Two literary translations shortlisted for $60,000 prize in Canada


2022-09-15 18:00 multilingual


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Two of the five titles shortlisted for this year’s Atwood Gibson Writers’ Trust Fiction Prize — a prestigious Canadian literary award encompassing a $60,000 prize — were translated from French to English. The books Manam by Rima Elkouri and Querelle of Roberval by Kevin Lambert were originally written in French by Quebecois writers — the Writer’s Trust of Canada has shortlisted their English translations for this year’s award. Each finalist will receive $5,000, however the winner of the award earns a grand prize of $60,000. The award is also a welcome prize for the literary translators who helped produce the English translations of the work — 25% of the monetary awards go to the translators if a translated work earns a prize or finalist spot. The Atwood Gibson Writers’ Trust Fiction Prize — named for Canadian writers Margaret Atwood and the late Graeme Gibson — recognizes the best novel published in Canada each year. If Elkouri or Lambert’s work win, it would be the first time a novel in translation won the award in the prize’s 25-year history. Translators Phyllis Aronoff and Howard Scott worked to translate Elkouri’s Manam, while Donald Winkler translated Lambert’s Querelle of Roberval. The three other works on the shortlist include Nicholas Herring’s Some Hellish, Darcy Tamayose’s Ezra’s Ghosts, and Saeed Teebi’s Her First Palestinian. Recently published data from the European Council of Literary Translators’ Associations found that experienced literary translators “hardly make a living.” Some literary translators commented on MultiLingual’s coverage of the survey acknowledging that for them, literary translation mostly serves as a side project in addition to other work, since it’s difficult to earn a living wage while focused solely on literary translation. While the situation varies from country to country, the pay isn’t great even in countries where literary translators tend to earn more: for example, an average literary translator working on a 200-page book in Iceland would typically earn around €7,000. With that in mind, receiving the Atwood Gibson Writers’ Trust Fiction Prize would be a particularly pivotal moment in a literary translator’s career, as the translators would receive a $15,000 award for their efforts.
今年阿特伍德吉布森作家信托小说奖(Atwood Gibson Writers 'Trust Fiction Prize)是一个享有盛誉的加拿大文学奖项,奖金为6万美元,入围的五部作品中有两部是从法语翻译成英语的。 Rima Elkouri的《Manam》和Kevin Lambert的《Querelle of Roberval》最初是魁北克作家用法语写的--加拿大作家信托基金会已经为今年的奖项列出了他们的英文译本。每位决赛选手将获得5,000美元,但获奖者将获得60000美元的大奖。该奖项也是一个受欢迎的奖项,为文学译者谁帮助生产的英文翻译的工作- 25%的货币奖励给译者,如果翻译的作品赢得了奖项或决赛席位。 阿特伍德·吉布森作家信任小说奖--以加拿大作家玛格丽特·阿特伍德和已故的格雷姆·吉布森命名--表彰每年在加拿大出版的最佳小说。如果埃尔库里或兰伯特的作品获奖,这将是该奖25年历史上第一次有翻译小说获奖。 翻译家菲利斯·阿罗诺夫和霍华德·斯科特翻译了埃尔库里的《玛娜姆》,而唐纳德·温克勒翻译了兰伯特的《罗贝瓦尔的奎雷尔》。入围的其他三部作品包括尼古拉斯·海岭的《地狱》、达西·塔玛约塞的《以斯拉的鬼魂》和赛义德·提比的《她的第一个巴勒斯坦人》。 欧洲文学翻译协会理事会最近公布的数据显示,有经验的文学翻译家几乎无法谋生。一些文学翻译家对MultiLingual的调查报告发表评论,承认对他们来说,文学翻译大多是其他工作之外的副业,因为如果只专注于文学翻译,很难挣到维持生计的工资。尽管各国情况不同,但即使在文学翻译收入较高的国家,报酬也不高:例如,在冰岛,一个翻译一本200页书的文学翻译员的平均收入通常在7000欧元左右。 考虑到这一点,获得阿特伍德吉布森作家信托小说奖将是文学翻译职业生涯中一个特别关键的时刻,因为翻译工作者将获得15,000美元的奖励。

