How Companies are Using Enterprise Translation Software Solutions


2021-10-22 09:00 unbabel


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Enterprise translation software solutions are vital to the success of any global organization to help navigate language and cultural barriers in key markets around the world. And with the rise of a hybrid workforce and platforms that allow even the smallest ecommerce vendors to transact internationally, the definition of “global organization” is expanding rapidly. Breaking down language barriers is a top priority for every department and every function of business, from internal communications to customer support and beyond. Below, a closer look at how translation software is used — and why it’s so important — across four different business functions. Hiring and onboarding employees around the world The hybrid workforce is here. As more employees begin to clock in virtually, the talent pool has become more and more diverse. Organizations no longer need to look for talent within driving distance of a physical office — they can look outside state, country, and even continental borders. This has led major corporations like Microsoft to set new hiring precedents, telling managers they can begin to recruit employees who are based anywhere. To attract top talent, organizations are bringing in employees from markets they may have never considered hiring from before. Naturally, those candidates may speak a variety of different languages. To accommodate, human resources departments are relying on translation software and services with machine translation tools to do everything from read resumes to translate onboarding and training materials. It’s not always an option to staff native language speakers within the HR department, but with enterprise translation software solutions, companies can communicate with more candidates around the world and successfully onboard the top candidates no matter what language they speak. Serving customers around the globe Translation software is also used for external communications with customers in different markets around the globe. Organizations that serve a global customer base don’t always have native language speakers at the ready in their customer service department. And a lack of native language support is a huge no-no for customers — many of whom won’t purchase from a brand that doesn’t offer product information or support in their native tongue. This can create a catch-22 for global organizations that try to balance hiring customer support agents for their skill, while also accounting for language fluency. Enterprise translation software solutions can ease the burden, allowing customer support managers to hire agents based solely on skill and arm them with tools to easily translate their skill into multiple different languages. Wargaming, a leading game developer, does exactly that. The company uses translation software to scale an extremely small team and provide native language support in 10 different languages. The company’s software investment paid off immediately — customer satisfaction scores rose significantly and the company was able to convert a large percentage of casual players into paying customers, once those players realized they could communicate directly with the company in their native language. Translating marketing materials at scale It’s no secret that a global enterprise needs a globally-minded strategy to market their products and services. But that comes with major challenges when you think about translating content across a portfolio of websites and thousands of advertisements. Coca Cola, for example, maintains localized websites for multiple countries around the world — covering dozens of different languages. The logistics are tough to handle for everyone from marketing teams, who are translating campaigns and constantly spinning up new landing pages, to developers and designers who are integrating varied character counts into page templates and branded designs. Most enterprise-level content management systems have features in place to aid translations and help big companies manage multiple sites — but operating these tools is often a full-time job (or two, or three!). Social media can be another headache for marketing teams at global organizations. To help, platforms like Twitter have integrated translation tools directly into their platform allowing marketers to easily translate the text of their tweets. But without native language speakers to assist in the translation process, tools like this can leave a brand vulnerable to missteps with cultural nuances. At Unbabel, we advocate for human-in-the-loop machine translations to help translate at scale, without sacrificing quality or straying too far from your brand’s identity. Aiding product development with translation tools Beyond marketing materials, global companies also adapt their products for different markets around the world — a process which involves a lot of testing among native language speakers and local experts. Using enterprise translation software solutions, product development teams can easily communicate with native speakers to understand habits, likes, dislikes and test product preferences. The result? Products that are translated — and also localized — to that particular market. McDonald’s is a fantastic example of a global company that has mastered both translation and localization in markets around the globe. In Japan, for example, the company’s mascot name, Ronald McDonald, is translated to Donarudo Makudonarudo and menu items are smaller to accommodate preferred serving sizes. In India, the restaurant offers the beef-less Maharaja Mac to cater to local tastes and in Morocco you’ll find lots of menu items that use traditional spices like coriander and cumin. Communication across product development teams and local market experts via translation tools is essential to find the right mix of menu items that satisfy local patrons, and also fit within the McDonald’s global brand standards. Language Operations: the new standard for global organizations With the variety of use cases for enterprise translation software solutions, it’s no surprise that organizations are trying to crack the code on how best to manage and standardize the translation process across all aspects of their business. Our take? We believe Language Operations (LangOps) should become a discipline all its own — with an executive lead who can champion translation efforts at scale. With a dedicated LangOps team, organizations can standardize translation procedures, and save money by more effectively sharing resources and platforms across departments. The key is to create a unified translation strategy that allows the business to continue expanding globally, without sacrificing brand standards and quality, or overspending. Looking for translation software to fuel your global expansion? Contact Unbabel today for more information about our AI-powered translation services.
企业翻译软件解决方案对于任何全球性组织的成功都是至关重要的,它有助于在世界各地的主要市场克服语言和文化障碍。随着混合劳动力和平台的兴起,允许甚至是最小的电子商务供应商也能进行国际交易,“全球组织”的定义正在迅速扩大。 从内部沟通到客户支持等等,打破语言障碍是每个部门和每个业务职能的首要任务。下面,我们将仔细研究翻译软件是如何在四个不同的业务功能中使用的--以及为什么它如此重要。 在世界各地招聘和入职员工 混合劳动力来了。随着更多的员工开始在网上打卡,人才库变得越来越多样化。企业不需要在离实体办公室开车距离的范围内寻找人才--他们可以在州,国家,甚至大陆边界之外寻找人才。这使得像微软这样的大公司开创了新的招聘先例,告诉经理们他们可以开始招聘来自任何地方的员工。 为了吸引顶尖人才,各大企业纷纷从以前从未考虑过的市场招聘员工。当然,这些应聘者可能会说各种不同的语言。为了适应这种情况,人力资源部门依靠翻译软件和机器翻译工具的服务来完成从阅读简历到翻译入职和培训材料的所有工作。在人力资源部门聘用使用本地语的员工并不总是一种选择,但有了企业翻译软件解决方案,公司可以与世界各地更多的应聘者进行沟通,并成功聘用最优秀的应聘者,无论他们说什么语言。 服务全球客户 翻译软件也用于与全球不同市场的客户进行对外交流。为全球客户提供服务的组织,其部门并不总是有说母语的人随时准备就绪。对消费者来说,缺乏母语支持是一个巨大的禁忌--很多消费者不会购买一个不以母语提供产品信息或支持的品牌。这可能会给那些试图在雇用客户支持代理的技能和语言流畅性之间取得平衡的全球性组织造成一种进退两难的局面。 企业翻译软件解决方案可以减轻负担,允许客户支持管理者仅根据技能雇用代理,并为他们配备工具,以便轻松地将其技能翻译成多种不同语言。领先的游戏开发商Wargaming正是这样做的。该公司利用翻译软件去调节极小的团队,提供10种不同语言的原生语言支持。该公司的软件投资立即获得了回报--客户满意度分数显著上升,一旦那些休闲玩家意识到他们可以用自己的母语与公司直接交流,公司就能够将很大比例的玩家转化为付费客户。 大规模翻译营销材料 一个全球性的企业需要一个具有全球意识的战略来营销他们的产品和服务,这已经不是什么秘密了。但是,当你考虑在一系列网站和成千上万的广告组合中翻译内容时,这就带来了巨大的挑战。例如,可口可乐在全球多个国家维护本地化网站,覆盖数十种不同语言。无论是营销团队,还是开发人员和设计师,都是很难处理好物流问题。营销团队负责翻译宣传活动,不断推出新的登陆页面,而开发人员和设计师则在页面模板和品牌设计中融入不同的角色。大多数企业级的内容管理系统都有帮助翻译和帮助大公司管理多个站点的功能,但是操作这些工具通常是一项全职工作(或者两封,或三份!)。 对于全球性组织的营销团队来说,社交媒体可能是另一个让头疼的问题。为了提供帮助,像Twitter这样的平台已经将翻译工具直接整合到他们的平台中,这样营销人员就可以轻松地翻译他们的推文文本了。但在翻译过程中,如果没有母语人员的帮助,这类工具可能会让一个品牌容易因文化差异而出现失误。在Unbabel,我们提倡人在循环的机器翻译,以帮助大规模翻译,而不牺牲质量或偏离你的品牌身份太远。 使用翻译工具协助产品开发 除了营销材料外,跨国公司还针对世界各地的不同市场调整其产品,这一过程涉及到大量测试是关于母语使用者和当地专家的。使用企业翻译软件解决方案,产品开发团队可以轻松地与母语人士进行交流,了解习惯,好恶和测试产品偏好。结果呢?被翻译到特定市场的产品,也是本地化的产品。 麦当劳是一个极好的例子,它是一家在全球市场上掌握了翻译和本地化的全球性公司。例如,在日本,该公司的吉祥物名“麦当劳叔叔”Ronald McDonald被翻译成Donarudo Makudonarudo,菜单项也更小,以适应人们喜欢分量。在印度,餐厅提供不加牛肉的王公汉堡Maharaja Mac以迎合当地口味,而在摩洛哥,你会发现很多菜单都使用香菜和孜然等传统香料。通过翻译工具,产品开发团队和当地市场专家之间的沟通对于找到满足当地顾客的正确菜单组合至关重要,既要满足当地顾客的需要,又要符合麦当劳全球品牌标准。 语言操作:全球组织的新标准 随着企业翻译软件解决方案的用例的多样化,组织试图破解如何最好地管理和标准化其业务各个方面的翻译过程的代码也就不足为奇了。我们的收获?我们相信语言操作(LangOps)应该成为一门独立的学科,有一个能够支持大规模翻译工作的行政领导。 有了专门的语言操作团队,组织可以标准化翻译程序,并通过跨部门更有效地共享资源和平台来节省资金。关键是创建一个统一的翻译策略,使业务能够在不牺牲品牌标准和质量,或超支的情况下继续在全球扩张。 寻找翻译软件来推动您的全球扩张?想了解我们的人工智能翻译服务的更多信息,请联系Unbabel。

