How Consumers Are Shopping in 2021 and How Brands Can Ensure Stellar CX


2021-11-17 09:30 unbabel


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With the explosion of global ecommerce and online shopping, consumers now have access to products from anywhere. Especially in the last two years, the pandemic and the resulting acceleration of digital transformation have upended the dynamics between brands and consumers. Whether the brands are local or not, the relationship between brands and consumers has only gotten more personal. One thing we know for sure: The upcoming holidays are going to be anything but predictable. As part of our 2021 Global Multilingual CX Report, we gathered insights from over 2,700 consumers in six markets — US, UK, Germany, France, Brazil, and Japan — on how they’re shopping for the upcoming holiday season and what their budget looks like. Here are some of the latest trends, plus actionable advice for global brands on how to offer a seamlessly excellent customer experience in the last few weeks of 2021. COVID’s impact on shopping behavior 2020 and 2021 have been — dare we say it — unprecedented times. With social distancing becoming the norm, businesses are getting creative with their in-store experiences, websites, apps, and social media to learn where consumers prefer to browse and purchase. Shoppers are still eager to spend money and feel social, even if it’s online. Influencers have risen to the occasion, giving shoppers an in-depth perspective on products and services. As reported by McKinley and Company, everyone from Baby Boomers to Gen Z is turning to social media platforms such as Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok to get recommendations. These interactions create a more engaging experience for shoppers, making it easier for brands to introduce new products and generate sales. We asked consumers how the pandemic has affected their shopping habits. While overall shopping has remained the same (compared to pre-COVID times) for a majority of consumers (47%), online shopping (51%) and shopping on mobile devices (39%) are the new go-to methods. And unsurprisingly, 45% report that they shop less in person. A majority of consumers in Brazil (62%), the UK (58%), and Germany (53%) report that they’ve been buying more online. Consumers in these regions also say that they’ve been shopping on their mobile devices more (55%, 42%, and 40% respectively). Not only that, 1 in 3 consumers in Brazil report that they’ve been purchasing more products from other countries during the pandemic. Not only should brands ensure a seamless journey across all these different channels, they should also be able to offer more localized experiences and connect with consumers in their native language. It’s an omnichannel world No, that’s not the title of a beloved Christmas movie. Rather, it’s something important to keep in mind as brands prepare for the holidays. The availability of online services — from personalized recommendations, virtual stylists, and how-to and try-on videos to online styling, buy now, pay later apps, and native-language communication — have made it more tangible for brands to connect with consumers anywhere in the world. In addition, more people use the internet for research and to purchase items. We asked our respondents whether they’re willing to give stores a try or if they’d rather shop online. The most popular option is to mix and match online and offline shopping channels. Close to half the consumers surveyed (49%) want to shop both in stores and online. Another 29% of consumers would shop primarily online, while one-fifth (21%) would mainly visit brick-and-mortar stores. 37% of consumers in Germany will be shopping primarily online for the upcoming holiday season — the highest among all the audiences we surveyed. Brands optimizing their web and mobile sites to serve multiple languages have more opportunities to entice customers to shop more in their physical or online stores. Changes to holiday budgets 2021 has become the year of Zoom fatigue, burnout, and the Great Resignation, but it still presents a wave of hope, with thousands of people starting online classes, businesses and gaining (or keeping) access to jobs with high earning potential through remote work. So how does all this impact the wallets of consumers shopping for the holidays? 57% of global consumers report that COVID-19 has not affected their spending — their shopping budget remains the same for the upcoming holiday season. A small chunk (17%) say they might even spend more this year. But as a testament to the pandemic’s impact, 1 in 4 consumers say they would be spending less in 2021 compared to pre-COVID times. With or without the pandemic, the holidays are when emotions run high. Especially now, brands need to prioritize and practice empathy when communicating with customers to get a true sense of what they need and offer products or services that provide value. Our recommendations for global brands As we approach the end of 2021, we see businesses strive to create a more accessible, modern, and sustainable experience for customers. That means maintaining a strong, cohesive and accessible brand identity with which customers and potential customers can relate to build trust and draw in more business. Here are 12 tips your company can use to connect more authentically with customers during the holiday season. Drive growth with language The effects of the pandemic combined with the increased global popularity of online promotions like Black Friday and Cyber Monday have always been a challenge for international businesses that wish to connect with their growing customer base. Companies are ramping up for higher volumes of inquiries to cope with the pressure — sometimes from around the world. Now, more than ever, businesses need to utilize native-language communication platforms, allowing customers to connect with the brand and get answers to their questions in their language. Unbabel’s AI-powered Language Operations (LangOps) platform helps you make your existing workforce instantly fluent in any language and empowers them to offer fast support and quick resolution to your customers, no matter the demand. Want to find out how a dedicated LangOps platform can help scale multilingual support without compromising on quality? Check out our special offer for the holidays or schedule a demo of Unbabel to see the true potential of what language can do for your organization. For more in-depth insights into global consumer behavior and the relationship between native language and customer loyalty, download the 2021 Unbabel Global Multilingual CX Report.
随着全球电子商务和网上购物的爆炸式增长,消费者现在可以从任何地方获得产品。尤其是在最近两年,这场疫情以及由此带来的数字化转型加速颠覆了品牌和消费者之间的动态关系。无论品牌是否是本地的,品牌和消费者之间的关系只会变得更加个人化。 有一件事我们是肯定的:即将到来的假期是无法预测的。 作为2021年全球多语言CX报告的一部分,我们从美国、英国、德国、法国、巴西和日本等六个市场的2700多名消费者那里收集了关于他们如何在即将到来的假日季节购物以及他们的预算是怎样的见解。以下是一些最新的趋势,以及对全球品牌如何在2021年的最后几周提供无缝的卓越客户体验的可操作建议。 Covid对购物行为的影响 2020年和2021年是--我们敢说--史无前例的时代。随着社交距离成为一种常态,企业正在通过他们的店内体验、网站、应用程序和社交媒体来了解消费者喜欢在哪里浏览和购买。即便在网上,购物者们仍然渴望花钱和社交。有影响力的公司已经站起来,让购物者对产品和服务有了深入的了解。据McKinley and Company报道,从婴儿潮一代到青少年一代,每个人都在求助于Youtube,Facebook,Instagram和TikTok等社交媒体平台来获取推荐。这些互动为购物者创造了更吸引人的体验,使品牌更容易推出新产品并创造销售。 我们询问消费者,疫情对他们的购物习惯有何影响。虽然47%的消费者的总体购物方式保持不变(与疫情爆发前相比),但51%的消费者使用在线和移动设备购物(39%)购物方式。毫不奇怪的是,45%的人表示他们很少亲自购物。 巴西(62%),英国(58%)和德国(53%)的大多数消费者报告说,他们在网上购物更多。这些地区的消费者还表示,他们更多地使用移动设备(手机)购物(分别为55%,42%和40%)。不仅如此,巴西三分之一的消费者报告说,在疫情期间,他们从其他国家购买了更多的产品。 品牌不仅要确保适应所有这些不同渠道购物的无缝旅程,还应该能够提供更多本地化的体验,并用他们的母语与消费者联系。 这是一个全方位的世界 不,那不是一部感人的圣诞电影的标题。相反,在品牌为节日做准备时,这是一件重要的事情。 在线服务的可用性--从个性化推荐,虚拟造型师,操作和试穿视频,到在线造型,立即购买,后期支付应用程序,以及母语交流--使品牌与世界任何地方的消费者之间的联系变得更加有形。此外,更多的人使用互联网进行研究和购买物品。 我们询问被调查者喜尝试在商店,或者在网上购物。最受欢迎的选择是线上线下购物渠道混搭。最受欢迎的选择是混合使用线上和线下购物渠道。接近一半的受访消费者(49%)希望同时在商店和网上购物。另有29%的消费者会主要在网上购物,而五分之一(21%)的消费者会主要到实体店购物。 37%的德国消费者将在即将到来的假日季主要进行网上购物--这在我们调查的所有受众中是最高的。 品牌优化他们的网络和移动网站,以提供多种语言服务,有更多的机会吸引顾客更多地在他们的实体店或网上商店购物。 假日预算的更改 2021年已经成为了“云视频疲劳年”,精疲力竭和大辞职的一年,但它仍然呈现出一股希望的浪潮,成千上万的人开始在线课程,创业,通过远程工作获得(或保持)高收入潜力的工作。那么这一切对过节购物的消费者的钱包有何冲击呢? 57%的全球消费者报告说,COVID-19并没有影响他们的消费--对于即将到来的假日季,他们的购物预算保持不变。一小部分人(17%)说他们今年可能会花更多钱。但作为疫情影响的一个证明,四分之一的消费者表示,与疫情前相比,他们在2021年的支出将会减少。 不管有没有疫情,节日都是情绪高涨的时候。尤其是现在,品牌在与客户沟通时需要分清轻重缓急,换角度看问题,以获得他们所需的真实感觉,并提供提供价值的产品或服务。 我们对全球品牌的推荐 在2021年即将结束之际,我们看到企业努力为客户创造一个更方便、更现代和可持续的体验。这意味着要保持一个强大的、有凝聚力的和可访问的品牌形象,让客户和潜在客户能够与之产生联系,以建立信任并吸引更多的业务。这里有12个小贴士,你的公司可以用来在假日期间更真实地与客户联系。 用语言驱动成长 疫情的影响,加上黑色星期五和网络星期一等在线促销活动在全球日益流行,对希望与日益增长的客户群建立联系的国际企业来说,一直是一个挑战。为了应对压力,各公司正在大力争取更多的咨询量--有时这些咨询量来自世界各地。 现在,企业比以往任何时候都更需要利用客户的母语交流平台,让客户与品牌建立联系,并用他们的语言回答他们的问题。无论客户的需求如何,UNBABEL的人工智能语言操作(LangOps)平台能够帮助您使现有的员工立即流利地使用任何语言,并使他们能够为您的客户提供快速支持和快速解决方案。 想了解专用的LangOps平台如何在不影响质量的前提下帮助扩展多语言支持吗?查看我们的假期特惠或安排一个Unbabel演示,看看语言能为您的组织做什么的真正潜力。 想要更深入地洞察全球消费者行为以及母语与客户忠诚度之间的关系,请下载《2021年Unbabel全球多语种CX报告》。

