Chinese Data Privacy and Legal Translation Services


2023-04-03 21:00 lionbridge


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Chinese Data Privacy Law’s Arduous Requirements Companies with business interests in China or who regularly use legal translation services should take note: as of March 1st, 2023, the grace period for the Personal Information Protection Law (PIPL) officially ended. Though the law was initially enacted on November 1st, 2021, China permitted a grace period for companies to achieve compliance. PIPL is a data privacy law similar to Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) law. The law creates restrictions and requirements for companies transferring data outside China. Processors of “personal information” (as defined by the law) must: Gain informed consent from data subjects Perform a PI protection impact assessment Fulfill one of three requirements: Complete a CAC (Cyberspace Administration of China) security assessment Obtain a CAC-approved certification from specified professional institutions Enter into data transfer agreements consistent with the CAC agreement template with all overseas data recipients Complete a CAC (Cyberspace Administration of China) security assessment Obtain a CAC-approved certification from specified professional institutions Enter into data transfer agreements consistent with the CAC agreement template with all overseas data recipients Many comparisons suggest PIPL is notably more stringent than its European counterpart for a few reasons. Firstly, it offers fewer sanctioned transfer mechanisms for personal information to another country or international organization. Secondly, PIPL imposes cross-border data transfer restrictions depending on the status of the organization transferring data. Statuses are based on how much information is processed and whether organizations operate critical information infrastructure. Consequences and Compliance Challenges Noncompliance with PIPL will be painful and costly for companies and their lawyers. The Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) announced these penalties: Fines of up to RMB 50 million (around $7 million USD) 5% of the most recent company annual revenue Forfeiture of illegal gains Suspension of business operations Revocation of business licenses Fines for individuals directly responsible/involved in the violation up to RMB 1 million (approximately $143,833 USD) Potential criminal liability for more serious violations Disclosure of violations on credit records and publicly Companies and their legal counsel should note the grace period ended on March 1st, 2023. Obtaining approval from the CAC to transfer data from China hasn’t been a popular route for businesses. Organizations that applied for approval have been largely unsuccessful. As of February 22nd, 2022, only two companies obtained formal authorization to transfer data outside China from the CAC. Lionbridge’s Legal Translation Services Solutions Companies (and their legal counsel) needing to transfer data in a manner subject to PIPL should consider working with Lionbridge. With our offices in China, deep network of linguistic experts, expertise in legal document translation and certified translation, and cutting-edge technology, we can customize solutions for companies and their lawyers. Our clients rely on our innovative workflows and highly skilled linguists to handle complex legal translations — all within China. Data will never have to be exported from the country. This approach allows our clients to avoid triggering the labor-intensive compliance requirements of PIPL. Lionbridge’s legal translation service experts can customize solutions to meet deadlines and security needs. We have decades of experience protecting our clients’ sensitive information and meeting tight timelines for court dates, compliance requirements, etc. Lionbridge also has technology and workflows to provide language support for a high volume of documents and other materials. Get in touch. Need assistance supporting your clients this year? Lionbridge offers fast, reliable, top-tier legal translation and legal interpretation services. You can rely on our 25-plus years of experience, deep legal and language expert network, and innovative technology. We’re experienced in providing translation services for litigation, investigations, arbitration, e-Discovery, and more. Contact us today.
中国数据隐私权法的苛刻要求 在中国有商业利益或经常使用法律翻译服务的公司应该注意:自2023年3月1日起,个人信息保护法(PIPL)的宽限期正式结束。尽管该法律最初于2021年11月1日颁布,但中国允许公司有一段宽限期来实现合规。PIPL是一部数据隐私法,类似于欧洲的一般数据保护条例(GDPR)法。该法律对将数据转移到中国境外的公司提出了限制和要求。“个人信息”(根据法律定义)的处理者必须: 取得资料当事人的知情同意 执行PI保护影响评估 满足以下三项要求之一: 完成CAC(中国网络空间管理局)安全评估 从指定专业机构取得CAC认可的证书 与所有海外数据接收方签订符合CAC协议模板的数据传输协议 完成CAC(中国网络空间管理局)安全评估 从指定专业机构取得CAC认可的证书 与所有海外数据接收方签订符合CAC协议模板的数据传输协议 许多比较表明,PIPL明显比欧洲同行更严格,原因有几个。首先,它为向另一个国家或国际组织传输个人信息提供了较少的认可机制。其次,PIPL根据传输数据的组织的地位实施跨境数据传输限制。状态基于处理的信息量以及组织是否运营关键信息基础设施。 后果和遵约挑战 对公司及其律师来说,不遵守PIPL协议将是痛苦和昂贵的。中国网络空间管理局(CAC)宣布了以下处罚措施: 最高罚款5000万元人民币(约合700万美元) 公司最近年收入的5% 没收非法收益 暂停营业 吊销营业执照 对直接负责/参与违规行为的个人处以最高100万元人民币(约143,833美元)的罚款 更严重违法行为的潜在刑事责任 披露违反信用记录和公开 公司及其法律顾问应注意宽限期于2023年3月1日结束。获得CAC的批准从中国传输数据对企业来说并不是一个受欢迎的途径。申请批准的组织大多不成功。截至2022年2月22日,只有两家公司从CAC获得了将数据转移到中国境外的正式授权。 Lionbridge法律翻译服务解决方案 需要以受PIPL约束的方式传输数据的公司(及其法律顾问)应考虑与Lionbridge合作。凭借我们在中国的办事处、深厚的语言专家网络、法律文件翻译和认证翻译方面的专业知识以及尖端技术,我们可以为公司及其律师定制解决方案。我们的客户依靠我们创新的工作流程和高技能的语言学家来处理复杂的法律翻译——所有这些都在中国境内。数据将永远不必从该国导出。这种方法使我们的客户能够避免触发PIPL劳动密集型的合规要求。Lionbridge的法律翻译服务专家可以定制解决方案,以满足截止日期和安全需求。我们在保护客户敏感信息和满足开庭日期、合规要求等紧迫时间表方面拥有数十年的经验。Lionbridge还拥有为大量文档和其他材料提供语言支持的技术和工作流程。 保持联系。 今年需要帮助支持您的客户吗?Lionbridge提供快速、可靠、顶级的法律翻译和法律口译服务。您可以依靠我们25年以上的经验、深厚的法律和语言专家网络以及创新技术。我们在为诉讼、调查、仲裁、电子发现等提供翻译服务方面经验丰富。立即联系我们。

