SAP Translation Case Study


2024-01-23 17:39 lionbridge


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Global companies face the imperative but challenging task of standardizing processes across locations and business units, especially during acquisitions. Many turn to SAP and other ERP software to achieve this goal. However, the software rollout presents challenges, including the need for a staggering amount of translation work to align processes to a global standard. That’s where the right translation partner becomes invaluable. Discover how Lionbridge, using its proven process, technology, and linguistic resources, translated an astounding 7 million words within six months to support the customer’s SAP global rollout. Lionbridge was instrumental in translating the company’s SAP content (e.g., HR, eLearning, training, finance-related documents, and more) as part of the SAP global implementation. This significant localization undertaking was delivered on time, exceeding quality expectations and enabling the organization to meet its global process and technology standardization goals.
全球公司面临着跨地点和业务部门标准化流程的紧迫但具有挑战性的任务,尤其是在收购期间。 许多人转向SAP和其他ERP软件来实现这一目标。然而,软件的推出带来了挑战,包括需要大量的翻译工作来使流程符合全球标准。这就是合适的翻译伙伴变得无价的地方。 了解Lionbridge如何利用其成熟的流程、技术和语言资源,在六个月内翻译了惊人的700万字,以支持客户的SAP全球推广。作为SAP全球实施的一部分,Lionbridge在翻译公司的SAP内容(例如,人力资源、电子学习、培训、财务相关文档等)方面发挥了重要作用。这项重要的本地化工作按时交付,超出了质量预期,使本组织能够实现其全球流程和技术标准化目标。

