13th European Summer University in Digital Humanities ‘Culture & Technology’


2023-11-22 22:25 CLARIN


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From 24 July to 4 August 2023, the historic city of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, became a vibrant hub of intellectual exchange and innovation. The Transylvania Digital Humanities Centre (DigiHUBB) at Babeș-Bolyai University had the honour of hosting the 13th edition of the European Summer University in Digital Humanities ‘Culture & Technology’. This marked the first time that the event was held at BBU, under the leadership of Dr. Christian Schuster, director of DigiHUBB. The European Summer University (ESU) has been a beacon of success since its inception in 2009 at Leipzig University, thanks to the tireless efforts of Professor Elisabeth Burr and her team. It was a fitting tribute that she inaugurated the first ESU at its new location with an inspiring opening lecture. As always, the ESU was a dynamic summer school that offered a rich array of workshops, lectures (both on-site and online), project presentations, round table discussions, and social and cultural activities. Over the course of 11 days, 42 participants - including instructors, lecturers, researchers, and scholars from 13 different countries across four continents - gathered to share their latest ideas, findings, and methods in the expansive field of Digital Humanities. The event was generously supported by CLARIN ERIC through a User Involvement Funding grant, with local sponsorship from Syncro Soft (creators of Oxygen XML Editor) and NTT Data. The Summer University welcomed participants from all over Europe and beyond. It fostered an interdisciplinary exchange of knowledge and experience among students, young scholars, academics from the arts and humanities, library sciences, social sciences, as well as engineering and computer sciences. This diverse gathering created a multilingual and multicultural context that laid the groundwork for future project-based collaborations. What sets the European Summer University apart is its commitment to integrating linguistics with Digital Humanities. It not only offers a platform for discussing and acquiring new knowledge in computer technologies central to humanities computing, but also delves into the implications of applying computational methods to cultural artifacts. Furthermore, it consciously addresses the gender divide - the under-representation of women in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Europe and many parts of the world - by leveraging the challenges posed by humanities for computer science and engineering. This year’s participants had the opportunity to attend one or two of four workshops: Carol Chiodo (Harvard University Library): ‘Practical Applications to Data and the Humanities: Creation, Discovery and Analysis’ David Joseph Wrisley (NYU Abu Dhabi): ‘Humanities Data and Mapping Environments’ Simone Rebora (University of Mainz), Giovanni Pietro Vitali (University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines): ‘Distant Reading in R. Analyse the text & visualize the Data’ Kristina Pahor De Maiti (Institute of Contemporary History, Ljubljana / CLARIN), Anna Kryvenko (Institute of Contemporary History, Ljubljana / CLARIN): ‘Combining Corpus Linguistics and Discourse Analysis to Explore Parliamentary Debates across Europe’. The lectures delivered by esteemed speakers such as Moises Rockembach (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil/international advanced research fellow at DigiHUBB), Alejandro Bia Platas (Miguel Hernández University, Elche), Alina Andreica (Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca), Yael Netzer (Hebrew University, Jerusalem), as well as Christian Schuster (Director of DigiHUBB at Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca), provided a platform for participants to engage in stimulating discussions on a wide array of topics in Digital Humanities. These ranged from computational methods and digital tools to AI and website optimisation. The summer school was further enriched by the presentations of numerous participants and invited researchers who shared their research projects, results, experiences, and queries. However, the main achievement of ESU-DH C&T 2023 was undoubtedly the community it fostered. After years of uncertainty due to pandemic conditions and online-only events, the digital humanities community that had formed around the ESU over the years had the opportunity to meet in person once again. This gathering allowed for the exchange of experiences and ideas, the forging of new cooperation plans, and the introduction of the spirit of ESU to a new location. Despite being announced relatively late in April 2023, the organising team overcame numerous challenges associated with relocating and rebranding ESU, building up the entire organisational infrastructure in a new institution, reaching out to potential participants and securing financial and logistic support from partners at short notice. The organising team was a diverse group of specialists from various areas of humanities and social sciences. This diversity was mirrored by the participants' interests and backgrounds, reaffirming that conventional boundaries between disciplines are not obstacles but opportunities for advancing knowledge in Digital Humanities. Looking ahead, the 14th European Summer University in Digital Humanities ‘Culture & Technology’, which will take place from 15 to 26 July 2024 at the same location, promises to be an even more significant event. It aims to offer a much broader spectrum of workshops, lectures, poster sessions, and project presentations, while bringing together more participants and partners, such as CLARIN, DARIAH and others. For more details about this exciting event, please visit the ESU website at https://esu-ct.conference.ubbcluj.ro and follow it on social media.
2023年7月24日至8月4日,罗马尼亚历史名城克卢日-纳波卡成为充满活力的知识交流和创新中心。特兰西瓦尼亚数字人文中心(DigiHUBB)在巴伯什-波尔约大学有幸举办了第13届欧洲暑期大学在数字人文“文化与技术”。这标志着该活动首次在BBU举行,由DigiHUBB主任Christian Schuster博士领导。 欧洲暑期大学(ESU)自2009年在莱比锡大学成立以来一直是成功的灯塔,这要归功于伊丽莎白·伯尔教授及其团队的不懈努力。这是一个合适的敬意,她在其新的位置与鼓舞人心的开幕演讲开幕的第一个ESU。 一如既往,ESU是一个充满活力的暑期学校,提供了丰富的研讨会,讲座(现场和在线),项目演示,圆桌讨论以及社会和文化活动。在11天的时间里,42名参与者-包括来自四大洲13个不同国家的讲师,讲师,研究人员和学者-聚集在一起分享他们在数字人文领域的最新想法,发现和方法。这次活动得到了EQUIN ERIC的慷慨支持,通过用户参与基金赠款,与当地的赞助商Syncro Soft(氧气XML编辑器的创建者)和NTT数据。 夏季大学欢迎来自欧洲各地和其他地区的参与者。它促进了学生、青年学者、艺术和人文科学、图书馆学、社会科学以及工程和计算机科学的学者之间知识和经验的跨学科交流。这次多样化的聚会创造了一个多语言和多文化的环境,为未来基于项目的合作奠定了基础。 欧洲暑期大学与众不同的是它致力于将语言学与数字人文学科相结合。它不仅提供了一个平台,讨论和获取新的知识,在计算机技术的核心人文计算,但也深入到文化文物应用计算方法的影响。此外,它有意识地解决性别鸿沟-妇女在信息和通信技术(ICT)在欧洲和世界许多地方的代表性不足-通过利用人文科学对计算机科学和工程提出的挑战。 今年的学员有机会参加四个讲习班中的一个或两个: Carol Chiodo(哈佛大学图书馆):“数据和人文学科的实际应用:创造,发现和分析” David Joseph Wrisley(纽约大学阿布扎比分校):“人文数据和测绘环境” Simone Rebora(美因茨大学),Giovanni Pietro Vitali(凡尔赛圣昆廷大学):“R.分析文本并可视化数据 Kristina Pahor De Maiti(卢布尔雅那当代历史研究所,卢布尔雅那),Anna Kryvenko(卢布尔雅那当代历史研究所,卢布尔雅那):“结合语料库语言学和话语分析,探索欧洲议会辩论”。 由著名的演讲者如莫伊塞斯·罗克姆巴赫(Moises Rockembach)(巴西南里奥格兰德联邦大学/DigiHUBB国际高级研究员),Alejandro Bia Platas(埃尔切,米格尔·埃尔南德斯大学),Alina Andreica(巴贝什-波尔约大学,克卢日-纳波卡),Yael Netzer(希伯来大学,耶路撒冷),以及基督教舒斯特(巴贝-波尔约大学,克卢日-纳波卡DigiHUBB主任),为参与者提供了一个平台,就数字人文学科的广泛主题进行激发性的讨论。从计算方法和数字化工具到人工智能和网站优化。暑期学校进一步丰富了许多参与者的演讲,并邀请研究人员分享他们的研究项目,结果,经验和疑问。 然而,ESU-DH C&T 2023的主要成就无疑是它所培育的社区。在经历了多年的不确定性,由于大流行的条件和网上只事件,数字人文社区,已形成了周围的ESU多年来有机会再次见面。这次会议交流了经验和想法,制定了新的合作计划,并将ESU的精神引入了一个新的地方。 尽管在2023年4月才宣布成立,但筹备团队克服了众多挑战,包括搬迁和重塑ESU品牌、在新机构建立整个组织基础设施、接触潜在参与者以及在短时间内获得合作伙伴的财务和后勤支持。 组织团队由来自人文和社会科学各个领域的专家组成。这种多样性反映了参与者的兴趣和背景,重申学科之间的传统界限不是障碍,而是促进数字人文知识的机会。 展望未来,将于2024年7月15日至26日在同一地点举行的第14届欧洲数字人文“文化与技术”暑期大学有望成为一个更加重要的事件。它旨在提供更广泛的讲习班、讲座、海报会议和项目介绍,同时汇集更多的参与者和合作伙伴,如联合国难民事务高级专员办事处、DARIAH和其他机构。有关这一激动人心的活动的更多详细信息,请访问ESU网站https://esu-ct.conference.ubbcluj.ro并在社交媒体上关注它。

