10 Essential E-Commerce and Retail Industry Trends


2022-07-01 15:00 lionbridge


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In an increasingly digital and connected world, keeping up to date on the latest e-commerce trends is essential to optimizing your online business. Lionbridge’s end-to-end B2C and B2B e-commerce services ensure that you can connect with consumers around the world, no matter what language they speak. Our expertise in localization and content creation and transformation means that you can meet customer expectations in any market. As you embark on or expand your global retail journey, discover our essential trends for e-commerce success. Cross Border Commerce Global e-commerce growth is slowing amid a backdrop of the pandemic, climate change, soaring inflation, and war. Despite these concerns, cross-border commerce is still experiencing dramatic growth — amounting to 13% growth year over year, according to a report from Juniper Research. More consumers than ever are buying from brands based in other countries: Consumers are expected to buy $1.9 trillion worth of goods in 2022 and $2.1 trillion in 2023. Thirty eight percent of online sales are also expected to be conducted across borders next year. Considering this growing trend, you may consider a cross-border strategy for several reasons, including: Your growth aspirations are larger than your borders There is demand for your good or service in new markets Your goods have a global appeal You are looking to gain efficiency You want to diversify risk Cross-border commerce does not require immediate investment in Direct to Consumer (DTC) strategies or finding retailers to work with. Marketplaces can serve as a great entry point into new markets to test the market. Social channels can provide a similar solution. How Lionbridge can help: As cross-border e-commerce accelerates, the opportunities to expand into new markets are greater than ever before. Lionbridge creates compelling local content that builds connections with global customers — regardless of their preferences, language, or nationality. Voice Search Over the past decade, phrases like “Okay Google” and “Hey Siri” have entered all of our lives. Voice search has revolutionized how we get information while multitasking or on the go, and the industry shows no sign of slowing down. 150 million smart speakers were sold in 2020, and 65% of 25–49-year-olds use a voice-enabled device at least once a day. Additionally, 30% of web browsing conducted in 2020 was screenless. This trend is in no small part driven by the rise of browsing from mobile devices. With over 4 billion unique mobile internet users around the world, voice search makes mobile browsing uniquely accessible to consumers who are driving or otherwise unable to look a screen. What does the rise of voice search mean for your e-commerce strategy? The good news is that a voice search strategy is a natural extension of SEO best practices. Keep these essential tips in mind: As you aim for position 0, create content that answers a question in the way most people interact with voice technology. For example, when trying to target consumers asking, “Where can I get the best deal on sunglasses near me?”, be sure to include “best deals on sunglasses” in your content. Smart speakers use a variety of search engines to answer questions. Make sure to optimize your content for multiple search engines instead of solely relying on Google. Most voice searches come in the form of a question. Focus on answer who, what, where, when, why, and how for the goods and services you are marketing. Conduct specific keyword research for voice search, including keywords, phrases, and fillers. Incorporate long-tail keywords as well. Get your technical SEO right. Ensure your site structure, navigation, schema, and sitemap are all set up properly. Leverage semantic search strategies in addition to keyword-driven strategies. Create topic clusters around topics users may want answers to. Focus on natural language based on in-market research. For example, consumers based in different parts of the world may prefer the word “sneakers” over “trainers,” or vice versa. Ensure your location information is optimized, and keep this information rich and up to date. How Lionbridge can help: Our voice experts can help you create dedicated in-market content to boost your rankings and discoverability, connecting you to more customers. Mobile Commerce Around 55% of all Internet traffic came from mobile devices in 2022. Mobile e-commerce sales make up a striking 72.9% of online purchases, and consumers may spend hours prior to a purchase conducting research on a phone or tablet. Therefore, mobile-optimized digital experiences are essential for online success. Brands need to adopt specific strategies for mobile access, including investing in mobile web design and mobile-specific SEO strategies. Prioritizing mobile approaches is particularly important around seasonal peaks when mobile shopping sees a dramatic increase. Mobile strategies are also crucial for other methods of user engagement, such as email campaigns and SMS marketing. When creating content, consideration of the medium in which the content will be consumed is essential for content creation and localization. Long form content can serve as an important content marketing tool, but consumers are increasingly expecting and responding to short form written, audio, and video content. How Lionbridge can help: Lionbridge’s translation, localization, and transcreation services ensure your content resonates, no matter in which language or on which device it is delivered. Additionally, our mobile app localization services accommodate the cultural and linguistic preferences of each of your target markets, giving your app a truly global reach. Video According to one study, companies that use video marketing grow 49% faster than those who don’t. 90% of customers say that product video helps them make buying decisions, and according to HubSpot, video is the top investment for B2B brands in 2022. Video content can help at every stage of the buyer journey, but be sure to conduct in-market research and discover local preferences in target markets. For example, in the U.S. and Germany, most customers prefer image-based ads to video-based ads. The video content arena is a highly fragmented space, consisting of YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, among other social media platforms. Therefore, it is necessary to create a strategy for multiple video channels. Many platforms now include commercial capabilities, driving engaged users directly to the online shopping cart. However, a successful video strategy isn’t all about conversion — delivering a great user experience is also critical in helping customers form a positive impression of your brand, which is essential for all stages of the buyer journey. Video content also provides many options to track and measure user engagement, making it easy to make data-driven decisions when it comes to how to best use video for B2B and B2C marketing. When creating video, consider subtitling, voiceover, and localization in the production process to boost your content reach. 85% of Facebook videos are watched without sound, highlighting the importance of delivering a strong user experience even without audio. Optimizing multimedia content is another essential component of your SEO strategy. On average, Internet users spend 88% more time on sites with video, and effective use of video increases your change of being ranked on the first page of Google by 53 times. How Lionbridge can help: Lionbridge offers end-to-end video translation, localization, and transcreation services. From locally relevant images to accurate subtitles and studio-quality audio and video production, we help you expand the reach and impact of your multimedia content. Customer Experience Providing a great customer experience includes all stages of the customer journey, through checkout and including any later customer service experiences. Consumers want a personalized experience, but they only want to tell you necessary details once. Therefore, it is important to use all available data to customize every stage of the buying journey. How brands approach issues and problems is also an important opportunity to deliver an exceptional customer experience. Despite best intentions, missteps are always possible — it is how these missteps are handled that are critical to customer advocacy and recommendation. Customers remember and tell their friends and colleagues about their best and worst buying experiences, so it is essential to create the best experience possible for each customer. Consider the following checklist and your progress in each category: Simplifying checkout Using data to refine and optimize buying journeys Delivering relevant content for each stage of the buying journey Personalizing content to each user, including creating content in their native language Facilitating omnichannel experiences Creating device-specific designs Helping users find answers on your website quickly Delivering content in multiple formats, including video Making contact information easy to find In a cookie-less world, first-party data is crucial. Tying your customer data to your user experience, and ensuring that this experience is optimized across devices and channels, is a key factor in meeting users’ expectations of a positive customer experience. How Lionbridge can help: Access our translation and over-the-phone interpretation services to increase the reach and efficiency of your customer service team. GeoFluent, our SaaS-based, real-time translation platform that spans all communications channels, enables multilingual online chat solutions. Frictionless Shopping Journeys A usual shopping journey can create many points of friction, which can lead to abandoned shopping carts. Around half of shoppers abandon their carts because they were just browsing. However, those with a genuine purchase intent tend to abandon their cart because of: Being asked to create an account Having to use a complicated checkout process A lack of payment options Minimizing these friction points can help ensure more customers complete purchases. Consider these factors that can lower cart abandonment: Delivery tracking Reasonable shipping times Refund and return simplification Relevant payment methods Different shipping options Localization of product and delivery information By creating a convenient shopping experience, inspiring confidence in the customer, and speaking to the customer in their native language, it is possible to optimize the shopping journey and convert more customers. How Lionbridge can help: Lionbridge crafts compelling local content in every language to help global retailers deliver an exceptional shopping journey anywhere. For a German luxury fashion retailer, we translated up to 1,000 product descriptions (SKUs) per week into languages like Chinese, Korean, Latin American Spanish, French, Italian, German, and Arabic. We injected previously researched keywords into the copy to assist in their search engine optimization. Environmental Social Governance (ESG) Consumers are increasingly making decisions about which brands they buy from based on their impact on the planet, how they treat the communities they rely on for producing their products, their attitude towards their staff, and how inclusive they are. Ensuring your content, stores, and products can be accessed by those with disabilities is crucial: Beyond being the right thing to do, ensuring an inclusive experience for all also addresses a significant part of the market. Over 90% of business leaders believe their company has a responsibility to act on ESG issues, and customers are in agreement: 83% of millennial consumers and 73% of consumers aged 35-54 say it is important to them to buy from companies that align with their values. These areas are also fundamental to employee engagement, as employees want to work for conscientious employers. Beyond engaging employees and customers, ESG is essential for businesses to act in good conscience as global citizens. One significant upside is that consumers are willing to pay more for goods and services that are healthier, safer, and more environmentally and socially conscious. Communicating your ESG philosophy, progress, and activity is essential, and making sure these values are available to everyone in your markets should be an important aspect of your communications strategy. How Lionbridge can help: Lionbridge’s translation and localization services ensure you can communicate your ESG policy in any language — winning the loyalty of customers from around the world. Content Marketing Almost half of all buyers will view three to five pieces of content prior to engaging with a sales representative. The content marketing market is seeing substantial growth for a reason: Your content should be your best salesperson. Video content was the most popular format for content marketers in 2021. In recent years, the cost and complexity of producing video assets as decreased, making the format an accessible medium to most brands. Videos can also be used to diversify content: After creating a video, it is easy to create additional audio and text content from that video. However, blogs are still critical in educating and informing customers. They are also easy to incorporate into an SEO strategy, as fresh, regular content provides more search discoverability and enables a greater reach for your brand. Case studies, reviews, and recommendations serve as additional key content areas to focus on — these forms of content enable consumers to develop trust in a brand. By bringing different content together through tagging and linking, consumers are able to access relevant information in the format they prefer. Content clusters help with brand resonance, conversion, and customer loyalty. How Lionbridge can help: World-class content marketing goes beyond creating great content: It is also important to optimize your website for multilingual visitors. Hear more from our Global Search Subject Matter expert. Product Content Product content is a key differentiator for online shoppers. A survey by InRiver shows that 83% of shoppers said product information was essential or very important. Low-quality product content has also proven to have a strong negative effect on consumers: 51% of customers would prefer to shop elsewhere when confronted with bad product content, while 45% would be left frustrated and 34% would be angry. Clearly, product content is a defining factor in e-commerce. Product content must convince a consumer to choose your product. 78% of product searches on Amazon do not include a brand name; instead, the product description must be compelling and information enough to prompt a purchase. When it comes to product descriptions, 39% of shoppers prefer written content, 24% prefer images, and 19% prefer customer ratings and reviews. Shoppers between 18 and 25 years of age even more strongly favor the latter category. In a fiercely competitive online world with so many choices for consumers, it is essential to keep your product content up to date, accurate, and on-brand. Adding multiple channels and languages to a high number of SKUs is also necessary to achieve a multi-market or global presence. Creating this product content in a consistent way is vital to ensuring quality and efficiency throughout the content lifecycle. How Lionbridge can help: We help global retailers reach consumers through effective translations. Read our case study on how we helped Dorel Juvenile, the leading retailer supplier of children’s goods, achieve a consistent brand voice throughout its target markets. We delivered translation and transcreations for six divisions in 11 languages, including translating product descriptions for online shops on Amazon. Social Media Marketing Social media marketing is more essential than ever: With over 4.62 billion social media users globally, social media channels are a way to build real connections with your audience. Short-form videos and live content are the most effective ways to connect with customers, according to HubSpot. Given the fact that you have a limited budget and resources, it is important to focus on the channels that really work for you. After researching buyer personas and your target audience, zero in on your buyers’ behaviors and where they spend time online. Depending on which social media platforms you’re targeting, influencer marketing can be leveraged to access new markets and engage customers. How Lionbridge can help: Lionbridge’s multimedia translation and localization services ensure your videos connect with customers around the world. Our transcription, subtitling, and voiceover capabilities enhance the social media user experience and maximize the reach of your content. Ready to get started? Lionbridge offers end-to-end support across the full e-commerce lifecycle, helping businesses achieve increased digital sales and win new markets. Visit our dedicated e-commerce resource page to learn more.
在一个日益数字化和互联化的世界中,了解最新的电子商务趋势对于优化您的在线业务至关重要。Lionbridge的端对端B2C和B2B电子商务服务确保您可以与世界各地的消费者建立联系,无论他们使用何种语言。我们在本地化以及内容创建和转换方面的专业知识意味着您可以满足任何市场的客户期望。当您踏上或扩展您的全球零售之旅时,请了解我们的基本趋势,以助您在电子商务中取得成功。 跨境贸易 在疫情、气候变化、通胀飙升和战争的背景下,全球电子商务增长正在放缓。尽管存在这些担忧,但根据Juniper Research的一份报告,跨境商务仍在经历着巨大的增长——同比增长13%。越来越多的消费者开始购买其他国家的品牌产品:预计2022年消费者将购买价值1.9万亿美元的商品,2023年将购买2.1万亿美元。预计明年38%的在线销售也将跨境进行。 考虑到这一增长趋势,您可能会出于以下几个原因考虑采用跨境战略: 您的增长抱负超越了您的边界 新市场对你的商品或服务有需求 你的商品在全球都有吸引力 您希望提高效率 你想分散风险 跨境商务不需要立即投资于直接面向消费者(DTC)战略或寻找零售商合作。市场可以作为一个很好的切入点,进入新市场,以测试市场。社交渠道可以提供类似的解决方案。 Lionbridge如何提供帮助: 随着跨境电子商务的加速发展,开拓新市场的机会比以往任何时候都要大。Lionbridge创造了极具吸引力的本地内容,与全球客户建立了联系—无论他们的偏好、语言或国籍如何。 语音搜索 在过去的十年里,像“好吧谷歌”和“嘿Siri”这样的短语已经进入了我们所有人的生活。语音搜索已经彻底改变了我们在多任务处理或外出时获取信息的方式,而且这个行业没有显示出放缓的迹象。2020年智能音箱销量达1.5亿台,65%的25-49岁人群每天至少使用一次支持语音功能的设备。此外,2020年30%的网页浏览是无屏幕的。 这一趋势在很大程度上是由移动设备浏览的兴起所推动的。语音搜索在全球拥有超过40亿的独立移动互联网用户,使正在开车或无法观看屏幕的消费者能够唯一地访问移动浏览。 语音搜索的兴起对您的电子商务战略意味着什么?好消息是,语音搜索策略是SEO最佳实践的自然延伸。请记住以下基本提示: 当你的目标是位置0时,创建一个内容来回答一个问题,就像大多数人与语音技术交互一样。例如,当试图针对消费者询问“我在哪里可以得到我附近的太阳镜的最优惠交易”时,一定要在你的内容中包括“太阳镜的最佳交易”。 智能音箱使用各种搜索引擎来回答问题。请确保为多个搜索引擎优化您的内容,而不是仅仅依赖谷歌。 大多数语音搜索都以问题的形式出现。重点回答你所推销的商品和服务的对象、内容、地点、时间、原因和方式。 进行语音搜索的特定关键字研究,包括关键字、短语和填充符。也可以使用长尾关键字。 让你的技术SEO的权利。请确保您的站点结构、导航、架构和站点地图都设置正确。 除了关键字驱动的策略之外,还可以利用语义搜索策略。围绕用户可能需要答案的主题创建主题簇。 根据市场调查,专注于自然语言。例如,世界不同地区的消费者可能更喜欢单词“运动鞋”而不是“训练鞋”,反之亦然。 确保您的位置信息得到优化,并保持此信息丰富和最新。 Lionbridge如何提供帮助: 我们的语音专家可以帮助您创建专门的市场内容,以提高您的排名和可发现性,将您与更多客户联系起来。 移动商务 2022年,约55%的互联网流量来自移动设备。移动电子商务销售额占在线购买额的72.9%,消费者可能会在购买前花上几个小时在手机或平板电脑上进行研究。因此,移动优化的数字体验对于在线成功至关重要。 品牌需要采取具体的移动访问策略,包括投资于移动网页设计和移动特定的搜索引擎优化策略。在季节性高峰期,移动购物大幅增长,因此优先考虑移动购物方式尤为重要。 移动战略对于其他用户参与方式也至关重要,如电子邮件活动和短信营销。在创建内容时,考虑内容的使用媒体对于内容创建和本地化至关重要。长格式内容可以作为重要的内容营销工具,但消费者越来越多地期待和响应短格式的书面、音频和视频内容。 Lionbridge如何提供帮助: Lionbridge的翻译、本地化和创译服务可确保您的内容在任何语言或设备上都能产生共鸣。此外,我们的移动应用程序本地化服务还能满足您每个目标市场的文化和语言偏好,让您的应用程序真正实现全球覆盖。 录像带 根据一项研究,使用视频营销的公司比不使用视频营销的公司增长快49%。90%的客户表示,产品视频有助于他们做出购买决策,HubSpot的数据显示,视频是2022年B2B品牌的首要投资。 视频内容可以在购买过程的每个阶段提供帮助,但请务必进行市场调查,并发现目标市场的本地偏好。例如,在美国和德国,与基于视频的广告相比,大多数客户更喜欢基于图像的广告。 视频内容领域是一个高度碎片化的空间,由YouTube、Facebook、Instagram和TikTok等社交媒体平台组成。因此,有必要为多个视频通道创建一个策略。现在,许多平台都包含了商业功能,将参与的用户直接推向在线购物车。然而,成功的视频策略并不全是转化—提供出色的用户体验对于帮助客户形成对您品牌的正面印象也至关重要,这对于购买过程的所有阶段都至关重要。 视频内容还提供了许多选项来跟踪和测量用户参与度,从而在如何最好地将视频用于B2B和B2C营销时,可以轻松地做出数据驱动的决策。 创建视频时,请考虑在制作过程中添加字幕、画外音和本地化,以扩大内容的覆盖范围。85%的Facebook视频是在没有声音的情况下观看的,这凸显了即使没有音频也能提供强大用户体验的重要性。 优化多媒体内容是您的SEO策略的另一个重要组成部分。平均而言,互联网用户在有视频的网站上花费的时间要多88%,有效使用视频会使你在谷歌第一页排名的变化增加53倍。 Lionbridge如何提供帮助: Lionbridge提供端到端的视频翻译、本地化和创译服务。从本地相关的图像到准确的字幕和录音棚质量的音频和视频制作,我们帮助您扩大多媒体内容的覆盖范围和影响力。 客户体验 提供卓越的客户体验包括客户旅程的所有阶段,从结账到任何后续的客户服务体验。消费者希望获得个性化体验,但他们只想告诉你一次必要的细节。因此,使用所有可用数据来定制购买过程的每个阶段非常重要。 品牌如何处理问题也是提供卓越客户体验的重要机会。尽管有最好的意图,失误总是可能的—如何处理这些失误对客户宣传和建议至关重要。 客户会记住并告诉他们的朋友和同事他们最好和最差的购买体验,因此为每位客户创造最佳体验至关重要。请考虑以下检查表以及您在每个类别中的进展: 简化签出 使用数据优化购买过程 为购买过程的每个阶段提供相关内容 为每个用户提供个性化内容,包括以用户的母语创建内容 促进全渠道体验 创建特定于设备的设计 帮助用户在您的网站上快速找到答案 提供多种格式的内容,包括视频 使联系人信息易于查找 在一个没有Cookie的世界里,第一方数据至关重要。将您的客户数据与您的用户体验相关联,并确保这种体验在设备和渠道之间得到优化,这是满足用户对积极客户体验的期望的关键因素。 Lionbridge如何提供帮助: 访问我们的翻译和电话口译服务,以增加您的客户服务团队的覆盖面和效率。GeoFluent是我们基于SaaS的实时翻译平台,涵盖所有通信渠道,支持多语言在线聊天解决方案。 顺畅的购物之旅 一次普通的购物之旅会产生许多摩擦点,这可能会导致购物车被遗弃。大约有一半的购物者放弃购物车,因为他们只是浏览。然而,那些有真正购买意图的人往往会放弃购物车,因为: 被要求创建帐户 不得不使用复杂的结帐流程 缺乏支付选择 最大限度地减少这些摩擦点有助于确保更多客户完成购买。请考虑以下可降低购物车放弃率的因素: 交货跟踪 合理的运输时间 退款退货简化 相关付款方式 不同的运送选项 产品和交付信息的本地化 通过创造便利的购物体验、激发顾客的信心、用他们的母语与顾客交谈,可以优化购物旅程并转化更多顾客。 Lionbridge如何提供帮助: Lionbridge以各种语言精心制作引人入胜的本地内容,帮助全球零售商在任何地方提供卓越的购物体验。对于一家德国奢侈品时装零售商,我们每周将多达1,000个产品说明(SKU)翻译成中文、韩语、拉丁美洲西班牙语、法语、意大利语、德语和阿拉伯语等语言。我们将之前研究过的关键词注入到副本中,以帮助他们进行搜索引擎优化。 环境社会治理(ESG) 消费者越来越多地根据品牌对地球的影响、他们如何对待他们生产产品所依赖的社区、他们对员工的态度以及他们的包容性来决定他们购买哪些品牌。 确保残障人士能够访问您的内容、商店和产品至关重要:除了正确的做法之外,确保所有人都能获得包容性的体验还能解决市场的一个重要部分。 超过90%的企业领导人认为他们的公司有责任就ESG问题采取行动,客户也同意这一点:83%的千禧一代消费者和73%的35-54岁消费者表示,从与他们价值观一致的公司购买产品对他们来说很重要。 这些领域也是员工参与的基础,因为员工希望为尽责的雇主工作。除了让员工和客户参与其中之外,ESG对于企业作为全球公民本着良知行事也至关重要。 一个重要的好处是,消费者愿意为更健康、更安全、更环保和更有社会意识的商品和服务支付更多的钱。 传达您的ESG理念、进展和活动至关重要,确保市场中的每个人都能了解这些价值观应该是您的宣传战略的一个重要方面。 Lionbridge如何提供帮助: Lionbridge的翻译和本地化服务确保您可以用任何语言传达ESG政策,从而赢得世界各地客户的忠诚度。 内容营销 几乎一半的买家会在与销售代表接洽之前查看三到五条内容。内容营销市场的大幅增长是有原因的:你的内容应该是你最好的推销员。 视频内容是2021年内容营销者最喜欢的形式。近年来,制作视频资产的成本和复杂性降低,使得该格式成为大多数品牌可访问的媒体。视频还可用于丰富内容:创建视频后,可以轻松地从该视频创建其他音频和文本内容。 然而,博客在教育和告知客户方面仍然至关重要。他们也很容易纳入搜索引擎优化策略,因为新鲜,定期的内容提供更多的搜索发现,并使您的品牌更大的影响力。 案例研究、评论和建议是需要关注的其他关键内容领域——这些形式的内容能够让消费者对品牌产生信任。通过标记和链接将不同的内容放在一起,消费者能够以他们喜欢的格式访问相关信息。内容集群有助于品牌共鸣、转化和客户忠诚度。 Lionbridge如何提供帮助: 世界一流的内容营销不仅仅是创造精彩的内容:为多语言访问者优化您的网站也很重要。聆听我们的全球搜索主题专家的更多信息。 产品内容 产品内容是在线购物者的一个关键差异化因素。InRiver的一项调查显示,83%的购物者表示产品信息是必不可少或非常重要的。 低质量的产品内容也被证明对消费者有很大的负面影响:51%的顾客在面对糟糕的产品内容时更愿意到其他地方购物,而45%的人会感到沮丧,34%的人会感到愤怒。显然,产品内容是电子商务的一个决定性因素。 产品内容必须说服消费者选择你的产品。亚马逊上78%的产品搜索不包括品牌名称;相反,产品描述必须是有说服力的,并且信息足够促使购买。 当谈到产品描述时,39%的购物者更喜欢书面内容,24%的人更喜欢图片,19%的人更喜欢客户评级和评论。18至25岁的购物者更倾向于后者。 在一个竞争激烈的网络世界里,消费者有如此多的选择,保持产品内容的最新、准确和品牌化至关重要。为大量SKU添加多个渠道和语言也是实现多市场或全球业务所必需的。以一致的方式创建此产品内容对于确保整个内容生命周期中的质量和效率至关重要。 Lionbridge如何提供帮助: 我们通过有效的翻译帮助全球零售商接触消费者。阅读我们的案例研究,了解我们如何帮助领先的儿童用品零售供应商Dorel Juvenile在其目标市场中实现一致的品牌声音。我们为六个部门提供了11种语言的翻译和创译服务,包括为亚马逊网上商店翻译产品说明。 社交媒体营销 社交媒体营销比以往任何时候都更加重要:社交媒体渠道在全球拥有超过46.2亿的社交媒体用户,是与受众建立真正联系的一种方式。据HubSpot称,短视频和直播内容是与客户联系的最有效方式。 鉴于您的预算和资源有限,因此重点关注真正适合您的渠道非常重要。在研究买家角色和你的目标受众之后,集中精力了解买家的行为和他们上网的时间。根据您的目标社交媒体平台,影响者营销可用于进入新市场和吸引客户。 Lionbridge如何提供帮助: Lionbridge的多媒体翻译和本地化服务可确保您的视频与世界各地的客户保持联系。我们的转录、字幕和画外音功能可增强社交媒体用户体验,并最大限度地扩大内容的覆盖范围。 准备好开始了吗? Lionbridge在整个电子商务生命周期中提供端到端支持,帮助企业提高数字销售额并赢得新市场。请访问我们的专用电子商务资源页面了解更多信息。

