GALA Champion Marcus Danei


2022-09-19 16:50 GALA


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In this series of interviews, GALA members share their insights on the pursuit of globalization & localization brilliance. Today’s GALA Champion is: Marcus Danei, Product Manager Language Technologies at SAP Sign up here for our newsletter on globalization and localization matters. What’s in a Job Title I try to support every initiative and investment case that helps to position intelligent business process automation and multilinguality as a condition sine qua non in business software development Starting out While at Berlitz GlobalNet Sindelfingen, I was in a role with responsibility for intracompany business, automotive and manufacturing, which gave me the opportunity to participate in my first conferences (tekom). Where GALA Fits In I was working in SAP’s localization business partner management team, where we followed a strategy of working with single language vendors rather than the bigger one-stop-shop agencies. GALA was THE place to exchange with our partners, learn from them and expand SAP’s business partner network. And I love the yearly conference – it’s such a great place to meet people and get new insights! Why join GALA? Take a look at the member benefits. Accomplishments I was very proud that we managed to get the localization topic into the spotlight when the SAP Translation Hub was included in SAP’s CEO keynote at TechEd in Las Vegas. I’m equally very proud that we’ve proven that the process-driven approach for application development works in practice – our implementation for the complex business process architecture in SAP’s language production was the first to do so on a large scale! Career-building Tips I’ve always been driven by my curiosity and passion, that’s been my guiding light more than any piece of advice. Networking Tips & Techniques Be authentic. My Brilliant Second Career If I didn't work in the language industry (and money wasn't a factor), I think I’d start by traveling the world and trying to experience and learn from as many different cultures as possible Life Beyond Localization I love to play the guitar in my spare time, particularly old hippy rock – though sadly the hairstyle to match is out of my reach these days! We’re always on the lookout for informative, useful and well-researched content relative to our industry. Write to us.
在这一系列访谈中,GALA成员分享了他们对追求全球化和本地化辉煌的见解。今天的联欢晚会冠军是: 马库斯·达内,SAP语言技术产品经理 在这里注册我们关于全球化和本地化问题的时事通讯。 职称里有什么 我尝试支持所有有助于将智能业务流程自动化和多语言定位为业务软件开发必要条件的计划和投资案例 开始 在Berlitz GlobalNet Sindelfingen期间,我负责公司内部业务,汽车和制造业,这使我有机会参加我的第一次会议 (tekom)。 GALA适合的地方 我在SAP的本地化业务合作伙伴管理团队工作,在那里我们遵循与单一语言供应商而不是更大的一站式代理机构合作的策略。GALA是与我们的合作伙伴交流,向他们学习并扩展SAP业务合作伙伴网络的地方。而且我喜欢年度会议-这是结识人们并获得新见解的好地方! 为什么要加入GALA?看看会员的福利。 成就 当SAP翻译中心被纳入SAP在拉斯维加斯TechEd的CEO主题演讲中时,我们设法使本地化主题成为人们关注的焦点,我感到非常自豪。我同样感到非常自豪的是,我们已经证明了应用程序开发的过程驱动方法在实践中是可行的 -- 我们在SAP的语言生产中实现复杂的业务流程架构是第一个大规模实现的! 职业发展技巧 我一直被我的好奇心和激情所驱使,这比任何建议都更重要。 网络技巧和技术 真实。 我辉煌的第二职业 如果我没有在语言行业工作 (金钱不是一个因素),我想我会从环游世界开始,尝试体验和学习尽可能多的不同文化 超越本地化的生活 我喜欢在业余时间弹吉他,尤其是老嬉皮士摇滚-尽管可悲的是,这些天我无法与之匹配的发型! 相对于我们的行业,我们一直在寻找信息丰富、有用和研究充分的内容。 给我们写信。

