What Is Business Impact Analysis & Why Is It Important?


2022-06-24 19:10 project manager


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Businesses go through a lot. Managers must always be aware of the internal and external factors that can impact their business growth such as economic fluctuations, new competitors, new market trends and more. One of the most common threats to any company is called business disruption. Business disruption happens whenever a radical change occurs and affects how companies compete in a given industry. An example of business disruption could be the development of a new technology that renders the current methods useless. In this case, what can business managers do? Execute a business impact analysis (BIA). Business impact analysis is an important tool to help plan for the inevitability of consequences and their cost. BIA is a versatile process that’s used for risk assessment, business continuity planning and disaster recovery planning. Risk is always on the horizon and the better-equipped businesses are to prepare for risk management, the more likely they’ll be able to continue doing business in the future. What Is Business Impact Analysis (BIA)? Business impact analysis (BIA) is a method to predict the consequences of disruptions to a business, its processes and systems by collecting relevant data. This data can be used to develop strategies for the business to recover in the case of an emergency. ProjectManager is project management software that’s equipped with planning tools for business impact analysis, business continuity planning and disaster recovery planning. Our project reports and real-time cost and workload dashboards allow managers to plan more efficiently and communicate key information to clients and stakeholders in minutes. Get started for free. Scenarios that could potentially cause losses to the business are identified. These can include suppliers not delivering, delays in service, etc. The list of possibilities is long, but it’s key to explore them thoroughly in order to best assess risk. It’s by identifying and evaluating these potential risk scenarios that a business can determine a plan of investment for recovery and mitigation strategies, along with outright prevention. What Does BIA Address? The business impact analysis analyzes the operational and financial impacts of a business disruption. These impacts include lost sales and income, delayed sales or income, increased expenses, regulatory fines, contractual penalties, a loss of customers and a delay of new business plans. Another factor to take into account is timing. The timing of a disruptive event can have a major impact on the loss suffered by a business. If your store is damaged by a natural disaster before a big sale or large seasonal holiday, the impact is greater than during a slower period. The business impact analysis operates under two assumptions: Every part of the business is dependent on the continued operations of the other parts of the business. Some parts of the business are more important than others, requiring more allocations when disruptions occur. BIA vs. Risk Assessment BIA and a business risk assessment are similar, but the main difference is that a BIA is more specific as it focuses on the business continuity requirements, resource availability and the impact of a business disruption. On the other hand, risk assessment focuses on the severity and likelihood of potential business risks. This is done to prioritize the risks and create mitigation strategies to solve them. BIA vs. Business Continuity Planning Business impact analysis is a component of business continuity planning because a BIA is meant to provide important data for a business continuity plan. How does this work? A BIA is conducted to determine the most critical business processes, the impact of business disruption in those processes and the resources needed to restore them. These are all fundamental variables to factor in when creating a business continuity plan, which will act as the course of action that’s taken to ensure that a business will be able to recover from a business disruption. BIA vs. Disaster Recovery Planning Similar to the relation between BIA and business continuity planning, BIA is also a useful tool when creating a disaster recovery plan. The BIA identifies failure modes and the costs associated with them. The information obtained from the BIA report is then used as input to create a fully-fledged disaster recovery plan. How to Conduct a BIA in 4 Steps While there’s no set way to conduct a business impact analysis, the process follows the general path outlined below. 1. Get Approval The first step is to initiate the process by getting approval from senior management for the project. To begin, define the objectives, goals and scope of the business impact analysis. It should be clear what the business is seeking to achieve. Then, it’s important to form a project team to execute the business impact analysis. This can be existing staff as long as they know how to conduct a business impact analysis, but this team can be outsourced to a team that’s skilled in this process if the business doesn’t have people for this task. 2. Collect Information The next step is collecting the information needed to make the analysis. This data can be gathered in a number of ways, from interviews to a business impact analysis questionnaire, which is the most common tool. The questionnaire is a detailed survey that’s been developed by the business impact analysis team and has targeted questions that are designed to get answers that assess the potential effect of a disruption to the business. People that should be interviewed or given the questionnaire include managers, team members, supervisors and others who are knowledgeable about the business processes. It can also include business partners and those working outside of the organization as long as they have sufficient insight. In other words, consider who your stakeholders are. The information that you collect for your BIA report should include the following: The name of the process A detailed description of where the process is performed All the inputs and outputs in the process Resources and tools that are used in the process The users of the process The timing The financial and operational impacts Any regulatory, legal or compliance impacts Historical data 3. Review the Information All of this collected data must be documented and reviewed before the information is analyzed. This can be automated by computer or done manually, depending on which is easier, more reliable and practical in terms of formulating a conclusion. This review accomplishes multiple objectives: it creates a prioritized list of business functions or processes, it identifies the human and technology resources needed to maintain an optimal level of operations and it establishes a recovery timeframe in which to recover the process or function and return it to normal. 4. Create the BIA Report After this, you’ll want to document the findings. This is when the business impact analysis report is prepared. While the format is not regulated, it often follows the following structure: Executive summary Objectives and scope Methodologies used to gather data and evaluation Summary of findings A detailed finding on each department of the business (including their most crucial processes, the impact of disruption, acceptable duration of the disruption, tolerable level of losses, cost of recovery, etc.) Supporting documents and Recommendations for recovery This document is then presented to management. The decision on how to proceed is in the hands of senior management, so they’re the ones who receive the report. Note that the business impact analysis is not set in stone. Technology, tools and processes change, and the business impact analysis must evolve with them. Why Business Impact Analysis Is Important The reason that every business should include a business impact analysis is that it’s a part of any thorough plan to minimize risk. All businesses can be disrupted by accidents and emergencies including a failure of suppliers, labor disputes, utility failures, cyber-attacks and not to mention natural or man-made disasters. Plan Ahead It’s not ideal to produce a response when one is in the midst of a crisis; a smart business has already prepared for these risks. A response created in dire straits will likely be arbitrary or random, and it will almost certainly be less effective. With the due diligence of a business impact analysis in hand, a business has a well-thought-out plan of action to recover from adversity. It gives management more confidence in their decisions and judgments when responding to these events. Prioritize Accordingly The business impact analysis with allocation instructions prioritizes which operations need immediate recovery and which can wait. It also provides a set of criteria to test the recovery plans. Furthermore, it should identify lost income from the disruption, higher costs the business is likely to accrue if there will be any expenditure on fines and penalties, and the erosion of the business’ reputation and customer base. All of this information is critical to a business’ success. Problems are part of the business landscape, and ignoring the possibility of some disruption to the process threatens solvency and long-term survival. Business Management Templates ProjectManager is project and work management software that’s great for businesses and we offer dozens of tutorial videos and blogs, templates and guides for your business management needs. SWOT Analysis Template A situational analysis or SWOT analysis is a great tool to assess the current state of any business. It allows managers to understand the internal and external factors that make up their company’s business environment. Business Case Template Our business case template is a versatile document that helps business managers, project managers and entrepreneurs to communicate their business ideas to stakeholders and clients. Executive Summary Template Our executive summary template is a great tool to summarize your business plans and project proposals so that you can quickly show project stakeholders and clients the value of your projects. Turn BIA into Action with ProjectManager Now that you’ve done the impact analysis, what’s next? The plan is the foundation of any successful project, but a plan needs tools to organize all of its different parts into a working whole. ProjectManager is an online work management software that’s built exactly for this purpose. Once you have approval, you need to break down the project into tasks. Those tasks will each need a deadline, and they should be assigned to a team member to execute them. ProjectManager gives you multiple ways to initiate your project plan, from the more structured Gantt chart for long-term planning to the visual workflow tool of a kanban board. But how do you get your spreadsheet into a project? With ProjectManager, that’s easy. You can upload your tasks and it opens as a new project. From the Gantt view, your tasks are plotted on a project timeline to give you the big picture and allow you to link dependent tasks while breaking the project into phases or milestones. You can assign tasks from any project view and teams can work how they want to work. Team members like kanban boards because they have the necessary context and resources to work on what matters. Managers like the transparency kanban boards provide, showing them who is working on what. Business impact analysis gives the project life, but ProjectManager gives that life a means to success. Practical and easy to use, projects are productive, making the work that you put into the analysis pay off. A business impact analysis is a great tool to assess risk and set up a plan of recovery if and when it occurs. That sounds like a project. ProjectManager is project management software that helps you plan your business impact analysis and monitor and report on it when you need to execute it. There’s no risk to taking this free 30-day trial.
做生意要经历很多事情。管理人员必须时刻了解可能影响其业务增长的内外部因素,如经济波动、新竞争对手、新市场趋势等。对任何公司来说,最常见的威胁之一就是业务中断。 每当发生根本性变化时,业务中断就会发生,并影响公司在特定行业中的竞争方式。业务中断的一个例子可能是一项新技术的开发使当前的方法变得无用。在这种情况下,企业管理者能做些什么呢?执行业务影响分析(BIA)。 业务影响分析是一个重要的工具,可以帮助计划后果的不可避免性及其成本。BIA是一个多功能流程,可用于风险评估、业务连续性规划和灾难恢复规划。风险总是在地平线上,企业越是为风险管理做好准备,就越有可能在未来继续开展业务。 什么是业务影响分析(BIA)? 业务影响分析(BIA)是一种通过收集相关数据来预测业务、其流程和系统中断的后果的方法。这些数据可用于制定紧急情况下的业务恢复策略。 ProjectManager是一款项目管理软件,配备了用于业务影响分析、业务连续性规划和灾难恢复规划的规划工具。借助我们的项目报告和实时成本及工作量仪表盘,经理可以更高效地进行规划,并在几分钟内将关键信息传达给客户和利益相关方。免费开始使用。 确定可能对业务造成损失的情景。这些可能性包括供应商不交货、服务延迟等。可能性列表很长,但关键是要彻底探讨它们,以便最好地评估风险。通过识别和评估这些潜在的风险情景,企业可以确定恢复和缓解战略的投资计划,以及彻底的预防。 BIA解决什么问题? 业务影响分析用于分析业务中断对运营和财务的影响。这些影响包括销售和收入损失、销售或收入延迟、费用增加、监管罚款、合同处罚、客户流失和新业务计划延迟。 另一个要考虑的因素是时机。破坏性事件发生的时间可能对企业遭受的损失产生重大影响。如果你的商店在大减价或大型季节性假日之前受到自然灾害的破坏,其影响要大于淡季。 业务影响分析在两个假设下进行: 企业的每一部分都依赖于企业其他部分的持续经营。 业务的某些部分比其他部分更重要,因此在发生中断时需要更多的分配。 BIA与风险评估 BIA与业务风险评估类似,但主要区别在于BIA更具体,因为它侧重于业务连续性要求、资源可用性和业务中断的影响。 另一方面,风险评估侧重于潜在业务风险的严重性和可能性。这样做的目的是确定风险的优先级,并制定缓解策略来解决这些风险。 BIA与业务连续性规划 业务影响分析是业务连续性计划的一个组成部分,因为BIA旨在为业务连续性计划提供重要数据。这是如何运作的? 执行BIA的目的是确定最关键的业务流程、业务中断对这些流程的影响以及恢复这些流程所需的资源。 这些都是在创建业务连续性计划时要考虑得基本变量,该计划将作为确保业务能够从业务中断中恢复得行动过程. BIA与灾难恢复计划 与BIA和业务连续性计划之间的关系类似,BIA也是创建灾难恢复计划时的一个有用工具。BIA确定了失效模式及其相关成本。然后,从BIA报告中获得的信息将用作输入,以创建一个完整的灾难恢复计划。 如何通过4个步骤进行BIA 虽然没有固定的方法来执行业务影响分析,但该过程遵循下面概述的一般路径。 1.获得批准 第一步是通过获得项目高级管理层的批准来启动流程。首先,定义业务影响分析的目的、目标和范围。应该明确企业寻求实现的目标。 然后,组建一个项目团队来执行业务影响分析是很重要的。这可以是现有的员工,只要他们知道如何进行业务影响分析,但如果企业没有人员执行此任务,则可以将此团队外包给熟悉此流程的团队。 2.收集信息 下一步是收集进行分析所需的信息。这些数据可以通过多种方式收集,从访谈到业务影响分析问卷(这是最常用的工具)。 该调查问卷是由业务影响分析团队开发的一项详细调查,其中包含一些有针对性的问题,旨在获得可评估业务中断的潜在影响的答案。 应接受访谈或问卷调查的人员包括经理、团队成员、主管和其他了解业务流程的人员。它还可以包括业务合作伙伴和那些在组织之外工作的人,只要他们有足够的洞察力。换句话说,考虑谁是你的利益相关者。 您为BIA报告收集的信息应包括以下内容: 进程的名称 流程执行地点的详细说明 流程中的所有输入和输出 流程中使用的资源和工具 流程的用户 时机 财务和运营影响 任何监管、法律或合规性影响 历史数据 3.查看信息 在对信息进行分析之前,必须记录并审查所有收集的数据。这可以通过计算机自动化或手动完成,取决于哪一种在形成结论方面更容易、更可靠和更实用。 本审查实现了多个目标:它创建业务功能或流程的优先级列表,确定维持最佳运营水平所需的人力和技术资源,并建立恢复流程或功能并使其恢复正常的恢复时间表。 4.创建BIA报告 在此之后,您将需要记录这些发现。这是准备业务影响分析报告的时间。虽然格式不受管制,但通常遵循以下结构: 执行摘要 目标和范围 用于收集数据和评价的方法 调查结果摘要 对每个业务部门的详细调查结果(包括其最关键的流程、中断的影响、可接受的中断持续时间、可容忍的损失水平、恢复成本等) 证明文件和 恢复建议 然后将此文档提交给管理层。如何进行的决定掌握在高级管理层手中,因此他们是收到报告的人。请注意,业务影响分析不是一成不变的。技术、工具和流程不断变化,业务影响分析也必须随之发展。 为什么业务影响分析很重要 每个企业都应该包括业务影响分析的原因是,它是任何最小化风险的全面计划的一部分。所有业务都可能因事故和紧急情况而中断,包括供应商故障、劳资纠纷、公用事业故障、网络攻击,更不用说自然或人为灾难了。 提前计划 当一个人处于危机之中时,做出反应是不理想的;聪明的企业已经为这些风险做好了准备。在困境中产生的反应可能是任意的或随机的,而且几乎肯定不会那么有效。 有了业务影响分析的尽职调查在手,企业就有了一个深思熟虑的行动计划,以从逆境中恢复。它使管理层在应对这些事件时对他们的决策和判断更有信心。 相应地确定优先级 带有分配指令的业务影响分析可确定哪些操作需要立即恢复,哪些操作可以等待。它还提供了一组用于测试恢复计划的标准。此外,它还应确定中断造成的收入损失、如果有任何罚款和处罚支出,企业可能产生的更高成本,以及企业声誉和客户基础的侵蚀。 所有这些信息对企业的成功至关重要。问题是业务环境的一部分,忽视流程中断的可能性会威胁到偿付能力和长期生存。 业务管理模板 ProjectManager是一款非常适合企业使用的项目和工作管理软件,我们提供了数十个教程视频和博客、模板和指南,以满足您的业务管理需求。 SWOT分析模板 情境分析或SWOT分析是评估任何企业当前状态的一个很好的工具。它使管理人员能够了解构成公司业务环境的内部和外部因素。 业务案例模板 我们的商业案例模板是一个多功能的文档,可以帮助业务经理、项目经理和企业家向利益相关者和客户传达他们的商业想法。 执行摘要模板 我们的执行摘要模板是一个很好的工具,可用于总结您的业务计划和项目建议书,以便您可以快速向项目利益相关者和客户展示项目的价值。 使用ProjectManager将BIA付诸实践 现在您已经完成了影响分析,下一步该做什么?计划是任何成功项目的基础,但计划需要工具将其所有不同部分组织成一个工作整体。ProjectManager是一款在线工作管理软件,正是为此而构建的。 获得批准后,您需要将项目分解为多个任务。这些任务都需要一个截止日期,并且应该分配给一个团队成员来执行它们。ProjectManager为您提供了多种启动项目计划的方法,从用于长期计划的结构化甘特图到看板的可视化工作流工具。 但是,如何将电子表格放入项目中呢?有了ProjectManager,一切都变得简单了。您可以上载您的任务,它将作为新项目打开。在甘特图检视中,您的责任会绘制在项目时刻表上,让您了解整体情况,并让您在将项目分成阶段或里程碑时,链接相依的责任。 您可以从任何项目视图中分配任务,工作组可以按照自己的方式工作。团队成员喜欢看板,因为他们有必要的背景和资源来处理重要的事情。管理者喜欢看板所提供的透明度,可以让他们知道谁在做什么。 业务影响分析为项目提供了生命,而ProjectManager则为项目提供了成功的途径。实用且易于使用的项目是高效的,使您投入到分析中的工作得到回报。 业务影响分析是评估风险并在风险发生时制定恢复计划的一个很好的工具。听起来像个项目。ProjectManager是一款项目管理软件,可帮助您规划业务影响分析,并在需要执行时对其进行监控和报告。免费试用30天,没有任何风险。

