How to Integrate Multilingual Translations Into Your Customer Support Workflows


2021-10-20 09:00 unbabel


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In the fast-paced world of customer support, every second counts. Responding to customer requests across email, phone, and live chat requires agents to have sharp time management and prioritization skills. And let’s not forget, customer service leaders also have to dedicate much of their schedule toward workforce management, data analysis, and process optimization, among other vital tasks. Factor in the explosive rise in customer requests that many companies have seen since the beginning of the pandemic, and support staff have very little margin for error in their busy days. That’s why you can expect these teams to take a deep breath and start asking questions anytime a completely new element enters the equation. “What can we do to quickly adapt to this change? How will this affect the customer-centric metrics we’ve been working to improve? What about our operational KPIs?” Informing your agents they need to begin servicing a new language (or several) might have them concerned that you’re essentially throwing a wrench into their well-oiled customer service machine. In reality, today’s AI translation technology has reached a place where customer support teams can communicate outside their native tongue with virtually no disruption to their current workflows and processes. Let’s take a look at why technology (especially machine translation) is typically the best option for empowering your customer support teams to service new languages, plus three must-have features for your multilingual translation tool. Why is technology necessary for multilingual translations in customer support? Because efficiency is the name of the game in customer support, it’s understandable that many managers first look to hire bilingual or multilingual agents to service a new language. Unfortunately, finding talent with strong customer service and linguistic skills is quite difficult: One survey from Intercom found that 85% of support managers find it challenging to locate reps who speak more than one language. Aside from a general scarcity of multilingual customer service talent, it can be quite costly to maintain a full roster of native-speaking agents. For GetYourGuide this meant that staffing was thin for certain languages: If their sole Japanese-speaking agent called in sick, responses to customer queries for that language would have to wait until they were back. Their department leader also had the challenge of having to scale teams up to match the surge in demand during busy travel seasons — and back down again during the slow winter months. With Unbabel’s machine translation technology, GetYourGuide was able to achieve the translation quality and efficiency of native speaking teams at one-tenth of the cost. This is a big deal for companies that are looking to break into fresh markets and provide a stellar customer experience right off the bat. Why should a new audience be subjected to longer wait times and frustrating gaps in communications while English-speaking customers receive fast, 24/7 support (see: language inequity)? In order for customer service agents to serve a variety of languages without any constraints, the translation technology they use shouldn't have a steep learning curve or require a significant time commitment on top of their existing duties. Preferably, the technology serves as an “invisible translation layer” that allows staff and customers to interface smoothly without having to give any thought to the fact that they are speaking completely different languages. Must-have features for seamless multilingual translations Not all translation technologies are created equal. Here are three essential features to look for in a solution to ensure your agents are able to effortlessly roll multilingual capabilities into their current workflows and achieve maximum visibility into translation data. Ideally, an effective translation solution should be able to easily integrate with the tools your customer service team agents already know and love: no need for in-depth training to get up to speed and no switching back and forth between multiple applications to make things work. Our AI-powered, human-refined machine translation technology comes with an ever-growing list of integrations for chat, email, and FAQ, including: Beyond that, it’s also incredibly useful for your language solution to feature an open translation API so that developers and more technical folks can develop custom solutions and integrations as needed. For example, when wanted to create a language-agnostic helpdesk platform from scratch, they leveraged Unbabel’s public API to integrate our Language Operations hub into their agents’ existing workflows. Another valuable feature to seek out in your customer support translation technology is the ability to capture all language-related data and present the information in a practical, easy-to-understand way. For instance, the Unbabel Portal provides actionable insights into KPIs such as translation volume, quality, turnaround times, and more, allowing you to break down individual agent and overall team performance to identify areas for improvement. All of this data is further visualized in the Language Brain, a multidimensional interface that shows agents things like most used language pairs for each channel, turnaround time comparison across different filters, and the evolution of your most important metrics over time. For consistently high-quality language translations, your solution should also be able to learn and adapt to your brand voice. At Unbabel, our team will work with you to capture all of the nuances of the unique language used across your company’s communications to reflect the right tone. This includes: While some translation services may capture part of this info once and call it a day, our team continually works with you to ensure that, as your communication standards evolve, so does the machine translation technology. We also have a worldwide community of editors who review and refine translation to ensure accuracy and authenticity across every single language. For example, an editor would understand the intent of a word like eita, which has no exact meaning and is used to express joy, concern, or surprise in Brazilian culture. The true potential of language The list of benefits for using machine translation technology in customer service communications will only continue to grow. With the rise of the LangOps team leading and connecting translation operations across multiple departments, many companies are gearing up to give their localization function an AI-powered update. Want to find out how a dedicated LangOps platform can help scale multilingual support without compromising on quality? Schedule a demo of Unbabel to see the true potential of what language can do for your organization.
在客户支持的快节奏世界中,每一秒都很重要。通过电子邮件、电话和在线聊天来响应客户的请求,需要代理具有敏锐的时间管理和优先排序技能。我们不要忘记,客户服务领导者也必须把他们的大部分时间用于劳动力管理、数据分析和流程优化,以及其他重要任务。 考虑到自疫情开始以来,许多公司的客户需求爆炸性增长,支持人员在繁忙的日子里几乎没有犯错的余地。这就是为什么你可以期待这些团队深呼吸,并开始提出问题,每当一个全新的元素进入等式。“我们能做些什么来快速适应这种变化?”这将如何影响我们一直致力于改进的以客户为中心的指标?我们的运营kpi呢?” 通知您的代理他们需要开始为一门(或几门)新语言提供服务,可能会让他们担心您实际上是在破坏他们良好的客户服务机器。在现实中,如今的人工智能翻译技术已经达到了这样的程度:客户支持团队可以用母语以外的语言进行交流,而几乎不会对当前的工作流程和流程造成干扰。 让我们看看为什么技术(特别是机器翻译)通常是授权客户支持团队为新语言提供服务的最佳选择,以及多语言翻译工具必须具备的三个特性。 为什么在客户支持中需要多语言翻译技术? 因为在客户支持中,效率是最重要的,所以可以理解许多经理首先考虑雇佣双语或多语言的代理来为一门新语言服务。不幸的是,找到具有强大的客户服务和语言技能的人才是相当困难的:Intercom的一项调查发现,85%的支持经理发现找到会说一种以上语言的代表是一项挑战。 除了多语言客户服务人才普遍短缺之外,维持一个完整的讲母语的代理人员名单可能成本很高。对于GetYourGuide来说,这意味着针对某些语言的人手不够:如果他们唯一会说日语的代理打电话请病假,就不得不等到客户回来后再回答客户有关该语言的问题。他们部门的领导还面临着一个挑战,即必须扩大团队规模,以适应旅游旺季的需求激增,而在冬季淡季又不得不缩减规模。 使用Unbabel的机器翻译技术,GetYourGuide能够以十分之一的成本达到母语团队的翻译质量和效率。对于那些想要打入新市场并立即提供一流客户体验的公司来说,这是一件大事。为什么新用户要忍受更长的等待时间和令人沮丧的沟通差距,而说英语的用户却能得到全天候快速的支持(见:语言不平等)? 为了让客服人员能够不受任何限制地为各种语言提供服务,他们使用的翻译技术不应该有陡峭的学习曲线,也不应该要求他们在现有职责之外投入大量的时间。更好的是,该技术充当一个“隐形翻译层”,允许员工和客户顺利地进行交互,而不必考虑他们使用的是完全不同的语言。 无缝多语言翻译的必备功能 不是所有的翻译技术都是平等的。以下是在解决方案中需要寻找的三个基本特性,以确保您的代理能够毫不费力地将多语言功能引入其当前工作流,并最大限度地提高翻译数据的可见性。 理想情况下,有效的翻译解决方案应该能够轻松地与您的客户服务团队代理已经知道和喜爱的工具集成:不需要深入培训来提高速度,也不需要在多个应用程序之间来回切换以使其工作。我们的人工智能、人类精炼的机器翻译技术提供了越来越多的聊天、电子邮件和常见问题解答的集成,包括: 除此之外,为你的语言解决方案提供一个开放的翻译API也是非常有用的,这样开发人员和更多的技术人员就可以根据需要开发定制的解决方案和集成。例如,当Kiwi.com想要从头创建一个语言无关的帮助台平台时,他们利用Unbabel的公共API将我们的语言操作中心集成到他们代理的现有工作流中。 在客户支持翻译技术中需要寻找的另一个有价值的特性是,能够捕获所有与语言相关的数据,并以一种实用、易于理解的方式显示信息。 比如说,Unbabel门户提供了对kpi的可操作的见解,如翻译量、质量、周转时间等,允许您分解个体代理和整体团队的表现,以确定需要改进的领域。 所有这些数据在语言大脑(Language Brain)中进一步可视化,这是一个多维界面,向代理显示每个通道最常用的语言对、不同过滤器的周转时间比较,以及最重要指标随时间的演变。 对于始终如一的高质量语言翻译,您的解决方案还应该能够学习并适应您的品牌声音。在Unbabel,我们的团队将与您合作,捕捉您公司通信中使用的独特语言的所有细微差别,以反映正确的语气。这包括: 虽然一些翻译服务可能只获取了其中的一部分信息,但我们的团队会不断与您合作,以确保随着您的沟通标准的发展,机器翻译技术也会不断发展。我们还拥有一个全球编辑社区,他们审查和完善翻译,以确保每一种语言的准确性和真实性。例如,编辑会理解像eita这样的词的意图,它没有确切的含义,在巴西文化中用来表达喜悦、关心或惊讶。 语言的真正潜能 在客户服务交流中使用机器翻译技术的好处只会越来越多。随着领导和连接跨多个部门的翻译业务的LangOps团队的崛起,许多公司正准备为其本地化功能提供人工智能支持的更新。 想知道一个专用的LangOps平台如何在不影响质量的情况下帮助扩展多语言支持吗?安排一个Unbabel的演示,看看语言能为你的组织做什么真正的潜力。

