Service Request Management in IT: Process & Best Practices


2023-11-14 20:00 project manager


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When someone makes a request in the information technology (IT) world, whatever that might be, there’s a process involved to fulfill that request. This is called a service request and controlling that process is called service request management. Of course, there’s more to it than that. We’ll explain in more detail what service request management is and what a service request is, including examples to make it clearer. Then we’ll outline the steps of service request management from submission to follow-up and a lot more. What Is Service Request Management? Service request management is the process by which a service request is delivered to customers, employees and vendors. It also includes the tools that are used to run this process. The goal is to do so efficiently to deliver business success. It must work seamlessly with all involved departments, such as compliance, IT, marketing, finance and human resources. When utilized properly, service request management will streamline the process and be well-aligned with the needs of the organization it is serving. It does this by allowing users to submit service requests, assign responsibility for the request and track its status from submission to when the service request is closed. Project management software can control the service request process. ProjectManager is award-winning project management software that helps you manage each step in the service request process and tracks it in real time. Use our customizable kanban boards to create a column for each step in the service request management process. Each service request can be a card, with all the pertinent information added, including priority, tags and attachments. Now you can visually track the work in real time as it moves through the steps from submission to close. Get started with ProjectManager today for free. What Is a Service Request? A service request is a formal request from a client or employee of the client that asks for a service provider to give them something for their business’s day-to-day operations. In other words, it’s another way of saying procurement but done through electronic channels. IT Service Request Examples There are many examples of a service request and here are a few to further illustrate what a service request is. Information, such as customers who want more detail on a procedure or policy Permission to access a service or resource Ordering a service or resource Service delivery action, such as for a piece of hardware Feedback and complaints Service Request Management vs. IT Incident Management While service request management relates to IT incident management, they’re not the same thing. An IT incident is an error or some kind of flaw that prevents services from being done or done properly. IT incident management is identifying, managing and resolving these issues so that things are working again quickly. A service request, as we’ve been describing, isn’t an error when a user wants something. The user is asking for something rather than an IT incident when something bad happens. Both must be responded to, but a service request is a fulfillment and an IT incident is a repair. For example, an IT incident would be an unplanned interruption to an IT service that requires a technician to fix it. IT incidents are issues that must be fixed. A service request, on the other hand, is a formal request for something to be provided, such as a software upgrade. It’s not a risky endeavor, such as an IT incident, and just needs approval to move forward. Why Is Service Request Management Important in IT? IT is inundated with requests for hardware, software and more. Having a structured process to oversee, monitor and execute these requests is advantageous to business. Having this process well-established will help your IT team focus on my critical issues without sacrificing the customer experience. Service Request Management Process The structure of a service request management process can be outlined in five steps. They are as follows. 1. Submission First, an employee will submit a service request of some type. This can be done using a variety of media. A more established organization will have a service desk, customer and employee portals or a mobile app to streamline the process and document the submission. But email, telephone, and even social media have all been used in the submission process. 2. Assessment The request then needs to be understood. A team or department will review the request. This is done to see if it’s urgent, which resources or tools are required to fulfill the request and if it needs approval from a supervisor. It could require verification from the IT department or a business office. This step will involve the collaboration of multiple departments. 3. Fulfillment Once the service request has been submitted and assessed, it’s time to fulfill it. The information gathered over those prior steps will lead to the plan for fulfillment. Departments will be assigned responsibilities, contact information will be collected and the completion date will be determined. 4. Completion After the fulfillment has been done, the request ticket should be closed and archived. This is also an opportunity to review the process and evaluate the performance of all involved in order to see if there are areas that could be improved. 5. Follow-Up Reaching out after completion of the service request is always a good idea. There may be some disappointment or dissatisfaction from the employee. Feedback is always helpful whether the service request went off without a hitch or there was some problem. It’ll ensure the service request was done correctly and also demonstrate an ongoing commitment to employee success. IT Service Request Management Best Practices When done correctly, the service request management process will lead to the successful delivery of the service request and satisfaction from the party who requested the service. But there are always means of improvement. Here are some IT service request management best practices. Prioritize Service Request Tickets Part of any IT service management process is prioritization. Service requests don’t come one at a time, but often all at once. Being able to prioritize will help you better fulfill all the service requests. It can be helpful to start with the easiest ones, which will bring instant value to employees and customers while providing a useful experience for new members of the service team. Create Service Request Management Documentation Documentation is essential for record-keeping, obviously, but it will also collect all relevant questions, the approval process, procedures, service level agreements (SLAs) and more. This documentation will help the service team deal with more complex requests and provide data to create improvements and better fulfillment strategies. Establish Clear Communication Channels Between Users and The Service Desk The clearer the communication between users and the service desk, the more efficient the service request management process. It helps to have multiple channels for users to submit requests more conveniently, such as a self-service portal, phone, email, web chat, etc. Make sure that everyone is aware of these channels. Automate the Service Request Approval Process Automation will streamline the process and move the submission through the process. It’ll reduce the workload of your IT team and likely create greater employee and customer satisfaction when their requests are fulfilled faster. It’s important, however, to have some approval process involved to make sure that the automation isn’t processed incorrectly. Establish Reporting and Tracking Guidelines Being able to report and track service requests will help the IT team manage the life cycle of the service request process better. They can use reporting tools and dashboards to track resources, assignments, costs and the quality of service delivery. This can provide insights into improving performance. Offer Self-Service Resources for Users Having a more actionable service catalog can further streamline processes, making employees and customers happier with the service request process and also helping IT teams fulfill those service requests. For example, you can make it possible to log service requests simply by clicking on a service. How ProjectManager Helps With Service Request Management Another best practice for service request management is using project management software to plan, manage and track service requests from start to finish. ProjectManager is award-winning project management software that has real-time data to plan, manage and track service requests more efficiently. Our software gives IT managers and their teams the tools to track the progress and costs of service requests and monitor their resources to make sure that IT teams stay productive and fulfill service requests promptly. Automate Workflows to Streamline Service Request Fulfillment Our software helps IT teams stay focused on more important tasks with automated workflows that move the service request more efficiently through its life cycle. Set up as many triggers as you want to create as many actions as you need to streamline the service request process. Then set up task approval settings to ensure the quality of the service request process. This brings the work to the attention of an IT manager who will make sure the work is ready to move forward to the next stage. Monitor the Workload and Availability of IT Personnel Being able to keep your IT team working at capacity can be a full-time job. They need to get the service requests fulfilled, but you don’t want to burn them out and not retain talent. Our resource management tools allow IT managers to keep their IT teams productive but not overworked. First, our tool makes it easier to assign tasks by having team availability in the software, from PTO to vacation and even global holidays. Then toggle over to the color-coded workload chart and see who’s overallocated. You can balance the workload right from the chart to keep IT teams working at capacity. Using our software to plan, manage and track your service request process gives you transparency into everyone’s work, with email notifications and in-app alerts so everyone is always on the same page whether they’re working in the office or remotely. Customizable reports and real-time dashboards help monitor the service request process and keep stakeholders informed. Also, our unlimited file storage makes it easy to access SLAs. ProjectManager is online project management software that connects teams anywhere and at any time. They can easily share files, comment at the task level and more to foster better collaboration. Use our task management, risk management and resource management features to stay on track and avoid overspending. Get started with ProjectManager today for free.
当有人在信息技术(IT)世界中提出请求时,无论是什么,都需要一个过程来满足该请求。这被称为服务请求,控制该过程被称为服务请求管理。 当然,还有更多的事情。我们将更详细地解释什么是服务请求管理以及什么是服务请求,并通过示例使其更清晰。然后,我们将概述服务请求管理的步骤,从提交到跟进等等。 什么是服务请求管理? 服务请求管理是将服务请求传递给客户、员工和供应商的过程。它还包括用于运行此过程的工具。我们的目标是高效地实现业务成功。它必须与所有相关部门无缝合作,如合规、IT、营销、财务和人力资源。 如果使用得当,服务请求管理将简化流程,并与其所服务的组织的需求保持一致。它允许用户提交服务请求,分配请求的责任,并跟踪从提交到服务请求关闭的状态。 项目管理软件可以控制服务请求过程。ProjectManager是屡获殊荣的项目管理软件,可帮助您管理服务请求过程中的每个步骤并实时跟踪。使用我们的可定制看板为服务请求管理流程中的每个步骤创建一个列。每个服务请求都可以是一张卡片,上面添加了所有相关信息,包括优先级、标签和附件。现在,您可以实时地可视化跟踪工作,因为它从提交到关闭的各个步骤。立即免费开始使用ProjectManager。 什么是服务请求? 服务请求是来自客户或客户员工的正式请求,要求服务提供商为他们的业务日常运营提供服务。换句话说,这是采购的另一种说法,但通过电子渠道进行。 IT服务请求示例 服务请求有很多例子,这里有几个例子来进一步说明什么是服务请求。 信息,例如需要有关程序或政策的更多详细信息的客户 访问服务或资源的权限 订购服务或资源 服务交付操作,例如针对一个硬件 反馈和投诉 服务请求管理与IT事件管理 虽然服务请求管理与IT事件管理相关,但它们并不是一回事。IT事件是一个错误或某种缺陷,它阻止了服务的正常执行。IT事件管理正在识别、管理和解决这些问题,以便快速恢复工作。 正如我们所描述的,当用户需要某些东西时,服务请求不是错误。当一些不好的事情发生时,用户正在要求一些东西,而不是IT事件。两者都必须得到响应,但服务请求是一种履行,IT事件是一种修复。 例如,IT事件是指IT服务的意外中断,需要技术人员进行修复。IT事件是必须修复的问题。另一方面,服务请求是对要提供的东西的正式请求,例如软件升级。这不是一个冒险的努力,如IT事件,只是需要批准前进。 为什么服务请求管理在IT中很重要? IT被对硬件、软件等的需求淹没。拥有一个结构化的流程来监督、监控和执行这些请求对业务是有利的。建立良好的流程将有助于您的IT团队专注于我的关键问题,而不会牺牲客户体验。 服务请求管理流程 服务请求管理流程的结构可以概括为五个步骤。它们如下。 1.提交 首先,员工将提交某种类型的服务请求。这可以通过各种媒体来实现。一个更成熟的组织将有一个服务台,客户和员工门户网站或移动应用程序,以简化流程和文件提交。但电子邮件、电话甚至社交媒体都被用于提交过程。 2.评估 因此,需要理解这一请求。一个团队或部门将审查该请求。这样做是为了查看它是否紧急,需要哪些资源或工具来完成请求,以及它是否需要主管的批准。它可能需要IT部门或业务办公室的验证。这一步将涉及多个部门的合作。 3.履行 一旦提交并评估了服务请求,就可以完成它了。通过这些先前步骤收集的信息将导致完成计划。将分配各部门的职责,收集联系信息并确定完成日期。 4.完成 完成后,应该关闭并存档请求票证。这也是一个审查进程和评估所有参与者业绩的机会,以确定是否有可以改进的领域。 5.后续行动 在完成服务请求后联系总是一个好主意。员工可能会感到失望或不满。无论服务请求是顺利完成还是出现了问题,反馈总是很有帮助的。它将确保服务请求得到正确处理,并展示对员工成功的持续承诺。 IT服务请求管理最佳实践 如果操作正确,服务请求管理流程将导致成功交付服务请求,并使请求服务的一方满意。但总有改进的方法。以下是一些IT服务请求管理最佳实践。 确定服务请求票证的优先级 任何IT服务管理流程的一部分都是优先级。服务请求不是一次一个,而是经常同时出现。能够区分优先级将帮助您更好地满足所有服务请求。从最简单的开始可能会有所帮助,这将为员工和客户带来即时价值,同时为服务团队的新成员提供有用的体验。 创建服务请求管理文档 显然,文档对于记录保存至关重要,但它也将收集所有相关问题、审批流程、程序、服务水平协议(SLA)等。此文档将帮助服务团队处理更复杂的请求,并提供数据以创建改进和更好的履行策略。 在用户和服务台之间建立清晰的沟通渠道 用户与服务台之间的沟通越清晰,服务请求管理流程就越高效。它有助于为用户提供多个渠道以更方便地提交请求,例如自助服务门户、电话、电子邮件、网络聊天等。 自动执行服务请求审批流程 自动化将简化流程,并推动整个流程的提交。这将减少IT团队的工作量,并可能在更快地满足员工和客户的请求时提高他们的满意度。然而,重要的是要有一些批准过程,以确保自动化不会被错误地处理。 建立报告和跟踪指南 能够报告和跟踪服务请求将有助于IT团队更好地管理服务请求流程的生命周期。他们可以使用报告工具和仪表板来跟踪资源、任务分配、成本和服务交付质量。这可以为提高性能提供见解。 为用户提供自助服务资源 拥有更具操作性的服务目录可以进一步简化流程,使员工和客户对服务请求流程更满意,并帮助IT团队满足这些服务请求。例如,您可以通过单击服务来记录服务请求。 ProjectManager如何帮助管理服务请求 服务请求管理的另一个最佳实践是使用项目管理软件从头到尾计划、管理和跟踪服务请求。ProjectManager是一款屡获殊荣的项目管理软件,拥有实时数据,可以更有效地规划、管理和跟踪服务请求。我们的软件为IT经理及其团队提供了跟踪服务请求的进度和成本并监控其资源的工具,以确保IT团队保持高效并及时满足服务请求。 自动化工作流以简化服务请求履行流程 我们的软件通过自动化工作流程帮助IT团队专注于更重要的任务,这些工作流程可以在整个生命周期中更有效地移动服务请求。根据需要设置任意多个触发器,根据需要创建任意多个操作,以简化服务请求流程。然后设置任务审批设置,以确保服务请求流程的质量。这会引起IT经理的注意,他将确保工作准备好进入下一阶段。 监控IT人员的可用性和可用性 能够让您的IT团队满负荷工作可能是一项全职工作。他们需要满足服务请求,但你不想让他们精疲力竭,也不想留住人才。我们的资源管理工具使IT经理能够保持其IT团队的生产力,但不会过度劳累。首先,我们的工具通过在软件中提供团队可用性,从PTO到假期甚至全球假期,可以更轻松地分配任务。然后切换到颜色编码的工作负载图表,看看谁的过度分配。您可以从图表中平衡工作负载,以保持IT团队满负荷工作。 使用我们的软件来规划、管理和跟踪您的服务请求流程,您可以通过电子邮件通知和应用程序内提醒透明地了解每个人的工作,因此无论是在办公室还是远程工作,每个人都可以始终处于同一页面上。可自定义的报告和实时仪表板有助于监控服务请求流程,并让利益相关者随时了解情况。此外,我们的无限文件存储空间使您可以轻松访问SLA。 ProjectManager是一款在线项目管理软件,可以随时随地连接团队。他们可以轻松地共享文件,在任务级别进行评论等,以促进更好的协作。使用我们的任务管理、风险管理和资源管理功能,保持正轨,避免超支。立即免费开始使用ProjectManager。

