A well-deserved retirement for Benoît Vitale


2022-01-26 18:50 Translation Centre For the Bodies of the EU


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Benoît Vitale will have left his mark on the Centre through his visionary and pragmatic spirit. In these last years, he has skilfully overseen the implementation of the Centre’s transformation plan (see Highlights of the year 2020, p. 6-7) and other ambitious projects such as the in-house development of eCdT, our translation workflow platform. With his drive and support, not only has the offer of services been extended, but also new technologies added, such as machine translation and voice recognition. ‘Together we have managed to achieve our goals’, he stressed on seeing the energy invested by so many in transforming the Centre. A committed European, he has made every effort to ensure that we can continue our mission, namely to help our clients – EU agencies and institutions – communicate with citizens across the EU in their own language. Multilingualism is an integral part of the European Union project and a major pillar of our democracies to be defended and promoted. Benoît Vitale was head of the IT department for more than 13 years, after which he became Director ad interim (in 2015) and Acting Director from January 2019. In 2001, he was appointed as Data Protection Officer, a role in which he was a true pioneer as he was the very first DPO in the network of European agencies to perform this function. In 2009, he set up the General Affairs Department which he managed for one year. That department was composed of two new teams, namely, the Project Management Office and the External Relations and Communication Section. As an IT engineer, the performance and sustainability of the IT services have always been a key concern of his. Thus, from the first day of lockdown in March 2020, the Centre’s staff were fully operational as a result of the IT environment that had been prepared for a crisis that could potentially require teleworking. The COVID-19 crisis confirmed Benoît Vitale’s real human touch. Through his bulletin ‘L’Info du Dirlo’, launched in the middle of the pandemic, he kept the Centre’s staff informed and motivated when most of them were working from home. Many of the staff were grateful for this initiative and for his online staff meetings to keep staff morale high. All will change for Benoît Vitale come early February. Or perhaps not. His many areas of interest will undoubtedly see him before long at the forefront of more multifarious adventures. Let’s not forget that one of his favourite quotes is ‘if we want things to stay as they are, things will have to change’, by Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa.
伯努瓦-维塔莱将通过他的远见和务实精神在中心留下印记。在过去的几年里,他巧妙地监督了中心转型计划的实施(见2020年大事记,第6-7页)和其他雄心勃勃的项目,如内部开发eCdT,我们的翻译工作流程平台。在他的推动和支持下,不仅扩大了服务范围,还增加了新技术,如机器翻译和语音识别。我们已经成功地实现了我们的目标",他在看到这么多人为改造中心所投入的精力时强调。 作为一个坚定的欧洲人,他尽一切努力确保我们能够继续我们的使命,即帮助我们的客户--欧盟机构和机关--用他们自己的语言与整个欧盟的公民沟通。多语言是欧盟项目的一个组成部分,也是我们民主制度的一个重要支柱,需要得到捍卫和促进。 Benoît Vitale曾担任IT部门的负责人超过13年,之后他成为临时主任(2015年),并从2019年1月起担任代理主任。2001年,他被任命为数据保护官,他是欧洲机构网络中第一个履行这一职能的数据保护官,是一个真正的先驱者。2009年,他成立了总务部,并管理了一年。该部门由两个新的团队组成,即项目管理办公室和对外关系和沟通科。 作为一名IT工程师,IT服务的性能和可持续性一直是他关注的重点。因此,从2020年3月封锁的第一天起,由于为可能需要远程工作的危机准备了IT环境,该中心的工作人员就可以完全运作。 COVID-19危机证实了Benoît Vitale真正的人情味。通过他在大流行病期间发布的 "L'Info du Dirlo "公报,他让中心的工作人员在大多数人在家工作的情况下了解情况并保持积极性。许多员工对这一举措和他的在线员工会议表示感谢,以保持员工的高士气。 二月初,伯努瓦-维塔莱的一切都将改变。也可能不会。他的许多兴趣领域无疑将在不久之后看到他在更多的冒险中走在最前面。让我们不要忘记,他最喜欢的一句话是 "如果我们想让事情保持原样,事情就必须改变",作者是朱塞佩-托马西-迪-兰佩杜萨。

