Free Strategic Planning Templates for Excel and Word


2024-02-28 20:00 project manager


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When the leadership team defines an organization’s vision, they look toward the future and identify the goals and objectives they want to achieve. This is the start of strategic planning. The next step is establishing the sequence in which to realize those goals and objectives. Once the vision is defined, then the practical work begins, and strategic planning templates can facilitate that work. ProjectManager is not only powerful project and portfolio management software but also has over 100 free project and portfolio management templates for Excel and Word, including these strategic planning templates. Why Should You Use Strategic Planning Templates? Strategic planning templates are useful tools for project management offices (PMOs) and portfolio and program managers who oversee multiple projects and ensure they’re aligned with the organization’s strategic goals. They cover everything involved in the strategic planning process, from defining the vision statement to creating a roadmap and more. Using premade strategic planning templates is also helpful because there’s no busy work involved. All you have to do is add relevant details. Strategic planning templates are consistent, which helps when archiving strategic planning documentation. This makes it easier to reference those documents when needed and review them when creating a new long-term plan. While strategic planning templates help get you started, once you execute the strategic plan, you’ll see their limitations. These are, after all, static documents that must be manually updated which can impact collaboration. Strategic plans are implemented across the organization and departments must work together, share resources and prioritize the common goal. In reality, strategic planning templates aren’t designed to be that dynamic. Portfolio management software goes where strategic planning templates cannot. ProjectManager is award-winning project and portfolio management software with powerful strategic roadmaps that collect all your projects and displays them on one Gantt chart. You can manage resources, track time and manage tasks for all your projects in one place. Our roadmap can be filtered by assignee, project manager or customer to help you make forecasts. You can view which projects are opened and who’s assigned to what tasks and highlight key metrics to keep stakeholders informed. Get started with ProjectManager today for free. Free Strategic Planning Templates for Excel and Word If you’re not ready to upgrade yet, ProjectManager also has over 100 free project management templates for Excel and Word that can help you with every phase of your project and across multiple industries. Below, we’ve listed nine free strategic planning templates that can help you get started in reaching your strategic goals. Download them now. 1. Strategic Plan Template Everything you need to outline your strategic plan is in this free strategic plan template for Word. When completed, you’ll have defined a strategic target and how to get the entire organization there. It will also show how the organization will track progress to ensure that its goals are met over a specific period. Our free strategic plan template has a place to define your vision and mission statements, and even make a SWOT analysis to identify the organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. You can list your business goals, marketing and operational plans, financial projections and the team that will be tasked with meeting your strategic goals. 2. Vision Statement Template Strategic planning templates are nothing if they’re not driven by a clear vision. An organization’s vision is defined and distributed on a document called the vision statement. It succinctly explains the meaning and purpose of the organization. This helps everyone understand the organization’s long-term goals. Download our free vision statement template to kickstart the brainstorming that will generate a powerful vision statement for your organization. The vision statement template is made up of five steps, with each associated with a question, to walk you through the process of coming up with the right vision statement for your organization. 3. Strategy Roadmap Template Once you have a vision, you know where you want to be over the next five or so years. Getting there requires a strategy roadmap, which is a tool that visualizes the major phases in your long-term plan to achieve your vision. This is one of the more important strategic planning templates in that it helps you make important decisions in terms of strategy, resource allocation and more. Using our free strategy roadmap template for Excel gives you a high-level overview of the project or multiple projects you’ll be managing. On the left-hand side, a spreadsheet lists your tasks, start and end dates, including duration. Once those are imputed, they automatically populate the horizontal bar chart to the right. You can color-code the timeline to make it easier to distinguish different projects or phases. 4. Strategy Map Template A strategy map is another strategic planning template that’s also a visual tool. It’s used to show the cause-and-effect of an organization’s strategic objectives by breaking them into four perspectives: strategic, financial, customer and business process. The strategy map template then communicates these objectives to the departments in an organization. Our free strategy map template for Excel is customizable so you can identify your key objectives and place them appropriately across the four perspectives, with arrows showing the cause-and-effect relationships between them. This makes it clear how one objective from one perspective will influence the other objects from different perspectives. 5. SWOT Analysis Template SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. It’s an analytic tool that organizations use to assess their competitive position and develop long-term planning strategies. This makes it an ideal addition to your strategic planning templates. Our free SWOT analysis template for Word is a useful strategic planning template as it’s divided into four quadrants and four descriptors. Strengths are positive and internal to an organization, while weaknesses are negative and internal. Opportunities are positive, but external, while threats are negative and external. Using the template helps you sort through this data to inform your strategic plan. 6. Smart Goals Template When using strategic planning templates, the first thing you need to define are goals. But those goals should be SMART, as in specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound. Using our free smart goals template for Word will help ensure you can achieve your long-term goals. Our SMART goals template is a simple, but powerful tool for defining goals. It’s broken up into the five categories of SMART goals. For each, there are a series of questions to answer. This will lead you to the right goals for your organization and its business environment. 7. Organizational Chart Template Once you have all your strategic planning templates filled out and you’re ready to implement the plan, there’s one last thing you need to do; define the internal structure of your organization. Creating a visual flowchart clarifies who has power over what and who to report or request guidance from. Our free organizational chart template for Excel will help your organization run better, which is essential if you want to reach your long-term goals. The tree diagram design makes it easy to see department heads and those who report under them. 8. Action Plan Template A strategic goal is just an idea until it’s executed. The ability to turn those goals into actionable tasks requires an action plan, which is a strategic planning template that lists tasks, duration and costs all in one document. Our free action plan template for Excel helps you organize tasks and subtasks by phase and who’s assigned to them. In the timeline section, add start and end dates. Be sure to include the materials required to execute those tasks and their associated costs. 9. Resource Plan Template Getting everyone up to speed on strategic plans is one thing, scheduling their work is another. That’s why having a resource plan is critical when assembling your strategic planning templates. Using our free resource plan template for Excel helps you schedule your resources. The template has a column to list your resources and another to identify their department and the total number of hours assigned to each resource, including their rate and total cost. The other part of the template is a weekly calendar that allows you to map when you need your resources. How ProjectManager Helps With Strategic Planning Strategic planning templates are helpful. They can organize your thoughts and focus ideas, but they fall short when it comes to planning, managing and tracking your projects. They can’t track details in real time and pull you away from more important work as you manually update each strategic planning template. Plus, they’re not collaborative. ProjectManager is award-winning project and portfolio management software that helps you with strategic planning and monitoring its execution in real time to keep you on track to meet your long-term goals. Manage Resources and Labor Costs When you onboard your team to our software, you can set their availability, including PTO, vacation and even global holidays for remote workers. This makes it easy to assign them work. Then toggle over to the workload chart, which is color-coded to make it easy to see your team’s workload. If some are overallocated, just balance their workload right from the chart. Our secure timesheets streamline payroll but also allow you to track labor costs and keep to your budget. You can also see how far each team member is in completing their work. Track the Progress and Costs of Strategic Initiatives You can track your resources, costs, time and more with our real-time portfolio dashboards. They give you an overview of your projects, like having a status report whenever you want one. Our project and portfolio dashboards automatically collect live data and display it on easy-to-read graphs and charts. There’s no time-consuming and complicated setup as with lightweight alternatives. If you want more details, use our customizable reports, which filter data to show only what you want to see. They can also be shared to keep stakeholders informed. Creating action plans to reach your strategic goals can be done on our robust Gantt charts or roadmaps, but teams across different departments are going to need different tools to execute their tasks. Our software has multiple project views, from the visual workflow of kanban boards to task lists, sheet and calendar views. Teams can work how they want. All project views update together so everyone is always working on the same page. ProjectManager is online project and portfolio management software that connects teams whether they’re in the office, in the field or anywhere in the world. They can share files, comment at the task level and stay updated with email and in-app notifications. Join teams at Avis, Nestle and Siemens who use our software to deliver successful projects. Get started with ProjectManager today for free.
当领导团队定义一个组织的愿景时,他们展望未来,并确定他们想要实现的目标和目的。这是战略规划的开始。下一步是确定实现这些目标的顺序。 一旦定义了愿景,实际工作就开始了,战略规划模板可以促进这项工作。ProjectManager不仅是强大的项目和投资组合管理软件,而且有100多个免费的Excel和Word项目和投资组合管理模板,包括这些战略规划模板。 为什么应该使用战略规划模板? 战略规划模板对于项目管理办公室(PMO)以及项目组合和项目经理来说是有用的工具,他们监督多个项目并确保它们与组织的战略目标保持一致。它们涵盖了战略规划过程中涉及的所有内容,从定义愿景声明到创建路线图等等。 使用预制的战略规划模板也很有帮助,因为没有繁忙的工作。你要做的就是添加相关细节。战略规划模板是一致的,这有助于归档战略规划文档。这使得在需要时更容易引用这些文档,并在创建新的长期计划时对其进行审查。 虽然战略规划模板有助于您开始,但一旦您执行了战略计划,您就会发现它们的局限性。毕竟,这些是静态文档,必须手动更新,这可能会影响协作。战略计划在整个组织内实施,各部门必须通力合作,共享资源,并对共同目标进行优先排序。实际上,战略规划模板并不是为动态而设计的。 投资组合管理软件去了战略规划模板不能去的地方。ProjectManager是屡获殊荣的项目和投资组合管理软件,具有强大的战略路线图,可以收集您的所有项目并将其显示在一个甘特图上。您可以在一个地方管理所有项目的资源、跟踪时间和任务。我们的路线图可以按受托人、项目经理或客户进行筛选,以帮助您做出预测。您可以查看打开了哪些项目,谁被分配了哪些任务,并突出显示关键指标,以便让涉众了解最新情况。立即免费开始使用ProjectManager。 免费的Excel和Word战略规划模板 如果您还没有准备好升级,ProjectManager还有100多个免费的Excel和Word项目管理模板,可以帮助您完成项目的每个阶段和跨多个行业。下面,我们列出了九个免费的战略规划模板,可以帮助你开始实现你的战略目标。立即下载。 1.战略计划模板 你需要概述你的战略计划的一切都在这个免费的Word战略计划模板中。完成后,你将定义一个战略目标,以及如何让整个组织达到目标。它还将显示本组织将如何跟踪进展,以确保在特定时期内实现其目标。 我们免费的战略计划模板可以定义您的愿景和使命陈述,甚至可以进行SWOT分析,以确定组织的优势、劣势、机会和威胁。你可以列出你的业务目标、营销和运营计划、财务预测以及负责实现你的战略目标的团队。 2.愿景陈述模板 如果没有清晰的愿景,战略规划模板什么都不是。一个组织的愿景是在一个叫做愿景声明的文档中定义和分发的。它简洁地解释了组织的意义和目的。这有助于每个人理解组织的长期目标。 下载我们的免费愿景声明模板,启动头脑风暴,为您的组织生成强大的愿景声明。愿景陈述模板由五个步骤组成,每个步骤都与一个问题相关联,引导您完成为您的组织提出正确愿景陈述的过程。 3.战略路线图模板 一旦你有了愿景,你就知道未来五年左右你想去哪里。实现这一目标需要一个战略路线图,它是一个工具,可以将实现愿景的长期计划中的主要阶段可视化。这是一个更重要的战略规划模板,因为它可以帮助您在战略、资源分配等方面做出重要决策。 使用我们免费的Excel战略路线图模板,您可以对您将要管理的项目或多个项目有一个高层次的了解。在左手边,一个电子表格列出了你的任务,开始和结束日期,包括持续时间。一旦这些被估算,它们会自动填充右侧的水平条形图。您可以对时间线进行颜色编码,以便更容易区分不同的项目或阶段。 4.战略图模板 战略地图是另一个战略规划模板,也是一个可视化工具。它用于显示一个组织的战略目标的因果关系,将它们分为四个角度:战略、财务、客户和业务流程。然后,战略图模板将这些目标传达给组织中的各个部门。 我们的免费Excel战略地图模板是可定制的,因此您可以确定您的关键目标,并将它们适当地放置在四个视角中,箭头显示它们之间的因果关系。这清楚地表明了一个目标从一个角度将如何影响其他目标从不同的角度。 5.SWOT分析模板 SWOT代表优势、劣势、机会和威胁。这是一种分析工具,组织使用它来评估他们的竞争地位和制定长期规划战略。这使它成为战略规划模板的理想补充。 我们免费的Word SWOT分析模板是一个有用的战略规划模板,因为它分为四个象限和四个描述符。优势是积极的,是组织内部的,而劣势是消极的,是内部的。机会是积极的,但外部的,而威胁是消极的,外部的。使用该模板有助于您整理这些数据,为您的战略计划提供信息。 6.Smart目标模板 使用战略规划模板时,首先需要定义的是目标。但这些目标应该是明智的,具体的、可衡量的、可实现的、相关的和有时限的。使用我们免费的Word smart目标模板将有助于确保您实现长期目标。 我们的SMART目标模板是一个简单而强大的定义目标的工具。它分为五类SMART目标。对于每一个,都有一系列的问题需要回答。这将引导您为您的组织及其业务环境找到正确的目标。 7.组织结构图模板 一旦你填好了所有的战略规划模板,并准备好实施计划,你还需要做最后一件事;定义组织的内部结构。创建一个可视化的流程图阐明了谁有权决定什么,以及向谁报告或请求指导。 我们免费的Excel组织结构图模板将帮助您的组织更好地运行,如果您想实现长期目标,这是必不可少的。树形图的设计使人们很容易看到部门主管和在他们手下报告的人。 8.行动计划模板 战略目标只是一个想法,直到它被执行。将这些目标转化为可操作任务的能力需要行动计划,行动计划是一个战略规划模板,在一个文档中列出了任务、持续时间和成本。 我们免费的Excel行动计划模板可以帮助您按阶段以及分配给他们的人来组织任务和子任务。在时间线部分,添加开始和结束日期。确保包括执行这些任务所需的材料及其相关成本。 9.资源计划模板 让每个人都跟上战略计划是一回事,安排他们的工作是另一回事。这就是为什么在组装战略规划模板时,有一个资源计划是至关重要的。使用我们免费的Excel资源计划模板可以帮助您安排资源。 模板有一列列出您的资源,另一列标识他们的部门和分配给每个资源的总时数,包括他们的费率和总成本。模板的另一部分是周历,允许您在需要资源时进行映射。 ProjectManager如何帮助进行战略规划 战略规划模板很有帮助。他们可以组织你的想法和集中思想,但当涉及到计划,管理和跟踪你的项目时,他们就做得不够了。当您手动更新每个战略规划模板时,它们无法实时跟踪细节并将您从更重要的工作中抽离出来。另外,他们不合作。ProjectManager是一款屡获殊荣的项目和投资组合管理软件,可帮助您进行战略规划并实时监控其执行情况,使您保持在实现长期目标的轨道上。 管理资源和劳动力成本 当您让您的团队使用我们的软件时,您可以设置他们的可用性,包括PTO、假期甚至远程员工的全球假期。这使得给他们分配工作变得容易。然后切换到工作量图表,它用颜色编码,以便于查看团队的工作量。如果有些人被过度分配,只需从图表中平衡他们的工作量。我们的安全时间表简化了工资单,还允许您跟踪劳动力成本并保持在您的预算之内。您还可以看到每个团队成员完成工作的程度。 跟踪战略计划的进度和成本 您可以通过我们的实时投资组合仪表板跟踪您的资源、成本、时间等。它们给你一个项目的概述,就像在你需要的时候有一个状态报告。我们的项目和投资组合仪表板自动收集实时数据,并将其显示在易于阅读的图形和图表上。没有轻量级替代产品那样耗时复杂的设置。如果您想了解更多详细信息,请使用我们的可定制报告,该报告会过滤数据,仅显示您想要查看的内容。它们也可以共享,以便让利益相关者了解情况。 创建行动计划以实现您的战略目标可以在我们强大的甘特图或路线图上完成,但不同部门的团队将需要不同的工具来执行他们的任务。我们的软件有多个项目视图,从看板的可视化工作流程到任务列表、工作表和日历视图。团队可以随心所欲地工作。所有项目视图一起更新,因此每个人总是在同一页面上工作。 ProjectManager是一款在线项目和投资组合管理软件,无论团队是在办公室、现场还是在世界任何地方,它都可以将团队联系起来。他们可以共享文件,在任务级别发表评论,并通过电子邮件和应用内通知保持更新。加入Avis、Nestle和Siemens的团队,使用我们的软件交付成功的项目。立即免费开始使用ProjectManager。

