The Digital Marketer’s Guide to Summer 2023: Living in a ChatGPT World

数字营销人员夏季2023指南: 生活在ChatGPT世界中

2023-06-07 13:00 Nimdzi Insights


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Article written by Elise le Mer. Summer is upon us. Your brand planning is already a distant memory and as your team gets ready for the upcoming summer vacation season, your eyes might already be set on September, with updated goals, adjustments to your brand strategy, and some exciting new ideas to try out. As usual, there is a dizzying amount you want or need to do, data to analyze and digest, presentations galore, hints from your boss and the sales department on where you should spend your marketing budget. And like a kid in a candy store, it’s easy to want to try Every. Single. New tool. There’s more than enough to get overwhelmed, but giving up on innovation is not an option, as everyone is upping their game. In this maelstrom, it is critical to take the time to think about what your true business priorities are. Here’s an overview of the most relevant technological advances, and the important macro trends to inform your plans. AI in marketing: Is ChatGPT the new HAL? HAL, the creepy and murderous artificial intelligence (AI) character in Stanley Kubrick’s film 2001, got a 2023 makeover and marketers have been capitalizing on the growing opportunities. With AI, you can now generate personas to understand your target consumers, get copy that is on-brand, create packaging and entire ad campaigns, manage social media advertising and e-commerce, run your SEO, interact with consumers through increasingly refined chatbots, perform online monitoring of your brand reputation and so much more. The possibilities seem endless, and AI can be especially useful in certain areas such as generating content (especially in the written form) and online monitoring and communications (chatbots, social media monitoring and posting, SEO). Note that it does not (yet) take on the job of sitting at board meetings to demonstrate ROI, though perhaps even that is not far off. And let’s not forget everyone’s favorite search term of the past few months: ChatGPT. Your LinkedIn feed has likely been taken over by posts about what it can do, or the ridiculous mistakes it makes. What matters most, is that with ChatGPT you now have direct access to a user-facing AI application. What’s not to get excited about. So, if you haven’t already done so, go to the OpenAI website, sign up, and try it. It might feel disconcerting at first, and you might find yourself reaching unconsciously for some user manual (we have you covered), just like you would for any new tool. There are many good resources online for how to use ChatGPT as a marketer, but it may be more useful to conceptualize it as new, unknown territory and to view yourself as an explorer with only a map of the contours of the land you want to discover, instead of being a mere user of a tool with a finite, established set of capabilities. So, a trial-and-error approach is your best bet to establish how it can help you. Put it to the test on a different type of task each time: create a blog post, develop a strategy roadmap for your content marketing, an email to a colleague, etc. AI-powered tools can help you save money and time, as most of them are very cheap or even free to use, plus they automate tasks, so what would take you, your team or your agency days or months to perform is done in a matter of minutes or even seconds. The ROI is therefore much better, even factoring in the time to gather the data or brief the agency. It also enables you to personalize your communication on a large scale. Among all these praises, it’s worth remembering the risks and limitations of AI. The first and most obvious one is that AI’s performance depends on the volume and quality of the data it is fed. Do you have a large enough quantity of data to teach the AI? Is that data high-quality enough? With ChatGPT, remember it only includes data from pre-September 2021. AI is also famous for making up answers and “hallucinating,” so you need to examine every answer it gives you with a critical eye. If you are not an expert on a topic, find someone who is and ask for their input. From an ethics and compliance point of view, there are examples of chatbots turned racist and ChatGPT giving sexists answers, which is morally problematic and harmful to a brand reputation. The weird and wonderful world of AI-generated ads (here from agency 10 Days for Uber) illustrates the opportunities and also the limitations of this exciting new tool. NFT: still a great tool for consumer engagement, brand building, and loyalty NFT is another one of these tech acronyms that have become ubiquitous and sound familiar (in fact, Nimdzi have already reported on it here), but you’d be forgiven for not knowing exactly what it is. An NFT (non-fungible token) is a record showing who owns a unique piece of digital content (such as a work of art, song, photograph, meme, etc.), in the same way that a vehicle registration title shows who owns a particular car. NFTs started in the world of digital art (with, for example, the famed “Bored Ape Yacht Club,“ or BAYC, created by start-up Yuga Labs), then expanded into the usual world of early adopters (luxury fashion and cosmetics brands), and has now reached the world of fast-moving consumer goods with the likes of Danone’s evian brand. NFTs can be a good way to reach digital natives of Gen X or Millennials in their natural habitats (e.g., through in-game assets developed by Nike’s .SWOOSH). However, they might not help you as much if your target market is older and more tech adverse. In fact, according to research conducted by Nansen in 2022, “nearly 80 percent of the United Kingdom’s population did not know what an NFT was when asked, and 70 percent did not know in the United States.” The craze for NFTs seems to have slowed down towards the end of 2022, triggered by the collapse of cryptocurrency FTX and its knock-on effect on other crypto exchanges — NFTs are associated with cryptocurrencies, which are generally viewed as a highly volatile form of investment. So, they are probably not the right approach if you operate in the financial sector — or you need to have a watertight justification ready for your CEO. It doesn’t mean that NFTs are not a good vehicle for a marketing campaign. Depending on your brand objectives, NFTs can be valuable for brand building in general and if you need to grow awareness of your brand or product, develop engagement, and encourage loyalty, you might use NFTs as a reward for top consumers. They have often been seen and used as status symbols, displayed on social media profiles, and they can help create a sense of community among fans — a prime example of tribal marketing. But the speculative element of cryptocurrency might be best dialed down in your communication for the time being. The brave new metaverse: selling and interacting with shoppers in the virtual world The metaverse is a 3D, immersive digital world where people interact with each other. To make this experience immersive, augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are used. AR and VR both rely on headsets (most notably commercialized by Meta — formerly Oculus-Rift), but AR superimposes digital elements onto real, physical surroundings (e.g., a virtual dinosaur running around your coffee table), like Snapchat filters or Pokemon Go. The metaverse mimics the real world, and people can use avatars to interact and purchase virtual goods. According to Metaversed, the metaverse now counts over 400 million users. The largest virtual Metaverse worlds are Roblox (205 million users), Minecraft (177 million), Fortnite (80.4 million), Zepeto (20 million), Avakin Life (10 million), Rec Room (8 million) and IMVU (7 million). Statista estimates the metaverse will represent a global market revenue of USD 936.6 billion by 2030. It is difficult to predict, at what is still a relatively early stage, how consumers’ tastes and habits will evolve, but currently brands have adopted various approaches: AR packaging, AR & VR stores and AR wearables to enable consumers to try on apparel and make-up, AR events, VR advertising, VR influencers. AR’s anchor in the physical world, coupled with the use of a smartphone app, can be a relatively easy approach for brands, reaching a potentially wider audience than VR. Costs and timelines vary for these types of projects and there’s a raft of agencies specializing in the various areas of AR and VR. Here’s a useful link breaking down the key factors contributing to AR prices, and another one to help understand the process of AR app development for basic and additional features, as a starting point on your journey. How to sell your tech projects to your hierarchy if your company is not digitally native If you are feeling ready to dip your toe and experiment with some of the most cutting-edge tools in the digital marketing arsenal, the next step is to convince the purse holders. Some companies have some sort of “experimentation budget” for campaigns that are a bit out there, without the need to go through all the financial hurdles typically needed to greenlight a project. This type of budget is usually well hidden within the accounts, but remember there is ALWAYS some money stacked away for a rainy day or an impossible-to-resist opportunity. It’s your job to find it and secure it. This “marketing experimentation” is especially appropriate to use for a small segment of the market that you think is going to grow in the mid to long-term, a product you don’t have much time to focus on but would like to do more with, a problem that you haven’t managed to solve, etc. If despite your best effort you have not been able to secure that sweet, additional budget, you need to build a business case, pointing out that technology is becoming a core component of products and processes; you can’t not do it, at the risk of falling behind and becoming obsolete — as in the case of Kodak, the bogeyman of corporate near-death from obsolescence. Your proposed project could be used as a pilot in order to build your enterprise capability in that respect. Remember to speak with IT or whoever is in charge of digital transformation in your company to ensure they are on your side and make sure you listen to their tips. If there is decidedly no money at all, or not enough for your plans, remember you can try to negotiate with suppliers. You might be able to lower the price by leveraging the potential for more business further down the line, either with your brand, your business unit, or with another part of the business and this is their foot in the door. Or ask for a free trial in exchange for access to your numbers, your participation in a white paper and presentations of case studies at industry conferences, and your detailed feedback so they can improve and refine their product and service. This will also be good (free) publicity for your company, your brand and your own career. Make sure to free up some time for this experimentation though: it might cost you little or nothing in cash, but it will take some of your time. A note on social media It’s impossible not to mention social media when focusing on digital marketing. There are a few newer kids on the block, such as Twitch and Discord, which can be good for establishing a more authentic connection with your target consumers. But in general, unless you are a digitally native brand, it’s probably best to stay put, have a look at the new social media websites, read a few articles about them, ensure there’s some monitoring in place, and then move on, leaving it to others to try and test them. Once it becomes clear which ones have survived, you can decide if it’s worth your time investing in creating an account, advertising, or interacting on these. You do need, however, to have some sort of presence and certainly monitor the strongly established media channels: Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, TikTok, and Twitter. AI, NFT, and the metaverse are the most notable and relevant innovations for digital marketers in 2023. The most important point, though, is to not be blinded by the tech hype. These are just tools to reach your marketing goals, and if you want them to yield good results, you need to be clear on your objective, ensure it’s aligned with your organization’s goals, and provide a tight brief. Remember the acronym GIGO (garbage in, garbage out); it’s often used in data science, but is just as valid in the overall marketing process: with a poor brief come poor results. The macro lens: the COVID-19 aftermath, the economic situation, and climate change When working on your brand plan, you will be focusing on the wider macro context, and its incidence on your brand. Whether you are a start-up in Miami or a gourmet food store in Milan, you will have been impacted by Covid-19 and the current economic recession, and climate change is becoming a growing concern. A lot of the major changes that will occur as a result of the COVID pandemic are too early to detect, in much the same way as social shifts ushered by the First World War happened over a long period of time (women’s suffrage and their increasing role in the workforce, the decline of “traditional” values, etc.). As the voice of the consumer, it is your task to identify these evolutions, which might initially manifest themselves at a very low level. Here are just a few: the huge economic and human pressure on health systems, the mental health crisis, the rise of working from home or hybrid forms of working, the increase in the number of stay-at-home dads, the development of online shopping, online learning, and all things online, the switch to casual workwear. The second huge macro factor is inflation and the risk of an impending recession. As always, your strategy will depend on whether your product is mandatory spending (generally more focused on price) or discretionary (where convenience and quality play a more important role), and who your target market is (e.g., wealthy boomers vs. “generation rent”). However, you will probably need to adjust your product offering to give more value to your consumers, whether through loyalty and offer personalization, lowered price on your 80-20, adjustment in your product formula or size in order to lower your costs and leave your price unchanged (though beware of the backlash following shrinkflation). But then, the key mistake would be to center your communication on price. See here for research that, in general, communicating on price is not a good idea. The paradox is that you must give more value to the consumers but not communicate on price, walking the tightrope between coming across as tone deaf to people’s difficult situation and putting them off by reminding them of something they are sick and tired of hearing about. And of course, you need to keep your eyes on the ball and prepare for when the recession is over (hopefully by the end of 2024). Marketing is not for the faint-hearted. Another factor that is impacting businesses is sustainability. 2022 was a year of global climate extremes including record-breaking temperatures in Europe, according to Copernicus, the European Union's Earth observation program. Climate change is in the news, leaving its mark on consumers, who are reported to be more and more worried by it and who claim that sustainability is an increasingly key factor in their shopping decision-making. However, what consumers say does not always translate in what they do, especially in a context where price and value weigh up on shopping decisions, as mentioned above. The solution for brands is to bolster their sustainability credentials and product offering whilst keeping prices unchanged or only marginally increased, thus satisfying the hearts and minds of the consumers (a perfect example of this is the launch of hand soap recharges that are cheaper, in price per volume, than buying a standard bottle). Case in point: Herbal Essences’ sustainability AR campaign Procter & Gamble’s AR campaign to promote its Herbal Essences bio:renew range ticks a lot of the boxes of the 2023 trends, addressing big, current concerns of consumers for sustainability via engaging AR content. Herbal Essences is a hair care brand, with a positioning which can be described as “natural indulgence.” Its formulas are 90 percent naturally derived, botanist approved, with real botanicals endorsed by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. It offers appealing fragrances, and promises indulgent experiences. The bio:renew range has a heightened sustainability element, focusing specifically on lowering plastic waste, by using bottles made of 25% beach plastic and recyclable, via a partnership with Terracycle. This strategy aims to attract the eco-conscious consumers. To raise awareness of the new range, the brand launched a campaign based on Augmented Reality product packaging. Users download the Herbal Essences AR Experience app to scan the limited-edition Beach Plastic bottles at stores or at home. As the AR experience progresses, users see plastic waste washing up on the augmented shore and are invited to swipe the screen to help clean the oceans. They can also view an informative video that speaks of the product and the plastic waste problem. Procter & Gamble’s Herbal Essences bio:renew grew awareness of the range’s commitment to sustainability through an AR packaging campaign (app developed by Tactic Studio and AR technology by Wikitude) To conclude, as you focus on the second half of 2023, invest your budget — and your time — wisely, especially as you’ve likely been tasked with doing more with less in the last few weeks or months. Leverage AI and ChatGPT, the metaverse and the social media landscape, and factor in the social changes triggered or accelerated by the pandemic, the economic squeeze, and the pressing case for sustainability.
Elise le Mer撰写的文章。 夏天就要到了。你的品牌规划已经是一个遥远的记忆,当你的团队为即将到来的暑假做好准备时,你的目光可能已经放在9月上,更新了目标,调整了你的品牌战略,并尝试了一些令人兴奋的新想法。像往常一样,你想要或需要做一个令人眼花缭乱的事情,要分析和消化的数据,大量的演示,老板和销售部门关于你应该把营销预算花在哪里的提示。就像糖果店里的孩子一样,很容易尝试所有东西。单身。新工具。 有足够的东西让他们不知所措,但放弃创新不是一种选择,因为每个人都在提高自己的水平。在这个大漩涡中,花时间思考你真正的业务重点是什么是至关重要的。以下是最相关的技术进步的概述,以及为您的计划提供信息的重要宏观趋势。 营销中的人工智能: ChatGPT是新的HAL吗? 哈尔 (HAL) 是斯坦利·库布里克 (Stanley Kubrick) 电影2001中令人毛骨悚然的人工智能 (AI) 角色,他进行了2023的改头换面,营销人员一直在利用不断增长的机会。有了人工智能,你现在可以生成角色来了解你的目标消费者,获得品牌副本,创建包装和整个广告活动,管理社交媒体广告和电子商务,运行你的搜索引擎优化,通过日益精致的聊天机器人与消费者互动,对您的品牌声誉进行在线监控等等。可能性似乎无穷无尽,AI在某些领域尤其有用,例如生成内容 (尤其是书面形式) 以及在线监控和通信 (聊天机器人,社交媒体监控和发布,SEO)。请注意,它 (目前) 还没有承担参加董事会会议来展示投资回报率的工作,尽管这可能并不遥远。 而且,不要忘记过去几个月每个人最喜欢的搜索词: ChatGPT。您的LinkedIn feed可能已被有关其功能或所犯的荒谬错误的帖子所接管。最重要的是,使用ChatGPT,您现在可以直接访问面向用户的AI应用程序。什么不值得兴奋。 所以,如果你还没有这样做,去OpenAI网站,注册,然后试试。一开始可能会感到不安,您可能会发现自己不知不觉地进入了某些用户手册 (我们已经涵盖了),就像您使用任何新工具一样。网上有许多很好的资源可以用来作为营销人员使用ChatGPT,但是将其概念化为新的未知领域,并将自己视为只有您想要发现的土地轮廓的地图的探险家,可能会更有用,而不是仅仅使用具有有限、既定功能的工具。因此,反复试验的方法是你确定它如何帮助你的最佳选择。每次都对不同类型的任务进行测试: 创建博客文章,为内容营销制定战略路线图,给同事发送电子邮件等。 人工智能工具可以帮助您节省金钱和时间,因为它们中的大多数都非常便宜,甚至可以免费使用,而且它们可以自动执行任务,所以需要您、您的团队或您的机构几天或几个月才能完成的工作只需几分钟甚至几秒钟。因此,投资回报率要好得多,甚至考虑到收集数据或向机构介绍情况的时间。它还使您能够大规模个性化您的通信。 在所有这些赞誉中,值得记住人工智能的风险和局限性。第一个也是最明显的一个是,人工智能的性能取决于它所提供的数据的数量和质量。你有足够多的数据来教人工智能吗?那数据足够高质量吗?使用ChatGPT,请记住它仅包含来自预2021年9月的数据。人工智能也以编造答案和 “幻觉” 而闻名,所以你需要用挑剔的眼光检查它给你的每一个答案。如果您不是某个主题的专家,请找一个专家并征求他们的意见。从道德和合规性的角度来看,有一些聊天机器人变成种族主义者的例子,而ChatGPT给出了sexists答案,这在道德上是有问题的,并且对品牌声誉有害。 人工智能生成的广告的怪异而奇妙的世界 (这里来自Uber的代理商10天) 说明了这个令人兴奋的新工具的机遇和局限性。 NFT: 仍然是消费者参与、品牌建设和忠诚度的好工具 NFT是这些技术首字母缩写词中的另一个,它们已经无处不在,听起来很熟悉 (事实上,Nimdzi已经在这里报道过了),但你不知道它到底是什么是可以原谅的。NFT (非可替代令牌) 是显示谁拥有独特的数字内容 (例如艺术品,歌曲,照片,模因等) 的记录,就像车辆注册标题显示的方式一样谁拥有特定的汽车。NFTs始于数字艺术世界 (例如,由初创公司Yuga Labs创建的著名的 “无聊的猿游艇俱乐部” 或BAYC),然后扩展到通常的早期采用者世界 (豪华时装和化妆品品牌),如今,达能 (Danone) 的依云 (evian) 品牌已经进入了快速消费品的世界。 NFTs可能是在自然栖息地接触X世代或千禧一代数字原住民的好方法 (例如,通过耐克公司开发的游戏内资产)。但是,如果您的目标市场较旧且对技术不利,它们可能不会对您有太大帮助。事实上,根据南森2022年进行的研究,“当被问及NFT时,英国近80% 的人口不知道什么是NFT,美国70% 的人不知道。” 对NFT的狂热似乎2022年已经放缓,由加密货币FTX的崩溃及其对其他加密交易所的连锁反应引发的-NFTs与加密货币相关,加密货币通常被视为一种高度波动的投资形式。因此,如果你在金融部门运作,它们可能不是正确的方法 -- 或者你需要为你的首席执行官准备一个水密的理由。 这并不意味着NFTs不是营销活动的好工具。根据您的品牌目标,NFTs通常对品牌建设很有价值,如果您需要提高品牌或产品的知名度,发展参与度并鼓励忠诚度,则可以使用NFTs作为对顶级消费者的奖励。它们经常被看到并用作状态符号,显示在社交媒体个人资料上,它们可以帮助在粉丝之间建立社区感-这是部落营销的一个典型例子。但是,暂时最好在您的通讯中拨出加密货币的投机元素。 勇敢的新元诗: 在虚拟世界中与购物者进行销售和互动 metaverse是一个3D,沉浸式的数字世界,人们在其中相互交流。为了使这种体验身临其境,使用了增强现实 (AR) 和虚拟现实 (VR)。AR和VR都依赖于耳机 (最著名的是由Meta (以前称为Oculus-Rift) 商业化),但是AR将数字元素叠加到真实的物理环境中 (例如,在咖啡桌上奔跑的虚拟恐龙),例如Snapchat过滤器或Pokemon Go。metaverse模仿现实世界,人们可以使用化身进行交互和购买虚拟商品。 根据metaverse,metaverse现在计算超过4亿个用户。最大的虚拟Metaverse世界是Roblox (2.05亿用户),Minecraft (1.77亿),Fortnite (8040万),Zepeto (2000万),Avakin Life (1000万),Rec Room (800万) 和IMVU (700万)。Statista估计,metaverse将代表2030年9366亿美元的全球市场收入。 很难预测,在相对早期的阶段,消费者的品味和习惯将如何演变,但目前品牌已经采取了各种方法: AR包装,AR & VR商店和AR可穿戴设备,使消费者能够尝试服装和化妆,AR活动,VR广告,VR影响者。AR在实体世界中的锚,再加上智能手机应用程序的使用,对于品牌来说可能是一种相对容易的方法,比VR可能更广泛。 这些类型的项目的成本和时间表各不相同,并且有大量机构专门从事AR和VR的各个领域。这里有一个有用的链接,分解了导致AR价格的关键因素,另一个是帮助您了解AR应用程序开发过程的基本和附加功能,作为您旅程的起点。 如果您的公司不是数字本地的,如何将您的技术项目出售给您的层次结构 如果您准备蘸脚趾并尝试使用数字营销武器库中的一些最先进的工具,那么下一步就是说服钱包持有人。一些公司为竞选活动制定了某种 “实验预算”,而无需经历为项目开绿灯通常需要的所有财务障碍。这种类型的预算通常被很好地隐藏在账户中,但请记住,总会有一些钱堆积起来,以备不时之需或不可抗拒的机会。找到并保护它是你的工作。 这种 “营销实验” 特别适合用于你认为将在中长期增长的一小部分市场,这种产品你没有太多时间来关注,但想做更多的事情,您尚未解决的问题,等等。 如果尽管你尽了最大努力,你仍然无法获得甜蜜的额外预算,你需要建立一个商业案例,指出技术正在成为产品和流程的核心组成部分; 你不能不这样做,冒着落后和过时的风险-就像柯达一样,公司因过时而濒临死亡的妖怪。您提议的项目可以用作试点,以建立您在这方面的企业能力。请记住与IT部门或您公司中负责数字化转型的人交谈,以确保他们站在您这边,并确保您听取他们的建议。 如果根本没有钱,或者没有足够的计划,请记住,您可以尝试与供应商进行谈判。你也许可以通过利用更多业务的潜力来降低价格,无论是与你的品牌、你的业务部门,还是与业务的另一部分,这就是他们的脚步。或者要求免费试用,以换取您的电话号码、您在行业会议上参与白皮书和案例研究的介绍,以及您的详细反馈,以便他们能够改进和完善他们的产品和服务。这对你的公司、你的品牌和你自己的职业生涯也将是很好的 (免费) 宣传。不过,请确保为这项实验腾出一些时间: 这可能会花费您很少或根本没有现金,但这将花费您一些时间。 关于社交媒体的注释 在关注数字营销时,不可能不提及社交媒体。街区上有一些较新的孩子,例如Twitch和Discord,这可能有助于与目标消费者建立更真实的联系。但总的来说,除非你是一个数字原生品牌,否则最好留在原地,看看新的社交媒体网站,阅读几篇关于它们的文章,确保有一些监控,然后继续前进,让其他人尝试测试它们。一旦清楚了哪些人幸存下来,你就可以决定是否值得你花时间投资于创建一个账户、广告或在这些账户上进行互动。 然而,你确实需要有某种形式的存在,并且肯定会监控强大的媒体渠道: Facebook、YouTube、Instagram、Pinterest、TikTok和Twitter。 人工智能、NFT和metaverse是2023年数字营销人员最显著和最相关的创新。不过,最重要的一点是不要被技术炒作蒙蔽。这些只是达到你的营销目标的工具,如果你想让它们产生好的结果,你需要清楚你的目标,确保它与你的组织的目标保持一致,并提供一份简短的报告。记住缩写GIGO (垃圾输入,垃圾输出); 它经常用于数据科学,但在整个营销过程中同样有效: 简短的结果不佳。 宏观视角: 新型冠状病毒肺炎后果、经济形势和气候变化 在制定品牌计划时,您将专注于更广泛的宏观背景及其对品牌的影响。无论你是迈阿密的初创企业还是米兰的美食商店,你都会受到新型冠状病毒肺炎和当前经济衰退的影响,气候变化正在成为一个越来越令人担忧的问题。 由于COVID大流行而将发生的许多重大变化还为时过早,无法发现,就像第一次世界大战带来的社会转变在很长一段时间内发生的一样 (妇女的选举权及其在劳动力中的作用日益增强,“传统” 价值观的衰落等)。作为消费者的声音,您的任务是确定这些演变,这些演变最初可能会以非常低的水平表现出来。这里只有几个: 对卫生系统的巨大经济和人类压力,精神卫生危机,在家工作或混合形式的工作的兴起,全职父亲数量的增加,在线购物,在线学习和所有在线事物的发展,转向休闲工作服。 第二个巨大的宏观因素是通货膨胀和即将到来的衰退的风险。与往常一样,您的策略将取决于您的产品是强制性支出 (通常更关注价格) 还是可自由支配 (便利性和质量起着更重要的作用),以及您的目标市场是谁 (例如,富裕的婴儿潮一代与 “世代租金”)。然而,你可能需要调整你的产品,以给你的消费者更多的价值,无论是通过忠诚度和提供个性化,降低你的80-20的价格,调整产品配方或尺寸,以降低成本并保持价格不变 (尽管提防收缩后的反冲)。 但是,关键的错误是将您的沟通集中在价格上。请参阅此处进行研究,一般来说,就价格进行交流不是一个好主意。矛盾的是,您必须给消费者更多的价值,但不能在价格上进行沟通,在对人们的困难处境充耳不闻之间走钢丝,并通过提醒他们厌倦和厌倦的事情来推迟他们。当然,您需要注意球,并为经济衰退结束做好准备 (希望在2024年结束时)。营销不适合胆小者。 影响企业的另一个因素是可持续性。根据欧盟地球观测计划哥白尼的说法,2022是全球极端气候的一年,其中包括欧洲创纪录的温度。气候变化成为新闻,给消费者留下了印记,据报道,消费者对此越来越担心,他们声称可持续性是他们购物决策中越来越关键的因素。但是,消费者所说的话并不总是转化为他们所做的事情,尤其是在价格和价值权衡购物决策的情况下,如上所述。品牌的解决方案是在保持价格不变或仅小幅上涨的同时,加强其可持续性信誉和产品供应,从而满足消费者的心灵 (一个很好的例子是推出更便宜的洗手液充值,每卷价格,而不是购买标准瓶)。 案例: 草药精华的可持续发展运动 宝洁 (Procter & Gamble) 的AR运动推广其草药精华生物: renew range勾选了许多2023趋势,通过吸引AR内容来解决消费者当前对可持续性的重大担忧。 草药精华是一个护发品牌,其定位可以被描述为 “自然放纵”。它的配方90% 自然衍生的,植物学家认可的,真正的植物药得到了邱园皇家植物园的认可。它提供吸引人的香水,并承诺放纵的体验。bio:renew系列具有更高的可持续性元素,通过与Terracycle合作,通过使用由25% 沙滩塑料制成且可回收的瓶子,专门致力于减少塑料废物。该策略旨在吸引具有生态意识的消费者。 为了提高人们对新系列的认识,该品牌发起了一项基于增强现实产品包装的活动。用户下载草药精华AR体验应用程序,在商店或家里扫描限量版沙滩塑料瓶。随着AR体验的发展,用户看到塑料垃圾在增强的海岸上被冲刷,并被邀请滑动屏幕以帮助清洁海洋。他们还可以观看有关产品和塑料废物问题的信息视频。 宝洁 (Procter & Gamble) 的草药精华生物: 通过AR包装活动 (由Tactic Studio开发的应用程序和由Wikitude开发的AR technology),使人们对该系列对可持续性的承诺有了新的认识。 最后,当你专注于下半年2023年,明智地投资你的预算和时间,尤其是在过去几周或几个月里,你可能被要求用更少的钱做更多的事情。利用人工智能和ChatGPT、metaverse和社交媒体格局,以及由大流行、经济紧缩和可持续发展的紧迫理由引发或加速的社会变革的因素。

