Webinar Recap: Generative AI for Global Events and Streaming Multimedia Content


2023-11-07 09:00 lionbridge


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Generative AI technology is changing the delivery of global events and streaming multimedia content for the better, making it possible to reach more people more easily and more affordably than ever. Whether your target audience’s first language is Italian, Japanese, or American Sign Language (ASL), you can communicate in real time via interpretation and captioning technology. Lionbridge webinar attendees got to experience how the technology works first-hand as Lionbridge’s moderator, Will Rowlands-Rees, led a lively discussion on generative AI for global events with panelists representing Dell, VMware, Zendesk, and CSA Research. If you missed the session, you can watch it on demand. The webinar was the third in a series on generative AI and language services. To view the recordings of other webinars in this series, visit the Lionbridge webinars page. Short on time right now? Then, read on for some highlights. What Was Once Fantasy Is Now Reality It’s challenging to engage a wide audience and reach accessibility goals for webinars, meetings, and training. It’s even more difficult when your target audience speaks many languages. However, the rapid advancement of AI tools is making these goals increasingly within reach. Lionbridge demonstrated how to optimize live events with AI-generated speech translation, multilingual captioning, and sign language powered by Interprefy. Webinar attendees could obtain: Remote Simultaneous Interpretation (RSI) in Spanish, French, and Japanese. AI voice translation in Italian, Korean, and German. Captioning in all the above languages. What exactly did these services look like? See the screenshots below to understand how non-English-speaking attendees could easily follow along. The event also accommodated those whose first language is ASL. Topics and Takeaways The discussion was wide-ranging, including topics centering on emerging technologies, the balance between perfection and speed, and the security of AI solutions. Among the key takeaways: You can’t think of virtual events and AI as separate things. Think about the kinds of accessibility you provide differently for live events and the replays you make available after the event. It’s okay to ask people up front if they need an accessibility-related option, but then you must deliver on it. Don’t overlook English. Even if your event is in English, you must be mindful of the quality of your English transcriptions and subtitling. As platforms emerge, users must be mindful of security and privacy. Understand where ownership of information lies and what type of longevity that information has after the event for the people providing AI or human-based interpretation. The Last Word Each panelist had the opportunity to leave the audience with a piece of advice, provocative thought, or question. Dell’s Aki Hayashi encouraged listeners to think about event globalization holistically. She urged attendees to provide translated content from the beginning of the customer engagement to the end, including translated emails, agendas, and registrations, so the global audience will know what is available in their language and how to access it. CSA Research’s Alison Toon cautioned attendees to differentiate between established and start-up businesses when testing tools. She acknowledged that some immature businesses have excellent ideas, but they may have immature business practices that you need to watch for. VMware’s Bodo Vahldieck anticipates that in a year, an event summary will be standard in all video platforms, adding value to videos. People will be able to determine quickly if recorded content will interest them. Companies with outstanding content will have an opportunity to engage their customers more than they were able to do previously. Perhaps the session's most soul-searching question came from Zendesk's Alexis Goes. “What will the role of Language Service Providers and localization teams look like if platforms start providing these solutions natively?” Alexis asked. Alexis pointed to: Zoom’s automated captions. Spotify’s AI voice translations for podcasts. Chrome’s plug-in for automated captioning for videos and meetings you watch through the browser. While these tools will increasingly enhance accessibility and aid non-English speakers, she pondered what happens when capabilities are available to and from any language. “It’s a good thought for people to ponder and really make sure in this changing world, they’re reevaluating where they can bring the most value to their organizations,” Will Rowlands-Rees concluded. “[The panelists] have shared great insights to have helped with that.” Get in touch Want to explore generative AI opportunities and start using AI tools for global events and streaming multimedia content? Reach out to us today to find out how.
生成式人工智能技术正在更好地改变全球活动和流媒体内容的交付,使其能够比以往任何时候都更轻松、更实惠地接触到更多的人。无论您的目标受众的第一语言是意大利语、日语还是美国手语(ASL),您都可以通过口译和字幕技术进行实时沟通。 Lionbridge网络研讨会的与会者亲身体验了这项技术的工作原理,因为Lionbridge的主持人Will Rowlands-Rees与代表戴尔、VMware、Zendesk和CSA Research的小组成员就全球活动中的生成式AI进行了热烈的讨论。 如果你错过了会议,你可以按需观看。该网络研讨会是关于生成式人工智能和语言服务系列的第三次。要查看本系列中其他网络研讨会的录音,请访问Lionbridge网络研讨会页面。 现在时间紧迫吗然后,继续阅读一些亮点。 曾经的幻想现在是现实 吸引广泛的受众并实现网络研讨会、会议和培训的可访问性目标是一项挑战。当你的目标受众会说多种语言时,这就更加困难了。 然而,人工智能工具的快速发展使这些目标越来越触手可及。 Lionbridge演示了如何使用人工智能生成的语音翻译、多语言字幕和由Interprefy提供支持的手语来优化现场活动。 网络研讨会与会者可以获得: 西班牙语、法语和日语的远程同声传译(RSI)。 意大利语、韩语和德语的AI语音翻译。 所有上述语言的字幕。 这些服务到底是什么样子的?请参阅下面的屏幕截图,以了解非英语与会者如何轻松跟上。 该活动还容纳那些第一语言是美国手语的人。 主题和要点 讨论内容广泛,包括围绕新兴技术、完美与速度之间的平衡以及人工智能解决方案的安全性等主题。 其中的关键外卖: 你不能把虚拟事件和人工智能看作是分开的东西。 想想你为现场活动提供的不同类型的可访问性,以及你在活动结束后提供的重播。 如果人们需要一个与可访问性相关的选项,可以提前询问他们,但是之后你必须交付使用。 不要忽视英语。即使你的活动是英语的,你也必须注意你的英语翻译和字幕的质量。 随着平台的出现,用户必须注意安全和隐私。 了解信息的所有权在哪里,以及信息在事件发生后对提供人工智能或基于人类的解释的人有什么样的寿命。 硬道理 每个演讲者都有机会给观众留下一条建议、一个挑衅性的想法或一个问题。 戴尔的AkiHayashi鼓励听众从整体上思考事件的全球化。她敦促与会者从客户参与的开始到结束提供翻译的内容,包括翻译的电子邮件,议程和注册,以便全球观众了解他们的语言以及如何访问。 CSA Research的Alison Toon提醒与会者,在测试工具时,要区分成熟企业和初创企业。她承认,一些不成熟的企业有很好的想法,但他们可能有不成熟的商业实践,你需要注意。 VMware的Bodo Vahldieck预计,在一年内,活动摘要将成为所有视频平台的标准配置,从而为视频增加价值。人们将能够快速确定录制的内容是否会引起他们的兴趣。拥有优秀内容的公司将有机会比以前更多地吸引客户。 也许这次会议最深刻的问题来自Zendesk的Alexis Goes。 “如果平台开始在本地提供这些解决方案,语言服务提供商和本地化团队的角色将是什么?”亚历克西斯问。 亚历克西斯指出: 极速的自动字幕 Spotify的AI语音翻译播客。 Chrome的插件,用于为您通过浏览器观看的视频和会议自动添加字幕。 虽然这些工具将越来越多地提高可访问性,并帮助非英语母语者,但她思考了当任何语言都可以使用时会发生什么。 “这是一个很好的想法,人们思考,并真正确保在这个不断变化的世界,他们正在重新评估他们可以带来最大的价值,他们的组织,”威尔罗兰兹里斯总结说。“[小组成员]分享了伟大的见解,以帮助这一点。 取得联系 想要探索人工智能的机会,并开始使用人工智能工具来处理全球活动和流媒体内容吗?今天就联系我们,了解如何做到这一点。

