6 Reasons Why You Need Finance Translation Services


2022-12-03 05:25 Lilt


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More and more consumers are taking their financial business online. The rapidly increasing use of digital channels for financial services and products has opened up the global market for businesses in the financial sector. That said, global businesses now face the challenge of creating fintech that’s accessible for consumers of all languages. Building trust with local audiences is one of the most important priorities for global financial services and products. In order to do so, translation must be culturally sensitive and adhere to regional regulations and local financial terminology. Consumers expect a seamless customer experience in their native language to support transparency and credibility. That said, effective communication with customers maximizes comfort and confidence in a company’s products and services. What is Finance Translation? Finance translation is any translation that is specific to financial documents such as audits, insurance policies, or real estate contracts. It also includes translating any customer touchpoints for financial services or products such as websites, apps, and customer service. Global businesses operating in the financial sector (banks, real estate companies, investment companies, etc) need to ensure that their communications are understood by everyone involved in a transaction. That means translation that considers regional financial terminology and local regulatory differences. Another area of finance translation is between a company and its customers. As digital channels for banking and financial transactions grow, it's more necessary than ever for companies to localize their financial content to support a positive customer experience. Customer trust is key in the financial industry, and most customers are far more confident when content is translated into their own language. However, all global enterprises need finance translation to some extent. Any company that is conducting a financial transaction across borders must ensure the accuracy of documents and processes in the languages of all partners. Finance translation can ensure clarity and decrease the likelihood of errors and miscommunication. 6 Reasons Why Finance Translation is Key to Staying Competitive 1. Build Trust and Confidence in Your Brand The key to a successful financial brand is trust. When you communicate with customers in their native language, you build confidence that your company is “on their side”. In fact, 93% of professionals believe that localization is a differentiator when trying to find and retain customers. This is especially important in the financial services industry, when customers want to know exactly what is happening to their money. 2. Create User-friendly Online Experiences Today, more and more financial transactions take place online. Outstanding finance translation makes apps, platforms, and interfaces accessible to every customer regardless of language. Positive customer experience equates to customer loyalty and retention. 3. Allow Customers to Understand Finance Problems Language transparency helps customers understand contracts, products, and services and avoid misunderstanding fees and fine print. When banking problems arise, localized language support can help customers navigate through complications without losing trust in your brand. 4. Grow Your Business with a Global Customer Base Language shouldn’t be a barrier between you and a global customer base. Proper finance translation means you can take your business anywhere in the world and ensure a seamless customer experience. 5. Communicate with Global Investors and Stakeholders Global enterprises frequently work with investment partners and stakeholders from all over the world. Accurate translation of financial documents such as annual reports and income audits guarantees understanding and avoids confusion. 6. Ensure Compliance with Local Laws and Regulations Financial laws vary from country to country and region to region. Effective finance translation safeguards compliance and makes sure all partners understand local regulations. Types of Content to Localize Mobile Applications Consumers report a 10% YOY increase in their use of fintech apps — and that’s only going to grow. Creating a localized app supports a user-friendly experience for your global customer base, which means they’re more likely to trust your product. Websites/Knowledge Bases Building a localized website helps customers feel confident in your financial services. In fact, 87% of customers won’t buy from an English-only website. Localizing your website means you can appeal to customers, partners, and prospects in every region. Customer Support/Live Chats Customer service is one of the most important channels for building connections with your consumer base. Finance translation allows customer service representatives using scripts and information templates to clearly communicate with customers. It also ensures accurate use of financial terminology from region to region. From chatbots to FAQs, finance translation optimizes every customer interaction when they need answers. Documents Because the financial industry is highly regulated, the accurate translation of financial documents is imperative for legal compliance and to guarantee all partners involved in a transaction clearly understand all content. Financially and linguistically accurate translations of the following documents are crucial for many global enterprises: • Disclosures• Contracts• Documents provided by foreign customers that are in non-English languages• Request for proposals (RFPs)• Regulatory/compliance documentation 4 Key Features to to Look for in a Finance Translation Service Automation Automation maximizes efficiency by reducing manual tasks. Repetitive work is cut out, allowing your team to focus on higher value tasks and reducing the chance for error. A single misplaced decimal point in a currency can irrevocably break your customers’ trust and cost your brand significant time and money and time to repair. Automated QA checks proofread your localized content to ensure brand consistency and correct use of financial terms, grammar, spelling, currencies, and more. This frees your team and linguists from needing to manually proofread and review every translation, reducing the number of errors you’d need to correct. Translation Memories (TM) and TM Leverage create a database of previously translated terms, maximizing the efficiency of the localization process. Because TMs build a database of localized financial terminology, it reduces the likelihood of inaccurate term usage. The more TMs leveraged, the better the machine is able to predict accurate translations without the interference of a human translator. Changing regulations and updated financial processes mean financial terminology is always evolving. Automated termbases let you update terminology quickly and have it apply immediately across content. Connectors and Integrations Working with a finance translation service that easily integrates with the systems you already use enhances efficiency and expedites deadlines. CMS, TMS, and code repository Connectors support workflow by allowing you to directly share content that needs translation. Once translated, the new localized content should automatically return to your system for easy review and publishing. Skilled, Subject Matter Expert Linguists and Translators (in Finance) Finance is a language all its own, with regulations and terminology that vary widely from region to region. In order to create legally and linguistically accurate translations, you need a finance translation service that utilizes linguistic experts who also know the financial industry. Your finance translation partner should have access to translators who are experts in each financial field, whether that be real estate, banking, or investing. Data Security Data security is even more crucial when it comes to financial documents and content. Data privacy and top-notch encryption services should come first with any finance translation services partner you choose. In addition, automatic data back-ups and data ownership mean your financial information stays safe and stays with you. Conclusion If your business is in the financial sector or is expanding into the global market, finance translation services can ensure a seamless experience for your customers. In addition, it ensures alignment with stakeholders and investment partners, creating the mutual confidence you need to do business.
越来越多的消费者在网上办理金融业务。数字渠道在金融服务和产品方面的使用迅速增加,为金融领域的企业打开了全球市场。也就是说,全球企业现在面临的挑战是,要为所有语言的消费者创造可访问的金融科技。 与当地受众建立信任是全球金融服务和产品最重要的优先事项之一。为此,翻译必须具有文化敏感性,并遵守地区法规与当地金融术语.消费者希望以其母语提供无缝的客户体验,以支持透明度和可信度。也就是说,与客户进行有效的沟通可以最大限度地提高客户对公司产品和服务的满意度和信心。 什么是财务翻译? 财务翻译是任何特定于财务文件的翻译,如审计、保险单或房地产合同。它还包括翻译金融服务或产品(如网站、应用程序和客户服务)的任何客户接触点。 在金融领域运营的全球企业(银行、房地产公司、投资公司等)需要确保交易中涉及的每个人都能理解他们的通信。这意味着翻译要考虑到地区金融术语和当地监管差异。 财务翻译的另一个领域是公司和客户之间的翻译。随着银行和金融交易的数字渠道的增长,公司将其金融内容本地化以支持积极的客户体验比以往任何时候都更有必要。客户信任是金融行业的关键,当内容被翻译成他们自己的语言时,大多数客户的信心要大得多。 然而,所有的全球性企业都在一定程度上需要财务翻译。任何进行跨境金融交易的公司都必须确保以所有合作伙伴的语言编写的文件和流程的准确性。财务翻译可以确保清晰,减少错误和沟通不畅的可能性。 金融翻译对保持竞争力至关重要的6个原因 1.建立对品牌的信任和信心 成功的金融品牌的关键是信任。当你用客户的母语与他们交流时,你会建立起你的公司是“站在他们一边”的信心。事实上,93%的专业人士认为,在寻找和留住客户时,本地化是一个差异化因素。这在金融服务行业尤其重要,因为客户想知道他们的钱到底发生了什么。 2.创建用户友好的在线体验 如今,越来越多的金融交易在网上进行。出色的财务翻译使应用程序、平台和界面可供所有客户访问,而不受语言限制。积极的客户体验等同于客户忠诚度和保留。 3.让客户了解财务问题 语言透明性有助于客户理解合同、产品和服务,避免误解费用和细则。当银行业务出现问题时,本地化语言支持可帮助客户解决复杂问题,而不会失去对您品牌的信任。 4.借助全球客户群发展业务 语言不应成为您与全球客户群之间的障碍。正确的财务翻译意味着您可以将业务带到世界任何地方,并确保无缝的客户体验。 5.与全球投资者和利益相关者沟通 全球企业经常与来自世界各地的投资伙伴和利益相关者合作。准确的财务文件翻译,如年度报告和收入审计保证理解和避免混淆。 6.确保遵守当地法律法规 金融法律因国家和地区而异。有效的财务翻译可确保合规性,并确保所有合作伙伴了解当地法规。 要本地化的内容类型 移动应用程序 消费者报告称,他们对金融科技应用程序的使用同比增长了10%,而且这一数字只会继续增长。创建一个本地化的应用程序可以为你的全球客户群提供用户友好的体验,这意味着他们更有可能信任你的产品。 网站/知识库 建立本地化的网站可帮助客户对您的金融服务充满信心。事实上,87%的客户不会从纯英文网站购买。本地化您的网站意味着您可以吸引每个地区的客户、合作伙伴和潜在客户。 客户支持/实时聊天 客户服务是与消费者建立联系的最重要的渠道之一。财务翻译允许客户服务代表使用脚本和信息模板与客户清晰地沟通。它还确保在不同地区准确使用金融术语。从聊天机器人到常见问题解答,金融翻译在客户需要答案时优化他们的每一次互动。 文件 由于金融行业受到高度监管,准确的金融文件翻译对于法律合规和保证参与交易的所有合作伙伴清楚地理解所有内容是必不可少的。以下文件在财务和语言上的准确翻译对许多全球企业至关重要: ·披露·合同·外国客户提供的非英语文档·征求建议书(RFP)·监管/合规性文档 金融翻译服务的4个主要特点 自动化 自动化通过减少手动任务来最大限度地提高效率。重复性工作被削减,使您的团队能够专注于更高价值的任务,并减少出错的机会。 货币中的一个小数点放错了位置,就可能无法挽回地破坏客户的信任,并使您的品牌付出巨大的时间和金钱代价, 是时候修补了。自动QA检查校对您的本地化内容,以确保品牌一致性和正确使用金融术语、语法、拼写、货币等。这使您的团队和语言学家无需手动校对和审查每一个翻译,减少了您需要纠正的错误数量。 翻译记忆(TM)和TM杠杆创建一个以前翻译的术语数据库,最大限度地提高本地化过程的效率。由于tm构建了本地化金融术语的数据库,因此它降低了术语使用不准确的可能性。使用的tm越多,机器就越能在没有人工翻译干扰的情况下预测准确的翻译。 不断变化的法规和更新的财务流程意味着财务术语始终在不断发展。自动化术语库可让您快速更新术语,并立即将其应用于所有内容。 连接器和集成 使用易于与您已经使用的系统集成的金融翻译服务可以提高效率并加快截止日期。CMS、TMS和代码存储库连接器通过允许您直接共享需要翻译的内容来支持工作流。翻译完成后,新的本地化内容应该自动返回到您的系统,以便于审查和发布。 熟练的语言专家和翻译(金融领域) 金融是一门自成一体的语言,各个地区的规定和术语都有很大差异。为了创建合法和语言上准确的翻译,您需要一个金融翻译服务,利用语言专家也了解金融行业。您的金融翻译伙伴应该能够接触到各个金融领域(无论是房地产、银行还是投资)的专家。 数据安全性 对于财务文档和内容,数据安全性更为重要。您选择的任何金融翻译服务合作伙伴都应首先考虑数据隐私和一流的加密服务。此外,自动数据备份和数据所有权意味着您的财务信息始终安全可靠。 结语 如果您的业务是金融行业或正在向全球市场扩张,金融翻译服务可以确保为您的客户提供无缝的体验。此外,它还确保与利益相关者和投资伙伴保持一致,建立开展业务所需的相互信心。

