方面的工作向前发展,”她说。 AWS的Scott Schwalbach建议公司在使用GenAI解决方案时要谨慎。他说:“(它包括)了解你想去哪里,然后从那里开始逆向工作,完成一个过程。” 重要的是,小组成员强调,人们将永远参与进来,努力将人工智能流程引入他们的系统。 你如何彻底解决人工智能信任问题? 我们将通过我们的信任框架引入一种令人难忘的方式来思考信任,这是一个围绕五个关键指标的首字母缩略词: 透明度 可靠性 有用性 安全 及时性 总之,这些因素全面地解决了本地化范围内的信任问题。 透明度包括了解在本地化过程中如何使用GenAI/LLM模型。这对于向内部利益相关者保证他们的内容得到适当的处理和管理大有帮助。提问:你的语言伙伴在使用人工智能工具方面对你透明吗? 在过程开始时进行干预可以获得可靠的输出。确定你想让机器做什么,好好提示引擎,进行试飞员。在进行下一步之前,迭代、测试并确认满意的结果。使用GPT-4对输出段进行持续的倾斜采样评估,以增加可信度。我们的测试发现GPT-4评估比人类评估更准确。 观看视频,了解Lionbridge如何帮助思科在其内容上运行试点项目,以帮助其做出战略决策。 有必要深思熟虑地为GenAI确定有目的的项目。这些项目必须是有用的,并推动您的公司向前发展,以便您可以利用该技术的时间节省和成本提高的好处。 通过确保LLMs不会将您的内容用于培训或其他您不宽恕的目的来保护您的知识产权。此外,请注意您的LLM数据中心的地缘政治领域及其潜在偏见,尤其是在使用特定机器进行法规遵从性或政府批准的模型时。 GenAI/LLM技术可以加快您的本地化过程,但匆忙实施可能会导致公司忽略关键的成功因素。调整LLM、构建检索增强生成(RAG)和测试它的需要可能会消耗时间和资源,影响到需要多长时间才能看到投资回报。 GenAI在行动:为什么值得努力获得信任和正确的流程 负责创建课件的AWS使用GenAI进一步个性化内容,并推动更好的参与。例如,AWS现在用母语构建电子学习课程,而不是总是以英语开始。它还定制课程的基调以匹配其受众,例如通过提示人工智能引擎使主题更幽默或技术材料不那么枯燥。 “每个i都是点状的,t都是交叉的,这有关系吗?没有那么多,”斯科特·施瓦尔巴赫说。“我们的衡量标准是,‘学生是否开设了课程?学生选修这门课程吗?学生完成课程了吗?那个学生去上下一门课吗?更重要的是,学生有没有为我们传福音,告诉别人这些是他们应该学的课程?” 除了提高参与度之外,还有一个额外的好处是节省了大量时间。通过整合GenAI和使用新流程,AWS旨在将建立一个课程所需的时间从90天减少到两周。 信任你的语言伙伴:你应该寻找什么? 选择正确的语言伙伴对于通过人工智能计划实现您的目标至关重要。 首先,明确你想要达到的目标。一旦你确定了你的目标,在RFP过程中问以下问题,以确定你的潜在合作伙伴的优势和劣势: 你未来的合作伙伴在做什么技术选择?您是否被要求购买您不需要的复杂技术,如翻译管理系统(TMS)? 供应商会保护您的知识产权,还是会将您的数据用于培训? 语言提供商是否以数据为导向,能够提供客观、可操作的数据来推动何时使用Gen/AI以及何时通过的决策?供应商能否提供数据来告知您现在和将来应该使用哪些语言? 供应商对他们的流程是否透明,是否将您的需求放在第一位? 上述考虑将使您能够使用正确的标准创建一个全面的评估。同样重要的是,您有能力在您的组织内确定合适的团队成员,他们可以评估您正在合作或正在考虑合作的合作伙伴的资格。 查看我们的信任框架备忘单,了解关于人工智能信任的更多指导。 取得联系 Lionbridge在人工智能实施方面处于行业领先地位,为近500家客户提供量身定制的GenAI解决方案和更多正在进行的项目,即使是在这些最新技术进步的早期阶段。准备好与值得信赖的合作伙伴一起踏上您的GenAI之旅了吗?今天就联系我们。

