Top Project Metrics You Need to Track


2023-09-28 19:00 project manager


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To ensure that your project is meeting scheduling and budget milestones, you need to have project metrics to measure your progress and performance. Project metrics are essential to delivering a project on time and within its budget. But what are project metrics? Why are they so important to a project? We’ll answer those questions and show you some examples of common project metrics. Then we’ll explain what a project metrics dashboard is and why it’s one of the essential project management software features. What Are Project Metrics? Project metrics are data pulled from the performance of the project. They are data sets, formulas and calculations that provide measurements to chart progress, success and much more. Project managers use project metrics to compare their actual effort against their plan so they know if they’re on schedule and keeping to their budget. They can also be used to keep project stakeholders informed, though they’re usually only interested in two project metrics: time and cost. Project metrics are also tools that help organizations find, reduce and alleviate risks as well as inform effective strategic development, continuous improvement and even employee and customer sentiment. Project management software makes gathering and calculating project metrics easier. ProjectManager is award-winning project management software that has real-time dashboards that automatically gather six types of project metrics and display them in easy-to-read graphs and charts. Unlike other project management software, our live dashboard doesn’t take forever to set up. All you have to do is toggle over for a high-level overview of the project. It’s ready with real-time data for more insightful decisions whenever you are. Get started with ProjectManager today for free. Why Are Project Metrics Important? Project metrics are important for project management. Without them, you’re driving blind, with no way to accurately measure if you’re keeping to your schedule and budget. They’re used to define a project’s health, progress and performance. All projects hit bumps in the road, but project metrics help you get back on track faster. That’s because you know you’ve gone off the road quicker and can reallocate resources as needed to get back on track faster. There would be no way to know if you’re meeting project goals without project metrics until the very end of the project. At that point, it’s too late. Metrics improve performance which will positively impact an organization’s bottom line. Organizations can see the return on investment (ROI) of their projects. They can use project metrics as the data that drives their decision-making process. That leads to better prediction of future outcomes and allows organizations to adjust their business strategies to stay competitive. Project Management Metrics Examples So what are some examples of project metrics? There are many, but we’ll define some of the more common ones that are tracked when managing a project. Use these project metrics to keep track of your project and make sure you deliver it successfully, on time and within budget. 1. Net Profit Margin The net profit margin is the measurement of an organization’s net earnings after the expenses have been accounted for, including its interest and tax payments. In terms of measuring a project’s profitability, the net profit margin is a useful project metric for keeping track of the budget against the actual spending at that point in the project. 2. Gross Profit Margin The term gross profit margin is a financial project metric that project managers use to assess the project’s financial health. To get the gross profit margin, subtract the direct expenses or cost of goods sold (COGS) from net sales, which is the gross revenues minus returns, allowances and discounts. That number is divided by net revenues, then multiplied by 100 percent. The project with the higher gross margin is more profitable because it generates more profits and incurs fewer costs. 3. Return on Investment (ROI) The return on investment is used to determine if the project is going to be worth the time and effort necessary to deliver it. It basically calculates the amount of money that has to be spent and the amount of money or benefits that will result from a successful delivery of the project. ROI is expressed as a percentage and is calculated by dividing an investment’s net profit (or loss) by its initial cost or outlay. 3. Cost Variance (CV) The project metric cost variance is used to evaluate the financial performance of your project. It does this by determining the difference between the budgeted cost of work performed (BCWP) and the actual cost of work performed (ACWP). In other words, by comparing the current costs of the project to where the budget says you should be at this point in the project. If the two figures are the same, then you’re on the right track. However, if you’re spending more than you’ve budgeted for at that point in the project, then you have to adjust either the project scope or schedule to get back on track. 4. Schedule Variance (SV) Just as cost variance tracks the financial performance of the project, schedule variance is used to figure out how much a project is ahead of schedule or behind schedule. It does this by measuring the actual progress of the project and comparing that to the expected progress, according to the project schedule. As with cost variance, if the project is behind schedule, then the scope or budget of the project has to be adjusted. 5. Cost Performance Index (CPI) To measure the cost efficiency and financial effectiveness of a project, project managers use the cost performance index. To calculate this, the formula is earned value (EV) / actual cost (AC) = cost performance index (CPI). The cost performance index ratio with a value higher than 1 indicated that the project is performing well in terms of its budget. 6. Earned Value (EV) Earned value is used to measure and monitor how much work has been done on a project in comparison to the project plan. You can use it to see if you’re on, behind or ahead of your project schedule. To calculate the earned value, multiply the percentage complete by the total project budget. To get more from your earned value project metric, use it with the cost and schedule variance project metrics. 7. Planned Value (PV) According to the Project Management Institute (PMI), planned value in project metrics is “the authorized, time-phased budget assigned to accomplish the scheduled work.” That means, it’s putting the project cost over the time baseline at any point in the schedule. Project managers can use this project metric to identify deviations from the project plan and mitigate issues faster. To calculate this, find the percent of the project completed (planned) multiplied by the budget at completion (BAC). 8. Actual Cost (AC) When you’re talking about actual cost in a project, you mean the true total and final costs accrued in the project. It’s made up of such costs as direct labor hours, direct costs and indirect costs. Actual costs should be itemized throughout the project, not just at completion. What Is a Project Metrics Dashboard? There are many project metrics, each with its own equation to calculate. That takes time that most project managers don’t have. Project management software often comes with a project metrics dashboard, which is a high-level view of the project, offering a glance at valuable data. Many project metric dashboards deliver real-time data, which helps project managers by giving them the current status of their project as opposed to a snapshot from the past. This leads to responding quickly to issues as they arise and helps project managers make more informed decisions. Some project metric dashboards require a user to set them up before they can get an overview of the project, while others automatically gather project metrics and share that data instantly. Either way, the project metrics dashboard is an essential project management tool for project managers to effectively measure the triple constraint of scope, costs and time. How ProjectManager Helps Track Project Management Metrics ProjectManager is award-winning project management software with real-time dashboards that track project metrics. Our live dashboard doesn’t require any time-consuming setup as with lightweight project management tools. It features six project metrics: health, tasks, progress, time, cost and workload. There are many more features that help you plan, manage and track your projects in real time, but for now, let’s look at how to plan a project to track project metrics and what tools can give you more detail than the dashboard when you need that deep dive. Plan on Robust Gantt Charts Before you can track project metrics, you have to have a plan. Our powerful Gantt charts help you organize your tasks, link all four types of dependencies and even filter for the critical path. But most importantly, once the schedule has been created you can set a baseline. This captures your project plan and allows our software to automatically calculate project metrics such as cost and schedule variance. Now you can make sure you’re meeting milestones and not overspending. Get Deeper Into the Data With Customized Reports When you need more information than you can get from the high-level dashboard, toggle over to the report section of our tool. Then you can quickly generate reports on project status, or portfolio status if you’re managing multiple projects, as well as reports on variance, tasks and more. All reports can be filtered to show only the data you’re interested in. Then they can be shared in a variety of formats to keep stakeholders informed. Beyond tracking projects, our tool has multiple project views that allow you to work how you want. From the visual workflow of kanban boards to task lists, calendars and more, cross-functional teams can collaborate because all project views are updated together in real time. We also have task management, risk management and resource management features to help control your project and deliver it on time and within its budget. ProjectManager is online project management software that connects teams whether they’re working in the office, at the job site or anywhere in between. They can share files, comment at the task level and more. Join teams at companies such as Avis, Nestle and Siemens who use our software to deliver successful projects. Get started with ProjectManager today for free.
为了确保您的项目符合计划和预算里程碑,您需要有项目度量来衡量您的进度和绩效。项目度量对于在预算内按时交付项目至关重要。 但是什么是项目度量呢?为什么它们对一个项目如此重要?我们将回答这些问题,并向您展示一些常见项目度量的示例。然后,我们将解释什么是项目度量仪表板,以及为什么它是项目管理软件的基本功能之一。 什么是项目度量? 项目度量是从项目绩效中提取的数据。它们是数据集、公式和计算,提供测量方法来绘制进度、成功等等。项目经理使用项目度量来比较他们的实际努力和他们的计划,这样他们就知道他们是否按计划进行,是否符合他们的预算。 它们还可以用来让项目涉众了解情况,尽管他们通常只对两个项目度量感兴趣:时间和成本。项目指标也是帮助组织发现、减少和缓解风险的工具,并为有效的战略发展、持续改进甚至员工和客户情绪提供信息。 项目管理软件使收集和计算项目指标变得更加容易。ProjectManager是一款屡获殊荣的项目管理软件,它具有实时仪表板,可以自动收集六种类型的项目指标,并以易于阅读的图形和图表显示出来。与其他项目管理软件不同,我们的实时仪表板不需要很长时间就可以设置好。你所要做的就是切换到项目的高层次概述。它随时准备好实时数据,让您做出更有洞察力的决策。立即免费开始使用ProjectManager。 为什么项目度量很重要? 项目度量对于项目管理非常重要。没有它们,你就盲目驾驶,没有办法准确衡量你是否遵守了你的时间表和预算。它们用于定义项目的健康、进度和性能。 所有的项目都会遇到困难,但是项目度量可以帮助你更快地回到正轨。这是因为你知道你已经更快地离开了道路,并可以根据需要重新分配资源,以更快地回到正轨。 在项目结束之前,如果没有项目度量,就没有办法知道您是否达到了项目目标。到那时,就太晚了。指标提高绩效,这将积极影响组织的底线。 组织可以看到他们项目的投资回报(ROI)。他们可以使用项目度量作为驱动决策过程的数据。这有助于更好地预测未来结果,并允许组织调整其业务战略以保持竞争力。 项目管理度量示例 那么有哪些项目度量的例子呢?有很多,但是我们将定义一些在管理项目时被跟踪的更常见的。使用这些项目指标来跟踪您的项目,并确保您在预算内成功、按时交付项目。 1.净利润率 净利润率是一个组织在扣除包括利息和税款在内的费用后的净收入的衡量标准。就衡量项目的盈利能力而言,净利润率是一个有用的项目指标,用于跟踪项目中该点的预算和实际支出。 2.毛利率 术语毛利率是项目经理用来评估项目财务健康状况的财务项目指标。要得到毛利率,从净销售额中减去直接费用或销货成本(COGS),净销售额是总收入减去退货、折让和折扣。这个数字除以净收入,然后乘以100%。毛利率较高的项目利润更高,因为它产生的利润更多,成本更少。 3.投资回报 投资回报用于确定项目是否值得花费必要的时间和精力来交付它。它基本上计算必须花费的金额以及项目成功交付将带来的金额或收益。ROI以百分比表示,计算方法是将投资的净利润(或亏损)除以其初始成本或支出。 3.费用差异 项目度量成本差异用于评估项目的财务绩效。它通过确定已完成工作的预算成本(BCWP)和已完成工作的实际成本(ACWP)之间的差额来做到这一点。换句话说,通过将项目的当前成本与预算所说的项目在这一点上应该达到的水平进行比较。如果这两个数字相同,那么你就在正确的轨道上。然而,如果你在项目的那个阶段花费超过了预算,那么你必须调整项目范围或时间表来回到正轨。 4.进度差异(SV) 正如成本差异跟踪项目的财务绩效一样,进度差异用于计算项目提前或落后进度的程度。它通过测量项目的实际进度并根据项目进度将其与预期进度进行比较来做到这一点。与成本差异一样,如果项目落后于计划,则必须调整项目的范围或预算。 5.成本效益指数 为了衡量一个项目的成本效率和财务有效性,项目经理使用成本绩效指数。为此,公式是挣值(EV)/实际成本(AC)=成本性能指数(CPI)。成本效益指数比率的数值高于1,表明该项目在预算方面表现良好。 6.挣值 挣值用于衡量和监控与项目计划相比,项目完成了多少工作。您可以使用它来查看您的项目进度是在、落后还是提前。要计算挣值,请将完成百分比乘以项目预算总额。要从挣值项目指标中获得更多,请将其与成本和进度差异项目指标一起使用。 7.计划价值(PV) 根据项目管理协会(PMI)的说法,项目指标中的计划价值是“为完成预定工作而分配的授权的、分时间阶段的预算。”这意味着,它将项目成本置于时间表中任何一点的时间基线之上。项目经理可以使用这个项目指标来识别与项目计划的偏差,并更快地缓解问题。要计算这一点,请找出项目完成(计划)的百分比乘以完成时的预算(BAC)。 8.实际费用(AC) 当你谈论一个项目的实际成本时,你指的是项目中累计的真实总成本和最终成本。它由直接工时、直接成本和间接成本等成本组成。实际成本应该在整个项目中逐项列出,而不仅仅是在项目完成时。 什么是项目度量仪表板? 有许多项目度量,每个都有自己的等式要计算。这需要大多数项目经理没有的时间。项目管理软件通常带有一个项目度量仪表板,它是项目的高级视图,提供有价值数据的一瞥。 许多项目度量仪表板提供实时数据,这有助于项目经理了解项目的当前状态,而不是过去的快照。这导致在问题出现时快速响应,并帮助项目经理做出更明智的决策。 一些项目指标仪表板要求用户在获得项目概览之前进行设置,而其他仪表板则自动收集项目指标并即时共享数据。无论哪种方式,项目度量仪表板都是项目经理有效衡量范围、成本和时间三重约束的重要项目管理工具。 ProjectManager如何帮助跟踪项目管理度量 ProjectManager是一款屡获殊荣的项目管理软件,具有跟踪项目指标的实时仪表板。我们的实时仪表板不像轻量级项目管理工具那样需要任何耗时的设置。它具有六个项目指标:健康、任务、进度、时间、成本和工作量。还有更多功能可以帮助您实时规划、管理和跟踪项目,但现在,让我们看看如何规划项目以跟踪项目指标,以及当您需要深入了解时,哪些工具可以为您提供比仪表板更多的细节。 在稳健甘特图上进行规划 在跟踪项目指标之前,您必须有一个计划。我们强大的甘特图可以帮助您组织任务,链接所有四种类型的依赖关系,甚至过滤关键路径。但最重要的是,一旦制定了时间表,你就可以设定一个基线。这将捕获您的项目计划,并允许我们的软件自动计算项目指标,如成本和进度差异。现在你可以确保你达到了里程碑,没有超支。 通过自定义报告深入了解数据 当您需要的信息比您从高级仪表板中获得的信息更多时,请切换到我们工具的报告部分。然后,您可以快速生成关于项目状态的报告,或者如果您正在管理多个项目,则可以生成关于项目组合状态的报告,以及关于差异、任务等的报告。可以过滤所有报告,只显示您感兴趣的数据。然后,它们可以以各种格式共享,以便让利益相关者了解情况。 除了跟踪项目,我们的工具还有多个项目视图,允许您按照自己的方式工作。从看板的可视化工作流程到任务列表、日历等等,跨职能团队可以协作,因为所有项目视图都是实时一起更新的。我们还具有任务管理、风险管理和资源管理功能,可以帮助控制您的项目,并在预算内按时交付。 ProjectManager是一款在线项目管理软件,无论团队是在办公室、工作现场还是在两者之间的任何地方工作,它都可以将团队联系起来。他们可以共享文件,在任务级别进行评论等等。加入Avis、Nestle和Siemens等公司的团队,他们使用我们的软件交付成功的项目。立即免费开始使用ProjectManager。

