How to Create a Product Roadmap: Example & Template Included


2022-02-17 11:25 project manager


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A product roadmap will guide you through the product management process, which is notoriously known as a detail-oriented discipline. Getting into the weeds is part of the product manager job description, but one should never get lost there. Product managers must use tools such as a product roadmap to lift their heads out of the day-to-day operations of the product development process to take a larger look at where they are in context. Product roadmaps are essential to product management because they allow the product manager and anyone involved in the project to see the big picture. We’ve created a product roadmap example and template to explain how they work, but first, let’s define what goes into creating a product roadmap, so that it’s as clear and useful as possible for product development. What Is a Product Roadmap? A product roadmap is a product development tool that captures the product vision and strategy and serves as a guide for executing that product strategy, while getting internal stakeholders aligned, facilitating discussions around product features, and aiding communication to external stakeholders and customers. It’s all laid out in such a way for it to be easily understood by everyone in the product development team. The product roadmap, also called product development roadmap, is the responsibility of the product manager, both to create and to use as a communication tool. This sets the proper expectations, while sharing the product overview and highlighting important features to come. Product managers use software tools like ProjectManager to create product roadmaps. ProjectManager is equipped with Gantt charts, kanban boards, task lists and project calendars to help you create and manage your product roadmap. Get started with ProjectManager for free. Key Elements of a Product Roadmap As stated above, as a product manager you’ll need to know how to create and manage a product roadmap. To do this, you’ll need to understand what are the essential elements of a product roadmap. Product Strategy: The term product strategy refers to the planning process of researching the market, setting business goals, creating a product vision and developing a product based on customer and stakeholder feedback. Product Vision: Just as with a company’s vision statement, your product vision describes what your company intends to achieve with this product, what is the core value proposition, and the main product benefits. Goals & Objectives: In product management, goals are the high-level statements that give a larger context to the product in terms of what it’s trying to achieve. Objectives are more specific and result in tangible deliverables such as product features. Strategic Initiatives: Strategic initiatives are a group of related user stories that are needed to complete specific goals. There can be several initiatives being executed simultaneously in a product roadmap. Product Releases: A product release is the launch of new features, completion of user stories, epics and other additions to an existing product. User Stories: In product management, a user story is simply a product feature, only described from the user’s perspective so that the product development team better understands what needs to be done. Epics: An epic is an user story which is too complex to be done in a single product release. Epics need to be broken down into several user stories that are easier to develop by the product team. Timeline: One of the main purposes of a product roadmap is to track progress. That’s why product roadmaps should include a timeline that defines due dates and milestones. Product Development Status: Your product roadmap should have status indicators and metrics to determine the percentage of completion of tasks, goals, user stories and epics. How to Create a Product Roadmap Now let’s put these product roadmapping concepts into action. Here’s how to create a product roadmap in 4 steps. 1. Define Your Product Strategy To define your product strategy approach, you’ll need to factor in your company’s strategic planning, product vision, customer value proposition, business objectives and stakeholder requirements. 2. Identify Your Target Audience A product roadmap can be created for a variety of audiences such as stakeholders, executives or the product development team. Product managers must understand their target audience to include the information that’s most relevant for them. 3. Define Product Features You’ll need to define your product features, starting with the minimum viable product with the most basic features, and adding more features from there. Then classify those features as user stories or epics and add them to the product backlog. 4. Create a Timeline for Product Releases Now that you’ve identified the user stories that need to be completed, organize them on a timeline by priority level. Identify any strategic initiatives and task dependencies. A product roadmap software such as ProjectManager can greatly speed up this process and give you more control over your product roadmap. Get started with ProjectManager for free. Product Roadmap Best Practices Set Measurable Goals and Objectives: Set Measurable Goals and Objectives: Set goals and objectives that can be measured using KPIs, OKRs and other performance management metrics. Promote Collaboration and Communication: There are likely many teams, and certainly lots of different people and departments, that are all working together to create the product. Therefore, the product roadmap must facilitate that collaboration through clear communication of the overall strategy of the product and keep everyone on the same page. Align with Corporate Objectives: The high-level view of a product roadmap is designed to dovetail with the overall objectives of the corporation to make sure the product is aligned with where the company is going. (Read more about aligning projects to strategy.) Leave Time to Learn and Research: This graphic view of the schedule, which is laid out from left to right, must also include whatever research and learning curve is needed to make sure everyone on the product team is knowledgeable about what they’re doing and how they’re doing it. Product Roadmap Example Here’s an example of what a product roadmap looks like. The product roadmap shown in the image was created using a Gantt chart. Gantt charts are a great planning tool that allows product managers to create interactive product roadmaps. With ProjectManager’s Gantt Charts, you can create product roadmaps to keep track of user stories, epics, resources, your team’s workload and much more! Get started today with our free 30 day trial. Product Roadmap Template If you feel like using a product roadmap template might be too complex for you, we have a nice alternative to help you create one. Our product development template has a product roadmap sample. All you need to do is easily customize its fields to reflect your product development process. Why Use a Product Roadmap? It should be obvious that product roadmap is a great tool to make sure that everyone knows what the product is about, how it will be executed and who is doing what. But it never hurts to reinforce the benefits for a little extra motivation. Fast Communication The product roadmap is a great way to quickly communicate the product strategy and goals at a high level and with a visual clarity that makes it easy to understand for everyone. This includes managing the expectations of stakeholders as well as communicating with all other important parties. A product roadmap is a living document and should be updated regularly, so it’s a great tool to send to anyone in the product group or customers to keep them up-to-date on progress. Keeps It Grounded As constraints and variables occur, the product roadmap keeps your decision-making tethered to the goals and objectives of the product, so you can prioritize tasks and make decisions quickly and accurately. Why Use a Product Roadmap Tool? There are many tools that can help one create a product roadmap, from the simple to the more dynamic. Because the product roadmap is a visual tool, though, it’s not something that can be slapped together on a Word document or even a spreadsheet. However, a spreadsheet can be a good place to collect all the information needed to go into the product roadmap. There are software solutions that can take that raw data and import it to display on a visual timeline. imports spreadsheets and instantly creates a Gantt chart, which is a visual timeline. The Gantt chart will display all the milestones of the product, the tasks will be points on the timeline with lines across that timeline to indicate the duration of the tasks. If any tasks are dependent on one another, they can be linked. All of which offers a graphic and clear overview of the product. For a different visual expression of the product there are Kanban boards. Kanban is a scheduling system for lean manufacturing where columns are created and under which tasks that are related are collected, which are called Kanban cards. These cards can then be moved across the board to indicate where they are in the process. Both product roadmaps are features of, but they’re only part of the tools provided by the software. With, the product roadmaps are online and easy to convert and share. They are living documents that are updated in real-time and offer collaborative tools to keep teams communicating effectively. With the real-time dashboard, the data can be filtered and made into charts and graphs. It’s like having a product roadmap fueled with octane. The product roadmap is one of the many essential documents that help start and keep product management on track. is a cloud-based project management software that has features to create product roadmaps in a visual style that works with your product. Plus, it offers tools that take that product roadmap to the next level. See how it can help you by taking this free 30-day trial. Product Manager vs Project Manager - What's the Difference? September 2021 Product Update Product Update: August 2021 How to Create a Project Roadmap (Example included)
产品路线图将指导您完成产品管理过程,这是众所周知的面向细节的规程。进入杂草是产品经理工作描述的一部分,但绝不能迷失方向。产品经理必须使用产品路线图之类的工具,从产品开发过程的日常操作中抬起头来,以更大的视野审视他们在上下文中所处的位置。 产品路线图对于产品管理来说是必不可少的,因为它们可以让产品经理和任何参与项目的人看到全局。我们已经创建了一个产品路线图示例和模板来解释它们是如何工作的,但是首先,让我们定义创建产品路线图的内容,以便它对产品开发尽可能清晰和有用。 什么是产品路线图? 产品路线图是一种产品开发工具,它捕获产品远景和战略,并作为执行该产品战略的指南,同时使内部利益相关者保持一致,促进围绕产品特性的讨论,并帮助与外部利益相关者和客户进行沟通。所有的布局都是为了让产品开发团队中的每个人都容易理解。 产品路线图,也称为产品开发路线图,是产品经理的责任,既要创建,也要作为沟通工具使用。这设定了适当的期望,同时分享了产品概述并突出了即将到来的重要功能。 产品经理使用ProjectManager等软件工具创建产品路线图。ProjectManager配备了甘特图,看板板,任务列表和项目日历,帮助您创建和管理您的产品路线图。免费开始使用ProjectManager。 产品路线图的关键要素 如上所述,作为产品经理,您需要知道如何创建和管理产品路线图。为此,您需要了解产品路线图的基本元素是什么。 产品策略:产品策略是指研究市场,制定业务目标,创建产品愿景,并根据客户和利益相关者的反馈开发产品的规划过程。 产品愿景:就像公司的愿景陈述一样,你的产品愿景描述了你的公司打算用这个产品实现什么,什么是核心价值主张,以及主要的产品效益。 目标:在产品管理中,目标是高层次的陈述,它给出了产品试图实现的目标的更大的背景。目标更加具体,并产生有形的可交付成果,如产品特性。 战略倡议:战略倡议是完成特定目标所需的一组相关用户故事。在产品路线图中可以同时执行多个计划。 产品发布:产品发布是新功能的发布,用户故事的完成,史诗和对现有产品的其他添加。 用户故事:在产品管理中,用户故事仅仅是一个产品特性,只是从用户的角度来描述,以便产品开发团队更好地理解需要做什么。 Epics:Epics是一个用户故事,它太复杂了,不可能在一个产品发布中完成。史诗需要分解成几个更容易由产品团队开发的用户故事。 时间轴:产品路线图的主要目的之一是跟踪进度。这就是为什么产品路线图应该包括定义到期日和里程碑的时间表。 产品开发状态:您的产品路线图应该有状态指标和度量,以确定任务,目标,用户故事和史诗的完成百分比。 如何创建产品路线图 现在让我们将这些产品路线图概念付诸行动。以下是如何创建产品路线图的4个步骤。 1.定义你的产品策略 为了确定您的产品战略方法,您需要考虑公司的战略规划,产品远景,客户价值主张,业务目标和利益相关者的要求。 2.确定你的目标受众 可以为各种受众创建产品路线图,如涉众,主管或产品开发团队。产品经理必须了解他们的目标受众,以包含与他们最相关的信息。 3.定义产品特性 您需要定义您的产品特性,从具有最基本特性的最小可行产品开始,然后从那里添加更多特性。然后将那些特性分类为用户故事或史诗,并将它们添加到产品backlog中。 4.创建产品发布的时间表 现在您已经确定了需要完成的用户故事,按照优先级在时间线上组织它们。确定任何战略计划和任务依赖关系。 像ProjectManager这样的产品路线图软件可以大大加快这一过程,并使您对产品路线图有更多的控制。免费开始使用ProjectManager。 产品路线图最佳实践 设定可衡量的目标和目的:设定可衡量的目标和目的:设定可使用KPI,OKR和其他绩效管理度量标准来衡量的目标和目的。 促进协作和沟通:可能有很多团队,当然也有很多不同的人和部门,他们都在一起工作来创建产品。因此,产品路线图必须通过清晰地传达产品的总体战略来促进这种协作,并使每个人保持一致。 与公司目标保持一致:产品路线图的高层视图被设计为与公司的总体目标保持一致,以确保产品与公司的发展方向保持一致。(请阅读有关使项目与战略保持一致的更多信息。) 留出学习和研究的时间:这个从左到右排列的时间表图形视图还必须包括所需的研究和学习曲线,以确保产品团队中的每个人都了解他们在做什么以及他们是如何做的。 产品路线图示例 下面是一个产品路线图的示例。图像中显示的产品路线图是使用甘特图创建的。甘特图是一个伟大的规划工具,允许产品经理创建交互式产品路线图。 通过ProjectManager的甘特图,您可以创建产品路线图,以跟踪用户故事,史诗,资源,您的团队的工作量等等!今天就开始使用我们的免费30天试用。 产品路线图模板 如果您觉得使用产品路线图模板对您来说可能太复杂,我们有一个很好的替代方案来帮助您创建一个。我们的产品开发模板有一个产品路线图样本。您所需要做的只是轻松地定制它的字段,以反映您的产品开发过程。 为什么要使用产品路线图? 很明显,产品路线图是一个很好的工具,可以确保每个人都知道产品是关于什么的,它将如何执行以及谁在做什么。不过,为了增加一点额外的动力而强化这些好处也不会有什么坏处。 快速通信 产品路线图是一种很好的方式,可以在高水平上快速传达产品战略和目标,并且具有清晰的视觉效果,使每个人都易于理解。这包括管理利益相关者的期望以及与所有其他重要方面的沟通。产品路线图是一个活的文档,应该定期更新,因此它是一个很好的工具,可以发送给产品组中的任何人或客户,让他们了解最新的进展情况。 保持接地 当约束和变量发生时,产品路线图使您的决策与产品的目标和目的相联系,因此您可以确定任务的优先级并快速准确地做出决策。 为什么要使用产品路线图工具? 有许多工具可以帮助您创建产品路线图,从简单的到更动态的。因为产品路线图是一个可视化的工具,所以它不是可以在Word文档或电子表格上拼凑在一起的东西。 然而,电子表格是收集产品路线图所需的所有信息的好地方。有一些软件解决方案可以获取原始数据并将其导入到可视化的时间线上显示。ProjectManager.com导入电子表格并立即创建甘特图,这是一个可视化的时间线。 甘特图将显示产品的所有里程碑,任务将是时间线上的点,时间线上的线指示任务的持续时间。如果任何任务相互依赖,则可以将它们链接起来。所有这些都提供了产品的图形和清晰的概述。 对于产品的一种不同的视觉表达方式,有看板。看板是精益生产的一个调度系统,在这里创建列,并在列下收集相关的任务,这些列被称为看板卡。然后,这些卡片可以在整个过程中移动,以表明它们在该过程中所处的位置。 这两个产品路线图都是ProjectManager.com的功能,但它们只是软件提供的工具的一部分。通过,产品路线图是在线的,易于转换和共享。它们是实时更新的活文档,并提供协作工具来保持团队的有效沟通。有了实时仪表盘,数据就可以被过滤,制作成图表和图形。这就像有一个充满辛烷值的产品路线图。 产品路线图是帮助启动和保持产品管理正轨的许多重要文档之一。ProjectManager.com是一个基于云计算的项目管理软件,它具有以可视化风格创建产品路线图的功能,可以与您的产品一起工作。此外,它还提供了将产品路线图提升到下一个层次的工具。看看它如何可以帮助您采取这个免费的30天试用。 产品经理vs项目经理--有什么区别? 2021年9月产品更新 产品更新日期:2021年8月 如何创建项目路线图(包括示例)

