New Impact Story: ParlaMint - A Tool for Democracy

新的影响故事: ParlaMint-民主工具

2023-01-24 03:00 CLARIN


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Public discourse, the language we use in our exchanges with each other, in the media and in political debates, shapes and guides how we view the world. Dario Del Fante and Virginia Zorzi explore the public discourse on migration and migrants, using, among others, CLARIN’s ParlaMint dataset as a resource. Looking at parliamentary debates as well as news articles, the researchers set out to analyse how migration and migrants were referred to during the so-called migration crisis (2015/16) and the advent of COVID-19 (2020) in two countries – Italy and the UK – and show how this may impact public opinion on the topic.
公共话语是我们在彼此交流,媒体和政治辩论中使用的语言,它塑造并指导了我们如何看待世界。Dario Del Fante和Virginia Zorzi使用CLARIN的ParlaMint数据集作为资源,探索了有关移民和移民的公开讨论。看看议会辩论和新闻文章,研究人员着手分析在所谓的移民危机 (2015/16) 和新型冠状病毒肺炎 (2020) 在两个国家 (意大利和英国) 出现期间如何提及移民和移民,并展示这可能如何影响公众舆论。

