Centre news vol. 63 - January 2024


2024-01-28 01:00 CLARIN


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CLARIN technical open hour, Monday 5 February at 11:00 CET The next edition of the CLARIN technology open hour is planned for Monday 5 February at 11:00 CET. You can join virtually and ask our developers and infrastructure specialists anything. Anyone is welcome to join! There will be another open hour on 4 March. INT: renewed B-centre certificate The Instituut voor de Nederlandse Taal (or Dutch Language Institute) has successfully renewed its CoreTrustSeal and CLARIN B-centre certificate. Congratulations! Save the date: Centre Meeting 2024 The Centre Meeting is the yearly gathering for everyone who is involved in setting up or hosting a CLARIN centre, with a special focus on technical infrastructure. The 2024 edition will take place in hybrid form, participants can join in person in Utrecht virtually via Zoom. Details will follow, but the date has been settled: 12 and 13 June. New on the CLARIN forum Suggest a theme for the CLARIN Technical Open Hour! Clarification on SURFconext’s email to Service Provider operators about “Metadata Signing Key Update for SURFconext Service Providers” Call for Abstracts: CLARIN2024 CMDI landing page revamped RDA Europe vacancies - deadline 31 January New software releases Maintenance releases of the metadata curation dashboard (6.2.0, changelog) and the link checker (3.2.0, changelog).
BELIN技术开放时间,2月5日星期一11:00 CET 下一次的WITHIN技术开放时间计划于2月5日星期一11:00 CET。您可以虚拟加入并向我们的开发人员和基础设施专家咨询任何问题。欢迎任何人加入! 3月4日将有另一个开放时间。 INT:更新的B中心证书 荷兰语言学院(Instituut voor de Nederlandse Taal)已成功更新其CoreTrustSeal和B-centre证书。恭喜你! 保存日期:2024年中心会议 该中心会议是参与建立或主持一个网络中心的每一个人的年度聚会,特别侧重于技术基础设施。2024年版将以混合形式举行,参与者可以通过Zoom虚拟地在乌得勒支亲自参加。 细节将随后公布,但日期已经确定:6月12日和13日。 新上的论坛 建议一个主题的技术开放时间! 关于SURFconext向服务提供商运营商发送的电子邮件中有关“SURFconext服务提供商的元数据签名密钥更新”的说明 摘要征集:2024年 CMDI登陆页面改版 RDA Europe空缺-截止日期1月31日 新软件版本 元数据管理仪表板(6.2.0,变更日志)和链接检查器(3.2.0,变更日志)的维护版本。

