Janus Worldwide Opens New Office in China

Janus Worldwide在中国开设新办事处

2023-11-10 12:19 multilingual


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Janus Worldwide is pleased to announce the opening of its new office in China. The Chinese market has emerged as one of the largest localization markets in recent years, and our company has been actively operating in this region, providing high-quality translation and localization services. With the expertise of our skilled project managers and linguists, we have experienced significant growth in the volume of translation and localization into Chinese. Opening a representative office in China was a logical step in our company’s development in this market. Konstantin Josseliani, President and CEO of Janus Worldwide, commented: “The establishment of this local office in China will enable us to achieve multiple objectives. We can now work closely with Chinese companies looking to expand into the international market, collaborate with global companies interested in the Chinese market, and provide effective support to our existing clients and partners for their Chinese language requirements. I would like to extend my gratitude to our Chinese colleagues for their hard work and wish them continued success in this crucial market for us.” Janus Worldwide is committed to global expansion, with offices located across the world, including Albania, Argentina, Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Germany, and the USA. The opening of our office in China is the 10th representative office for the company.
Janus Worldwide很高兴地宣布在中国开设新的办事处。近年来,中国市场已成为最大的本地化市场之一,我们公司一直在该地区积极开展业务,提供高质量的翻译和本地化服务。凭借我们熟练的项目经理和语言专家的专业知识,我们的中文翻译和本地化工作量大幅增长。在中国开设代表处是我们公司在这个市场发展的一个合理步骤。 Janus Worldwide总裁兼首席执行官Konstantin Josseliani表示:“在中国设立当地办事处将使我们能够实现多个目标。现在,我们可以与希望拓展国际市场的中国公司密切合作,与对中国市场感兴趣的全球公司合作,并为我们现有的客户和合作伙伴提供有效的中文支持。我对中国同事的辛勤工作表示感谢,并祝愿他们在这个对我们至关重要的市场上继续取得成功。 Janus Worldwide致力于全球扩张,在世界各地设有办事处,包括阿尔巴尼亚,阿根廷,奥地利,保加利亚,捷克共和国,德国和美国。我们在中国开设的办事处是该公司的第10个代表处。

