Year One of ChatGPT: Impact on localization and a 2024 Outlook


2023-11-20 01:00 multilingual


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The story of Generative AI and Large Language Models (LLMs), best represented by ChatGPT, have taken center stage in the world of translation and localization. One year on since its debut, how have businesses and localization teams had to adapt? What does success with AI look like today, and what does 2024 have in store? Our panel of experts will review the impact of ChatGPT on organizations and technology, assess what is valuable today and where the pitfalls might lie. Georg Kirchner from Dell will share his experiences in how enterprises are changing, particularly on an organizational level with unintended consequences. Arle Lommel of CSA Research has spent years studying the language technology space and contends that there are major upsides for localization teams if they can apply the technology effectively. Finally, João Graça, CTO and founder of Unbabel, shares his views on the application of generative AI in the language space and what developments are around the corner. In this webinar you’ll learn: How ChatGPT has changed the way organizations work, and how to set expectations internally The common pitfalls using AI in translation and localization – and how best to avoid them Ways to apply LLMs and Generative AI to your operations How to ensure machine translation achieves the right quality What’s next on the language AI roadmap Speakers Georg Kirchner – Globalization Technology Manager, Dell Technologies Arle Lommel – Senior Analyst, CSA Research João Graça – Chief Technical Officer, Unbabel Phill Brougham – Senior Director of Product Marketing, Unbabel This webinar is free to attend. If you can’t make it live, register and we’ll send you a copy of the recording.
以ChatGPT为代表的生成式人工智能和大型语言模型(LLMs)的故事已经占据了翻译和本地化领域的中心舞台。自其首次亮相一年以来,企业和本地化团队必须如何适应?今天人工智能的成功是什么样的,2024年会发生什么? 我们的专家小组将审查ChatGPT对组织和技术的影响,评估今天什么是有价值的,陷阱可能在哪里。戴尔的Georg Kirchner将分享他在企业如何变化方面的经验,特别是在组织层面上带来意想不到的后果。CSA Research的Arle Lommel花了数年时间研究语言技术领域,并认为如果本地化团队能够有效地应用这项技术,他们会有很大的优势。最后,Unbabel的首席技术官兼创始人若昂·格拉萨(Jo ã o Gra ç a)分享了他对生成式人工智能在语言领域的应用以及即将到来的发展的看法。 在本次网络研讨会中,您将了解到: ChatGPT如何改变了组织的工作方式,以及如何在内部设定期望 人工智能在翻译和本地化中的常见陷阱——以及如何最好地避免它们 将LLMs和生成式人工智能应用于操作的方法 如何保证机器翻译达到正确的质量 语言人工智能路线图的下一步是什么 扬声器 Georg Kirchner——戴尔技术全球化技术经理 Arle Lommel——CSA Research高级分析师 Jo ã o Gra ç a-Unbabel首席技术官 Phill Brougham——Unbabel产品营销高级总监 本次网络研讨会免费参加。如果您不能现场直播,请注册,我们将向您发送一份录音副本。

