Fast-tracking Our LangOps Expansion: Unbabel Welcomes Lingo24 into the Fold


2021-12-16 17:55 unbabel


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Earlier this year, we launched Language Operations (LangOps), a cross-disciplinary function that helps global businesses communicate effectively with their multilingual customers and other stakeholders. We’re now building upon our LangOps vision by expanding beyond customer service to provide additional use cases for enterprise customers, starting with marketing. I’m thrilled to announce that, to further propel our LangOps success, we’ve acquired Lingo24. Lingo24 is a tech-enabled Language Service Provider (LSP) with strong expertise in managing complex localization programs that help global enterprises deliver multilingual content at scale. This acquisition is the next step toward achieving Unbabel’s ambition to build the world’s translation layer and reinforces our position as the leader in LangOps. What Lingo24 brings to the table Founded two decades ago and based in Edinburgh, Scotland, Lingo24 stood out to us as an ideal partner to accelerate our business with the key relationships they’ve created with enterprise customers. Along with these relationships, they bring incredible talent and deep expertise in localization, translation, and marketing content to Unbabel. By blending the creativity and experience of specialist translators and localization technology consultants with their highly customizable solution, Lingo24 provides a broad spectrum of services across the full translation lifecycle. With Lingo24, enterprises with extensive and complex localization processes are able to deliver high-quality, multi-format, multilingual content at scale. They help businesses translate across multiple content formats from product descriptions and user guides to multilingual websites, software, and app localization. Their services are delivered through an extensive network of over 5,000 independent linguists across more than 90 countries. “This acquisition enables us to become a world-class partner to global brands seeking to optimize their localization and multilingual content strategy. Joining forces with Unbabel means we can now grow beyond localized content and offer multilingual customer support to our customers looking to expand into new regions.” — Andrew Campbell, CEO of Lingo24 Why this acquisition will be a game-changer for LangOps In our 2021 Global Multilingual CX Report, 2 out of 3 consumers we surveyed say that it’s important that brands offer an end-to-end customer experience in their native language. Not only that, 71% of our respondents believe it’s crucial that a brand promotes and supports their products and services in their native language. Global business decision-makers have started to understand that multilingual communication is crucial to connect with their customers everywhere. In our survey of more than 1000 leaders across industries, we learned that marketing (43%), website content (42%), and customer service (35%) were the biggest priorities for localization teams, along with app/game UI (30%) and social media (30%). While these results do not come as a surprise, we’re thrilled to have our core beliefs validated by data. Our ultimate goal has always been to create universal understanding. We’ve established that LangOps is the clear path toward that, with 94% of decision makers agreeing that LangOps could be pivotal to their organizations’ global market strategy. How this acquisition will impact Unbabel and Lingo24 customers This acquisition is the next logical step toward cementing the LangOps vision, which will help businesses implement a unified language strategy. By acquiring Lingo24, Unbabel will expand beyond customer service faster and deliver a more comprehensive multilingual solution for customer experience, starting with the first touchpoint in the customer journey: marketing content. The combined power of Unbabel and Lingo24 will enable Unbabel to empower customer-centric businesses to provide consistent, high-quality multilingual customer experiences, accelerate international growth, and improve global customer satisfaction and loyalty. Unbabel and Lingo24 both integrate with the top CRM and CMS platforms such as Salesforce, Zendesk, Kustomer, WordPress, Drupal, and Magento, to name a few, and seamlessly plug into customers’ existing workflows with minimal disruption to deliver multilingual content across multiple digital channels. Together with Unbabel’s unparalleled AI capabilities and robust multilingual customer service solutions for digital channels like chat, email, and FAQs, customers can now fast-track and automate their Language Operations as they look to grow into new markets and deliver more personalized multilingual customer experiences across marketing and customer support at scale. Have more questions about this acquisition? Check out our FAQ and press release.
今年早些时候,我们推出了语言运营(LangOps),这是一个跨专业的功能,帮助全球企业与其多语言客户和其他利益相关者有效沟通。我们现在正在LangOps愿景的基础上,从市场营销开始,扩展到客户服务之外,为企业客户提供更多的用例。 我很高兴地宣布,为了进一步推动LangOps的成功,我们已经收购了Lingo24。Lingo24是一家技术支持的语言服务提供商(LSP),在管理复杂的本地化计划方面拥有强大的专业知识,帮助全球企业大规模交付多语言内容。此次收购是Unbabel实现其建立世界翻译层的雄心的下一步,并巩固了我们作为Langops领域领导者的地位。 Lingo24带来了什么 成立于20年前,总部位于苏格兰爱丁堡的Lingo24,凭借与企业客户建立的关键关系,对我们来说是一个理想的合作伙伴,以加速我们的业务。伴随着这些关系,他们在本地化,翻译和营销内容方面为Unbabel带来了令人难以置信的天赋和深厚的专业知识。 通过将专业翻译人员和本地化技术顾问的创造力和经验与他们高度可定制的解决方案相结合,Lingo24在整个翻译生命周期中提供了广泛的服务。有了Lingo24,拥有广泛而复杂的本地化流程的企业能够大规模地交付高质量,多格式,多语言的内容。它们帮助企业跨多种内容格式进行翻译,从产品描述和用户指南到多语言网站,软件和应用程序本地化。他们通过遍布90多个国家的5000多名独立语言学家组成的广泛网络提供服务。 “这次收购使我们能够成为寻求优化其本地化和多语言内容战略的全球品牌的世界级合作伙伴。与Unbabel的合作意味着我们现在可以超越本地化内容,向希望拓展到新地区的客户提供多语言客户支持。“ --Lingo24首席执行官安德鲁·坎贝尔 为什么这次收购将改变LangOps的游戏规则 在《2021年全球多语言CX报告》中,我们调查的三分之二的消费者表示,品牌用他们的母语提供端到端的客户体验很重要。不仅如此,71%的受访者认为,一个品牌用他们的母语来推广和支持他们的产品和服务是至关重要的。 全球商业决策者已经开始明白,多语言沟通对于与他们各地的客户联系是至关重要的。在我们对1000多位跨行业领导者的调查中,我们了解到市场营销(43%),网站内容(42%)和客户服务(35%)是本地化团队最优先考虑的项目,此外还有应用/游戏UI(30%)和社交媒体(30%)。 虽然这些结果并不令人惊讶,但我们很高兴我们的核心信念得到了数据的验证。我们的最终目标始终是创造普遍理解。我们已经确定了LangOps是实现这一目标的明确途径,94%的决策者同意LangOps可以对他们组织的全球市场战略起到关键作用。 这次收购将如何影响Unbabel和Lingo24的客户 此次收购是巩固LangOps愿景的下一个合乎逻辑的步骤,它将帮助企业实施统一的语言战略。通过收购Lingo24,Unbabel将更快地扩展到客户服务之外,为客户体验交付更全面的多语言解决方案,从客户旅程中的第一个触点:营销内容开始。Unbabel和Lingo24的联合力量将使Unbabel能够赋予以客户为中心的业务以提供一致,高质量的多语言客户体验,加速国际增长,提高全球客户满意度和忠诚度。 Unbabel和Lingo24都集成了顶级的CRM和CMS平台,如Salesforce,Zendesk,Kustomer,WordPress,Drupal和Magento等,并无缝地插入客户现有的工作流,而对其干扰最小,从而在多个数字渠道上提供多语言内容。 凭借UNBABEL无与伦比的人工智能能力和针对聊天,电子邮件和常见问题等数字渠道的强大多语言客户服务解决方案,客户现在可以快速跟踪和自动化他们的语言操作,因为他们希望拓展到新的市场,并在大规模的营销和客户支持中提供更个性化的多语言客户体验。 对这次收购还有更多疑问吗?查看我们的常见问题和新闻稿。

