From Summarization to Ideation: Watch Top AI Text Generators Tackle Understanding, Rewriting and Generating Content

从总结到构思: 观看顶级人工智能文本生成器处理理解、重写和生成内容

2023-09-21 04:00 clickhelp


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The rise of AI text generators has been nothing short of meteoric. Since ChatGPT launched in late 2022, these tools have exploded in popularity, thanks to their ability to generate text that is both grammatically correct and semantically meaningful. While ChatGPT is everything everyone’s talking about, the big deal is actually the engine that powers it. We’re talking about OpenAI’s GPT-3 and GPT-4 here, which are the two of the most popular large language models (LLMs). While there are others, like Google’s PALM 2 or Meta’s Llama 2, OpenAI’s models have API access, which instantly made them a heart for dozens of text generation tools. The fact that they have been trained on massive datasets of text and code allows them to generate text that is nearly indistinguishable from human-written text. This allows us to use them for automating a wide range of tasks, from writing emails to generating marketing copy or even translating text into other languages. Our poll on LinkedIn found that only 31% of respondents already use AI text generators in their work. However, 43% of respondents said that they do not use AI tools, and 9% said that they would not use AI tools on principle. The remaining 17% of respondents said that they use AI tools sometimes. The poll results suggest that there is still a lot of potential for AI text generators to grow in popularity. Many people may not realize how handy these tools can be, hence the hesitation to use them. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at some of the AI text generators, including ChatGPT, Bard, Perplexity, Sudowrite, and Claude.Ai. We will then put these generators to the test on a variety of tasks, such as generating text, understanding text, and rewriting it. Feel free to share your thoughts and experience with chatbots in this discussion on LinkedIn, while we start our little experiment. Introducing Our Top-5 So, first, let’s peek at each chatbot we chose for this experiment. ChatGPT Well, we can safely say that, as a brand, it has become a kind of a household name in the text generators market. Since we last talked about ChatGPT, a lot has changed, though this is still one of the most popular AI text generators. The good news is that it has been updated to improve its accuracy and factuality. The update includes improvements to the model that make it better across a wide range of topics. Additionally, now the users can stop ChatGPT while it's in the process of generating a response, which was a heavily requested feature. More than that, to improve the quality of the task execution, OpenAI has launched plugins that allow ChatGPT to access third-party knowledge sources and databases. This means that, though the initial limits of ChatGPT still exist, it is now possible to help it break the pre-2021 knowledge barrier. The premium paid version of the chatbot grants access to GPT-4 which works faster and is more stable. Bard The next AI text generator we’d like to test today is Bard from Google built on the Pathways Language Model 2 (PaLM 2). This chatbot tool is designed to simulate human conversations. That’s why it aims for more natural language queries, rather than keywords, for search. It provides context to the responses instead of just giving a list of answers and is very good at answering follow-up questions. So, while ChatGPT is better at text synthesis and generation, Bard is better for long conversations that require cognition and reasoning. Google Bard's database is not limited in the traditional sense, as it has access to the web and can process information from Google Search in real time. However, Bard's responses may lack originality or may not directly address the questions asked by the user. Perplexity AI The third chatbot in our list is Perplexity AI. This AI-powered service uses up-to-date sources and provides instant answers and information on any topic along with the links to the cited sources. Users can ask follow-up questions, which is great because Perplexity doesn't just provide a generic response to a question, it takes into account the context of the conversation to provide a more accurate and personalized answer. But there’s a kind of downside to that: if you need to change the topic, don’t forget to start a new thread, or be ready for the possibility of getting really surprising answers as Perplexity will try to merge topics and generate a response accordingly. Perplexity AI is continuously being updated and improved, with version 2.0 recently released. It is also known for its sleek and user-friendly interface. Sudowrite Our next AI text generator of choice is Sudowrite, an interactive AI story-writing assistant with many helpful features like Rewrite, Describe, Brainstorm, or Character Generator. It is created by writers for writers and is of great help to anyone who needs a more creative approach to their texts: though Sudowrite is made for working with fiction, it can offer a few interesting insights for a non-fiction author too. It can not only generate a text based on your idea – or even find this idea for you first – but act as a beta reader helping you with a tone of voice for your marketing materials or giving constructive feedback on your blog post. The generated stories feel surprisingly human, and this might help anyone who struggles to convey dry or even boring information to the target audience in a more lively manner. Claude AI And, last but not least, we’d like to introduce you to Claude AI, a wonderful interactive AI assistant that can be used for complex tasks. It can generate ideas, answer questions, edit, extract structured data, do Q&A based on the content, and much more. Claude AI is developed by Anthropic, an AI startup co-founded by former employees of OpenAI. Their idea is to develop a new, revolutionary approach to AI based on the idea of 3 H’s: Helpful, Honest, and Harmless. This means that Claude wants to help the user, avoids made-up information, and won’t cooperate in activities it believes to be harmful. The other feature that makes working with Claude AI a very pleasant experience is that it strives to provide pleasant human-like and engaging conversations. Claude’s reactions to the user greeting it, asking to edit the response, or saying thanks might be very cute, and sometimes it’s all you need to improve your mood and boost your productivity. Though Claude AI doesn’t have access to the internet, it can work with the information you provide in the form of text up to 100k tokens – it’s roughly about 25k characters – or even a document. Putting AI Text Generators to the Test: Results and Analysis Now, let’s see for ourselves what the AI text generators presented above can do. To test each of them, we took a small text about one of ClickHelp’s best features – its flexibility. By the way, if you need a modern technical writing solution for your team, schedule a demo to have a quick tour of ClickHelp! Our specialists will be happy to answer your questions. Now, back to our experiment. We came up with three simple tasks: Understanding text: What is this text about? Rewrite this text as if explaining it to a child. Generate a list of blog post topics based on this text. After that, we gave our text to the AI assistants and asked them to perform the tasks. Let’s take a look at the results! Test Results: ChatGPT The first AI assistant in our list managed quite well, as expected. The summary is concise. Understanding text: What is this text about? This explanation earned its place in our hearts. Rewrite this text as if explaining it to a child. And these ideas are definitely worth looking into in the future. Generate a list of blog post topics based on this text. So, ChatGPT still deserves all the praise. Test Results: Bard Now, this chatbot not only made a summary of our text but added a bit of their ideas. For example, it gave us examples of technical documentation, which were omitted in the initial text. This isn’t bad, and Bard isn’t wrong per se, but it means that you have to proofread the result more carefully. Understanding text: What is this text about? As for the second task, first of all, we noticed that Bard added the already mentioned examples of technical documentation again, though the reason might be based on the context of the previous task. Overall, the result is written more simply than the original text, but it isn’t what we expected. Rewrite this text as if explaining it to a child. And as for the article ideas, Bard offered some good ones. Generate a list of blog post topics based on this text. In the end, Bard from Google is okay, but we are a little unimpressed. Test Results: Perplexity AI Let’s challenge Perplexity AI where the knowledge begins – or so they say. First, it summarizes the text rather well. The result is short, understandable, and without loss of meaning. Understanding text: What is this text about? The second task was a little creative, and we didn’t have much hope for Perplexity, but, well… Shame on us, Perplexity did rather great. Rewrite this text as if explaining it to a child. Third task. Not bad either. See these little cards at the top of the screenshot? That’s Quick Search, or the list of the resources the chatbot used while generating a response. Very useful, if you need to check the facts, for example. Generate a list of blog post topics based on this text. Test Results: Sudowrite For this one, we had to change our request a little. The option closest to reformulating the text is called Shrink Ray and requires a passage at least 500 words long. Our initial text was much shorter, so we decided to try another feature as well – we asked Sudowrite to autocomplete our text. The result was beautiful, but it still needed a few tweaks, so we asked Sudowrite to complete our story with a couple of hints from our side. You may see that the part generated by Sudowrite is written in a more literary language, and that’s another reason for why the result may need a bit more editing, along with the necessity for you to manually check the facts used in your story. Still, it’s a nice way to get a draft for a blog post, isn’t it? Now, back to the task at hand: let’s try Shrink Ray! It is said that this feature will provide us with a logline, a blurb (or a summary), a synopsis, and an outline. See the result. So, what do you think? It seems that the first task is completed brilliantly. And you can write a whole long read based on the outline that Sudowrite extracted from our text. The second task was to rewrite the text as if explaining it to a child. Sudowrite has a Rewrite feature, which can be customized: See the result. Not bad, right? Now we know how to explain to our kids what we do at work, though there’s still room for additional information on Agile and Waterfall. Third task. Brainstorm is what we need: This feature offers us a variety of possible requests, such as characters, names, objects, and more. We picked “Article ideas”, because, well, that’s what we’re here for, filled out the form… ...and got the result. It’s a bit different from what we expected. Still, this can definitely help you overcome the writer’s block. Test Results: Claude AI Now it’s time for Claude AI to shine – or not. The first task was completed quite well. Understanding text: What is this text about? Nothing to comment on here, we guess. For the second task Claude chose an interesting analogy: Rewrite this text as if explaining it to a child. All in all, it is a good explanation, and, well, ClickHelp definitely flexes for any team! The result of the third task was quite interesting: Generate a list of blog post topics based on this text. It seems that now we have a lot to do for our blog: these ideas are rather good, actually, don’t you think? Conclusion So, our tests showed that AI text generators have come a long way in their ability to understand, summarize, and generate text on various topics. While each tool has its strengths and limitations, they can be useful assistants for tasks like content creation, editing, and ideation. ChatGPT excelled at summarization and generating clear, on-topic responses. Bard struggled less with paraphrasing but could introduce extraneous details. Perplexity AI scored well across the board with concise summaries and creative rewrites. Claude AI comprehensively understood the text and chose thoughtful analogies. Sudowrite shone for generating expanded text with its autocomplete feature. Its Shrink Ray tool extracted a high-level outline too. However, we have to mind its fiction-focused nature, which makes it good for creative writing, but it may not be appropriate when you work with, say, an instruction or user guide. Overall, these tools demonstrate the potential of AI to supplement human creativity and productivity. As models continue advancing, they will likely handle more nuanced tasks. For now, a combination of man and machine seems most effective: AIs propose drafts, and humans refine them. With care and oversight, text generators can be powerful collaborators for content teams. While no replacement for human insight, their growing skills make them invaluable aids. Next time, we’re going to test these AI text generators on more difficult tasks, more focused on technical writing. Stay tuned! Follow us on LinkedIn to join our travel though the topics of AI and technical writing. Good luck with your technical writing! ClickHelp Team Author, host and deliver documentation across platforms and devices
AI文本生成器的兴起简直是飞来飞去。自从ChatGPT于2022年推出以来,这些工具的受欢迎程度激增,这要归功于它们能够生成语法正确和语义上有意义的文本。 虽然ChatGPT是每个人都在谈论的一切,但最重要的是为它提供动力的引擎。我们在这里谈论OpenAI的GPT-3和GPT-4,这是最受欢迎的两种大型语言模型 (llm)。虽然还有其他一些,例如Google的PALM 2或Meta的Llama 2,但OpenAI的模型具有API访问权限,这立即使它们成为数十种文本生成工具的心脏。 事实上,他们已经在大量的文本和代码数据集上进行了培训,这使他们能够生成与人类编写的文本几乎没有区别的文本。这使我们能够使用它们来自动化各种任务,从编写电子邮件到生成营销副本,甚至将文本翻译成其他语言。 我们在LinkedIn上的民意调查发现,只有31% 的受访者已经在工作中使用了AI文本生成器。但是,有43% 的受访者表示他们不使用AI工具,9% 表示原则上不会使用AI工具。其余17% 的受访者表示,他们有时会使用人工智能工具。 民意调查结果表明,人工智能文本生成器的受欢迎程度仍有很大潜力。许多人可能没有意识到这些工具有多方便,因此犹豫不决。 在这篇博客文章中,我们将仔细研究一些AI文本生成器,包括ChatGPT,Bard,Perplexity,Sudowrite和Claude.Ai。然后,我们将把这些生成器放在各种任务上进行测试,例如生成文本,理解文本并重写它。在我们开始小实验的同时,在LinkedIn上的讨论中,随时与聊天机器人分享您的想法和经验。 介绍我们的前五名 所以,首先,让我们看看我们为这个实验选择的每个聊天机器人。 ChatGPT 嗯,我们可以有把握地说,作为一个品牌,它已经成为文本生成器市场上的一种家喻户晓的名字。 自从我们上次谈论ChatGPT以来,已经发生了很多变化,尽管这仍然是最受欢迎的AI文本生成器之一。好消息是,它已经过更新,以提高其准确性和真实性。更新包括对模型的改进,使其在广泛的主题中更好。此外,现在用户可以在生成响应的过程中停止ChatGPT,这是一个被大量请求的功能。 不仅如此,为了提高任务执行的质量,OpenAI还推出了允许ChatGPT访问第三方知识源和数据库的插件。这意味着,尽管ChatGPT的最初限制仍然存在,但现在可以帮助它打破pre-2021的知识障碍。 聊天机器人的付费版本授予访问GPT-4的权限,该程序工作速度更快且更稳定。 巴德 我们今天要测试的下一个AI文本生成器是基于Pathways语言模型2 (PaLM 2) 构建的Google的Bard。 这个聊天机器人工具旨在模拟人类的对话。这就是为什么它的目标是更自然的语言查询,而不是关键字,用于搜索。它为回答提供了上下文,而不仅仅是给出答案列表,并且非常擅长回答后续问题。因此,尽管ChatGPT在文本合成和生成方面更好,但Bard更适合需要认知和推理的长时间对话。 Google Bard的数据库不受传统意义上的限制,因为它可以访问web,并且可以实时处理来自Google搜索的信息。但是,Bard的回答可能缺乏独创性,或者可能无法直接解决用户提出的问题。 困惑AI 我们列表中的第三个聊天机器人是困惑AI。此AI支持的服务使用最新的资源,并提供有关任何主题的即时答案和信息以及指向引用来源的链接。用户可以提出后续问题,这很好,因为困惑不仅仅提供对问题的通用回答,它还考虑了对话的上下文,以提供更准确和个性化的答案。但是有一种缺点: 如果你需要改变话题,不要忘记开始一个新的话题,或者准备好获得真正令人惊讶的答案的可能性,因为困惑会尝试合并话题并相应地产生响应。 困惑AI正在不断更新和改进,最近发布的版本2.0。它也以其时尚和用户友好的界面而闻名。 Sudowrite 我们选择的下一个AI文本生成器是Sudowrite,这是一个交互式AI故事编写助手,具有许多有用的功能,例如重写,描述,头脑风暴或角色生成器。它是由作家为作家创作的,对任何需要更具创造性的文本方法的人都有很大帮助: 尽管Sudowrite是为小说而设计的,但它也可以为非小说类作者提供一些有趣的见解。它不仅可以根据您的想法生成文本-甚至可以首先为您找到此想法-还可以充当beta阅读器,为您的营销材料提供声音或在博客文章中提供建设性反馈。生成的故事让人感觉出奇的人性化,这可能会帮助任何努力以更生动的方式向目标受众传达枯燥甚至无聊的信息的人。 克劳德·艾 最后但并非最不重要的一点是,我们想向您介绍Claude AI,这是一款出色的交互式AI助手,可用于复杂的任务。它可以产生想法,回答问题,编辑,提取结构化数据,根据内容进行问答等等。 Claude AI由Anthropic开发,这是一家由OpenAI前员工共同创立的AI初创公司。他们的想法是基于3 h的想法开发一种新的、革命性的人工智能方法: 有用、诚实和无害。这意味着Claude希望帮助用户,避免虚假信息,并且不会在其认为有害的活动中进行合作。使与Claude AI合作成为一种非常愉快的体验的另一个特点是,它努力提供令人愉快的人性化和引人入胜的对话。克劳德 (Claude) 对用户打招呼,要求编辑回复或说谢谢的反应可能非常可爱,有时这就是您改善心情和提高工作效率所需要的。 尽管Claude AI无法访问互联网,但它可以处理您以多达100k个令牌的文本形式提供的信息-大约为25k个字符-甚至是文档。 将AI文本生成器进行测试: 结果和分析 现在,让我们自己看看上面介绍的AI文本生成器可以做什么。 为了测试它们中的每一个,我们写了一篇关于ClickHelp最好的功能之一的小文本 -- 它的灵活性。 顺便说一句,如果您需要为您的团队提供现代技术写作解决方案,请安排一个演示以快速浏览ClickHelp!我们的专家将很乐意回答您的问题。 现在,回到我们的实验。我们想出了三个简单的任务: 理解文本: 这篇文本是关于什么的? 重写这段文字,就像向孩子解释一样。 根据本文生成博客文章主题列表。 之后,我们将文本交给了AI助手,并要求他们执行任务。让我们看看结果! 检测结果: ChatGPT 正如预期的那样,我们列表中的第一位AI助手管理得很好。 摘要简明扼要。 理解文本: 这篇文本是关于什么的? 这种解释在我们心中赢得了地位。 重写这段文字,就像向孩子解释一样。 这些想法在未来绝对值得研究。 根据本文生成博客文章主题列表。 所以,ChatGPT仍然值得所有的赞扬。 测试结果: 巴德 现在,这个聊天机器人不仅对我们的文本进行了总结,而且还添加了一些他们的想法。例如,它给了我们技术文档的例子,在最初的文本中省略了这些例子。这还不错,Bard本身并没有错,但这意味着您必须更仔细地校对结果。 理解文本: 这篇文本是关于什么的? 至于第二个任务,首先,我们注意到Bard再次添加了已经提到的技术文档示例,尽管原因可能是基于先前任务的上下文。 总的来说,结果比原始文本写得更简单,但这不是我们所期望的。 重写这段文字,就像向孩子解释一样。 至于文章的想法,巴德提供了一些好的想法。 根据本文生成博客文章主题列表。 最后,来自Google的Bard还可以,但是我们有点不为所动。 测试结果: 困惑AI 让我们挑战知识开始的困惑AI-或者他们是这么说的。 首先,它很好地总结了文本。结果是简短的,可以理解的,并且没有失去意义。 理解文本: 这篇文本是关于什么的? 第二个任务有点创意,我们对困惑没有太大希望,但是,嗯…… 让我们感到羞耻的是,困惑确实很棒。 重写这段文字,就像向孩子解释一样。 第三项任务。也不错。在屏幕截图的顶部看到这些小卡片吗?这是快速搜索,或者是聊天机器人在生成响应时使用的资源列表。非常有用,如果您需要检查事实,例如。 根据本文生成博客文章主题列表。 测试结果: Sudowrite 为此,我们不得不稍微更改请求。最接近重新制定文本的选项称为收缩射线,需要至少500个单词长的段落。我们最初的文本要短得多,因此我们决定也尝试另一个功能-我们要求Sudowrite自动完成文本。结果很漂亮,但是仍然需要一些调整,因此我们要求Sudowrite从我们这边提供一些提示来完成我们的故事。 您可能会看到Sudowrite生成的部分是用更文学的语言编写的,这也是为什么结果可能需要更多编辑的另一个原因,以及您手动检查故事中使用的事实的必要性。不过,这是获取博客文章草稿的好方法,不是吗? 现在,回到手头的任务: 让我们试试收缩雷!据说此功能将为我们提供日志线,摘要 (或摘要),摘要和轮廓。 查看结果。 你觉得怎么样?看来,第一个任务完成得很精彩。你可以根据Sudowrite从我们的文本中提取的大纲写一整篇长篇文章。 第二项任务是重写文本,就像向孩子解释一样。Sudowrite具有重写功能,可以自定义: 查看结果。 不错吧?现在我们知道如何向我们的孩子解释我们在工作中做什么,尽管还有关于敏捷和瀑布的更多信息的空间。 第三项任务。头脑风暴是我们所需要的: 此功能为我们提供了各种可能的请求,例如字符,名称,对象等。我们选择了 “文章创意”,因为,嗯,这就是我们在这里的目的,填写了表格… 。.. 得到了结果。 这与我们预期的有点不同。尽管如此,这绝对可以帮助您克服作者的障碍。 测试结果: 克劳德·艾 现在是克劳德·艾发光的时候了 -- 或者没有。第一个任务完成得相当好。 理解文本: 这篇文本是关于什么的? 我们想,这里没什么可评论的。 对于第二个任务,克劳德选择了一个有趣的类比: 重写这段文字,就像向孩子解释一样。 总而言之,这是一个很好的解释,而且,ClickHelp绝对可以为任何团队提供帮助! 第三项任务的结果相当有趣: 根据本文生成博客文章主题列表。 现在看来,我们的博客有很多事情要做: 实际上,这些想法相当不错,你不觉得吗? 结论 因此,我们的测试表明,人工智能文本生成器在理解、总结和生成各种主题的文本方面取得了很大的成绩。虽然每种工具都有其优势和局限性,但它们可以作为内容创建、编辑和构思等任务的有用助手。 ChatGPT擅长总结和生成清晰的主题响应。 巴德 (Bard) 在释义上的挣扎较少,但可以引入无关的细节。 困惑AI凭借简洁的摘要和创造性的重写获得了全面的好评。 克劳德·艾全面理解了文本,并选择了深思熟虑的类比。 Sudowrite通过其自动完成功能生成扩展文本。它的收缩射线工具也提取了一个高级轮廓。但是,我们必须注意其以小说为中心的性质,这使其对创意写作很有帮助,但是当您使用说明或用户指南时,它可能不合适。 总体而言,这些工具展示了人工智能在补充人类创造力和生产力方面的潜力。随着模型的不断发展,它们可能会处理更细微的任务。就目前而言,人与机器的结合似乎是最有效的: AIs提出草稿,而人类则对其进行细化。通过谨慎和监督,文本生成器可以成为内容团队的强大协作者。虽然无法替代人类的洞察力,但他们不断增长的技能使他们成为无价的帮助。 下一次,我们将在更困难的任务上测试这些AI文本生成器,更专注于技术写作。敬请关注!在LinkedIn上关注我们,通过人工智能和技术写作的主题加入我们的旅行。 祝你的技术写作好运! 点击帮助团队 跨平台和设备编写、托管和交付文档

