A New CLARIN National Consortium: CLARIN-CH


2022-05-10 21:00 CLARIN


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With the support of the Swiss Academy for Social Sciences and Humanities, various institutions in Switzerland are preparing to join CLARIN European Research Infrastructure Consortium See: https://ec.europa.eu/info/research-and-innovation/strategy/european-research-infrastructures/eric_en read more . Six research and academic institutions from the German-, French- and Italian-speaking parts signed the CLARIN-CH Consortium in December 2020: the universities of Bern, Lausanne, Neuchâtel, Zurich, Università della Svizzera Italiana, and the Zurich University of Applied Sciences. The number of members keeps growing, with the University of Basel joining the consortium at the beginning of 2022 and other institutions expected to join before the end of the year. CLARIN-CH activities are coordinated at the University of Zurich by Prof. Dr. Marianne Hundt as National Coordinator and Dr. Cristina Grisot as Scientific Coordinator. At the national level, the coordination office and the consortium members are actively working together with the purpose of bringing together the Swiss linguistics research community and fostering the sharing of resources and expertise within the national and the European CLARIN community. For the next years, it is planned to join CLARIN as Observer (autumn 2022), to implement national working groups (autumn 2022), and to prepare Switzerland’s most recent national Research Infrastructure (the Linguistics Research Infrastructure LiRI) for the assessment as a CLARIN B-centre (beginning of 2023). The CLARIN-CH website provides an overview of Swiss national assets in terms of language resources and a large array of expertise in the area of language sciences and its various sub-fields. Follow CLARIN-CH on LinkedIn
在瑞士社会科学和人文科学学院的支持下,瑞士各机构正准备加入CLARIN 欧洲研究基础设施联盟 见:https://ec.europa.eu/info/research-and-innovation/strategy/european-research-infrastructures/eric_en 阅读更多 . 来自德语、法语和意大利语地区的六个研究和学术机构于2020年12月签署了CLARIN-CH联盟:伯尔尼大学、洛桑大学、纳沙泰尔大学、苏黎世大学、意大利大学和苏黎世应用科学大学。成员数量不断增长,巴塞尔大学于2022年初加入该联盟,其他机构预计将在年底前加入。 CLARIN-CH在苏黎世大学的活动由Marianne Hundt教授博士作为国家协调员和Cristina Grisot博士作为科学协调员进行协调。 在国家一级,协调办公室和联合会成员正在积极合作,目的是汇集瑞士语言学研究界,促进国家和欧洲克拉林语界的资源和专门知识共享。在接下来的几年里,计划加入CLARIN作为观察员(2022年秋季),实施国家工作组(2022年秋季),并准备瑞士最新的国家研究基础设施(语言学研究基础设施LiRI)作为CLARIN B-中心进行评估(2023年初)。 CLARIN-CH网站提供了瑞士语言资源方面的国家资产概况,以及语言科学领域及其各个子领域的大量专门知识。 在LinkedIn上关注CLARIN-CH

