Helsinki Di­gital Hu­man­it­ies Hack­a­thon #DH­H23

赫尔辛基黑客马拉松#DH H23

2023-11-21 06:50 CLARIN


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The Helsinki Digital Humanities Hackathon #DH­H23 gathered students and researchers of humanities, social sciences, and computer science in May and June (24.05.–02.06.2023) at the University of Helsinki. During a week and a half of intensive multi-disciplinary work, the groups applied digital methods to a variety of datasets, with the goal of addressing research questions in the following areas: Epistolary exchanges Interactional dynamics of online discussion Early modern images Political polarisation in the parliament. The event was organised as an international summer school by the University of Helsinki and Aalto University, with financial support from CLARIN European Research Infrastructure Consortium See: read more , DARIAH ERIC, and the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology. The Hackathon participants were from 13 different countries and were divided into four thematic groups. Thematic Groups The Epistolary participation group focused on the connections between letter-writing and the rise of literacy within the 19th century in Finland. By analysing two different datasets, CoCo dataset consisting of letter metadata from the period of the Grand Duchy of Finland, as well as Translocalis, a dataset made of Finnish newspapers’ readers’ letters from 1775 to 1885, the group discussed occupational sectors, epistolary literacy, travel patterns, as well as analysed the importance of bias in the datasets themselves. See the poster here. Members (12 persons): Alie Tacq, Anna Moschitta, Efthymios Kokordelis, Elias Mucha, Imama Alishova, Koldo Garai, Lilli Peura, Michele Stefani, Olof Falk, Ruxandra Gidei, Tetiana Shyshkina, Ville-Pekka Kääriäinen. The Interactional dynamics of online discussion group explored the ways in which a specific group of people interacts with one another as well as the outside world – focusing on a dataset of discussions on a forum of incels (involuntary celibate; people ‘who feel unable to find a sexual or romantic partner and express hatred towards those they blame for this’). They strove to find out how the members talk to each other, group themselves together, and see the key differences between themselves and others they deem unfit to be part of the closed group. See the poster here and GitHub repository here. Members (10 persons): Selenia Anastasi, Yan Asadchy, Nina Eckertz, Annika Grützner-Zahn, Nina Jokirinne, Milja Ketoja, Kerstin Marki, Harri Haralds Matulis, Siyi Wang, Laura Chilla. The Early modern images group was the only one to focus on images – particularly on the evolution of scientific illustrations during the 18th century. By analysing over 100,000 pages of images from the ECCO scientific collection, they showed the different ways in which particular genres of illustrations were used, while also noting how much the practice of illustrating evolved over time and was closely tied to technological, social and cultural development. See the poster here and GitHub repository here and here. Members (10 persons): Mourad Boumlik, Prolet Decheva, Lenka Kalvodová, Linda Nurmi, Ánh Dương Nguyễn, Magdalena Piotrowska-Grot, Telma Peura, Reetta Sippola, Aleksi Suuronen, Ari Vesalainen. The Political polarisation in the parliament group strove to explore the phenomenon of political division by discovering the differences in different countries’ parliamentary speeches. Using the ParlaMint corpora of parliamentary debates, with a specific focus on Great Britain, Hungary, Slovenia and Ukraine, they analysed how different topics of debate are affected by polarisation, its temporal changes, as well as how well these kinds of trends can be measured computationally. See the poster here and GitHub repository here. Members (12 persons): Anna Krvvenko, Ari-Heikki Rintaniemi, David Bordon, Ekaterina Glazacheva, Katia Meden, Mark Mets, Nikoletta Jablonczay, Paul Pope, Pontus Hedlund, Topi Ranta, Vadym Kuzyak, Vid Klopčič According to the feedback, participants seem to have had a great time working together on this interdisciplinary project with people from all over the world and different backgrounds. Moving forward, it is apparent that still greater attention needs to be devoted to resolving organisational matters, such as communication about different roles in groups and ensuring alignment among individuals regarding different aspects of group work (for example, clearer instructions with respect to division of labour). It is important to note that the hackathon is an event that is constantly improving, largely thanks to the feedback we get from participants, so all positive notes, as well as constructive criticism, are taken into consideration. More information about DHH23, including the groups’ posters can be found here, as well as on the Instagram and Twitter accounts. Mikko Tolonen, Professor in computational history, University of Helsinki Eetu Mäkelä, Associate Professor in human sciences – computing interaction, University of Helsinki Jukka Suomela, Associate Professor in distributed algorithms, logic and complexity, Aalto University Jouni Tuominen, University Researcher at HSSH, University of Helsinki; Staff Scientist, Aalto University. Petri Leskinen, Doctoral Researcher, University of Helsinki Caitlin Burge, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Luxembourg Ilona Pikkanen, Research Manager, Finnish Literature Society Pihla Toivanen, Doctoral Researcher, University of Helsinki Ümit Bedretdin, Grant Researcher, University of Helsinki Yann Ryan, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Helsinki Iiro Tiihonen, Doctoral Researcher, University of Helsinki Ville Vaara, Doctoral Researcher, University of Helsinki Risto Turunen, Doctoral Researcher, University of Tampere Jani Marjanen, University Lecturer, University of Helsinki Bojan Evkoski, Researcher, Jozef Stefan Institute Narges Azizi Fard, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Helsinki Emilia Lounela, Doctoral Researcher, University of Helsinki Laura Lehmuskoski, Doctoral Researcher, University of Helsinki Dayei Oh, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Helsinki Feeza Vasudeva, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Helsinki.
赫尔辛基数字人文黑客#DH H23于5月和6月(24.05.-02.06.2023)在赫尔辛基大学聚集了人文,社会科学和计算机科学的学生和研究人员。在为期一周半的密集的多学科工作中,这些小组将数字方法应用于各种数据集,目标是解决以下领域的研究问题: 书信往来 在线讨论的互动动态 早期现代图像 议会中的政治两极分化。 该活动是由赫尔辛基大学和阿尔托大学组织的国际暑期学校,并得到了赫尔辛基大学的财政支持。 欧洲研究基础设施联盟 请访问: 阅读更多 、DARIAH ERIC和赫尔辛基信息技术研究所。Hackcraft的参与者来自13个不同的国家,分为四个专题组。 专题小组 书信参与小组的重点是书信写作与19世纪芬兰识字率上升之间的联系。通过分析两个不同的数据集,CoCo数据集由芬兰大公国时期的信件元数据组成,以及Translocalis数据集由1775年至1885年芬兰报纸读者的信件组成,该小组讨论了职业部门,书信识字率,旅行模式,以及分析数据集本身偏见的重要性。看这里的海报。 成员(12人):Alie Tacq,Anna Moschitta,Efthymios Kokordelis,Elias Mucha,Imama Alishova,Koldo Garai,Lilli Peura,Michele Stefani,Olof Falk,Ruxandra Gidei,Tetiana Shyshkina,Ville-Pekka Kääriäinen. 在线讨论组的互动动态探索了特定人群与彼此以及外部世界互动的方式-专注于incels论坛上的讨论数据集(非自愿独身;人们“觉得无法找到性或浪漫伴侣并对他们指责的人表达仇恨”)。他们努力找出成员如何相互交谈,将自己分组,并看到他们与他们认为不适合成为封闭群体一部分的其他人之间的关键差异。在这里看到海报和GitHub仓库在这里。 成员(10人):Selenia Anastasi,Yan Asadchy,Nina Eckertz,Annika Grützner-Zahn,Nina Jokirinne,Milja Ketoja,Kerstin Marki,Harri Haralds Matulis,Siyi Wang,Laura Chilla. 早期现代图像组是唯一一个专注于图像-特别是在18世纪科学插图的演变。通过分析ECCO科学收藏的10万多页图像,他们展示了使用特定类型插图的不同方式,同时也注意到插图实践随着时间的推移而演变,并与技术,社会和文化发展密切相关。在这里看到海报,在这里和这里看到GitHub仓库。 成员(10人):Mourad Boumlik,Prolet Decheva,Lenka Kalvodová,Linda Nurmi,Ánh Dng Nguy n,Magdalena Piotrowska-Grot,Telma Peura,Reetta Sippola,Aleksi Suuronen,Ari Vesalainen. 议会派的政治两极化则力图通过对各国议会发言的差异性的揭示来探讨政治分裂的现象。他们利用ParlaMint的议会辩论语料库,特别关注英国、匈牙利、斯洛文尼亚和乌克兰,分析了不同的辩论主题如何受到两极分化的影响,其时间变化,以及这些趋势如何通过计算来衡量。在这里看到海报和GitHub仓库在这里。 成员(12人):Anna Krvvenko,Ari-Heikki Rintaniemi,David Bordon,Ekaterina Glazacheva,Katia Meden,Mark Mets,Nikoletta Jablonczay,Paul Pope,Pontus Hedlund,Topi Ranta,Vadym Kuzyak,Vid Klopči 根据反馈,参与者似乎与来自世界各地和不同背景的人一起在这个跨学科项目上度过了美好的时光。展望未来,显然需要更多地关注解决组织问题,例如就团体中的不同角色进行沟通,并确保个人在团体工作的不同方面保持一致(例如,更明确的分工指示)。重要的是要注意,黑客活动是一个不断改进的活动,这在很大程度上要归功于我们从参与者那里得到的反馈,因此所有积极的意见以及建设性的批评都被考虑在内。 有关DHH23的更多信息,包括团体的海报,可以在这里找到,以及在Instagram和Twitter帐户。 Mikko Tolonen,赫尔辛基大学计算历史教授 Eetu Mäkelä,赫尔辛基大学人文科学-计算交互副教授 Jukka Suomela,分布式算法、逻辑和复杂性副教授,阿尔托大学 Jouni Tuominen,赫尔辛基大学HSSH研究员;阿尔托大学科学家。 Petri Leskinen,赫尔辛基大学博士研究员 Caitlin Burge,卢森堡大学博士后研究员 Ilona Pikkanen,芬兰文学协会研究经理 赫尔辛基大学博士研究员Pihla Toivanen Ümit Bedretdin,赫尔辛基大学研究员 Yann Ryan,博士后研究员,赫尔辛基大学 Iiro Tiihonen,赫尔辛基大学博士研究员 Ville Vaara,赫尔辛基大学博士研究员 Risto Turunen,坦佩雷大学博士研究员 Jani Marjanen,赫尔辛基大学讲师 Bojan Evkoski,Jozef Stefan研究所研究员 Narges Azizi Fard,赫尔辛基大学博士后研究员 Emilia Lounela,赫尔辛基大学博士研究员 Laura Lehmuskoski,赫尔辛基大学博士研究员 Dayei Oh,博士后研究员,赫尔辛基大学 Feeza Vasudeva,博士后研究员,赫尔辛基大学。

