The Dos and Don'ts of Writing API Documentation


2023-12-07 01:50 clickhelp


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APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) have become increasingly popular in recent years for building and connecting software applications. According to Postman's 2023 State of the API report, APIs are becoming more essential for companies to stay competitive and to provide value to their customers. And as more developers make APIs a core part of their technology stacks, high-quality documentation is essential for smooth API adoption and usage. Yet, writing effective API documentation presents unique challenges for technical writers. APIs are highly technical by nature, yet the documentation must be accessible to developers with varying levels of experience. Fortunately, there are ways to fulfill this challenge rather successfully. In this article, let's cover the dos and don'ts of writing API documentation we at ClickHelp have shaped over the years to help technical writers clearly explain what an API does, how to use it, its common integration scenarios, and more. The Dos Be concise yet thorough While covering all relevant information in sufficient detail, you should avoid unnecessary verbosity. Stick to explaining key concepts and workflows simply, clearly, and precisely. Avoid rambling descriptions and redundant information, but don't be too brief. Developers should have all the technical specifics they need without requiring extra steps to fill gaps. Use simple, clear language While keeping a necessary amount of technical jargon, API documentation should favor simple language that is easy to understand by most audiences, no matter their levels of expertise and professional background. Don't shy away from technical details – just present them accessibly and define any terms that may be unfamiliar. Explain your acronyms and abstraction in time. Structure and organize into logical sections Effective structure of any document, API documentation included, is key for the reader to quickly find what they need. Break your documentation down into logical sections and categories, and use clear and simple headers, table of contents, and navigation. Maintain a consistent structure across all the documentation you have. Include code samples and examples Nothing demonstrates how an API works better than code examples. Provide snippets of sample code in major languages showing how to call the API, pass parameters, and handle responses. Abstract examples are helpful, but actual code eliminates the guesswork. Examples should be complete, well-annotated, and easy to adapt. Use consistent formatting and naming conventions Consistent naming and formatting removes ambiguity and makes documentation easier to follow. Establish set conventions for things like endpoints, parameters, data structures, and stick to them across all documentation. Use the same terms and naming patterns throughout. Keep documentation up-to-date with API changes Outdated documentation is frustrating and can lead to errors. Have processes in place to update docs whenever APIs change. Use versioning to manage docs for different API iterations. Clearly note deprecations and upcoming changes. Make it easy for developers to find docs for the API version they are using. Make documentation easy to search and navigate While working within extensive documentation, it’s very important to be able to quickly find any specific information, so don’t forget to optimize search with tags and indexing. Link related information between sections for easy navigation. Use visual elements like menus, icons, or diagrams so that your documentation is easy for a quick read and navigation. Provide guidance on authentication and setup Many APIs require some form of authentication. So, in your API documentation, it should be explained exactly how to get API credentials, register for access, and set up encryption keys. Provide details on authorization flows, OAuth, permissions levels, and domains. Cover prerequisites clearly so developers can get started easily. Even if it seems that the audiences must be quite familiar with authentication systems by default, don’t hold such information back. Document error handling and responses Documentation should provide details on all possible API responses, not just successful ones. So cover potential errors thoroughly, with examples of error messaging, troubleshooting tips, and how to handle failures. Cover various use cases and scenarios The documentation should demonstrate API capabilities through real-world examples. Provide samples covering the most common use cases and real integration scenarios. Showcase how the API performs with different inputs and configurations and document edge cases and limitations. Don't just focus on happy paths – ensure developers understand how the API handles a wide range of conditions. Use specific tools to make your documentation better What’s the best way to have your API documentation clear and structured? To create it with a special tool tailored just for that. Such as ClickHelp. With ClickHelp, creating API documentation is fast and simple, and it saves you a lot of time and effort. Book a live demo to see for yourself how using ClickHelp can increase your product adoption. Write documentation with the end user in mind API documentation shouldn’t be written for some generic technical audience – it should be tailored for the very developers that will use it. Use familiar language and terminology. Be comprehensive but focus on what developers actually need to be successful. Address common pain points and misunderstandings. Treat docs as a conversation with the audience and guide them accordingly. The Donts Don't use overly technical jargon and acronyms Avoid relying too heavily on niche terminology and jargon. Not all developers will be intimately familiar with API’s processes or abbreviations. Resist the urge to use insider language that may confuse those less familiar with the API's domain. Focus on broadly understandable terms. Don't assume too much existing knowledge Don't make assumptions about the reader's preexisting knowledge. Documentation should provide enough background and foundational information for anyone unfamiliar with the API. Explain underlying concepts before diving into details. Link to educational prerequisites. Don't skimp on details or explanations Resist the temptation to gloss over complex sections just because they are complicated to document. Developers rely on thorough, nuanced technical explanations. Don't omit important details simply because they require more work and more intricate documentation. Take the time to methodically cover the challenging areas. Don't have broken links or outdated info There's nothing more frustrating than documentation links and content that are out of date or simply don’t work. Check regularly for broken links, inaccurate information, or references to previous API versions. Have a clear process for identifying and fixing obsolete documentation. But don't just remove it. Replace with updated info. Don't document internal implementation details Avoid oversharing internal logic, code flows, or architecture that don't directly assist the reader. Too much internal documentation can confuse more than explain. Focus documentation on what the audience needs to work with the API, not specifics of how it works behind the scenes. Keep examples centered on usage, not what happens internally. Don't duplicate information covered elsewhere Duplication creates maintenance headaches and dilutes the documentation’s usefulness. Stick to value-adding documentation and avoid rehashing the same content across multiple pages when possible. Review regularly for redundancy. Don't make documentation hard to find on your site Burying documentation under complex navigation minimizes its value. It should be easily accessible from your developer portal, site navigation, and search. Make access intuitive with contextual linking. Prominently highlight and promote documentation to increase usage. Don't forget about documentation for mobile apps/devices Increasingly, APIs are leveraged by mobile developers. Don't overlook their documentation needs. Cover integration guidance for iOS, Android, responsive design, etc. Detail mobile authentication, data usage, and offline considerations. Explaining mobile usage scenarios makes an API more attractive. Conclusion Effective API documentation is crucial for adoption and long-term API success. And it’s on technical writers to translate complex APIs for ease of integration. More than explaining how an API technically works, you guide the journey developers take from evaluation to mastery. You provide solutions, not just information. And ClickHelp is with you every step of the way as an easy and simple yet utterly professional tool for creating, storing, and maintaining API documentation. Book a live demo or sign up for a free trial and see for yourself the ways to make your API documentation better. Good luck with your technical writing! ClickHelp Team Author, host and deliver documentation across platforms and devices
近年来,API(应用程序编程接口)在构建和连接软件应用程序方面变得越来越流行。根据Postman的2023年API状况报告,API对于公司保持竞争力和为客户提供价值变得越来越重要。随着越来越多的开发人员将API作为其技术堆栈的核心部分,高质量的文档对于API的顺利采用和使用至关重要。 然而,编写有效的API文档给技术作者带来了独特的挑战。API本质上是高度技术性的,但是文档必须是具有不同经验水平的开发人员可以访问的。幸运的是,有一些方法可以相当成功地完成这个挑战。 在本文中,让我们来看看ClickHelp多年来编写API文档的注意事项,以帮助技术作者清楚地解释API的作用、使用方法、常见的集成场景等等。 Dos 简洁而透彻 在充分详细地涵盖所有相关信息的同时,您应该避免不必要的冗长。坚持简单、清晰、准确地解释关键概念和工作流程。避免杂乱无章的描述和多余的信息,但不要太简短。开发人员应该拥有他们需要的所有技术细节,而不需要额外的步骤来填补空白。 使用简单明了的语言 在保留必要数量的技术术语的同时,API文档应该倾向于大多数受众容易理解的简单语言,无论他们的专业知识水平和专业背景如何。 不要回避技术细节——只要通俗易懂地呈现它们,并定义任何可能不熟悉的术语。及时解释你的缩写和抽象。 结构和组织成逻辑部分 任何文档的有效结构,包括API文档,都是读者快速找到他们需要的东西的关键。将文档分解成逻辑部分和类别,使用清晰简单的标题、目录和导航。在你所有的文档中保持一致的结构。 包括代码示例和示例 没有什么比代码示例更能说明API是如何工作的了。提供主要语言的示例代码片段,展示如何调用API、传递参数和处理响应。抽象的例子很有帮助,但是实际的代码消除了猜测。例子应该是完整的,注释良好的,易于适应的。 使用一致的格式和命名约定 一致的命名和格式消除了歧义,使文档更容易理解。为端点、参数、数据结构等东西建立固定的约定,并在所有文档中坚持这些约定。始终使用相同的术语和命名模式。 保持文档与API更改保持同步 过时的文档令人沮丧,并可能导致错误。每当API发生变化时,都要有更新文档的流程。使用版本控制来管理不同API迭代的文档。清楚地注意到反对意见和即将到来的变化。让开发人员能够轻松找到他们正在使用的API版本的文档。 使文档易于搜索和导航 在大量文档中工作时,能够快速找到任何特定信息是非常重要的,所以不要忘记使用标签和索引来优化搜索。链接各部分之间的相关信息,以便于导航。使用可视元素,如菜单、图标或图表,以便您的文档易于快速阅读和导航。 提供有关身份验证和设置的指导 许多API需要某种形式的身份验证。因此,在您的API文档中,应该准确地解释如何获取API凭证、注册访问以及设置加密密钥。提供授权流、OAuth、权限级别和域的详细信息。清楚地涵盖先决条件,以便开发人员可以轻松开始。即使默认情况下受众必须非常熟悉身份验证系统,也不要隐瞒这些信息。 文档错误处理和响应 文档应该提供所有可能的API响应的细节,而不仅仅是成功的响应。因此,通过错误消息、故障排除技巧以及如何处理故障的示例,彻底涵盖潜在的错误。 涵盖各种用例和场景 文档应该通过真实世界的例子展示API功能。提供涵盖最常见用例和真实集成场景的示例。展示API如何在不同的输入和配置下执行,并记录边缘情况和限制。不要只关注快乐的路径——确保开发人员理解API如何处理各种情况。 使用特定的工具使文档更好 让你的API文档清晰和结构化的最好方法是什么?用专门为此定制的特殊工具来创建它。比如点击帮助。 使用ClickHelp,创建API文档既快速又简单,可以节省大量时间和精力。预订现场演示,亲自了解使用ClickHelp如何提高您的产品采用率。 以最终用户为中心编写文档 API文档不应该为一些普通的技术受众编写——它应该为将使用它的开发人员量身定制。 使用熟悉的语言和术语。要全面,但要关注开发人员成功所需的东西。解决常见的棘手问题和误解。将文档视为与观众的对话,并相应地引导他们。 唐特一家 不要使用过于专业的行话和缩略语 避免过于依赖小众术语和行话。不是所有的开发人员都非常熟悉API的过程或缩写。抵制使用内部语言的冲动,因为这可能会让那些不太熟悉API领域的人感到困惑。关注广泛可理解的术语。 不要假设太多已有的知识 不要对读者先前存在的知识做出假设。文档应该为不熟悉API的人提供足够的背景和基础信息。在深入细节之前,先解释一下基本概念。链接到教育先决条件。 不要在细节或解释上吝啬 抵制诱惑,不要仅仅因为复杂的部分很难记录就掩饰它们。开发人员依赖于全面、细致入微的技术解释。不要仅仅因为重要的细节需要更多的工作和更复杂的文档就忽略它们。花时间有条不紊地涵盖具有挑战性的领域。 不要有断开的链接或过时的信息 没有什么比过时或根本不起作用的文档链接和内容更令人沮丧的了。定期检查断开的链接、不准确的信息或对以前API版本的引用。有一个清晰的流程来识别和修复过时的文档。但不要只是去掉。替换为更新的信息。 不记录内部实现细节 避免过度共享不能直接帮助读者的内部逻辑、代码流或架构。过多的内部文档会使人困惑而不是解释。将文档的重点放在受众使用API需要什么上,而不是它在幕后如何工作的细节上。让例子以使用为中心,而不是内部发生的事情。 不要重复其他地方的信息 重复会带来维护上的麻烦,并削弱文档的有用性。坚持使用增值文档,尽可能避免在多个页面上重复相同的内容。定期检查冗余。 不要让文档在你的站点上很难找到 将文档隐藏在复杂的导航下会使其价值最小化。它应该可以很容易地从您的开发人员门户、站点导航和搜索中访问。通过上下文链接使访问变得直观。突出显示和推广文档以增加使用率。 不要忘记移动应用程序/设备的文档 移动开发人员越来越多地利用API。不要忽视他们的文档需求。涵盖iOS、Android、响应式设计等的集成指南。详细说明移动身份验证、数据使用和离线注意事项。解释移动使用场景使API更有吸引力。 结论 有效的API文档对于API的采用和长期成功至关重要。翻译复杂的API以便于集成是技术作者的责任。除了解释API在技术上是如何工作的,你还指导开发人员从评估到掌握的旅程。你提供解决方案,而不仅仅是信息。 ClickHelp作为一个简单易行但绝对专业的工具,伴随着您创建、存储和维护API文档的每一步。预订一个现场演示或注册一个免费试用版,亲自看看如何使您的API文档变得更好。 祝你的技术写作好运! 单击帮助团队 跨平台和设备创作、托管和交付文档

