Resource Requirements in Project Management: A Quick Guide


2024-03-12 19:00 project manager


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When a project is planned, a set of steps are outlined to deliver a product or service. Resource requirements need to be identified and allocated for those steps to be executed. Think of resource requirements as the fuel that drives all project activities. Once one understands what resource requirements are in project management, next there is estimating what those resources will be and managing them. To help with this process, we’ll define resource requirements and link to a free resource plan template. What Are Resource Requirements in Project Management? Resources are anything you need to complete a project including teams, equipment, raw materials and so on. These are called the resource requirements. Being able to know ahead of initiating the project which resources you’ll need is essential. Resource requirements in project management allow project managers to know what they’ll need to execute their tasks and deliver the project on time and within their budget. Knowing one’s resource requirements will also help project managers to get the most out of their resources. This can be done more effectively with project management software. ProjectManager is award-winning project and portfolio management software that allocates and schedules project resources through multiple views. Managers can use our robust Gantt charts to schedule resources and their costs. The sheet view gives you a customizable grid to track individual project resources or a portfolio of projects. Get started with ProjectManager today for free. How to Estimate & Manage Project Resource Requirements Resource requirements differ from project to project, of course, but also on how productive your team can be and even project switching, which is as team members pass tasks to one another. There’s also the feedback loop as comments or changes come from stakeholders, clients, etc. That’s a lot of variables. The following steps will help you narrow the forecast to be as accurate as possible. 1. Define Your Project Scope The first step is to understand the scope of your project. That is knowing the project’s goals, deadlines and deliverables. There are many ways to determine the scope of a project. Using the project teams to mine their knowledge of the work and historical data can also play a role in estimating the project scope. More time-consuming, but accurate, is a work breakdown structure, or a hierarchical tree diagram that helps you to identify the project deliverables and tasks. 2. Write a Scope of Work The scope of work is a project document that defines all the work that’s done over the project’s life cycle. That includes the project deliverables, timeline, milestones, how reporting will be done and more. The importance of this step goes beyond estimating your project resource requirements and helps manage them to avoid scope creep, such as adding tasks to the project during its execution. A scope of work document will help you have a more accurate idea of the project and, in so doing, its resource requirements. 3. Make a Resource Breakdown Structure Just as you use a work breakdown structure to identify deliverables, a resource breakdown structure can help you identify the project resource requirements. It’ll help you to identify resource types, such as people and tangible and intangible assets before the start of the project. This will not only help estimate your resource requirements but also help with scheduling and managing them, such as resource allocation. 4. Estimate the Costs Related to Your Project Resources Resources aren’t just team members, raw materials, equipment and so forth. It’s also money. One must consider costs when estimating and managing project resource requirements. This means you must forecast the cost for each resource that will be used in your project. This will also inform your budget. Accurately forecasting the related costs for your project resources helps to save money without negatively affecting the project quality of your deliverables. 5. Create a Resource Schedule Identify resource requirements for the project and allocate them on a timeline to create a resource schedule. To do this, you’ll need to know the availability of your team members and the start and end dates of their assigned tasks. This will make your project more efficient and save money by having the right resources allocated at the right time. 6. Create a Resource Management Plan The next step is to develop a resource management plan that details the acquisition, development, usage, management, control and release of the project resources. This will provide a guide or roadmap for the project manager and project team to allocate, manage and control resources needed to complete the project as efficiently as possible. 7. Use Resource Tracking Tools Anyone who’s made a resource management plan knows that there will be changes during execution. Therefore, a project manager must use resource-tracking tools to monitor and control resource requirements. Whatever resource tracking tool you use should provide a clear view of where and how those resources are being used. This will enhance the resource management plan and allocation of those resources as you can adjust to respond to changes in your project. Types of Resource Requirements in Project Management We’ve mentioned resource requirements and have briefly written about what project resources are, but to better understand them and their place in project management it’s important to define what we’ve been talking about. Below we list the main categories that make up resource requirements in project management and define each with examples. Labor: These are the people who work on the project’s production and deliver its goods and services. They can be part-time or full-time employees and anyone on the project team with the various skills required to deliver the project. Materials: This is what’s used to assemble the product or in the creation of whatever deliverables are being made in the project. Included in this category are supplies and other consumable items, such as wood, metal, glue, etc. Equipment: Sometimes bunched together with materials in defining resource requirements, equipment is what machinery is used to complete the project on schedule. This can be tools or software and heavy machinery. Property, Land or Infrastructure: This is another category that some fold into equipment, but deserves its distinct definition. Here we’re talking about the place where the work is happening or the underlying framework of features of a system or organization. That might be the job site on a construction project or roadways, sewers, railways and powerlines. Cash/Funding: Lastly, are the financial resources that pay for the project. This includes the budget, funding sources and cost allocations. Resource Requirements vs. Resource Constraints Resource requirements, as noted above, are the people, materials and equipment necessary to complete the project. Resource constraints are factors that can limit the supply of those resources to the project. Therefore, resource requirements are what you want to complete the project and resource constraints are anything that might prevent that from happening. Resource constraints are a kind of risk associated with the resources you have allocated to the project. It’s something you’ll have to factor in as you create your resource requirements plan. Some examples of a resource constraint include inadequate financial capital, unavailability of needed resources and a new deadline for completion of the project due to a request from the client. Resource Plan Template Identifying your resource requirements will inform your resource plan, which then lists and organizes those resources over the life cycle of your project. It also helps one determine the amount of resources and their cost. Use our free resource plan template for Excel to schedule your resources. With it, you can list all your human resources, which department they work in, their total effort, rate and the cost of that resource for your project. There’s even a weekly calendar to schedule them. More Free Resource Requirements Management Templates The free resource plan template is only one of over 100 free project management templates for Excel and Word that you can download right now. They cover every aspect of managing a project across several industries. Here are a few that relate to resource requirements. Work Breakdown Structure Template A work breakdown structure (WBS) is essential in identifying all your resource requirements. Our free work breakdown structure template for Excel has two sheets. One is a WBS list that’s broken down into phases of the projects and the deliverables due, the other is a WBS tree diagram that visually shows the breakdown of the project deliverables from top to bottom. Scope of Work Template A scope of work document is also important when determining the resource requirements for a project. It includes deliverables, but also what’s in and out of scope for the project, a timeline, milestone and project costs. Project Estimate Template Another part of resource requirements is estimating their cost to the project. Our free project estimate template for Excel will help you make a more accurate forecast of those costs. With this free template, you can estimate labor costs, but also materials, for each phase in your project. ProjectManager Helps You Manage Project Resource Requirements While all of our free resource requirement templates can help you identify and plan your project resources, they’re not an efficient tool to manage and track them throughout the life cycle of your project. Templates are static documents that must be manually updated and are not great for collaboration. ProjectManager is award-winning project and portfolio management software that helps you track and allocate resources in real time. Track Resource Utilization With Real-Time Dashboards If you’re not monitoring your project resource requirements throughout the project, you’re in danger of going over budget or not having the resources you need when you need to allocate them. To optimize resource utilization, use our real-time dashboards, which track your costs, time, workload and more so you can catch issues and respond to them quickly to stay on schedule and keep to your budget. Use Workload Charts to Allocate Resources Effectively Teams are a project’s most valuable resource. Without a project team, no amount of raw materials, equipment, etc., will deliver your project. The ability to keep teams productive without eroding morale is critical to a successful project. First, you can set your team’s availability, such as vacation time, PTO and even global holidays for remote workers, which makes it easier to assign them to tasks. Then toggle over to the color-coded workload chart and balance their workload to keep them working at capacity. Related Resource Management Content Resource management is a topic much bigger than just resource requirements. If you’re interested in learning more about resources as they relate to project management our site is an online hub for that and much more. We publish weekly blogs, tutorial videos and, of course, free templates. Here are some of the pieces we’ve published on resource management. What Is Resource Optimization? Techniques & Best Practices Best Resource Management Software: Free & Paid Options Ranked 5 Must-Have Resource Management Tools Identifying and Overcoming Resource Constraints Resource Forecasting in Project Management: A Quick Guide ProjectManager is online project and portfolio management software that connects teams in the office, out in the field and anywhere in between. They can share files, comment at the task level and stay updated with email and in-app notifications. Join teams at Avis, Nestle and Siemens who are using our software to deliver successful projects. Get started with ProjectManager today for free.
当一个项目被计划时,一组步骤被概述以交付产品或服务。需要确定和分配执行这些步骤所需的资源。将资源需求视为驱动所有项目活动的燃料。 一旦了解了项目管理中的资源需求,下一步就是估计这些资源并管理它们。为了帮助完成此过程,我们将定义资源需求并链接到免费的资源计划模板。 项目管理中的资源要求是什么? 资源是完成一个项目所需要的任何东西,包括团队、设备、原材料等等,这些被称为资源需求。能够在启动项目之前知道你需要哪些资源是至关重要的。 项目管理中的资源需求使项目经理能够知道他们需要什么来执行任务,并在预算范围内按时交付项目。了解一个人的资源需求也将帮助项目经理最大限度地利用他们的资源。 这可以通过项目管理软件更有效地完成。ProjectManager是屡获殊荣的项目和投资组合管理软件,通过多个视图分配和调度项目资源。管理人员可以使用我们强大的图表来安排资源及其成本。工作表视图为您提供了一个可自定义的网格,用于跟踪单个项目资源或项目组合。立即免费开始使用ProjectManager。 如何评估和管理项目资源需求 当然,资源需求因项目而异,但也取决于您的团队的生产力,甚至是项目切换,即团队成员相互传递任务。还有一个反馈循环,因为来自利益相关者、客户等的评论或更改。以下步骤将帮助您缩小预测范围,使其尽可能准确。 1.定义项目范围 第一步是了解项目的范围。这就是了解项目的目标、最后期限和可交付成果。有很多方法可以确定一个项目的范围。利用项目团队来挖掘他们对工作和历史数据的了解,也可以在估计项目范围方面发挥作用。工作分解结构或层次树图更耗时,但更准确,可以帮助您识别项目可交付成果和任务。 2.撰写工作范围 工作范围是一个项目文档,它定义了在项目生命周期中完成的所有工作。这包括项目可交付成果、时间轴、里程碑、如何完成报告等。这一步的重要性不仅在于估计项目资源需求,而且还有助于管理它们以避免范围蔓延,例如在项目执行期间向项目添加任务。工作范围文档将帮助您更准确地了解项目及其资源需求。 3.创建资源细分结构 正如您使用工作分解结构来确定可交付成果,资源分解结构可以帮助您确定项目资源需求。它将帮助您在项目开始之前识别资源类型,例如人员以及有形和无形资产。这不仅有助于估计您的资源需求,还有助于安排和管理它们,例如资源分配。 4.估算与项目资源相关的成本 资源不仅仅是团队成员、原材料、设备等等。也是钱。在估计和管理项目资源需求时,必须考虑成本。这意味着您必须预测将在项目中使用的每个资源的成本。这也会影响你的预算。准确预测项目资源的相关成本有助于节省资金,而不会对可交付成果的项目质量产生负面影响。 5.创建资源计划 确定项目的资源需求,并在时间轴上进行分配,以创建资源计划。要做到这一点,您需要知道您的团队成员的可用性以及他们分配的任务的开始和结束日期。这将通过在正确的时间分配正确的资源来提高项目效率并节省资金。 6.创建资源管理计划 下一步是制定资源管理计划,详细说明项目资源的获取、开发、使用、管理、控制和发布。这将为项目经理和项目团队提供一个指南或路线图,以分配、管理和控制尽可能有效地完成项目所需的资源。 7.使用资源跟踪工具 任何制定了资源管理计划的人都知道,在执行过程中会有变化。因此,项目经理必须使用资源跟踪工具来监视和控制资源需求。无论您使用什么资源跟踪工具,都应该清楚地了解这些资源在哪里以及如何使用。这将增强资源管理计划和这些资源的分配,因为您可以调整以响应项目中的更改。 项目管理中的资源需求类型 我们已经提到了资源需求,并简要介绍了什么是项目资源,但是为了更好地理解它们以及它们在项目管理中的位置,定义我们一直在谈论的内容是很重要的。下面我们列出了项目管理中构成资源需求的主要类别,并通过示例对每个类别进行了定义。 劳动力:这些是从事项目生产并提供产品和服务的人员。他们可以是兼职或全职员工,也可以是项目团队中拥有交付项目所需各种技能的任何人。 材料:这是用来组装产品或创建项目中正在制作的任何可交付成果的东西。这一类别包括用品和其他消耗品,如木材、金属、胶水等。 设备名称:在定义资源需求时,设备有时与材料捆绑在一起,设备是用来按时完成项目的机器。这可以是工具或软件和重型机械。 财产、土地或基础设施:这是另一个类别,有些人将其归入设备,但值得其独特的定义。在这里,我们讨论的是工作发生的地方,或者是系统或组织的基本框架。这可能是一个建筑项目或道路,下水道,铁路和电力线的工作现场。 现金/资金:最后,是支付项目的财务资源。这包括预算、资金来源和费用分配。 资源需求与资源限制 如上所述,资源需求是指完成项目所需的人员、材料和设备。资源约束是指可能限制项目资源供应的因素。因此,资源需求是您想要完成项目的内容,而资源约束是可能阻止其发生的任何内容。 资源约束是一种与分配给项目的资源相关的风险。这是您在创建资源需求计划时必须考虑的因素。资源限制的一些例子包括资金不足、无法获得所需资源以及由于客户的要求而规定了新的项目完成期限。 资源计划模板 确定您的资源需求将为您的资源计划提供信息,然后资源计划将列出并组织项目生命周期中的这些资源。它还有助于确定资源的数量及其成本。 使用我们免费的Excel资源计划模板来安排您的资源。有了它,你可以列出你所有的人力资源,他们在哪个部门工作,他们的总工作量,费率和资源成本为您的项目。甚至有一个每周日历来安排他们。 更多免费资源需求管理模板 免费的资源计划模板只是您现在可以下载的100多个免费Excel和Word项目管理模板之一。它们涵盖了跨多个行业管理项目的各个方面。以下是一些与资源需求有关的问题。 工作分解结构模板 工作分解结构(WBS)在确定所有资源需求方面至关重要。我们免费的Excel工作分解结构模板有两张表。一个是WBS列表,它被分解成项目的各个阶段和交付的成果,另一个是WBS树形图,它从上到下直观地显示了项目交付成果的分解。 工作范围模板 在确定项目的资源需求时,工作范围文件也很重要。它包括可交付成果,但也包括项目范围内和范围外的内容、时间轴、里程碑和项目成本。 项目估算模板 资源需求的另一部分是估算项目成本。我们免费的Excel项目估算模板将帮助您更准确地预测这些成本。有了这个免费的模板,你可以估计劳动力成本,但也材料,为您的项目中的每个阶段。 ProjectManager帮助您管理项目资源需求 虽然我们所有的免费资源需求模板都可以帮助您识别和规划项目资源,但它们并不是在整个项目生命周期中管理和跟踪资源的有效工具。模板是静态文档,必须手动更新,不适合协作。ProjectManager是屡获殊荣的项目和投资组合管理软件,可帮助您实时跟踪和分配资源。 使用实时仪表板跟踪资源利用率 如果您没有在整个项目过程中监控项目资源需求,您就有可能超出预算,或者在需要分配资源时没有所需的资源。要优化资源利用率,请使用我们的实时仪表板,它可以跟踪您的成本、时间、工作量等,以便您能够及时发现问题并快速做出响应,从而保持进度和预算。 使用图表有效地分配资源 团队是项目最宝贵的资源。没有项目团队,没有再多的原材料、设备等,将交付您的项目。保持团队生产力而不影响士气的能力对于一个成功的项目至关重要。首先,您可以设置团队的可用性,例如假期时间,PTO甚至是远程工作人员的全球假期,这使得将他们分配给任务变得更容易。然后切换到彩色编码的工作量图表,平衡他们的工作量,让他们尽可能地工作。 相关资源管理内容 资源管理是一个比资源需求大得多的主题。如果您有兴趣了解更多与项目管理相关的资源,我们的网站是一个在线中心。我们每周发布博客,教程视频,当然还有免费的模板。以下是我们发布的一些关于资源管理的文章。 什么是资源优化?技术和最佳实践 最佳资源管理软件:免费和付费选项排名 5必备资源管理工具 识别和克服资源限制 项目管理中的资源预测:快速指南 ProjectManager是一款在线项目和投资组合管理软件,可连接办公室、现场和任何地方的团队。他们可以共享文件,在任务级别发表评论,并通过电子邮件和应用内通知保持更新。加入安飞士、雀巢和西门子的团队,他们正在使用我们的软件交付成功的项目。立即免费开始使用ProjectManager。

