12 Free Project Planning Templates for Excel and Word


2024-02-27 20:00 project manager


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Without a plan, projects are in trouble. Project planning is one of the first and most important aspects of project management. Using project planning templates can help you schedule tasks, estimate budgets and allocate resources. Project management software does more than a static Excel or Word template, but using these free 12 project planning templates for Excel and Word is a decent substitute. Download one or all and get your next project started right. Why Use Project Planning Templates? Project planning templates are part of project management. They organize your tasks, help you write a project charter, come up with an accurate budget and so much more. Even if you’re using project management software, project planning templates can help you with everything from decision making, such as with our free RACI matrix template, to identifying project deliverables, with our free work breakdown structure template. You can even use project planning templates to help you manage your project, track progress and risks. They provide you with a consistent project documentation process, which can then be archived and retrieved to inform future planning. Project planning templates help reduce work as they’re preformatted so you don’t have to always start from scratch. But using project planning templates is, at best, only a starting point. To ensure your plans are well-managed during the execution of your project you’ll want to upgrade to project management software. ProjectManager is award-winning project and portfolio management software that helps you plan projects and manage and track them in real time. We have multiple project views, from kanban boards to tasks lists, sheet and calendar views, but project managers plan their projects on our powerful Gantt charts. Unlike templates, our Gantt charts can not only organize your tasks, add resources and costs, but link all four types of task dependencies to avoid costly delays. They can also filter for the critical path to identify essential tasks and set a baseline to track your planned progress against actual progress in real time. That’s how you deliver on time and within budget. Get started with ProjectManager today for free. 12 Best Project Planning Templates If you’re not ready to use project management software, these 12 project planning templates for Excel and Word can help you get your project planned properly. They cover all the bases, from creating a timeline to chart your tasks to having a risk register to prepare your team for issues that inevitably arise in every project. 1. Project Plan Template A project plan is a big endeavor. Our free project plan template for Word helps you organize all the various project management documentation needed to prepare your project for success. You get to address the planning basics, such as defining your project scope, identifying milestones and breaking the project down into manageable phases and tasks. Then you can create a project schedule, including task dependencies, project assumptions and constraints. There’s also a section that addresses the project budget, risk and change management, which is essential to stay on track. Included is a risk log and the process you’ll use for change management to avoid delays. 2. Project Charter Template A project charter is an important project planning document. It provides high-level information on the project to ensure stakeholders are aware of the project deliverables, milestones and the roles and responsibilities of the project team. It also explains the reason for the project, including how the project plan and project team will be structured to meet the goals of the project. Using our free project charter template for Word will define the project vision and scope for everyone involved. It’s presented to the project sponsor in a neat, organized and easy-to-digest fashion. From the executive summary to the appendix, everything is collected to show how the project’s goals will be achieved. The project charter template defines the project and shows the plan that will outline the milestones, tasks, dependencies and resource management plan. 3. Project Budget Template All projects cost money. Being able to accurately estimate those costs and make a realistic project budget can make the difference between a healthy profit margin and losing money on the project. That’s why using our free project budget template for Excel is such a vital part of any project planning template offering. It can help you monitor project expenses and avoid cost overruns. The free project planning template lets you list all your tasks and subtasks, including who’s assigned to each. Then you could estimate the labor, materials and other costs, such as travel, equipment, food and more. There’s also a column to track the actual costs for each of these categories to monitor the budgeted versus actual costs. A final balance column shows if you’re in the red or not. 4. Work Breakdown Structure Template A work breakdown structure is a project planning tool that allows you to identify all your project tasks and deliverables and, in turn, begin the scheduling process of your project plan. You don’t want to neglect any deliverables or you’ll suffer delays and cost overruns during the execution phase of the project. A work breakdown structure is a hierarchical chart that incrementally breaks down the project into deliverables and the tasks that are needed to complete those deliverables. Our free work breakdown structure template for Excel is a customizable project planning template made up of two sheets, one that has a task list and the other a tree diagram to help you identify not only deliverables and tasks but dependencies, resources and more. 5. Project Timeline Template Another powerful project planning template is a timeline. It’s a visual representation of your schedule laid out from start to finish. On the project timeline, you can plot your project tasks, due dates, milestones and more. Use our free project timeline template for Excel to start your project scheduling process. When you open our free project planning template for making timelines you find it is divided into two halves. On the left is a spreadsheet where you can list all the project tasks in one column, their start date in another and the end date in yet another. The last column notes the duration of the task in days. As you’re doing this, a timeline on the right will automatically populate to show you the entire project in one place. 6. Project Scope Template The project scope outlines your project. It’s a detailed document that shows the project’s activities, resources, timelines and deliverables. This project planning template is extensive. It lists your key stakeholders, the processes you’ll be using in the project, assumptions and constraints, all so you can understand what’s in and out of scope for the project. Our free project scope template for Word is very thorough, though you can add to it as suits your project needs. We have space for project managers to explain the need for the project, what’s in and out of scope, its business objectives, deliverables and cost estimates, as well as much more. 7. RACI Matrix Template RACI is an acronym for responsible, accountable, consulted and informed. A RACI matrix, often referred to as a diagram or chart, is a tool that makes sure that all project stakeholders are on the same page and working together. That’s why it’s an important project planning template. Our free RACI matrix template for Excel helps you identify and define everyone involved with the project. The template lists all the project stakeholders across the top row and tasks down the left side of the template. Then just add R, A, C or I to define who is responsible for what. 8. Resource Plan Template Resources are part of any planning process and, therefore creating a resource plan is an essential part of the project planning phase. You need to identify and plan everything needed to execute your project. The most important resource is your team. Our free resource plan template for Excel helps you align resources with your project schedule and budget. Our free resource plan template helps you organize tasks by team members and the department in which they work. You can also estimate the planned effort for each task, the team member’s rate of pay and then the total cost for the duration of that work. There’s also a calendar to schedule the team’s work. 9. Risk Register Template Risks are unexpected events in a project. They can be either good or bad, but they need to be planned for. A risk register allows you to list all your project risks, their potential impact, priority level and more. You can use it throughout the project life cycle to track any risks that might occur. The template allows you to add an ID number to each risk to track it. Then you can describe the risk and not the potential impact on the project. Following that, you’ll add the response if that risk becomes an issue in the project. You can also note the risk level to prioritize it and who on the team is responsible for dealing with that issue if it arises in the project. 10. Project Calendar Template Calendars are one of the many ways to plan a project. As a project planning template, calendars can provide a monthly overview of the assignments and deadlines of the project. Use our free project calendar template for Excel to plan your project on a calendar grid. When you open our free project calendar template, you’ll find 12 sheets, one for each month of the year. The calendar has color coding to indicate the task and which phase it belongs to. We’ve created some examples, which you can use or change to suit your project, as the template is customizable. 11. Action Plan Template An action plan is a plan. It charts the steps necessary to achieve whatever goals you have in mind. It’s a project planning template that can help you define your project timeline and resources. Using our free action plan template for Excel gives you space to list all your tasks and note the phase in which they’ll take place and who’s assigned to that task. There’s a column to mark its status to help you track the task, as well as a place to add start and end dates, resources and their associated costs. 12. Project Milestone Template You can collect project planning templates without touching on milestones, which are part of the project planning phase. They’re used to indicate important dates on a project timeline, often showing the end of one phase and the beginning of the next, which helps with tracking progress. You can open up our free project milestone template in our software and import your project plan from Excel or create your own in the free template. The milestones are represented on the Gantt chart timeline as diamond icons. Our software gives you access to the Gantt chart and multiple project views, but more on that in the next section. ProjectManager Helps With Project Planning If you’ve used the milestone template in ProjectManager, then you can see the advantages of project management software over static project planning templates. Templates need to be manually updated and aren’t great for collaboration. ProjectManager is award-winning project management software that helps you plan, manage and track your projects in real time. Everything you can do with the above project planning templates you can do better in our software. We’ve already shown how our powerful Gantt chart helps you organize tasks, resources and cost when building a project plan, schedule and budget. Here’s what else our tool can do. Manage Resource and Labor Costs Resources are part of any project planning process. Our software makes it easy to assign team members to tasks by allowing you to set up their availability in advance. You can note each team member’s vacation time, PTO and even global holidays for those with remote teams. Once everyone has been assigned, toggle over to the color-coded workload chart, which makes it easy to see team allocation at a glance. If some are overallocated, you can re-allocate those resources to balance the team’s workload and keep them working at capacity and productivity without eroding morale. During project execution, our secure timesheets streamline payroll and help you track labor costs to stay on budget. Track Project Progress, Time and Costs There’s more than one way to track project costs once the project has moved into its execution, monitoring and controlling phases. For a high-level view, project managers can use real-time dashboards, which automatically collect data and display it on easy-to-read graphs and charts. You can see how the project is progressing against your plan, costs against your budget and much more. If you’re managing multiple projects use our portfolio dashboards. For more details, use our reporting features. Customizable status and portfolio reports capture your project in time, but there are also reports on variance, timesheets, workload and more, all of which can be filtered to show only the data you want to see. Then share them with stakeholders to keep them updated. Related Project Planning Content Project planning is a big subject and we have many more articles that discuss all aspects of it from making a project plan to explaining what an implementation plan is. Check out a sample of our project planning content below. Project Planning: How to Make a Project Plan The Ultimate Guide to Resource Planning How to Execute a Plan Successfully What Is a Work Plan? How to Make a Work Plan In 7 Steps What Is an Implementation Plan? ProjectManager is online project and portfolio management software that connects teams whether they’re in the office, out in the field or anywhere in between. They can share files, comment at the task level and stay updated with email and in-app notifications. Join teams at Avis, Nestle and Siemens who use our software to plan and deliver successful projects. Get started with ProjectManager today for free.
没有计划,项目就会陷入困境。项目规划是项目管理的第一个也是最重要的方面之一。使用项目规划模板可以帮助您安排任务、估计预算和分配资源。 项目管理软件不仅仅是一个静态的Excel或Word模板,但是使用这12个免费的Excel和Word项目规划模板是一个不错的替代品。下载一个或全部,让你的下一个项目正确开始。 为什么要使用项目规划模板? 项目规划模板是项目管理的一部分。他们组织你的任务,帮你写项目章程,提出准确的预算等等。即使您正在使用项目管理软件,项目规划模板也可以帮助您做任何事情,从决策,如使用我们免费的RACI矩阵模板,到使用我们免费的工作分解结构模板确定项目可交付成果。 您甚至可以使用项目规划模板来帮助您管理项目、跟踪进度和风险。它们为您提供了一个一致的项目文档流程,然后可以对其进行归档和检索,以便为未来的规划提供信息。项目规划模板有助于减少工作量,因为它们是预先格式化的,因此您不必总是从头开始。 但是使用项目规划模板充其量只是一个起点。为了确保您的计划在项目执行过程中得到良好的管理,您需要升级到项目管理软件。 ProjectManager是屡获殊荣的项目和投资组合管理软件,可帮助您规划项目并实时管理和跟踪它们。我们有多个项目视图,从看板到任务列表、工作表和日历视图,但项目经理在我们强大的甘特图上规划他们的项目。 与模板不同,我们的甘特图不仅可以组织您的任务,增加资源和成本,还可以链接所有四种类型的任务依赖关系,以避免代价高昂的延迟。他们还可以过滤关键路径,以确定基本任务,并设置基线,以实时跟踪您的计划进度和实际进度。这就是你在预算内按时交付的方式。立即免费开始使用ProjectManager。 12个最佳项目规划模板 如果你还没有准备好使用项目管理软件,这12个Excel和Word项目规划模板可以帮助你正确规划你的项目。它们涵盖了所有的基础,从创建一个时间表来绘制你的任务,到有一个风险登记册来让你的团队为每个项目中不可避免地出现的问题做好准备。 1.项目计划模板 项目计划是一项巨大的努力。我们免费的Word项目计划模板可帮助您组织为项目成功做准备所需的各种项目管理文档。你要解决规划的基础问题,比如定义你的项目范围,确定里程碑,把项目分解成可管理的阶段和任务。 然后,您可以创建项目进度表,包括任务依赖关系、项目假设和约束。还有一个部分涉及项目预算、风险和变更管理,这对于保持正轨至关重要。其中包括一个风险日志和您将用于变更管理以避免延迟的流程。 2.项目章程模板 项目章程是一份重要的项目规划文件。它提供了关于项目的高级信息,以确保利益相关者了解项目可交付成果、里程碑以及项目团队的角色和职责。它还解释了项目的原因,包括项目计划和项目团队将如何构建以满足项目的目标。 使用我们免费的Word项目章程模板将为每个相关人员定义项目愿景和范围。它以一种整洁、有条理且易于理解的方式呈现给项目发起人。从执行摘要到附录,所有的东西都被收集起来,以显示项目的目标将如何实现。项目章程模板定义了项目并显示了概述里程碑、任务、依赖关系和资源管理计划的计划。 3.项目预算模板 所有项目都要花钱。能够准确地估计这些成本并制定现实的项目预算可以决定健康的利润率还是项目亏损。这就是为什么使用我们免费的Excel项目预算模板是任何项目规划模板产品的重要组成部分。它可以帮助您监控项目费用,避免成本超支。 免费的项目规划模板允许您列出所有任务和子任务,包括每个任务和子任务的分配人。然后你可以估算劳动力、材料和其他成本,比如旅行、设备、食物等等。还有一个列来跟踪每个类别的实际成本,以监控预算成本和实际成本。最后一个余额栏显示你是否亏损。 4.工作分解结构模板 工作分解结构是一种项目规划工具,它允许您确定所有的项目任务和可交付成果,并进而开始项目计划的调度过程。您不希望忽略任何可交付成果,否则您将在项目的执行阶段遭受延迟和成本超支。 工作分解结构是一个分层图表,它将项目逐步分解为可交付成果和完成这些可交付成果所需的任务。我们的免费Excel工作分解结构模板是一个可定制的项目规划模板,由两张表组成,一张表有任务列表,另一张表有树形图,不仅可以帮助您确定可交付成果和任务,还可以确定依赖关系、资源等。 5.项目时间表模板 另一个强大的项目规划模板是时间表。这是你从开始到结束的时间表的可视化表示。在项目时间表上,您可以绘制项目任务、截止日期、里程碑等。使用我们免费的Excel项目时间表模板开始您的项目日程安排过程。 当你打开我们制作时间表的免费项目规划模板时,你会发现它分为两半。左边是一个电子表格,您可以在一列中列出所有项目任务,在另一列中列出它们的开始日期,在另一列中列出结束日期。最后一列以天为单位记录了任务的持续时间。当您执行此操作时,右侧的时间线将自动填充,以便在一个位置显示整个项目。 6.项目范围模板 项目范围概述了您的项目。这是一份详细的文档,显示了项目的活动、资源、时间表和可交付成果。这个项目规划模板是广泛的。它列出了您的关键利益相关者、您将在项目中使用的过程、假设和约束,所有这些都是为了让您能够了解项目范围内和范围外的内容。 我们免费的Word项目范围模板非常全面,尽管您可以根据自己的项目需要进行添加。我们为项目经理提供了解释项目需求、范围内外内容、业务目标、可交付成果和成本估算等更多内容的空间。 7.RACI矩阵模板 RACI是负责任、负责任、咨询和知情的首字母缩写。RACI矩阵,通常被称为图表,是一种确保所有项目利益相关者在同一页上一起工作的工具。这就是为什么它是一个重要的项目规划模板。 我们免费的Excel RACI矩阵模板可以帮助您识别和定义参与项目的每个人。模板在顶行列出了所有项目涉众,在模板的左侧列出了任务。然后加上R,A,C或I来定义谁对什么负责。 8.资源计划模板 资源是任何规划过程的一部分,因此创建资源计划是项目规划阶段的重要组成部分。你需要确定和计划执行项目所需的一切。最重要的资源是你的团队。我们免费的Excel资源计划模板可帮助您根据项目进度和预算调整资源。 我们的免费资源计划模板可以帮助您按照团队成员和他们工作的部门组织任务。您还可以估算每项任务的计划工作量、团队成员的工资率,然后估算该工作期间的总成本。还有一个日历来安排团队的工作。 9.风险登记册模板 风险是项目中的意外事件。它们可以是好的,也可以是坏的,但是它们需要被计划。风险登记簿允许您列出所有项目风险、其潜在影响、优先级等。您可以在整个项目生命周期中使用它来跟踪可能发生的任何风险。 该模板允许您为每个风险添加一个ID号来跟踪它。然后,您可以描述风险,而不是对项目的潜在影响。接下来,如果风险成为项目中的一个问题,您将添加响应。您还可以记录风险级别以确定其优先级,以及如果项目中出现问题,团队中谁负责处理该问题。 10.项目日历模板 日历是规划项目的众多方式之一。作为项目规划模板,日历可以提供项目任务和截止日期的月度概览。使用我们免费的Excel项目日历模板在日历网格上规划您的项目。 当您打开我们的免费项目日历模板时,您会发现12张表,一年中的每个月一张。日历有颜色编码来指示任务及其属于哪个阶段。我们创建了一些示例,您可以使用或更改这些示例以适应您的项目,因为模板是可定制的。 11.行动计划模板 行动计划就是计划。它列出了实现你心中任何目标的必要步骤。这是一个项目规划模板,可以帮助您定义项目时间表和资源。 使用我们免费的Excel行动计划模板,您可以列出所有任务,并记录任务发生的阶段以及谁被分配了该任务。有一个栏来标记它的状态,以帮助您跟踪任务,还有一个地方来添加开始和结束日期,资源及其相关成本。 12.项目里程碑模板 您可以收集项目规划模板,而无需触及里程碑,里程碑是项目规划阶段的一部分。它们用于指示项目时间表上的重要日期,通常显示一个阶段的结束和下一个阶段的开始,这有助于跟踪进度。 您可以在我们的软件中打开我们的免费项目里程碑模板,从Excel导入您的项目计划,或者在免费模板中创建您自己的项目计划。里程碑在甘特图时间线上表示为菱形图标。我们的软件让您可以访问甘特图和多个项目视图,但在下一节会有更多的介绍。 ProjectManager帮助进行项目规划 如果您使用过ProjectManager中的milestone模板,那么您可以看到项目管理软件相对于静态项目规划模板的优势。模板需要手动更新,不太适合协作。 ProjectManager是一款屡获殊荣的项目管理软件,可帮助您实时规划、管理和跟踪您的项目。你可以用上面的项目规划模板做的一切,在我们的软件中你可以做得更好。我们已经展示了我们强大的甘特图如何帮助您在制定项目计划、进度和预算时组织任务、资源和成本。以下是我们的工具还能做的事情。 管理资源和人工成本 资源是任何项目规划过程的一部分。我们的软件允许您提前设置团队成员的可用性,从而轻松地为他们分配任务。您可以记录每个团队成员的休假时间、PTO,甚至远程团队成员的全球假期。 一旦每个人都被分配了,切换到彩色编码的工作量图表,这样可以很容易地一目了然地看到团队分配。如果有些资源被过度分配,您可以重新分配这些资源来平衡团队的工作量,并在不影响士气的情况下保持他们的工作能力和生产力。在项目执行期间,我们的安全时间表简化了工资单,并帮助您跟踪劳动力成本,以保持在预算范围内。 跟踪项目进度、时间和成本 一旦项目进入执行、监控和控制阶段,跟踪项目成本的方法不止一种。对于高级视图,项目经理可以使用实时仪表板,该仪表板自动收集数据并将其显示在易于阅读的图形和图表上。你可以看到项目是如何按照你的计划进行的,成本是如何按照你的预算进行的,等等。如果您正在管理多个项目,请使用我们的投资组合仪表板。 有关更多详细信息,请使用我们的报告功能。可定制的状态和项目组合报告可以及时捕获您的项目,但也有关于差异、时间表、工作量等的报告,所有这些都可以过滤,只显示您想要查看的数据。然后与利益相关者分享它们,以保持它们的更新。 相关项目规划内容 项目规划是一个很大的主题,我们有更多的文章讨论它的所有方面,从制定项目计划到解释什么是实施计划。请查看下面我们的项目规划内容示例。 项目规划:如何制定项目计划 资源规划终极指南 如何成功执行计划 什么是工作计划?如何用7个步骤制定工作计划 什么是实施计划? ProjectManager是一款在线项目和投资组合管理软件,无论团队是在办公室、在现场还是在两者之间的任何地方,它都可以将团队联系起来。他们可以共享文件,在任务级别发表评论,并通过电子邮件和应用内通知保持更新。加入Avis、Nestle和Siemens的团队,他们使用我们的软件来规划和交付成功的项目。立即免费开始使用ProjectManager。

