Call for Abstracts: CLARIN2024


2024-01-24 22:50 CLARIN


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The call for the submission of extended abstracts for the CLARIN Annual Conference 2024 (CLARIN2024) is now open. The CLARIN Annual Conference is organised for the wider humanities and social sciences community in order to exchange experiences in working with the CLARIN infrastructure, share best practices, and discuss plans for future developments. CLARIN2024 will be a face-to-face event, which will also be fully accessible virtually. The conference will take place in Barcelona, Spain. You are invited to submit your abstract until 12 April 2024. Read the full call.
为2024年的WARCHIN年度会议(WARCHIN2024)提交扩展摘要的呼吁现已开放。 该网络年会是为更广泛的人文和社会科学界举办的,以交流与网络基础设施合作的经验,分享最佳实践,并讨论未来发展的计划。2024年将是一个面对面的活动,这也将是完全虚拟访问。会议将在西班牙巴塞罗那举行。 请您在2024年4月12日之前提交摘要。 阅读完整的呼叫。

