10 facts about the German language


2022-09-10 10:00 insight video interpreting


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Guten Tag! September 12th is German Language Day so we’ve put together some fun facts all about the German language… 1. 79 letter word German is famous for its excessively long words with the longest word being made up of 79 letters! Donaudampfschiffahrtselektrizitätenhauptbetriebswerkbauunterbeamtengesellschaft means “association of subordinate officials of the head office management of the Danube steamboat electrical services” (the name of a pre-war club in Vienna). It must be noted that this word is not really useful; it’s more of an attempt to lengthen the word Donaudampfschifffahrtsgesellschaftskapitän which means “Danube steamship company captain”. 2. 130 million people speak German as their Mother tongue or as a second language Approximately 130 million people speak German as their mother language, or as a second language. German is the most widely spoken mother language in the EU and is an official language in 7 countries. 3. German words have three genders In many Romance languages, nouns are either masculine or feminine, which has historically caused headaches for some language learners. German is even more complicated as it has a third gender known as neuter for words that are neither masculine nor feminine. 4. Time is counted with reference to the upcoming hour In German if someone tells you that it is halb drei (“half three”), you might assume that it’s 3:30. However, this is wrong because in German you report time by counting the minutes to the next hour, so “half three” means that it’s half an hour until three: in other words, it’s 2:30. 5. English and German share 60% of their vocabulary Due to their close relation, German and English share more than half of their vocabulary! In comparison, English and French share just 27% of their vocabulary. 6. The Gutenberg Bible The Gutenberg Bible was the first-ever printed book by movable type and it was written in German by Johannes Gutenberg in 1454. 7. Words that exist only in German Some German words don’t have an equivalent in other languages. For example, “fremdschämen” refers to shame felt on another person’s behalf. And “Fernweh” (having the travel bug, lusting after adventure) is the opposite of “Heimweh (homesickness). 8. All nouns are capitalised In English, only proper nouns like people’s names and the names of countries and cities are capitalised. In German, every single noun is capitalised. 9. German has a unique letter The German alphabet contains an extra consonant, ß, called “Eszett” representing the double-S. ß is unique among German consonants in that it is never found at the beginning of a word and it is not always interchangeable with the SS, for example, the German word masse and maße mean two different words (weight and size). 10. Some German speakers have trouble understanding one another Standard “textbook” German is what you’d hear spoken in the north-central area of Germany like Hamburg. This is where they speak the language that most closely follows the grammar and pronunciation rules taught in schools and most international German courses. But that’s not the dialect that all German speakers use, and some of them can even have difficulty understanding one another. For many German speakers, the dialect that’s most difficult to understand pronunciation-wise is in Bavaria. It has been said that when Bavarian movies are shown in the north or in other German-speaking countries, they’re often shown with subtitles! So there you have it, some fun facts about the German language. If you have any other interesting facts about German then please comment below!
你好!9月12日是德语日,所以我们收集了一些关于德语的有趣的事实。 1. 79个字母单词 德语以其超长的单词而闻名,最长的单词由79个字母组成!多瑙河汽船电气服务总公司下属官员协会(维也纳一个战前俱乐部的名称)。必须指出,这个词并不真正有用;它更多的是试图加长Donaudampfschifffahrtsgesellschaftskapitän这个词,意思是“多瑙河轮船公司的船长”。 2. 1.3亿人以德语为母语或第二语言 大约有1.3亿人将德语作为母语或第二语言。德语是欧盟使用最广泛的母语,是7个国家的官方语言。 3.德语单词有三种性别 在许多罗曼语中,名词要么是阳性的,要么是阴性的,这在历史上曾让一些语言学习者感到头疼。德语甚至更复杂,因为它有一个第三性别被称为中性的词,既不阳性也不阴性。 4.时间是以即将到来的一小时为基准计算的 在德语中,如果有人告诉你现在是halb drei(三分之二),你可能会认为现在是3:30。然而,这是错误的,因为在德语中,你是通过计算下一个小时的分钟数来报告时间的,所以half three意味着离三点还有半个小时:换句话说,现在是两点半。 5.英语和德语共有60%的词汇量 由于德语和英语的密切关系,它们的词汇量有一半以上是相同的!相比之下,英语和法语的词汇量只有27%。 6.古腾堡圣经 《古腾堡圣经》是第一本用活字印刷的书,由约翰内斯·古腾堡于1454年用德语写成。 7.仅存在于德语中的单词 有些德语单词在其他语言中没有对应词。例如,“fremdschämen”指的是为他人感到羞耻。而Fernweh(有旅行癖,渴望冒险)是Heimweh(思乡病)的对立面。 8.所有名词都大写 在英语中,只有人名、国名和城市名等专有名词是大写的。在德语中,每个名词都大写。 9.德语有一个独特的字母 德语字母表包含一个额外的辅音ß,称为Eszett,代表双S。ß在德语辅音中是独特的,因为它从不出现在一个单词的开头,并且它不总是与SS互换,例如,德语单词mass和maße意味着两个不同的单词(重量和大小)。 10.有些说德语的人彼此之间很难理解 标准德语是你在德国中北部地区,如汉堡,听到的语言。这是他们说的语言,最密切地遵循语法和发音规则所教的学校和大多数国际德语课程。但这并不是所有讲德语的人都使用的方言,有些人甚至很难相互理解。对许多说德语的人来说,巴伐利亚方言的发音最难理解。据说,巴伐利亚电影在北方或其他德语国家上映时,通常都是带字幕的! 所以你有它,一些有趣的事实,关于德语。如果你有关于德语的任何其他有趣的事实,那么请在下面评论!

