Tour de CLARIN: Interview with Sigríður Ólafsdóttir

CLARIN之旅:Sigr í ur ó lafsd ó ttir访谈

2023-12-13 19:25 CLARIN


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Using data from the CLARIN-IS repository, Sigríður Ólafsdóttir and Auður Pálsdóttir, associate professors at the University of Iceland, have created and published a list of Icelandic academic words – the first of its kind in Iceland. The researchers first developed a new corpus, MÍNO, from which a word frequency list of Icelandic vocabulary was created. The texts from the corpus were obtained from two corpora already available in the CLARIN-IS repository, The Icelandic Gigaword Corpus and the Tagged Icelandic Corpus. Starkaður Barkarson, the National Coordinator for CLARIN-IS, assisted the researchers in creating the new corpus and the frequency list. All the three products, the corpus, the frequency list and the word list, have been uploaded to the CLARIN-IS repository.
冰岛大学副教授Sigr í ur ó lafsd ó ttir和Au ú ur P á lsd ó ttir利用CLARIN-IS知识库中的数据,创建并发布了一个冰岛学术词汇列表,这在冰岛尚属首次。研究人员首先开发了一个新的语料库mi í no,从中创建了冰岛语词汇的词频列表。语料库中的文本来自CLARIN-IS知识库中已有的两个语料库,即冰岛语Gigaword语料库和标记冰岛语语料库。 CLARIN-IS的国家协调员Starka ë ur Barkarson协助研究人员创建了新的语料库和频率列表。语料库、频率表和单词表这三个产品都已上传到CLARIN-IS知识库。

