memoQ gaming newsletter - August 2023


2023-09-01 07:00 MemoQ


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Our gaming specialists have been providing optimized localization solutions to a wide range of the most influential gaming companies in the global market, such as Nintendo, SEGA, Sony Entertainment, Riot Games, Gameforge, and GAMEVIL COM2US. Since they are always on the lookout for the latest gaming news, here they are with the August edition of the gaming newsletter, packed with the most up-to-date information from the industry. Open World, a podcast series on video game localization by MultiLingual TV, invited memoQ’s Gaming Solution Engineer, Santiago de Miguel, to talk about translation technology, getting started in the industry, and the future of game localization. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced localizer, we’re sure you’ll enjoy this episode. Guild Wars 2 keeps getting bigger and better with the release of their fourth expansion, Secrets of the Obscure. This DLC introduces new maps, enemies, and combat options to keep you entertained for hours. A new chapter in the epic story of Baldur’s Gate saga has been released. It offers a breath of fresh air to the more classic D&D turn-based style RPG. Reviews have been great so far, so this seems to be a must-play for RPG lovers! If you’re into MMOs but the above games are too hardcore for you, you might want to check out Palia, currently in beta. Get lost in its beautiful world and have fun fishing, exploring, and building your house! Last but not least, for more casual gamers who enjoy playing face-to-face with friends, Nintendo has released Everybody 1-2-Switch! a party game offering a collection of team-based minigames that up to 100 people can play via their smartphones. memoQ 10.1 introduced a new feature that grades machine translation results and delivers a percentage to offer users an estimation on how good the match is supposed to be. Combined with the ability to enable several MT engines simultaneously, this can be a very powerful functionality for both LSPs and enterprises. Estimate percentages are displayed in two ways: TAUS, a language data expert for AI, ML & MT applications, provided a generic model that works as an out-of-the-box solution and offers customization through its custom model. Moreover, ModelFront, a provider of AI-driven machine translation quality prediction API, also supplied its custom model to make AIQE available in memoQ. memoQ-TAUS (includes a step-by-step explanation on how to set up AIQE in memoQ) webinar memoQ talks episode featuring the CEO & Co-Founder of ModelFront Did you know that there’s a simple tweak that might improve your memoQ TMS’s performance? If you’re running several projects at the same time and executing CPU-heavy operations like Pre-translation and Statistics, you may want to give this a try. Open the memoQ TMS deployment tool, click on Advanced... > Configure server, and change the number of background threads in the Address tab. We recommend setting it to 7, but we encourage you to experiment with different settings. Please note that this feature is only available from memoQ 9.13 and it only works in private TMS. If your TMS is hosted by memoQ, you should reach out to our Support team to apply this tweak. If your server machine is used for other applications as well, this may affect their performance. Heads up! Our latest LTS version has been released: memoQ 10.2.11. This new version features customizable charts in Business Analytics, moderated term bases in Qterm, a brand new memoQ translator pro subscription, and other enhancements. For more information, visit this page, and to download, click here. Any questions? Reach out to us at
我们的游戏专家一直在为全球市场上最具影响力的游戏公司提供优化的本地化解决方案,如任天堂,SEGA,索尼娱乐,Riot Games,Gameforge和GAMEVIL COM2US。由于他们总是在寻找最新的游戏新闻,在这里,他们与8月版的游戏通讯,挤满了最新的信息,从行业。 MultiLingual TV的视频游戏本地化播客系列Open World邀请了memoQ的游戏解决方案工程师Santiago de Miguel谈论翻译技术,行业入门以及游戏本地化的未来。 无论你是初学者还是有经验的定位器,我们相信你会喜欢这一集。 激战2随着他们的第四个资料片《隐秘的秘密》的发布而变得越来越大、越来越好。这个DLC引入了新的地图,敌人和战斗选项,让你娱乐几个小时。 博德之门传奇史诗故事的新篇章已经发布。它为更经典的D&D回合制风格RPG提供了一股新鲜空气。到目前为止,评论都很棒,所以这似乎是RPG爱好者必须玩的游戏! 如果你喜欢MMO,但上面的游戏对你来说太硬核了,你可能想看看Palia,目前正在测试中。迷失在它美丽的世界里,享受钓鱼、探索和建造你的房子的乐趣! 最后但并非最不重要的是,对于更多喜欢与朋友面对面游戏的休闲游戏玩家,任天堂发布了Everybody 1-2-Switch!一款聚会游戏,提供一系列基于团队的小游戏,最多100人可以通过智能手机玩。 memoQ 10.1引入了一个新功能,可以对机器翻译结果进行评分,并提供一个百分比,为用户提供一个关于匹配程度的估计。结合同时启用多个MT引擎的能力,这对于LSP和企业来说都是非常强大的功能。 估计百分比以两种方式显示: TAUS是AI,ML和MT应用程序的语言数据专家,提供了一个通用模型,作为开箱即用的解决方案,并通过其自定义模型提供定制。此外,AI驱动的机器翻译质量预测API提供商ModelFront也提供了自定义模型,使AIQE在memoQ中可用。 memoQ-TAUS(包括如何在memoQ中设置AIQE的分步说明)网络研讨会 memoQ会谈插曲,由ModelFront的首席执行官兼联合创始人 你知道有一个简单的调整可以提高你的记忆体TMS的性能吗? 如果您同时运行多个项目并执行像预翻译和统计这样的CPU密集型操作,您可能想尝试一下。打开memoQ TMS部署工具,单击高级... >配置服务器,并在Address选项卡中更改后台线程数。我们建议将其设置为7,但我们鼓励您尝试不同的设置。 请注意,此功能仅在memoQ 9.13中可用,并且仅在私有TMS中工作。如果您的TMS由memoQ托管,您应该联系我们的支持团队来应用此调整。如果您的服务器计算机也用于其他应用程序,这可能会影响它们的性能。 小心!我们最新的LTS版本已经发布:备忘录10.2.11. 这个新版本的特点是商业分析中的可定制图表,Qterm中的温和术语库,全新的memoQ翻译专业订阅以及其他增强功能。如需了解更多信息,请访问此页面,如需下载,请单击此处。有问题吗联系我们。

