Samsung Gauss introduced as ChatGPT rival


2023-11-10 14:00 multilingual


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ChatGPT is not exactly an underdiscussed topic in the language industry. And with Samsung’s announcement of its competing generative AI model, Samsung Gauss, the conversation around large language models shows no sign of slowing. Revealed at the Samsung AI Forum, Samsung Gauss’ language tool, Samsung Gauss Language, is a large language model that operates similarly to ChatGPT, according to Tech Crunch. AI veterans should find the user interface familiar, with the ability to answer questions and react to prompts. Tech Crunch reports that the use cases are similar too, whether it be to summarize documents, write text for emails or internal company communications, translate text, and more. “Samsung Gauss Language, a generative language model, enhances work efficiency by facilitating tasks such as composing emails, summarizing documents, and translating content,” Samsung stated in its Gauss press release. “It can also enhance the consumer experience by enabling smarter device control when integrated into products.” In addition to the language technology, Samsung Gauss also includes Samsung Gauss Code, which is intended to help developers more efficiently write code through a “code description and test case generation through an interactive interface.” And rounding out the trifecta of AI features is Samsung Gauss Image, which, just as it says on the tin, is an image generator and editor. The technology is intended to be implemented in Samsung’s line of smartphones and tablets like its popular Galaxy Android phone series, which is due for a refresh as early as 2024. Samsung aims to build the upcoming S24 series chipsets with AI integration in mind. That means Samsung devices will be able to run AI technology natively through its hardware as opposed to relying on the cloud-based solutions utilized by OpenAI and its peers. The Verge reports that the Gauss toolset is “named after Carl Friedrich Gauss, the legendary mathematician who established normal distribution theory, the backbone of machine learning and AI.” Samsung Gauss is the latest to the plate as tech companies fight to carve out a space in the AI market. Google is making strides with its AI chatbot Bard, including implementing the technology into the Pixel 8 smartphone as an AI-powered voice assistant called Assistant With Bard. Reports also indicate that Apple is working on an AI assistant of its own, with an announcement expected sometime in 2024. And in July, tech mogul Elon Musk announced, a technology focused on science as well as enterprise and consumer tools that seeks to “understand the true nature of the universe.” Samsung Gauss also enters the scene as ChatGPT seeks data partnerships to improve the quality of its AI output, particularly in non-English languages. As multiple AI toolsets roar into consumer hands and pockets, the coming year will see key developments as tech giants aim to make AI — more specifically, their vision of AI — an indispensable part of modern life.
ChatGPT在语言行业并不是一个未被充分讨论的话题。随着三星宣布其竞争性的生成式人工智能模型Samsung Gauss,围绕大型语言模型的讨论没有放缓的迹象。 据Tech Crunch报道,在三星人工智能论坛上透露,三星高斯的语言工具Samsung Gauss Language是一个大型语言模型,其运行方式与ChatGPT类似。AI老手应该会发现用户界面很熟悉,能够回答问题并对提示做出反应。Tech Crunch报告说,无论是总结文档,为电子邮件或内部公司通信编写文本,翻译文本等等,用例都是相似的。 三星在高斯新闻稿中表示:“三星高斯语言是一种生成语言模型,它通过简化撰写电子邮件、总结文档和翻译内容等任务来提高工作效率。”“它还可以通过集成到产品中实现更智能的设备控制来增强消费者体验。” 除了语言技术之外,Samsung Gauss还包括Samsung Gauss Code,旨在通过“通过交互式界面进行代码描述和测试用例生成”来帮助开发人员更有效地编写代码。三星高斯图像(Samsung Gauss Image)是人工智能功能的三连胜,正如它在锡上所说的那样,它是一个图像生成器和编辑器。 该技术旨在用于三星的智能手机和平板电脑系列,如其流行的Galaxy Android手机系列,最早将于2024年更新。三星的目标是构建即将推出的S24系列芯片组,并考虑到AI集成。这意味着三星设备将能够通过其硬件本地运行AI技术,而不是依赖OpenAI及其同行使用的基于云的解决方案。 The Verge报道称,Gauss工具集“以卡尔·弗里德里希·高斯(Carl Friedrich Gauss)的名字命名,他是建立正态分布理论的传奇数学家,是机器学习和人工智能的支柱。 三星高斯是最新的板块,因为科技公司正在努力在人工智能市场开拓空间。谷歌正在其人工智能聊天机器人Bard方面取得进展,包括将该技术应用到Pixel 8智能手机中,作为一款名为Assistant With Bard的人工智能语音助手。报道还显示,苹果正在开发自己的人工智能助手,预计将在2024年的某个时候发布。今年7月,科技巨头埃隆·马斯克宣布了,这是一项专注于科学以及企业和消费者工具的技术,旨在“了解宇宙的真实本质”。 三星高斯也加入了ChatGPT,寻求数据合作伙伴关系,以提高其人工智能输出的质量,特别是在非英语语言方面。随着多种人工智能工具集涌入消费者手中和口袋,未来一年将出现关键的发展,因为科技巨头的目标是使人工智能-更具体地说,他们对人工智能的愿景-成为现代生活不可或缺的一部分。

