Top Features to Look For in an Online Documentation Tool


2023-05-11 08:00 clickhelp


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Today, documentation is one of your company’s assets. It helps your customers understand how your product works or, putting it differently, enhances the usability of your product. This is why documentation should often combine seemingly opposite features. It should be both comprehensive and concise, visually appealing yet informative, neutral but also stylish (or even extravagant depending on your branding policy), provide access control and perfect searchability, etc. Although it may seem challenging to achieve this balance, these features are crucial for modern companies offering SaaS products. Learn how to choose an online documentation tool with the necessary features to create exceptional documentation that stands out. Key Considerations for Choosing an Online Documentation Tool The problem with choosing an online documentation tool (often called a help authoring tool or HAT) is that it is usually selected by a company manager rather than a technical writer. The manager typically considers pricing and the company budget but often has only a vague understanding of technical writing. The manager often chooses the tools without consulting the tech writing team or after conducting only a superficial survey of their needs. As a result, the company may end up subscribing to inconvenient or outdated tools, leading to dissatisfaction and disappointment. These feelings may manifest as daily questions like: “Why did they subscribe to this tool? Not the other one?” Or “I’ve been using the Conversationalist for ages. Why do I have to switch to SpeechMaker now? It’s so inconvenient!” The secret of choosing a documentation tool is to focus on the writer. A good HAT should make content creation easier and help writers work most efficiently resulting in better outcomes in less time. The following criteria will help you to evaluate different documentation tools: User-friendliness and Ease of Use. This is about convenience the tool gives your team of writers. It's essential to think about usability not just from the perspective of your customers but also your employees. Cost and Pricing Model. Budget issues are crucial. Usually, companies offer different billing details and subscription plans, so it's recommended to select an optimal plan that suits your team's needs. Don’t hesitate to start a trial period, as it can help you identify your writers' most pressing requirements. Customer Support and Training Resources are also vital factors that simplify users' lives. If any issue arises, users can address the customer support service or watch a training video available on the site. Security and Data Privacy. Security is important for those who still hesitate whether it is safe enough to store critical documents on a cloud platform. Make sure you know the relevant information concerning user permissions and access control. The factors listed above show the importance of choosing the right tool for your organization's needs. The right choice will help you streamline the company’s business processes and achieve the best results. Essential Features of an Online Documentation Tool Help authoring tools are different, but most HATs have the basic features described below. Customizable Templates. All HATs offer documentation templates that solve two problems: enhance the readability of your knowledge base and make your product more recognizable for the target audience. Design is what makes content more attractive. This is why online documentation tools offer users ready-made color scheme choices, fonts, and document layouts. This is a good alternative for hiring a designer. It is also a good solution for companies whose designers are overloaded with product design tasks and have no time to think of documentation design. The documentation templates offered by online documentation systems have a professional design focused mostly on the structure of user manuals. Customization is what makes them handy. Collaborative Editing and Commenting. Another feature offered by help authoring tools is the possibility of collaboration. Some years ago, the authorship of a technical document usually belonged to one person. Since then, the situation has changed. Companies issue multiple versions, revisions, and updates of documentation so frequently that one person is no longer enough. In the case of online documentation tools, collaboration of several authors working on one document simultaneously is a standard practice. Writers can also comment on the docs they are working on and solve issues in real-time. Version Control. Product features are not set in stone. They are flexible and may be adjusted or changed to satisfy the users’ needs. Adjustments of products result in adjustments to documentation. You need to explain to your customers what changes have been made in the new version of your product. This is where documentation updates come into play. These can be new versions of user manuals, product requirements documents (PRDs), software architecture documents (SADs), and more. Whatever it is, you need to review the old version to introduce new changes even if they are minimal. A good solution to this problem is single sourcing, which most online documentation systems are based on. It allows you to create various outputs based on the same content (initial version). Search Functionality. A powerful search tool is essential for every online documentation tool. It usually appears as a search tab at the top of the page. The more robust the search function is, the more customizable search parameters it offers. Our recommendation is to choose a documentation tool with customizable search settings, which will enable you to navigate your knowledge base more effectively. Multimedia Support is what makes documentation more attractive to users. Your documentation can incorporate videos, tutorials, links to other publications, and more. These are just a few basic benefits your business will get by subscribing to an online documentation system. Other Considerations for Online Documentation Tools Most systems offer additional features that can be helpful. They are not necessarily essential, but they will add functionality to your knowledge base management. Analytics and Reporting. Various metrics are needed to control the efficiency of your documentation. These metrics go beyond just readability, such as the well-known FOG index and others that help analyze text parameters like the length of sentences and the number of syllables in words. Metrics can also be used to check the success of your product release. For instance, metrics can measure the percentage of post-production defects, defect density, and more. These measuring tools can be integrated into an online documentation platform. Integration with other tools. The document managements system can be integrated with other tools, and many solutions can be used on one platform. The integration is usually implemented with the help of an SDK (software documentation kit) that contains instructions on how developers can add a new app to the existing platform. This is how documentation platforms acquire new features, such as the ability to make Zoom calls or make a task list on Todoist. The integration helps to avoid app-switching and save time. User Permissions and Access Control. Accessibility issue means that some of your documents are intended for internal use only, while others are for the general public. Some are for top managers only, and others can be accessed by business partners. Online documentation tools provide access control features that enable you to set permissions for users, segmenting your target audience and providing authorization to specific groups like customers, technical writers, stakeholders, and others. By controlling which group can access which documents, you ensure that sensitive information remains secure. To guarantee the security of your knowledge base, it's critical to implement popular security measures like two-factor authentication and HTTPS protocol. These safeguards protect both you and your customers, especially those who may have important information stored on your platform, from unauthorized access. ClickHelp – An Online Documentation Tool You Need ClickHelp is an online documentation system where content is based on the principles of content re-use and single sourcing. These two features imply that content is regarded as a multitude of text fragments. The fragments can be used like construction materials for creating new content. ClickHelp provides free customizable templates that can be used for different types of content, including dedicated solutions for API user manuals. Customizable means that if you need to adjust a ready-made template to match your corporate branding policy, ClickHelp offers many possibilities to adjust a ready-made template according to your needs. Collaborative editing and commenting is another feature available on ClickHelp. The platform will bring your teamwork to a new level. Using roles and permissions, you can assign different roles to the users (writer, reviewer, etc.). This will speed up the workflow. Each role has a set of permissions. For example, the reviewer role means that the person can only leave comments, but not make adjustments to the content. Like most leading documentation management systems, ClickHelp includes version control. All versions of a topic can be viewed, compared, and restored, you can also see who made the changes and when. The single sourcing techniques available in ClickHelp are based on content reuse and include content snippets, variables, conditional content blocks, conditional TOC, and output tags. Using all these, creating a new version of a manual will take a minimum amount of time. Moreover, single sourcing helps to upgrade each new version automatically as soon as the source element is changed. ClickHelp offers great search functionality. The search engine integrated into the platform allows the use of fuzzy search. It means that you may not remember the exact collocation you need to find. The search results will contain all similar phrases and expressions. Multimedia support should be mentioned as well. ClickHelp allows making your content more attractive to users by letting them insert tables, videos, images, graphs, and all sorts of visual representations of information. This means not only introducing the various means of visualization and infographics. It also means user-friendliness and enhanced user experience, as content becomes more interactive. Conclusion Creating online documentation for your SaaS product is much more than just a daily routine. The process can be incredibly rewarding, especially if you use online documentation tools. Choosing the right online documentation system can significantly impact how effectively you can leverage your company’s knowledge base. A well-chosen documentation tool will make the writers’ job easier and speed up the content creation process. Rather than being an information silo, your documentation will become a valuable asset that offers significant benefits to your organization. Good luck with your technical writing! ClickHelp Team Author, host and deliver documentation across platforms and devices
今天,文档是贵公司的资产之一。它可以帮助您的客户了解您的产品是如何工作的,或者以不同的方式,增强产品的可用性。这就是为什么文档应该经常结合看似相反的功能。 它应该既全面又简洁,视觉上吸引人,但内容丰富,中性但又时尚 (甚至取决于您的品牌政策),提供访问控制和完美的可搜索性等。 尽管实现这种平衡似乎具有挑战性,但这些功能对于提供SaaS产品的现代公司至关重要。了解如何选择具有必要功能的在线文档工具,以创建出色的文档。 选择在线文档工具的主要考虑因素 选择在线文档工具 (通常称为帮助创作工具或HAT) 的问题在于,它通常是由公司经理而不是技术作家选择的。经理通常会考虑定价和公司预算,但通常对技术写作只有模糊的理解。 经理通常在不咨询技术写作团队或仅对他们的需求进行表面调查的情况下选择工具。因此,该公司最终可能会订阅不便或过时的工具,从而导致不满和失望。这些感觉可能表现为日常问题,例如: “他们为什么订阅这个工具?不是另一个?”或“ 我已经使用对话主义者已有很长时间了。为什么我现在必须切换到speakchmaker?太不方便了!” 选择文档工具的秘诀是专注于作者。一顶好帽子应该使内容创作更容易,并帮助作家最有效地工作,从而在更短的时间内获得更好的结果。 以下标准将帮助您评估不同的文档工具: 用户友好性和易用性。这是关于方便工具给你的作家团队。不仅要从客户的角度,还要从员工的角度考虑可用性,这一点至关重要。 成本和定价模型。预算问题至关重要。通常,公司会提供不同的计费详细信息和订阅计划,因此建议选择适合您团队需求的最佳计划。不要犹豫,开始试用期,因为它可以帮助您确定作家最紧迫的要求。 客户支持和培训资源也是简化用户生活的重要因素。如果出现任何问题,用户可以解决客户支持服务或观看网站上提供的培训视频。 安全和数据隐私。对于那些仍然犹豫是否足够安全将关键文档存储在云平台上的人来说,安全性很重要。确保您知道有关用户权限和访问控制的相关信息。 上面列出的因素表明了为您的组织的需求选择合适的工具的重要性。正确的选择将帮助您简化公司的业务流程并达到最佳效果。 在线文档工具的基本功能 帮助创作工具有所不同,但是大多数帽子都具有以下描述的基本功能。 可定制的模板。所有帽子都提供了解决两个问题的文档模板: 增强知识库的可读性,并使您的产品对目标受众更容易识别。 设计使内容更具吸引力。这就是为什么在线文档工具为用户提供现成的配色方案选择,字体和文档布局的原因。这是聘请设计师的好选择。对于那些设计人员超负荷的产品设计任务,没有时间考虑文档设计的公司来说,这也是一个很好的解决方案。 在线文档系统提供的文档模板具有专业设计,主要针对用户手册的结构。定制是它们方便的原因。 协作编辑和评论。帮助创作工具提供的另一个功能是协作的可能性。 几年前,技术文档的作者通常属于一个人。此后,情况发生了变化。公司发布多个版本,修订和文档更新的频率如此之高,以至于一个人已经不够用了。 对于在线文档工具,标准做法是同时处理一个文档的多位作者的协作。作者还可以对他们正在处理的文档进行评论,并实时解决问题。 版本控制。产品功能不是一成不变的。它们是灵活的,可以调整或更改以满足用户的需求。产品的调整导致文档的调整。您需要向您的客户解释您的产品的新版本进行了哪些更改。 这就是文档更新发挥作用的地方。这些可以是新版本的用户手册、产品需求文档 (prd) 、软件体系结构文档 (SADs) 等等。无论是什么,您都需要查看旧版本以引入新的更改,即使它们很小。 解决此问题的一个很好的方法是单一采购,大多数在线文档系统都基于这种采购。它允许您根据相同的内容 (初始版本) 创建各种输出。 搜索功能。强大的搜索工具对于每个在线文档工具都是必不可少的。它通常作为搜索标签出现在页面顶部。搜索功能越健壮,它提供的可定制搜索参数就越多。 我们的建议是选择具有可自定义搜索设置的文档工具,这将使您能够更有效地浏览知识库。 多媒体支持使文档对用户更具吸引力。您的文档可以包含视频、教程、其他出版物的链接等等。 这些只是您的企业通过订阅在线文档系统将获得的一些基本好处。 在线文档工具的其他注意事项 大多数系统都提供了可能有用的附加功能。它们不一定是必不可少的,但它们会为您的知识库管理添加功能。 分析和报告。需要各种度量来控制文档的效率。这些指标不仅仅是可读性,比如众所周知的雾指数 (FOG index) 和其他有助于分析文本参数的指标,比如句子的长度和单词中音节的数量。 指标也可以用来检查产品发布的成功与否。例如,度量可以测量后期生产缺陷的百分比、缺陷密度等。这些测量工具可以集成到在线文档平台中。 与其他工具的集成。文档管理系统可以与其他工具集成,并且可以在一个平台上使用许多解决方案。通常在SDK (软件文档工具包) 的帮助下实现集成,该SDK包含有关开发人员如何将新应用程序添加到现有平台的说明。 这就是文档平台获得新功能的方式,例如可以进行缩放调用或在Todoist上列出任务列表。集成有助于避免应用程序切换并节省时间。 用户权限和访问控制。可访问性问题意味着您的某些文档仅供内部使用,而其他文档则供公众使用。有些仅适用于高层管理人员,而另一些则可以由业务合作伙伴访问。 在线文档工具提供访问控制功能,使您能够为用户设置权限,细分目标受众,并向特定群体 (如客户、技术撰稿人、利益相关者和其他人) 提供授权。通过控制哪个组可以访问哪些文档,您可以确保敏感信息保持安全。 为了保证知识库的安全性,实施流行的安全措施 (如双因素身份验证和HTTPS协议) 至关重要。这些保护措施保护您和您的客户,尤其是那些可能在您的平台上存储重要信息的客户,免受未经授权的访问。 点击帮助-您需要的在线文档工具 ClickHelp是一个在线文档系统,其中内容基于内容重用和单一来源的原则。这两个特征意味着内容被视为众多文本片段。这些片段可以像建筑材料一样用于创建新内容。 ClickHelp提供免费的可自定义模板,可用于不同类型的内容,包括API用户手册的专用解决方案。 可定制意味着,如果您需要调整现成的模板以匹配您的公司品牌政策,ClickHelp提供了许多根据您的需求调整现成的模板的可能性。 协作编辑和评论是ClickHelp上的另一个功能。该平台将使您的团队合作达到一个新的水平。使用角色和权限,您可以为用户 (作家,审阅者等) 分配不同的角色。这将加快工作流程。每个角色都有一组权限。例如,审阅者角色意味着该人只能留下评论,而不能对内容进行调整。 像大多数领先的文档管理系统一样,ClickHelp包括版本控制。可以查看,比较和还原主题的所有版本,还可以查看谁进行了更改以及何时进行更改。 ClickHelp中提供的单一采购技术基于内容重用,包括内容片段、变量、条件内容块、条件TOC和输出标签。使用所有这些,创建手册的新版本将花费最少的时间。此外,单一来源有助于在更改源元素后自动升级每个新版本。 点击帮助提供了很好的搜索功能。集成到平台中的搜索引擎允许使用模糊搜索。这意味着您可能不记得需要找到的确切搭配。搜索结果将包含所有相似的短语和表达。 多媒体支持也应该提到。ClickHelp允许用户插入表格、视频、图像、图形和各种信息的视觉表示,从而使您的内容对用户更具吸引力。这不仅意味着引入可视化和信息图表的各种方法。随着内容变得更具交互性,这也意味着用户友好性和增强的用户体验。 结论 为您的SaaS产品创建在线文档不仅仅是日常工作。这个过程可能会带来令人难以置信的回报,特别是如果你使用在线文档工具。 选择合适的在线文档系统会极大地影响您如何有效利用公司的知识库。精心选择的文档工具将使作家的工作更加轻松,并加快内容创建过程。您的文档将成为宝贵的资产,为您的组织带来巨大的好处,而不是信息孤岛。 祝你的技术写作好运! 点击帮助团队 跨平台和设备编写、托管和交付文档

