From Domestic to International UX Research: The Why, When and How


2022-07-18 20:00 Nimdzi Insights


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Article by Olivia Gerber Moron. Imagine this: you decide to expand your very successful and popular mobile cooking app to other markets across the globe. You want to reach a wider audience and maximize your return on investment. You start by contacting translators and localization experts to ensure your app’s content is accessible to audiences from different countries. But is that enough? Are customers from different cultural backgrounds going to interact with your product in the same ways as your local audience does? Will Chinese users navigate the app in the same way as Mexican users? Is it even worth investing internationally at all? You’re right to ask yourself such questions: simply localizing your app into multiple languages will not guarantee the same success across all the international markets you plan to expand into. Sometimes such a localization strategy will work just fine, but in other cases it will fail to create the same user engagement or to ensure your product or service is usable by the target audience. In our cooking app example, Spaniards don’t have the same culinary habits as residents in the Netherlands. They use different ingredients, have different recipes and mealtimes, and eat varying amounts of food at different meals. In fact, Spaniards have a late copious lunch, whereas Dutch people have an early light lunch and eat more at dinner. If these users fail to find what they need in the app, they’ll stop using it and will find a more appropriate option. Yet, there is something you can do to meet the users' needs and expectations of your target market and that is to resort to user experience (UX) research. UX research helps you understand your audience's behaviors, needs, motivations, pain points and opinions about the app through observation techniques and other feedback methodologies. This article will cover everything you need to know to make sure your product, service, or experience addresses the needs of users in each of the specific target markets you want to expand into. We will provide an overview of the key steps and stages of UX research before moving on to explain how to conduct UX research on an international scale. We’ll also discuss who needs to be involved in international UX research, how translators and localization experts can make for good UX researchers, if trained properly in research methodologies.
文章由奥利维亚格伯白痴。 想象一下:您决定将您非常成功和流行的移动烹饪应用程序扩展到全球其他市场。您希望接触到更广泛的受众并最大限度地提高投资回报。首先,您需要联系翻译人员和本地化专家,以确保来自不同国家/地区的受众都可以访问您的应用内容。但这就足够了吗?来自不同文化背景的客户与您的产品互动的方式是否与您当地的受众相同?中国用户是否会像墨西哥用户一样使用该应用?它是否值得进行国际投资? 你问自己这样的问题是对的:简单地将应用程序本地化为多种语言并不能保证在您计划扩展的所有国际市场上取得同样的成功。有时这样的本地化策略会很好,但在其他情况下,它将无法创建相同的用户参与或确保您的产品或服务是可用的目标受众。在我们的烹饪应用示例中,西班牙人的烹饪习惯与荷兰居民不同。他们使用不同的原料,有不同的食谱和用餐时间,并在不同的膳食吃不同数量的食物。事实上,西班牙人午餐吃得很晚,而荷兰人午餐吃得很早,晚餐吃得更多。如果这些用户在应用程序中找不到他们需要的东西,他们将停止使用它,并会找到一个更合适的选项。然而,你可以做一些事情来满足用户的需求和期望,你的目标市场,这是诉诸用户体验(UX)的研究。用户体验研究通过观察技巧和其他反馈方法,帮助您了解受众的行为、需求、动机、痛点以及对应用的看法。 本文将涵盖您需要了解的所有内容,以确保您的产品、服务或体验能够满足您希望扩展到的每个特定目标市场中用户的需求。我们将概述用户体验研究的关键步骤和阶段,然后继续解释如何在国际范围内进行用户体验研究。我们还将讨论谁需要参与国际UX研究,以及如果在研究方法方面接受过适当的培训,翻译人员和本地化专家如何成为优秀的UX研究人员。

